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WednesdaySe~tember 18,2002
Copyrigh.t 2002
Ceremony, ~cheduled To Honor Ga. Farms
Georgia Ag Chief Praises Senators 'F,()r ApproVingDro~ght Aid for Farmers
National Chicken Month Celebrated,
A total of 30 Georgia farms hav~ been
designated as Centennial Farms for' 2002
or and willbe recognized at an awards progr:un'
during the opening day the Georgia
National Fair in PerrY Qct()ber 4:
The Georgia Centennial FaimProgram
hOnors significant farms tJ1at have been
c()ntinuously operatffig for more than ,100 '
years. and deserve recognition for their '
historical significance.,
, There are two different categories of
CoIninissioner of- Agriculture Tommy'
Irvin praised ,Georgia) l,J.S. Senators:for
working to pass an ameridment,to provide
,almost $6 billion in emergency dfought
disaster assistance to farmers arid ranchers.
Senators Max' Cleland and Zell Miller
'joined a vast majority of their colleagu~s
to . pass the amendment 10 the Interior'
" Appropriations Bill~ " ,
- ~'The amen'dm~nt passed wi~a vote
, of. 79 to 16...,. a strong showing of support '
will . on 'both sides of the"aisle," said Irvin.
"The 'measure
move on 'to a
conferencecominittee: ,Senators who
have been in touch with farmers know
that they are faci.ng desperate situations
, due to drought." ,
"Lain encouraged by this vote in the
Senate, and I pray the House ,conferees
, ,\yill do likewise as they meet," he added.
September is celebrated as National Chicken Month in 'the U.S., as chicken ' lea<l~' ail meats in consumption, with 35 percent of the total consumption ,of beef, pork, poultry, and fish/seafood.
Each ,year, Georgia farmers produce about 1 billion broiler chickens, enough ,for each Georgian to eat half a chicken ~ver day, according tO,the University of Georgia College of: Agricultural and'
Environmental Sciences. '
rec()gnition for 2002: Centennial Farm and-
The .Georgia Agricultural Statistics
,Rural Georgia Focus of Recent.Comerence Centennial Family farm.
. The Centenilial Farm' Award does riot .
require continual family ownership, but, .
. -.
,Services lists Georgia as first nationally in the ,following categories for 2001: broilers value 'of production; chickens
farms must be at least 100 years old and
Almost, 700 rural Georgians, private: businesses and entrepreneurs, " value of sales; boilers produced-;eggs
listed in the National Register of Historic' ' including Lt. Governor Mark Taylor and ' ,and youth organizations to highlight the " , value of production; chickens sold
Places. Farms receiving this designation for ' , Agricultural Commissioner Tommy, vibrancy and success of G~orgia's rural' ,'(excludes broilers); and ali poultry 2002 are:' ,Daniel' M. Davis Homeplace,' livin, and Department of Community. "communities. and showcase what is value of production. Georgia is sixth iIi
Lumpkin County; and Orr-Williamson-
Gaissert Homepl~e, Spalding County. , ' " ~', The Cen'tennial Family Farm Award,
recogirizes farms owned by members Of the '
, ' same family for 100 years or more that are
Affairs' Commissl'oner Laura Meadows,
recently met', in, BUblin for the
"~elebrating .~ Rural
Georgia" ,
conference. ,Their common purpose: to 'rally .forG~orgia's rural communities
as being done to protect and enhance rural.,' " eggs produced.
quality of, life across the state.
As far farm value of production in
Conference participants took part in a Georgia for 2001 ,all. poidtry and eggs
series of work sessions that focused on ; amounted to a total of $2,811 ,606,000,
themes such as leadership, public-" while broilers totaled /$2,432,235,000. '
not listed in the National Register of Historic
and to 'share, and learn stra~egies for
partnerships,., rural Eggs were listed 'at $367,887,000, and
Places. Farms receiving this designation f<;>r enhancing and protecting th~ quality of ' entrepreneurship, 'maintaIning rural. chickens $11 ,484,000.
2002 are: Turk Family, L.P.,Banks County;
life in'thei~ hometowns.
character, regional ~ollaboratioil, and,
For more information on National
,Robmson-Stallings Farlp. BarTow County;
"Ultimately, rural Georgia -is about
Harley Patrick Farm, Brooks County; Leona H. Copeland Farm, Brooks County; Piscola
community and, places to raise_ our .children, To tell the' story of rural
CreekFanils, Brooks County; Savage Creek Georgia we need to,listen and'learn from
I", '
Farms,' Bryan :County; Ogletree Farm"
one another. It's'okay to celebrate rural
Carroll County; Henderson-Goodson Farm, Georgia and all that is good about, i!,-
Catoosa' County; Grisham-Galt Farm, while worklng 'hard to make it better.
(Continued on Page 12)
Chicken Month, visit the web page, http://www.eatchicken.com.
r Spe~ial ~andicra{t-',
,Cherokee ,County; Sanders Farm Service, Inc., Dooly County;, Hopkins Farms of
:That is what this meeting is Ci!(about," said Joe Whorton, executive director of
~. '. 'See Page 11.
Grady County, ',Inc.;, The Middle, Place; the 'Georgia Rural Development Council
, Hancock County; Zach and Camilla Hubert -, . (GRDC).
Farm, 'Hancock County;' Klondike Faqns,
. The Celebrating Rural Georgia
'conference brought, together rural
(Continued on Page 11)
citizens, 'local elected offiCials,
community' and economic development,
professionClls, non-prOfit organizations,
.few Ce6L Ht!Id4t!9~
"Changes Made in Ga.' Loan Progr~m
A Jamaican official came to 'Georgia
last week for a 'three-day inspector
, Georgia Department of Community 'across tile state. -In the Metfopolitan training' seminar organized by the
, Affairs' (DCA) Commissioner Laura Atlanta Area; the new liinits are $167,300 G~rgia Department of Agriculture's
M~adows has announced changes in the for, new construction arid $155,900 for' Structural Pest Control Section.
purchase price limits for DCNs Home eXisting homes. For the remainder of the
, Kerry He1li~ar, inspecto~ for the
Buyer and OwnHOME Programs that will ' 'state, 'the new limits range from $109,000 Jamaica Pesticides ,Control Authority, /
. " --
make low-cost mortgage financing
available to more Georgians.
to $144,300'for new construction and from $85,7.00 to $137,200 for existing homes
shown above, at one of several home inspections, und~rwent ,t~aining in
" "Effective immediately, these new depending on: the county in which the' category , licensing,. ' pesticide
limits will allow more families to achieve ,property is -located. _ '
'enforcement and pes,t identification.
,the American dream of homeownerslup," Meadows said. ~'The increases, which are
, 'DCA's Home Bjlyer Progr:un is a first mortgage loan that carries a reduced
" ,"J~aican authorities were looking f~r a well-established pest control
substaJitial in, many cases, were instituted interest rate that is fixed for 30 years. In program to use as a model for their own
in an effort to increase h01I).eownership recent weeks, the interest rate on, DCA's program, and they chOse ours," said
throughout Georgia as part of our effort to loans has been between',5.75 percent and , Georgia Cominissioner of Agriculture
keep up with the, ever-increasing cost of 6.25 percent The OwnHOME Program is Tommy I~. ''1)1is speaks highly of
vary 'housing.'.' , The new purchase pric~ limits
(Continued on Page 12),
our department's pest control program and the training our staff provides." "
. Page 10 '-
Wednesday September 18, 2002
..... 'Bulletin Calendar'
Red .raspberries, lusCious, fresh picked Wigglers, $25I1b., E'uropean nightcrawler, untill hard frost, $4.50/pinl. J. Stone Stone $30Ilb., 'price includes shipping, check or
sept. 21 Festil(a1 at the Bridge,'9 am-5 pm~
Mountain 770-498-0009
.' .
. . money order. H. A. Riffle Buchanan 770-646-
Scuppenongs, we piCk; ready end of 3812
sept. 20 Goat, Pou~ry & Small Animal Sale, 7 '. pm, Buggytown Auction, 1315 Hwy. 341
'Stockbridge Presbyterian Church: Info: " Sheryl McGee, 770-474-7777: ext. 822
If you have any questions regardirlg ads in this' August until frost. Judy Walker Newnan 770- Will . meet or beat. any price on hybrid
cat,egol}l, call Mercedes ~er at 404.-651-9082. 253-9806
bream, coppernose bream, 'Iargemouth bass,.'
S., Bamesville., Info: 770-358-0872/1786. .' or georgiabdawgs@netzero.net.
sept. 21 Goat; Cow/Calf & Fowl Sale, 1 pm, Sept. 21' Annual Flower, Branch Filii Festival,
. H&M Livestock Mkt.; Hwy. 46 E, Metler.
'10 am, -arts & crafts, Main St., Fiowery
Info: 912-537-2172' or 912-282-9691
Branch. Info: 770-641-2308.
, (sale.day) or myra1 @cybersouth.com. sept. ~1 Baker's Field Arts & Crafts FestiVal, 9
The Miscellaneous category includes the following SUbcategories: bees, honey and supplies; things to eat; herbs; fish and supplies; fertilizers and mulches; oddities; miscellaneous wanted; .notices; garden
Stone ground meal and grits will grind your 2 & 3"" prompt dely. avail. V. Buford Cordele
com. B. Driskell Tifton 229-382-7799 '. '. 229-273-4157'
Water ground meal; whole Wheat flour, grits, $3/5 Ibs. plus post., also grind your com
Fertilizers ~ Mulches -
or wheat. Mike Buckner Junction City 706-
~Icn hay and wheat straw s~. bales,
sept. 21S&D Goat Sales,12:30 pm,selling
am-7 pm, Hawkinsville. Info: Mr. Ricks,
. goats, 'pigs. &.' . poultry, . Baxley
'478-892-2176'or dbr@cstel.net. .
Fairgrounds, Baxley. Info: 912-366-9207. sept. 21 Fall FeStival'''Fair on the Square,'"
(bam) or Steve Smith, 912-367-9268.
Haralson Cty. Historical Society,.8 am-6
space; notices; out-of-state wanted;
firewood, .timber; and Christmas trees.
Only one ad per household Is permitted In
the Miscellaneous category.
.State law requires all ginseng dealers and
will del. on 400 bale min., Ive. msg. Nick Potts
Jefferson 706-654-0523 706-367-4054
'02 mulch hay, bermuda, fescue, mix, $1.75
in field, and $2. in barn. Chas' Wright
Fayetteville 770-461-8207
. ' '.
sept. 21 Goat & Feeder Pig sale,.1 pm, Tri-
pm. Info: Cathy Jennings, 770-646-9645
Bees" Honey. & Supplies'
growe~s to be,registered with the Georgia '02 mulch hay, clean square bales, delivery,
. County Livestock Sales, Hwy. 206 & 268
or Wayne Agan, 770-646-2514.
Crossing, Ambrose.. lnfo: 912-359-3803 sept. 21-22 12th Annual Art in the Park
or.Sherrel Day, 912-359-2914. .
Festival, arts & Crafts, Hurricane Shoals
sept. 21'Horse Saie, tack sale at 7 pm, horses
Park, Hwy. 82 Spur bet. Jefferson &
to follow, Triple H Sales, 5250 Old
Maysville.lnfo:.706-335-5563I6723. .
Savannah Rd., Tennille. GAL C002567 sept. 26 Festival at Manne Base, handpajnted
Info: Waylan Hitchcock, 47a:553-9938: Sept. 21 'Goat, Cow/Calf & Fowl Sale, 1 p'm,
gourds, bird houses, more: Albany. Info:. Hazel Sellers,. ~9-435-8686. '
H&M Uvestock M~., Hwy. 46 E, Metter.
....,~02 crop, sourwood honey; fight deliCIOUS,
$31/gal. plus shipping, Mountain honey. Bill
Davies Blairsville 706-745-4170
10 fro strong hives Italian bees, w/super
$120; single, $100; extra equip., honey;
closed Sat. E.dward Colston Taylorsville
770-382-9619 . .
20 strong hives with good hea~hy queens
for sale, ready in Oct., $60 ea. Jim Garvine
Byron 478-956-7672.
Department of Natural Resources. For available> Shaun Crowe Monroe 678-614more Information, contact the Georgia 0929 .' . ..
Natural Heritage Program at (770) 918-6411 =:'""'02;;-w'h'-:e'-:a':-t'&,..:.:.ry-e-st:-ra-w-,....$.7.'1.-=7"'5/b"""'a,..:le-,-s-e-m7'i_
or at websltewww.georglawlldllfe.com. loads available, will Ioad. Timothy Peifer
. Pepper pods or seeds, serenno chili, Metter 912-685-6853
',..' .
tobasco, boquet, Pimento, big' chili, red . '02 wheat straw for' sale, $2/bale. M.
cherry, $1/pkt.-w/SASE Keith Burrell 3289 Montgomery' Reynolds 478-847-3310
Five Forks Trickum Rd. Lilburn 30047 - ' '02 wheat straw square/bales bright tight
Peter pepper seed, like new crop, only seed bales, $1.75 in barn, 4X5roll' wheat straw,
form, well formed pods, $2Ipkt. w/SASE. R. $25. M. Morrison Hartwell.706-376-5856
Info: 912-537-2172 or 912-282-9691 OCt. 4-5 11'-12 18-19 & 25-26 45th A' aI
W. Powell Dalton 706-278-2716
'02 wheat straw, $1.75 in bam, bright, dry,
(sale day) or myra1 24-25 Ga. Pou~ry
@c.ybersouth.com. Conference, Athens.
Ra"bun . C, ty. Homemakers, Hanrnvuest . Festival, qlt}t.. crafts, produce', Old
. GInfor: D70a6n-'5C42u1n3n2in5gha. m: or Maureen
Farmers'Mkt.,wHy.'441 ,0I'11ard. Info'.
0 la,
. 706-782-7245/3878..
sept. 25 Angus ~eeder Calf SaI~, 2. pm, Oct; 5 Gordon's 117th Birthday on the "Green "
' Rooster. spur pepper, 10 pods, $1 w/SASE, cash only,' Peter pepper, sweet cowhorn.
Robert Clark 3401 Brookyiew Dr; Loganville
30052 . Yellowroot, 4 lb. lardbox for $10 or 3 boxes
for $25. Heath Burnett :EIIIJay 706-636c5129
tight bales, rain free, delivery available. James
Carpenter 'Ellaville 912-937-2169
'02 wheat straw, $2.50/bale; delivery
available: Mike Nicholson . Noble 706-764-
. '02 wheat .straw, good tight square bales,.
weaned baSIC md.. shots, WllkesCty..
arts & crafts. Info: 478-628-2406.
St?Ckyards, ,Washington. Info: Ralph' Oct. !Hi Gooseneck Pumpkin Festival, arts &
B70n6d-g6e7,87-20663-724. 3-5517
Bobo, ,<
fts ra,'
Hwy 115 .,
E .,
. Fis.h & Suppli.e.s
pick up at barn, $2.50/bale, Bobby West' Rutledge 706-557-2843".
. Want TUlip poplar. (red honey)' in 5 gal. 12-14" stenle grass carp, channel caffiSll, '02 wheat straw, heavy weed, free bales,
sept. '28 ~~at Sale, 1: pm, ,pou~, fowl &
:~~: Chamber of Commerce, 706-
rabbl~tOfollo~,TnPle.t:iS~les,.52500Id Ocl12-13 Pettit Creek Farms Pumpkin Fest,
S~vannah Rd. Tennille. Info. Waylan
Sal, 10 am-6 pm: Sun., 11 am-5pm, arts
buckets, wax foundation and supers for sale. Jim Mabry Marietta 770-993-4997 . .
Wildflower, Sourwood honey, $3.50/pt., $6/qt: by the case, also available in 1 lb. & 2
3-5", 5-6', 6-8'; 8-11', qty; disc., free dely. avail. Mike Buford Cordele 229-273-4150
2 beds; 4'x16' loaded with worms, $400. BruceSelf Byron 478-784-9744
semi-trl. loads avail., price neg. Stacy Gray
laFayette 706-397-8140
'02 wheat straw, tight bales, bright straw,
piCk-up at barn or delivery. Glen Brinson
H~chccick, 478-553-9938.
sept. 28 Goat & POUltry Sale, 1~:30 pm, goat
& crafts, Cartersville. Info: 337 Cassville Rd., Cartersville30120.or S. Allen; 770-
lb. jars. Veri Tipton 2722 .
Gainesville 770-532- , 2000, super. wiggler..worms,plastic tray & Tarrytown912-529-6565 " ,
feed, $74 + freight. Kim Holyoak' .Alapaha A+ horse manure, Ige. piCk-Up, 3 mos. to 1
" & pou~ry sale, Pearson ~lVestock, U.S,.
Wildflower honey, $20/gal., no shipping, all 229-532-4221 , .
yr. 'old, Garden Gold, $49 delivered, 20 mi.
Hwy. 441. N., Pearson. Info: Bobby Ocl19 Loganfestarts & crafts 10 am-5 pm Reeves, 229-423-4016 or 912-422-3211' Loganville. I~fo: Loganvill~ Chamber of
(sale day).
Commerce, P.O. Box' 2390, Loganville"
sizes wax foundation and blocks of beeswax. A1 'qualitY channel fingerlings, graded,
B. J. Weeks Ball Ground 770-735-3263
.priced by size, accurate weights & counts,
Wildflower honey, South Fayetteville, gtd. live healthy, delivery avail. J.F. Gilb.ert
pts./$3.60, no shipping. Steve Cole 135 Thomaston 706-648-3409 706-648-2062 .
limit. Chip Salem Alpharetta 770-664-7924
Beautiful, aged,' rich, composted horse manure, $10; I.will load, $50 for truck' load, delivered /30 miles.' radius, Wendy Frieda
30052 or Betty McCUllarS, 770-466-160~. Darren Drive Fayettevllle 302,15 770-461-- All size channel catfish and catfish Murphy Woodstock 770-926-6029
sept.21 CGBRA Ho~Show, exhib., 10 am, Nov. 2 RuralAmerica F~stival, 10am-6 pm,
show, 12 noon, Flat Get It Farm, .Villa.
arts & crafts, Man()n ~. Cou~ouse
Rica Info' "Greg Manle,y 706-473-0127
Square, Buena Vista. Info. J",dy Wilhams,
or ~h.le.y'G~.~e. , 77~59-' 874~. .
229-649-7800 Nov. 2-319thAnnuai Hunter HarvestArts & Crafts
: Will remove bee swarms; other bees &
unwanted bee equipment; free .quote; hon,ey for sale. D. Oliver Perry 478-987-7454
fingerlings, del. avail., live, 'hauling avail. Randy Fallin Molena 706,648-2735 '
All sizes improved .channel 'catfish
available: 2-4\ 4-6",6-8" and eating size. J.H. Holyoak Alapaha 229-532-4223..
Bingo 'pin'e straw, free delivery to Athens and surrounding area, other. John Thurmond
Watkinsville 706-769-8126 706-338-2593 ,
. Free aged horse manure composted with pine shavings, you load and haul. Beth Joh
Sep~. 28. C~mmlssloner s Tr!lll Ride, Ga:. . Show & 4-H Club Exhibits, handmade!
All si.zes of improved channel catfish avail., Cumming 770-886-1551
- Intemational Horse Park, Conyers. Info. . hom made ite only Douglasvi'11e Info'
.locally hatched & grown, disease free, 2-4',4-' . Free aged horse manure,mixed w/shavings,:'
' ..' e
,ms , .
. '.
6", 6-8" & eating size. J. Holyoak Alapaha you load, you haul. Linda Foley Cumml,ng
sePt. 28 Horse 'Rescue 2nd Annuill Open
6830 Gurley Rd.;> Douglasville 30~34 or
229-532-5395 "
House' & Wild; Wild livest Days Fair,2-7.
.Ms. ~ 678-715-6058.
Bass, bluegill, channel catfish, hybrid Free aged horse manure mixed w/shavings,
pm, crafts, Cumming. Info: 770-886- Nov. 9..Chnstmas Bazaar, ~fts sale, Social
bream, redbreast, shellcrackers, sterile grass you load. Wendy,B. Livingston 508 Rosedown
<> 5419.
Circle UMC. Info: M~non ~umette, 4480.
Oct 11-13 Fall Fest, to benefitGa. Equine
Parkwood Rd., Social Cllde 3OO25.or
Rescue' League; trail riding, auctjon, . 770-464-4044
more, pre-reg. required, Clayton.' Info:
Betty '. Even~on, 706-265-5045 ,or sept. 19 Fa~ Bill Meeting, comm. 2,& 21,
gerlbE!tty@aoLcom. ,
piivate 2, Ashbum. Info:.Scott Utley, 229-
carp., free state wide delivery, pickup appt: Trace, N. Peachtree City 30269 770-486-
Things To Eat
only. Danny Austin Roberta 478-836c4938 ~84:;1,;:9::....._ _......,,...-;.,,....
-'O"{Stewart peca'ns fieshfrom sheller, some hull, bagged in freezer: $3.99I1b., $5I1b. min.. postage paid. Ruth Bleckley' McDonough 770-954-9134
'01 black walnuts me!lts, $15/qt. plus
Bass, channel 'catfish fingerlings, bluegill, bream, shell cracker, hybrid bream, sterile grass carp, ,dely. avail. TOny, Ch,ew
Manchester 706-846-3657 . "
Bream, Ga. Giants, copperhead bluegill, shellcracker, improved channel catfish, .Fla.
Free composted 'horse manure mixed with
shavings, easy access, you load and haul.
Fran Bragg Canton 770-479-8188 . ' Free composted hi;lrse manure mixed wit~ shavings, we load, you haul, appointment only.. L. ,Wilensky Cumming 678-94.7-5435 .
~ 567-3448.
sept. 20-21 Master Gar'denerS of central Ga. 'sept. 25 Pesticide GertlflClltion Review & Exam
. Annual Fall Plant sale, 8 am-5 pm, 1500
sesSion, reviewsession, 8 am, exam, 2
,plants' from' A to t, Farmers' Market
pm, review & exam covers General
_Sheds, 2055 Eisenhower Pkwy., Macon.
Standards & O,rnamental &. Turf
'Info: 478-923-2076,
categories, Ga. Experiment Station,
sept. 21-22 (Correction) I;lybrid AfriCan Violet . Sale, garden clubhouse, Old Sharpsburg
Festival, 9 am-5 pm. Info: 770-474-8504.
Stuckey AUCtilorium, Griffin. Info: Bob , Westerfield,77O,228-7252. sept. 27 Interior Plantscape.Workshop, comm.
4 &.24, savannah. Info: BOdie Pennisi,
..CRAFT FAiRS. , .
; 229-386-3687.
;- ..
$4/postage. Georigia Bond 283-4599
.bass, sunbass, rainbow trout, all sz. avail.; Free horse manure mixed with shavings, . disease free. Ken Holyoak Alapaha 229-532- you load, easy access. L. J. Edwa~ds Hiram
'01 cleaned pecans, fertilized & 'irrigated, 6135 .
mostly halves, Stuarts $5I1b., Desirables
.$6~lb. ,plus postage. Russell Eaton
Stockbridge 770-506-2727
Brown, rainbow,_golden & brook trouHor" Free horse manure, you load. AL Torrens
sale, pick-up or delivery. Willis' Dyer Lawrencevile 770-972-6313
Hiawassee 706-896-3915
Free horse manure/shavings mix;
Channel catfish and bream. Bob' Reese LawrenceVille/Grayson area, will help load.,
Whitesburg 770-834-2800
Ken Robbins lawrenceville 678-376-9304
Channel catfish fingerlings, 4-6', 6-8", 8-10' . Free ,horse manure/shavings, you load, also, seve.ral(100~lbs., avg. 1 1/2 Ibs. Orville easy access. K. Gann Winder 770-962-7545'-
Carver Douglas 912-384-5090
Golcjen red clean pine straw, long needle,
Channel catfish' fingerlings, . sterile grass .$2.85/bale, pick-Up $4/bale, min. 50' bales
sept. 21 Annual Drayton Daze, crafts, Drayton Sept. 30 -Farm Bill updlite &' Crop Base
carp, adu~ bass, other, quantity discount. Mac installed, del. avail. K. Hess Alpharetta 770-
, Baptist Church, 2515 .River Rd.,:Vienna.
lilformalion, comm: 1 & .21, private 1,.
McCollum Heard 770-854-8000 770-854- =3c6::;0::--:..;.70",9"'5:..;.'--....,..--.c.-_--.'--_'--,.,--,-
Info:' .\ivanaza Lamb,. 229-268-8366 or,
Donalsonville. Info: Mike Casey, 229-
Golden red. pine straw, semi-loads,
. 524-5165.
'02 crop dried .apples for' sale, $3.75I1b.
Jeanette Cole Temple 770-459-4970 770-
B.uUetin Calendar.Guidelines
459-6540 .
'02 crop sweet potatoes, quantities
To submit a nottce for Inclusion In' the "MarkSt 'Bulletln's calendar of Events, foilow available, large, small. Herbert R. Zoller 1654
thesllguldellnes: .
Stillwell-Clyo Rd. Springfield 31329 912;
. Please mall notices at least three weeks prior to the date. of event. Items will, be 754-3305
pUblished tWo weeks' prior to their occurence In the calendar.
Equine events should be Includecl.ln the quarterly'horse edition and should, not be
resubmitted for publlcatton again In the calendar. If a change Inthe date, time, etc. Is
2' 1/2 shelled pecans, $lO/bag plus
postage, '02 crop. Nina Norrell Morrow 770-
necessary, we will be happy to Include the nottces again as a correction..
Calendar announcements should be as close to 20'wordli as possible and Include the
following Information: date, ttme, name of event, locatton, and name and telephone number
. for further Information.
When submitting multiple listings, please submit eVlllnts taking plaCe on different
dates on separate sh~ of paper. (All sheets may be mailed In the' same envelope,
however). When submltttng a notice requesting handicraft exhibits, etc., please specify
when you would 'lIke the request to be published; otherwise, It will be Incluiled
approximately one month before the event takes' place.
. .,
Bronze and black' muscadine grapes, you pick. John E. Franklin, Suwanee 770-4764203
" Chestnuts; fall '02 harvest, available now at no charge. A. Wyrosdick Dahl~nega ,706864-6799.
Farm fresh; all natural browD yard eggs. Betty Hodges' Statesboro 912-587:2644
Livestock auCtions listed In the Market Bulletin sometimes offer related Items for sale; , i=igs, Ige. old timey, $5/gal:, also plants,
such as tack and other livestock equipment. 'Notlces for auctlonsselllrig any ltenis other harvest alter brown turkey. Tip Goza Lilburn
than' livestock must tie accompanied by the auction license number of the principal 770-921-9323
auctlorieer or auction firm conducting the auction, per regulations of the Georgia secretary . Fresh yard eggs,' $2Idoz., recycled egg
of State. Notices wltho~ this Information cannot be pUblished. ' ,.
cartons, $.05 each. Marie Murphy Marietta
If you have any que!ltlons about the Bulletin Calendar, please call Randy Cox at 404- 7-70-428-4900
;...-_ _....;.._ _....;..
JI salGe,ra$in2IIfbe.ddHreesresefodrdweoirghbtl.acJko BCa. lHdiiex bCeoefmfeorr
Trees, slirubs, evergreen: perennials, Compacta holly, nandina, loropetalum,
Flowers Wanted
ligustru'm, cleyera,. yaupon, helleri, Nellie R, Want black bamboo. Teresa A. Bfacj( 'we pick. Alvin Evers Douglasville 770-942-
Burfordi, Stella de Oro, will deliver. Debby Marietta 678-472-1835'
1894 .
Jeffares Jackson 770-914-1309 .
Want grape ivy, blue ice plant or any color, Muscadines. & scuppernongs, 3.50/gal.
Trees: 200 Bradford pears $10 each, 200 succulents-cactus. Alice Odom Cumming James Reynolds loganville 770.466-2774 .
sawtooth oak $10, all'trees 4-5' tall. Ronald ,770-889-4047
Muscadines. &scuppernongs, several
Heyman Conyers 770-922-3728 .
Want life saver cactus or information 'on varieties, you pick, $4/gal., containers
Trees: live oak, poplar,. maple, hickory, red same. J.. Mashburn 607 Elton St. Claxton. furnished, open 7 days/wk. W: Lynn Howell
oak, laurel oak, willow oak $5-$35. N. Halley 30417 912-73lM905'
Rome 706-290-9632
Channel catfish,' bluegill, ,shellcracker, $2.50/bale. K: Hester Alpharetta 770-664-1257
redbreast, hybrid bream, sterile grass carp, Golden red x-Ige. bales, ' pinestraw
del. available: Johnny Mitchell Dexter 912: delivered and installed,$4.25/bale. L. Hoke'lI
Atlanta 770-518-0577
Channel catfish,' bluegill, "shellcracker, Mulch hay, $10/roll. Joe Harrelson
redb'reast, sterile grass carp, hybrid bream. Palmetto 770-463-3453
Herman Walker Centerville 912-971-4383
Mulch hay; square bales kept in barn:
. Channel catfish, sterile grass carp, bluegill,' .Lance Marlone Dacula 770-945-8009
shell cracker'- red breast, hybrid bream, Mulch; '02, mulch hay bermUda, otlier at
delivery available. John Mitchell .Sprlngfleld barn, please call for pricing. B. Allen:
912-754-3696' .
.LoganVille 770.466-8306 .
Crappie, worms, and supplies; disease Pine straw & wheat straw $2Ibale, you load
free,all sizes ayail. Jason Holyoak Alapaha and haul. Lamar Walls Mauk 478-862-3890
Crickets$11.50/thousand, $3 shipping, 1':':~P<-:in::::e~=Cst~ra::':w~,-.'$"'2"".7'='5""/"'b"-al;-e-,-f"'re"-e::-'-;d~el"'iv-::e-ry-,
2000 or more ppd. Gray Pettit Cedartown installation available, deL.to all areas. Josh
Bulloch' Warm Springs 770-571-0189
Grass carp"bluegill & shellcracker, bream, Pine straw, $3.25/bale, free del. within 50'
channel . catfish fingerlings, bass, fathead miles radius of Macon wilh'40 bale min..order.
minnows; del. or pick.up by appt. only. Robert Mike Crawley Gray 478-742-1096
Brown Brooks 770-719-8039
Red wigglers, bedrun. worms" 500,0/$25" Pine straw, Loblolly, freshly fallen, great
~/instr. .
color, $1.85/liale, we R.. Montrose 478-676-3026
load: Bob. Green 478-983-1204
Stapleton Lumber City 912-363-4451
Red worms, 1000 breeders, $15 if bred red, Pine straw, del. and installed, .50 a bale,
Europeim, African, $15/1b. plus shipping after discounts for 1,000 bales' and more. Elaine'
5 pm. :James R. Moore 395 Parks. Mill Rd' Williamson' Stone Mountain 770-593-3405.
Auburn 30011770-963-8374
V\,Iant mulch .hay delivered in Coweta Co.
Sterile grass 'carp, bass.. channel catfish; ~~~~:s~;etto ..Barbara Bauer Newnan 770-
bluegill, shellcracker, redbreast, hybrid bream and crappie, prompt statewide delivery, available. Keith Edge Soperton 912-529-3315
Sterile . grass' carp, channel' catfish fingerlings, bluegill, shell: cracker, redb~east, hybrid bream, free delivery. Ringo Merritt Waynesboro 706-554-0182
Wheat straw, $2.50 per bale, available within 50 miles. Charles Rockmart 770-684-7696 ,
.Poultry Compost
deliver' Mercer
Metter 912-685-5266
.Want old timey Prince's feather. C.J. Helms Muscadines and scuppernongs, you pick,
Tung oil trees, unusual sariseverias, native Greensboro 706-453-9273
call for availability. Pat Mason Snellville 770-
palms, small cryptomeria, pinckneya, coral trees, red passion vine. Neal Gillis 121 Milling,
Want-seeds, Yoyo pepper, morning glory tree, golden chain tree. Celia McCall 1532
9~Mh7':u9-==-s7c:=2:a;2.,d7"'in:-,e:-,s'--s:-,c:-:-u:=p-=p-:-e::rn:-::o:=n-=g-=s-;;b:;-Ia:-:c:;-k- .....,a:-:n~d
Rd. Poulan 31781'229-776-4067
Hwy. 39 N. Donalsonville 39845 229-524-' bronze, you pick, readY now. Clifford L. Music'
. Variegated liriope, black stem Elephant ear, 2 9 4 0 "
Forsyth 478-994-1273
. hostas, verbena, water lilies, lotuses, irises, Want sycamore trees, 3-4' tall. Linda Muscadines/scuppernongs, black and
parrot's feather, cat's-tail, arrowhead. canna Graham Jesup 912-427-4903
bronze, you pick, $5/gal., now until October,
lilies. Kevin Little. Jeffersonville' 478-945- Want to buy plum-leaf azalea seed and call for reservationS/availability, near
rriou.ntain laurel seedlings.' Mather Hyatt Carrollton. Corinna M. Garmon Whitesburg
Vinca major, lamium, (ground cover), 1308 Pembridge Way Kennesaw 30152 770-214-8531
1--------------.....,.. mahonia, nandinas, bearded irises, $0.10- 770-419;0421
$0.50. J. Stone' Roswell 770-993-6004
' Muscadines; black & bronze,"no pesticides, ---I'you pick, available now, D. Brown Union City
White. and green variegated Iiriope;. also, Individuals .sub!nlttlng advertlse~nts to .770-964-5304
green Iiriope, cannas,purple hearts, hostas, buy arid sell regulated ~ stock In 'the Natural yard eggs, no hormones, no
other varieties ava.ilable.. B. Rigdon Conyers Market Bulletin must, provfde a photocopy antibiotics,' no pesticides, $1.50/doz. B.
' . of the apprOpriate license with their ad.
Williams Lithonia 770'484-1538
Wednesday September 18, 2002
"Page 11
counterbalanced, 24 g'ourds, $200. Gene
Brown Byron 478-953-3330
All firewood advertised in' the Market
Bulletin must be cut from the advertiser's
Bluebird houses, hinge top, some wlholes" some wlslots, $10'each, 50 or more $6 each, no checks, call after 6 p.m. Jim.my Drew 563
Shoals Rd. Sparta 31087 706-444-6298 Bluebird nest box $13, bat, owl $25, wood
.Attention Subscribers C' htrck-Y. .our Mail Labe, l
Centennial Farms
(Continued fro,m Page.' I) "
Cleaned emu eggs, perfect for scrimshaw, carving or painting. David Christian Colbert
706-788-2881 706-543-4343
Free pine logs; 10's & 12's, ready to go, you load & haul. John A, Grant Fayetteville 678-
personally owned pro'perty. In addition, by law, terms such as face, cord, rack, pile, truckload, etc., cannot be used to advertise firewood. Advertisers" must use 'the standard unit of measure, the cord,whim
duck $40, wren $10, all cedar. John Chaney Winder 770-867-8263
Cedar bluebird and bat houses $8 and $12. John Anderson Jackson 770-775-1237
Chair & rocker caning of all kinds; also,
Please check your mailing: label; 'Houston County;' 'Robert Minton'
located in the lower right comer' of Lord Fann, Laurens County; Glaze
th fr t'
e on page 0
B II . t your ,u epn, 0"
F ann,
L" In
C ty .H . oun;,
F anns
specifying the amount offirewood for sale. wicker and rattan repair. Duke Dufresne detennine. when, your sub!,cription Inc.;MaconCounty;GandMFarms,
Good quality gourds for sale. Lawrence Goodson' Boston 229-735-2751
Gourds for sale, Martin, craft, crooked
,Free wood,' yard
7p7lc0k~:9u9p1-a9ll2o5r2 part.
Gc.utT, asyleovrera~lolcloergdes, Pyaoruk '..
Statham 770'725-2554 Chair caning & wicker restoration done,
'including laced and pressed cane; rush, split
To renew your Madison ,County;
subscription,' ,please, contact the Farm; Meriwether
County; L.R.
handle & bottle neck & ,more, will ship. . Hickory & .E!m seasone~ ,flrew!,od, oak, binder carie, 'seagrass, shaker tape, Bulletin office' no sooner ,than 30' Hays Farms, Inc., Miteh(;:llCounty;
'Wallace Maxwell Royston 706-245-4218 Gourds; many varieties to choose from"
$N1ag0~0l/.acrordK, eynonuespaicwk-6U7p,,8-n3o54-d5e4li~v5e'ry.
Pierre ,.
rattan, all types of caning; high qlty. w o r k . -
Cumming days'.,prior to -the expiration date
Beulahlan'd 'Fann,
, County;
quality prices offered. Lena B~aswell Wrens, ""lIx~d hardwood, split and delivered Within. www.dolty@mindspring.com nO-887-8518 printed on your mailing label. Ifyou Lorell DeVane Farm; Randolph
706-1)47-6784 '
30 miles, $65/half cord. Bruce Wheeler Chair caning & wood repair on rockers,
Homemade lye soap, 1 batch averages 10 Soclal,Clrcle 770-786-0386" "
ladder backs, stools, etc., refinish, paint. or would like to ,contact die 'Bulletin County; Marvin DeVane Farm,
Ibs., $25, shipping is extra to your area. V.L. ~easoned hardwood, 18 -20 split free, clean, jumbo rockers,-child's,rockers & stools office by p'hone, ,please call (404) Randolph County; Triple C Acres,
Ferrell Smyrna 770-432-6751
deliver Atlanta area, $70 1/2 cord. H. Lyon for,sale. William Boyd 3821 Rex Circle Rex
Lucky buckeyes $3.25/doz., incl. shipping. Chamblee 770-458-3939
656-3682 (in metro AtiaiJ.ta) or call Thomas County;'White-Smith Fann;
J.Simmons 2720 Skyland Dr. Atlanta 30319
oak firewood for sale, split, stacked,$145.1cord J. Waters
'. Chair'caning, all types, repair & refinish, wicker. repair. H.J. Bell 2271 Hog Mtn. .Rd.
i-800-282-5852 (toll-free an,ywhere
Natural herbal handmade soap with goat DawsonVille 706-265-3882
Watkinsville 30677 706-769-1454
within Georgia). Office hours 'are' Treutlen County; Forest Grove,
milk for sale, many vaiielies" Dorothy Gay Seasoned, split hardwood, .1/2 cord for $45, Chair caning, all types, som'e repair. Monday' _ Friday, 8 a.m. _ 4:30 p.m. Washington County, Wingate Fann,
Talbotton 706-665-3581
you ,pIck up. Nelson Dubreulel Dallas 770- Richard Strawn Dawsonville 706-265,3344
Pumpkins; Magic Lantem, Howdons, Gold 445-1370,
' . -,
" ' Chairs caned, all types, pressed cane, When y<;lU.' call ,to' renew. your' Worth County.'
Rush, truck loads only. Jerry Bames ,Jasper Unspllt rds., you Plc::k up, oak, ,cut 18, laced and rush bottoms, reas. price', quality su,bs.cription, please be ready to o-lv,e' Celebril.tirig its IOth aniriversary ,
. $25/half cord. Mark Collins Decatur 404-557-' work, David Hay Carrollton 770-832-3281
Quality gourds; Martin crookneck for crafts,. 8699
Cro. afghans, ladies foot wanner shoes, the
,.this year,
all sizes and shapes: Hoyt Howard Cumming
: Timbe.r
_. The Timber for Sale categorY is designed
made to order, some on hand. Mrs. J.M. Eure number and expiratio'n date.
1429 RidgeWOOd Dr. Augusta 30909, Cro. butterfly magnets, thick potholders, 7
' respond
pc., 'co.aster sets, white snowflakes, flat please send a 'copy of.your mailing
Farm Program is administered by the
Historic Preservation Division of the Georgia Department of NatUral
Want (16) 4' Irngatlon neaas that pIVot 360 to provide an.optlon for forest farmers to angels, bells; also. sock monkeys, RubyVirgil ddr I b I
k' II' R'
d b tho
degrees. Lonnie Harris Macon 478-784-1700 market their standing timber. Timber Rugsby 1319 Old CarroutonRd, Newnan a ess a e to: Mar et Bu etm; esourcesan sponsore y e
Want (2).' 50 gaI. barreIs; oakoriptas'IC for iandilviveirdtiusaeldly oInwntehdisancdatpergoodruycemd ubsyt thbee 30C26ro3, sn'owflakes, icicles, canes, c~osses",' 19 Martin Luther Kirig Jr. Drive, Historic, Preservation Division, 'wine making. Haynes J. Silvey Forest Park advertiser 'on his/her own property; ,hearts, pineapples, butterflies, birds, M/M Atlanta, GA. ,30334. Please also Georgia ,Failn Bureau Federiltion,
timberland must be at least 1 acre. No
Want 250 medium pumpkins delivered Oct.' companies or businesses are allowed. .
12/$11 4/$11,'
sftl ~tf' fea~g~I ns6o/w$m1e1n'
~/t $71d-ugO:t~~rdI ~
Georgia Dep~ent of Agriculture,
12, please call. Nlino. Schildgen Roswell 404-274-2531 , Want 3 inch irrigation pipe, will consider any
,length. Donnie.Gonnell Williamson 770-227-
4849 Want 48' painted coolair fans, in good
Want someone to remove approx. 100 pine Virdie Altman Rte, 1, Box 57 Hoboken 31542 case. the Bulletin staff, needs to Georgia Forestry., Commission,
& hardwood trees in exchange for timber. Jeff 912-458-2461
Geis Social Circle 866-377-1519
Cross in my pocket wi.th poem, state color, contact you regarqing yO!Jfilddress.' Universiry of Georgia' College .of
'$1.25 PP., hand cro. bookmarker, state'color, Note:
If you ,ren~w your Agricultural and' Enviionmentar
$2 PP, P. Pittman 872 Forest Path Stone
Mountain 30088 770-469-2101
subscnption via mail, you do not Sciences, and the Georgia National
condition, Ronald Young, Dawsonville 706-
Custom designed, hand painted signs or need to call-the Bulletin office.
Fair and Agricenter.'
t2o6W53-0a30n5t9IJ8baslapReonboerptepRpRe~es,,ctroedr &Dhoout,gnlaeesdvilulep
If .you have questions regarding ads in this murals for your fann, any size, ship anywhere:, .
category, call Mia Haney 'atA 404-6l51y -908s 4. i a - Carlisle Comer 706-783-2336
'Notice to Out-of.':'S'tate Sub'scn'be'rs
N .
. l!Jl
.., recogroze larms
, 770-949-8162 . "
ObI. knit polyester material, 1-4 yds.
O n l y , unng the next application cycle
Want a set of steel wheels for a Fannall tractor hom.- Martin Heard Atlanta 404-7531229
, Want a steel culvert for a 'driveway drain
All items advertised in the 'Handicraft category must be handmade by the advertiser;' items" purchased by the
aAddvveerrttisiseerr'fsormruessat leInmclauydenoat bsetaatdevmeertniste.dto.
lengths; asstd. colors, can't mail, $85. Mrs. J.C. Odom Ashburn .229-567-2572 ' ' Doll accessory - display pillow for
csoizleledctidbolellsd,omllsa.ilBiSltAy SBEab'fyoTr wfrienes airnifdormmeadtiiounm.
. ' '.'
must be received by March I, 2003..
m: Y, io~.M
k t B II u
e. ,u e n may soon For ,an application and information,
I. f yo. u h' ave
out- of-,
Oret c ,he' n
roc' k,
C ha'r r
pipe. Lawson Moore Good Hope 770-207- this' effect when submitting advertisements Angie Thor 7053 Stephens Court ,Morrow state subscnptlOn.. Check yqUF, Centennial Farm Committee
. ' ' . Hand.craft ads are limited to 30' words and 30260770-968"1555
' t" d t hi h . . t d
Want aII types and sizes 0f gourds, must be must be In co'mpllance with all other Doll clothes for 15"(Bi!tY, Baby), 18'. exprra Ion.. a e, w c ,)S pnn. e on GeorgI'a ',HI'ston'c ,Prese'rvau'on
of good quality and reasonably priced. Sam advertising guidelines (see page 2), ,
(American Girl), and 23" (My Twinll), send your maI1m.g I.abel to the nght of Divisi,on, 156 Trinity Aven.ue .SW, '
Harper Temple 770-445-6231 Want beehive locations CentraVSouthwest
l~t1i0n0g0d' iS~~C;;S,::'~ro;~o.~~t~ vda~~bsl~Oll~b ~ e~s'~~esCsaStAhYSEH~f;s~.nf~~~a. Fr~~i:fse~i'1h1'd~I~I ~
s~b ~cn~uon n~b er..
If your
Suite 10 I, Atlanta, GA30303,or cail
Georgiaf' garden, cotto~, swamPII't h~rdwoods, $4 each plus $0.80 each postage. Laura Miller Suwanee 30024 churstl @~harter.net' 770- subscnptlOn IS d~e~ to expIre, send (404)651-6782.
Helping Elil;h.Other fP"alvnuynt~asn'M-I~dIrnI~~d1d~0go-ek5vr0l~.lpl'bege.4e~7h:8>iv_-ea4sf5t2ep-ro2.f3JI~nr7asttl,o~nr.os;Jto,.wh. inn
3B04 Hwy. 27 South laFayette 30728 , 2 C.athedral quilts, one have the pillow,
sham. Gertrude Coleman 25 Elm St. Aragon
339-6050 Doll cradle,
clothes made
, doll bed and high
to order-American
, chair, doll
Girl, Bilty
your curren ' mal mg ae a ong
with your check or money order for 'r-
770-684:1346 Purple Martin
. ',' gourd poles
.' wlwinch,
Baby, 'Barbiei,P Cabbage Patch;' baby 'dolls: $20/
Kathryn Harvard Thomasville229-226-1357
year 0
th e
ddr --_., a ess
. . '.
.1 am doi.ng a research project and I
Want field rocks, small o.r medium, Will pick holds '36 gourdS, call between 6 & 10 p.m. for EZ3 quilt frame fits any' size quilt, four tilt ab~ve. To ' assure.. contmuous would appreciate hearing from any 'of
up. Kenneth Paxson Griffin 770-412-6108 more infonnation. W.S. Caudell Jefferson settings flat to, 45 degrees $100., Debbie 'de,hvery.ofyour Bulletm, send your your ,readers who can share e tru.
Want hand crank corn grinder. Carl, Amdt 706-543-6888
.Carter Stockbridge 770-474-0575 '
Savannah 912-920-2299
8" square ceramic tile trivets w/cherry" ,Filet cro: name doily, Victorian Christmas renewal payment two tothree weeks accounts regarding the inteIUgence
Want hardwood logs, Clint Harris mahogany, maple, and walnut framing, ornament. Gaynell Hickerson 676 Bethel Rd., prior to your expiration date.
and trainability of pigs, and mules. I
Crabapple 770-754-0806 Want hardwood .trees
handcrafted by professional woodworker, Conyers 30012 770-483-7289 . $12.50 each, $5 shipping. J. Penny Augusta' Great gifts, cedar birdhouses from $7,
' also w<,mld appreciate receiving any
Cherokee or nearby' counties. Wilham 706-860-3552
Martin houses, bat houses, squirrel in a 'jar Homemade rabbit boxes, stick' trigger
'Afgh'ans $40 & $30, TV scarves $10; also, doilies, different sizes & prices, $8, $9, $19.
feeder, 'bat houses. Alton Littleton 6389 Ga. system, weathered wood, $20 ppd.; cedar Hwy. '85 Waverly Hall 31831 706-582-2356, bluebird.,houses built by specs. GA. Dept.
interesting anecdotes your readers'carl
provide'about these animals and,their .
sIze !ncubator, reasonably pnced., Martha Carol' Williams, 3980 Waycross Hwy.' Jesup Hand painted mailboxes-Folk art, realistic Hum. Res., instr. iJlcluded $12.50 ppd. Ann experiences with them.
Blessltt Dallas 678-923-3961
wildlife, birds, patriotic and Southem Heritage Dutton 3269 Five Forks Trickum Rd. Lilburn
Robert E. Smith
Want millstone and syrup kettle, the bigger Afghans $60+, dishtowels w/cro. tQPS $25, durable and weather, resistant, 30047
200 Gr f'
the better,.will pay reasonable price and pick- $2.50, purse/cradle w/dell $8. Judy Jordan Covington/Shadydale area.. Gina Hall Items made from old quilts, 100% cotton.-
ey nars Road
up. H. J. Hine Conyers 404-897-7566
202 Geoffrey Lane "Oxford 30054 Shadydale 706-468-9778
' . over 50 yrs. old, stockings Iined'w/Muslin,
Athens, GA 30605
Want old bamwooda~d barn dgors, other. judyiordan44@hotmail.com 770-787-0682
Hand-knitted, 100% cotton dish cloths, inulti. 16"/$15, 9'/$10.- four 3'/$3 plus $2 postage. ,1,....- - - ' - - - ' - - - -_ _....:.
Sharon Barthlett Atlanta 770-452-7750
Afghans, 85x61", great for camper or very color pastel, light olue '&. yellow, multi., $3.50 Inez Rabun 2669 Wrens Rd. Thomson Red Riding'Hood, 3 in 1 dolls, all cotton,
Want pecan trees in gal. pots. D. K: attractive for any male, $80. Mary Vandenney postage paid, Priscilla Forbes 302 Bible Rd., ':::;3:::;08=;2=:-4:---7:.;0;:6"'-5:::9::.:5;-,-:':49::.:0:::2=:--,-,=--'---,.,-;..---;:---::--:-:-;;; handmade, ,$20 includes priority mail. Gail'
Lawhom HoganSVille 706-883-6120
Dalla.s 770-443-0814
Box A"5 Fort Valley 31030 478-988-4420 ' Live trap for catChing wild hogs -otf Smith 109 Creek Bank Dr. Acworth 30101_
Want power steering gearbox' for a 3400 , All types chair caning, will do lace, press & Handcrafted Appalachian mtn. dulcimers, 4 farmland; trap will not harm animals, $175. 770-529-3217,
Ford tractor. James P. Brady Carrollton 770- binding cane. Mary Conley 75 Pinehurst Dr. strings, handcrafted from- hdwds"maple, Johnny Phillips Moreland 770-254-0410
Want a coPy of these quill patterns,
Stockbridge 30281 770-474-8687
~herry,walnut, mahogany, birch, beau. Machine quilting done on your quilt tops, 8 Cathedral Windows and Handkerchief.
Want propane tank, '250 gal., good condo American Flag pin on plastic canvas $1 Instruments, easy to play. Paul T. Parker yrs. experience, quick turn around, call for Roberts Sue 273 Browntown Rd. Kingsland
'with regulator and name plate. Lester plus SASE; red, white, blue bracelet made Acworth 770-975-9374
prices. Loretta Mattaliano Woodstock 770- 31548912-729-8914
Atkinson Marietta 770-952-3907,
,w/glass beads $1 w/SASE. S. Brantley 374 Handcrafted Christmas decorations, asstd. 19"-'2=;;8:o:-:::81~9:.;5===.-=-'-:::-:=--==c;_;:::-=::::-:--:c Want cro. or tatted angels,angel wings or
Want radiator for hough H-30B rubber tired Noble SI. Thomson 30824
; designs; Ga. pine cones & sweetgum. balls New homemade quilts, eight to choose doves; sev. styles and sizes, must be
loader. Wesley Carlan Homer 706-677-3796' Appalachian dulcimers; 4 strings, 12/$5, $2 postage. Ms. 1.0. Hefner 1610 Mt. from, makes perfect gifts, dbl. bed $60, queen reasonable. Melba Maxson Riverdale,770-
Want small hand corn 'grinding machine. handcrafted from native woods, 34 'yrs. Vernon Rd. Rocky Face 30740
$100,-call after 2 p.m. Ruth.Spicer' Ocilla 471-4838770:289-0799
Carl H. Arndt 1253 Little Neck Rd. Savannah experience, Amer,ica's only instrument by 'Handcrafted hype.rtufa troughs made to 912~468-5306
Want crochet patterns for 15' dolls. Tammie
origin. Joel H. Bowen Franklin 706-675-6465 order. Ben Yarbrough 330 Landers Dr. New homemade quilts, quilted by pattern, Jayne Frix 408 Reed Way Monroe 30655
Want solid bricks near, our area. Debbie Appalachian'dulcimers, sound good, easy Mableton 30126 770-948-2376
. __ sev. to 'choose from" dbl. $60, queen $100, 7.70-266-6725
Williams LoganVille 770-554-6030 .
to' play, $185 shipping inCluded. Cecil Dutton Handmade bluebird, bat, scre~ching. owl, call after 2 p,m. Ruth Spicer Ocilla 229-468- Want patt~rn/instructions for angel pin
Want to buy a few used bee hives, super Austell 678-945-1569,
wood duck' houses, purple Martin condos, 5306'
'" " -
made, from Catwork doily, l:iuy 'or .trade.
frames' ,and smoker white coverall. Lewis Baby afghans, sev. colors made now"diff. feeders, all made of solid cedar. Robert Oil portrait from photo, home, animal, Geneva Childres 3969 Woodridge Way
Moye Conyers 770-922-6759
,sizes, will make te;> order any col~rs, $35-$50; Boggs Decatur 770-939-3147
person, 11"x14' canvas $85, 16"x20' $120, -Tucker 30084
Want to buy a small hand pulled tine aerator also, make Ige. bed afghans., Dons Chambers H.andmade. decorations, peach seed and 18"x24' $240, C. Huffman 243 Jack Maddox ,Want someone to hand quilt old quilt top;
,with box for weights. Wiley Farquhar Decatur 155,A Huff Dr. Lawren~ville 30044 770- squ!rrel eaten pine cone angels, $2.25 each; Bridge. Rd, Jackson 30233 770"775-6768
straight line pattern. Thelma Mullins
-' small puzzle wreaths $1.75, reindeer pins Pine,cone piCker-upper, 30" long, can pick Clarkston 404-294-1628'
Want to bUy solid bricks. Pastene Hager Baby cro, af\lhan, any'color, $15 each plus sl!1all/$0.50, Ige""$1.10; crystal crosses $2. up cans, paper, twigs, any small object, Want someone to knit Christmas stocking
Fayetteville,770-487-4751, .
postage. Bonnie Baugh 735 Hickory Flat Rd, Rita Long Macon 478-788-9250
weighs 8 ounces, $18 plus $4 shipping and w/child's name, knitted in top. Chris Jennings
Want trusses 5" or 12" 26-27-28' okay Gillsville 30543.706-677-1164
. Handmade ~eslgner Raggedy Ann &"Andy handling. T.E. Crosby 4499 Lower Meigs Rd. Pine Mountain 706-6634329
need 20 each. Joe Murray' Jasper 770-737: Baby quilt and pillow sets, all crafted in smoke- dolls ~3', vanous, dress & color ~chemes, Moultrie 31768 229-941-5342
'Want someone to put quilts together for me:
. free home w/all new materials; quilts approx. $75/palr; also, deSigner rabbIts, 18 , vanous Pine needle baskets w/handles $20 & $25, Pat Gabriel Zebulon 770-567-8682'
Want weil pump for a 6" well a center pivot 35"x45", pillows approx, 16", $25. plus $6 S&H, dress, $45 each..Claudla Wettlaufer,1,7 W. baby quilts, soft material, crib size, $50: Want someone who has velvet 'scraps, '
no- . & 6" PVC pipe other Floyd Knowles McRae photos-and info. email. Stephanie Stapler Oak Dr. CarterSVille 678-721-9356
bookmarks, pressed flowers 2/$3 postage especially dark colors. Faye Nichols 2027.
CoVington stephaniesquilts@earthlink,net
Handmade dolls, Raggedy Ann & Andy, paid. M. Todd 277 Prater Rd, Waco 30182 Old Gumlog Rd. NE. Blalrsville'30512706-
Want windmill with tower, Bill Darsy Griffin 786-8339 .
1~"/$20, Dr. and nurse dressed in white, :..7~70~-:'i8;;;32=:-;-:,6=6::-79=-;:==,--;:-:-:----o--..,..,,.....--,--,,----;::-,,,-- 745-2536
Baby qUIltS, clown/Circus pattern, 45"x35", 9 /$20, $2 postage each. Edna Mathews 931 Quilt tops, Farmer boy, ,Dutch girl, tulip, Will quilt your old or new quilt tops on
Want livestock truck insert to fit 1983 long primary colors, $20 each plus $5 postage, Cloudland Canyon Pk.Rd. Rising Fawn Colonial girl, strawberry $25; quilt tops 6/$20 quilting machine, reas'- price, Ive. msg. E.
bed Ford piCk-Up. Greg Williamson,500 Lo; SASE for picture. June Llewellyn 2820' 30738 706-398~1681
plus postage,all diff. kinds of material. Mrs. O. Laster Tyrone 770-487-4649
Athens 30605 706-613-5340"
,Peachtree.Rd, NW. #607 Atlanta 30305 404-" Handmade pie safe, call for pictures. E.J. Young'P.O. Box 3B Waleska 30183
Wishing wells $125. small, .$175 Ige.,
=="'---'==":":::~~~=~"-------: 841-0848
Davis Alma 912-632:8278'
Quills, (queen), dbl. wedding ring, fan, star,.outh5>use $195, porch swings $145/up; other
Baby quilts, most any kind, $15 each plus Handwoven rag rugs 24"x36"-$15, 24"x4B"- log cabin; f1ag:lap quilts & pillows to match, items, 9 a.m.-9 p,m. Speedy Harkins 4502
~lookiiiQfor the man in 'Statliam Ga.- who
does chair caning. Jeanette Brewer Winder
o 770-725-5154 Of S
ut- - tate anted
-.Want lianClmade qUilt~tllOcl<s, precut
patterns and ,designs. B. Davis P, 0, Box 2553
postage. Jean, Lewallen 307 Mitchel Rd, MaySVille 30558 706-652-2307
BeautifUl, 'handmade quills, queeri size, several pattems and colors to choose from,
other items available,_ Kay Jones 7070 Hawkinsville Macon 31206 478,781-2014 '
Birdhouses made w/cedar & screws
bluebird $10, bat $12, wren $9, feeders $10 &.
$20, larger sizes available @$2.50/sq, ,ft., bonnets, aprons, all handmade. Mrs. John
placemats-$4 each. Connie Gibson 121 Marlowe 1855 Auburn Rd. Dacula 30019
Greyfriar Lane Leesburg 31.763 229-883-7055 770-945-4872
Holiday & plain/print lined or reversible 'Quilts, hand ql:lilted, seli. sizes, pattems,
full $15, half hand towels
$10, kitchen angels $7, $3; .plus shipping; other
,and colors; also, baby'quilts and,cloth books. S, Johnson Cumming 770-887-3580
Items for sale. Carolyn King Concord 30206 ' Raggedy Ann &. Andy dolls" 25', all
'770-884-5251,' -.
handmade, no paints, $25 each, add '$5 per
Bowers Cir. Blairsville 706-781-1373 '
Wooden toys puppets, puzzle, trucks.-home
decorating item. Peggy Davis Braselton 706-
. Yard shadows; cowboys, cowgirlS, kissing
boy/girl, horses, Tin Lizzy, harid painted 5'
storks 'It's a BoY/G.irl", Granny Sharon
Canton 678-493-2133
Lake City FL 32056 386-935-0990
wood duck. $60, UPS extra, others, Art Homemade colorful pillowcases, standard order postage. B. Hopkins' 914 E. 28th St. ' Yo--Yo drawstring pocket books, and quilted
1Thompson Jonesboro 770-473-1404
size, $8.50 set, will send you color samples in Tifton 31794 229-382-2310
drawstring pocket Dooks, $25' each;
Ads' are computer niferenced by telephone number, so .It Is essential that the advertiser's telephone 'number be
submitted With' each ,ad"
Bluebird houses: (cedar), made by BIB/Assn, directions, clean out lid, removable
perch"complete,wlinstr., ready to'hang, $15 ppd, Donald Allen 155 Huff Dr. Lawrenceville 30044
the mail. Judy King 2971 Stone Mountain St.' ',Red, white and green knitted Christmas potholders$3.59 set.', Cynthia 'Jones'
Lithonia 30058 '
,stockings' w/name, birth year, Santa and Lincolnton 706-359.1780
'Jingle bell socks, ribbon roses, Christmas decorated tree, $35 each plus postage, order ' Your name in filet, crochet white or ecru,
items. Iva Blissilt '1812 Marie Way now for Christmas, M,J: PeweliGalnesvllle $20. Claudia Owens 7888 Parkside Circle
Lawrencevi'l.le_3.... 0043 770-962-4502"
' Donalsonville'39845229-861-2435
... _ _ -. -;::::';:-~.- ~--.
.:~._~--------_.-----. ---...,..:---~'C~---.--:-,,"
page' 12
, Wednesday September 18, 2002'-
,.'.Fall EqnineEdition S~heduledfor Oct.' 16
,G~. Apple Festival Sp()ns.ots Recipe Contest
The 2002 Georgia Apple Festivai wilt' recipe wi-!1J1erswill ~eceiv~' a rib~on"and
The Farmers and Consumers Market
Bulletin' special' fall equine edition' is'
. scheduled for.Oct 1'6, 'This 'issue will . includ~ notiCes. for horse shows and
events in October," NoveJIlber, and-
December; as well as listings of horses at stud, bo~ding facilities aM ads for
'. miscellaneous . equine 'equipirient and .
'supplies.' A 3(>,word limit will be
Deadline for ., .. ' , : .
Notices included in the '''Equine 'fo'r .
Sale" category and "At Stud" 'column m.~st be ~ccompanied by a copy' .of a
valid, negative Coggins test (made.
within. the past 12'months);'otherwise,
hold its' Apple Pie and .Cake Recipe' $75 each.. ' .
,'Contest to find the best apple pie and cake
.in Georgia. .
The .Georgra Apple Festival Recipe Conte~tis sponsored. by' 'the - 'Apple . i
. The conteSt' ~ill be held Saturday,
Festival in cooperation with the Georgia . \ '
.oct. 12 in Ellijay: Entry form and Agricultural Cominodit}r coinrnission for ..' ;:I
. recipe:. must be ,at the Giliner County ',. Apples..
., '!
,. Extension Service, by Friday, Sept. 27.. ' Recipes need to be mailed to Gilmer '~
'Categories are apple' pies,. fried pies, County'. Extension Service, Recipe .: \
cobbler and cakes. '
. Contest, 92 Sand St., Ellijay, GA30540. _ '
Ernest Busby of Brinson, Ga:grew ' this :field corn th~t rose to a height of 12' lIt feet.' His grandson, Blake,
The first p'!ace pie and cake recipe
winners.will received a ribbon and .$125
each, wIllIe the second-piace pie and cake'
~. l
-Recipes may be faxed to (706) 636~26. '1)" I I
.For Iilore information,' contact Renee' ' Dots?n ~t (706)'635-4426. .
.helped iri. his garden of' okra, watermelo~s, sweet potatoes, peas, butt~rbeans, and squash..
'~ext Handicraft Edition .
'. Scheduled for Oct' 9, .' .
LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Pric~s f!lr August, 2002 at 'Georgia -
they will not be published. . '"
In' addition, the Georgia Animal Protection Act 'requires' boarding: and .
Rural (;eorgi_a
breeding .facilities . to be licensed. Current JiCen~ci number' must he'"
(Continued from Page 1):
'submitted with noticesfor "At Stud" .. arid . "Boarqingfacilities." . Notices
submitted-without this information' will ' . '. not be . '. published. For 'licensiIlg
.Jhospitality:, Each ,of these sessi~ns was 'designed to highlight best :practiCes,
.' examine success stories .and share.
.. 'information anq applications,' cal~ -(404)
'practical information'.' for rural
comniuniti~~ looking to stimulate new
op'p9rtunities. '. .
". The next handi~raft edition for _the Market Bulletin is scheduled for Oct. 9 ..
The deadlinefor'notites is Sept. 25. .
All items advertised in' the 'Handicraft
category" must be handmade by the' advertiser and~not purchased for resale. " , .Handicraft ads are limited 'to 30 words' and mu~t be,in compliance with all other' . advertising gtiid~!ines (see pak,e ~).
Auction Markets, Georgia Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Agriculture Cooperating, Federal State . :.Livestock Market News and Grading Service. For,daily quotations, call 1-8003421440. For daily quotations, call 1. 800-3421440.
Break~rs 75-80o/~ Lean
Boners aO-~5% Lean
:.: .~~~L~5-90% Le~n :
: :.:: 34:87 37.06
:..~ 35,2~
:' Ga. Loan Program'
, ': (Con!i~~ed'fromPage 1),
Attendees also partiCipated in a series of : briefing" sessions on. persistent.
poverty in.the 'South, new:fedenll farm programs. and acc~ss to capital:
'How to:Have Seed Tested .
Farmers' should adhere to the
Yield Grade J-2 :
1500-2100Ibs ::
.' :..:.:.,49.59
NO.1 .
a zero percentloan'of- $1,000 to $5,000
to assist' with do'wn .payment, closing costs, and .prepaid 'expenses .fo~ first-'
_tiinehome buy,c;:rs. By combining these. prograins, a potential homeowner ~an
. purchase' a home with, less iponey dow~ .'
linda,lower monthly payment than with
traditional finanCing.
' . . ,. ,..
. Created as the Georgia :Residential
Finance Authority in i97.4, DCA's home
.. buying programs have served' more than 32,000 n~w. homeowners by' reaching out
to working Georgians. and setting limits
on the price of homes in Qrder. t9 help' maintaiIi affordability. . . . , "
-' ... The Unlvers{tyof Ge<;>rgia's.Cal
following. steps' in order ~o-' have' seed _.
Vinson' Institute . of' . 'Government . tested at a .state se laboratory:
:discussed:. its ongoirig' study' into'
L .Send 'b~tween 1 to 2 pound~ 9f any
persistent . poverty in the South.. large seed; such as soybeans, peariutsor .
,commissioned by.Sen. Zell Miller and
, t~e '. findings and Implications 'for ~.
. Georgia.,
- .. .
~om'and.about a half toa quarter pOlJlid, deperiding on'seed~ize~ of,smaller seed..' , ~.' Include the. kind and variety, lot
. "U.S: Department of 'Agri~ulture
Rural Developmerit officials .detallecf
the contents: of the recently:passed
.l1uII;lber or 'other identifying mark, along .with your 'fuIl. name, addre'ss :a,nd telephone number,' . .....
.federal Farm Bill and the impact the 'legisl~tion, !lew programs ~nd funding'
3."Mail. seed :samples in a ~ardboard. box or Similar container to protect them. .
will'h~ve 'in-Georg~a.
, ~. . I f .
'. 4. Allow 2-4 weeks for testing to be
. 200-300 Ibs : ::
: 112.55
300-400 Ibs. 96.94,..
400-500 Ibs~
: :.. 81.91
, : : 74.47- .
.600-700Ibs, :
700-800 Ibs
:.:..67.29, '.
NO.2' . .
- 200-300 Ibs:
: ; ~.99.27
300-400 Ibs. : 400-500 Ibs~
:.85.71 : 73.85
500c600 Ibs
:: : 67.91
200-300 Ibl?~
~ 92.92
300-400 Ibs.'
, 500600Ibs : ,
The resulting investment in Georgia comniunities is. more than $1.8 billion. , ',DCA offers its programs via a networJc' of more than 50'partiCipating lenders in " more than 400 lo~ations thToughout
.' ,U.S: Federal Reser~'e System
officials highllghteci and explained
access to .capital progt;ams and services
for .rural businesses,' entreprenel1rs and.
development projects.
'. completed, dependipg on seed kind.'
':5: Noi:th. Georgiaf~ers should send
seed. 'to .Georgia Department 'of Agriculture, Room )35, 19Martin Luther, KiIig, Jr. Drive, Atlanta 30334. . South
Georgia. For more information, contact a. . Also on the agenda was an 'interactive, Georgia. farmers should send seed to '.;
\ocalparticipating, lender' or DCA, .Details about the progr~' are available
011 .. DCA's, website, .', at
html or by calling toll-free inside, Georgia "
at 00-359A663, extension 4850. "
. -
. policy roundtable with Georgia ,'State" Georgia Department ofAgriculture Tifton Representative ,an~. Georg~a. Rural . Laboratory ~uilding, PO Box 1501; Hwy. Development Council.' memper Bob' 41S., Tifton31793-1507~ .
Hanner and state officials from the Department of. Coirnminity .Affliirs, the' Department of Industry, Trade' and
Ii you have' any, ques40ns regarding
seed testing, please call. (404) 656~3635
'(Atlanta) .or (229) 386-3145(Tifton) for
Tourism, the Department of Technical
more Information.
and Adult E'ducation,_ the "Georgia
: 66.36
HQGS .. ,
. ,220-260 Ibs. 48-49.9%' lean 28.94-
220-260 Ibs. 46-47.9% Lean .: 23:58.
Bitl:.lESIBliCKS '"
10q-150 Ibs :
:: 92.50
150-300 Ibs
:.:..: : .
60-80 Ibs..: :
: ::..:32.50
80100Ibs. ~ :.,; : : : 4i.OO _
. '100-140 Ibs
20-40 Ibs
: :.~ ..: 18.50
Technology Authority; !he Departme!1t of
, 40-60Ibs
~ 28.00
Transportation. aildthe, University,' '" Plains Plans Peanut Fest
6080 Ibs
~.: 38.50
System of. Georgia.' 'The roundtable:
. session explo.red new. state strategies,
.' .With the. 'the!J1e oJ "pialns; PeanutS and .'
innovations and-issue~ in areas of higher . a President," Plains, Ga:; Will celebrateits
education, technology, 'traIisp(Jrtation, .. 6th Annual Plains' Peanut Fe.stiviuSept. .
.workforce developqlent and tourisin.
28. The Pl~tersPeanut Company, the
.The . Celebrating Ruraf Georgia
National Peanut Board a:nd:the .Peanut- '-
conference was a' unique rural economic 'development'.' collaborative' .effort .
Institute,are sponsors of this event. Continuous free enteitail1ment,~
between .'the Georgia' Rural '-' historical arid' educational displays, and .
Developri;lent Coun~il, ..the "Georg'ia
booths filled with. arts arid crafts highlight .
'Department of Conimunity'Affairs, and . ,the festival..
. ' '.
over 20 public and private organizations
Judging, arid 'awirrdsforth~' Thil:d
co~mitted .to the betterment of" " Annuiu Plains Festival Recipe' Contest
. Frazier 'Copelan of. Gresham,vill~,
GeQrgia's hometown ,. communIties.'
Conference partiCipants came.from. ' coinmunities'all across the state. _ The GROC define~ rural Georgia as
. also will be in progress throughout the day. " For more inforination, call Terri Jones at(229) 824-5373., .
.'j .,
Ga;,. raised ~hese two, giant ~lJanana , the. 149 counties outside of metro
., squash .meaSurfug 25 inches long and
. 23 inches .in Circumference" and 22
Atlanta. These counties are home :to 58 p~rcent 'of' the' state's pop~lation, 60, .
.inch~s long and 23,' inches in percent. of manl}facturers, 61 percent of
.circumference.' Showil .also .are his . retail establishments and over 340,000 -
',. - great-grandchildren, Aly Webb and 'students enrolled. at 28 teclu:!ical c~lleges .
Jackson Ogletree.
... '
27 universitY
.' .
school,s.. '". ..
.Visit Our Web Site
The., Market.. Bulletin . is available .' via ,the. Interne.t through the . following address:' ww~.agr.state.ga.us/mbindeJ01tmL
Th~ elephant ear plant w~ groWn .by Ray H81iof Macon, Ga. The plant'
is over six,feet tall, and the leaves are 45 inches long and 35 inches wide.' __
Page 2
- ". ~"
. 'Wednesday.September 18; 2002
. '46 Ford 9N', GC, $2200; '89 MF'20F:VGC, ,'98 JD 5210 tractor, 45 hp., sync trans., 285 MFtractor, '$6500; 4430 JD. tractor,
Farmers & CorisuinersMarket Bulletin' !4dvertising Guidelines ."
40 hp., $6500. David Brown Baxley 912-367- telescoping draft links, only 800 hrs.; VGC, $9000. Ted Hathcock Bloomingdale 912-
$13,500. H. Patton Plneview.478-783-1919 748-6831 ' . ' .
'47 Farmall A w/cultivator turning plow, .": "98 Rollins-S HD 20' trailer w/ramps, . 3-pl. fert. spreader for use or parts, $60. rebuilt motor, $1500, call aft: 6 pm. Charles' sheltered,l owner, 2 axle, elec.brks., 2.5/16" .Michael Ginn Dahlonega 706-867-8728 .
All Advertisements pUblished In the Market Bulletin' Friday;' or ' .write: Mar1<et Bulletin, Georgia must relate to the tarmin~agilcultural iridustiy orbe Department ofAgrlCUIh.re, 19MLK Jr. Drive, AtI8nta,
Preswell Cartersville 770-383-9825 . hitch, exc.cond., $2650..Bnid Russell ,Dalton 3-pt: hitch rotor till.er, 6' till w/2-row marker
. '47 H Farmall tractor for salei call aft. 8 pm. 706'271-7774
plows, $400. Frank Ussery Kathleen 478-
Samuel Brown Rochelle 229-643-7282
- '99 Agco Allis 5550 tractor,4l? PTO hp., 160 987-3331
a part thereof; any and all nem(s) submitted for sale GA 30334-4250 ,
. '48 Farmall Cub, completely restqred. hrs., _shuttle shift, remote' valves, rollbar, 32' haY. elevator, dual tires & wheel;
through the B.ULlEnN mu;'t meet at least one of' _. Ads will be published only once, each time
the following criteria: 1) must be p,roduced by the submitted unless ihe advertiser speclfies,;n writing
advertiser on hislher'own fanning operation, 2) on the ~otice that the ad is io be 'published more
must be made by the' advertiser' from "matel1als - than omi. week. Ads may' be publis~ed on hislher own fanning operation, 3) must be consecutively, up to a maximum of four (4) weeks.
owned and used by the advertiser on hislher,own . A new notice must be submitted after each
fanning opel'/ltion for a period of at least 90 days. maximum, '4-week period n the advertiser wants
prior to offering for sale through the BULLETIN., .the advertiSemenrto .continue. Ads cannot be
except for ,painting, cultivators,& many extra
pcs. of equip, $2000/0bo. Bob Rose Toccoa
'498N, exc. cond., new rebuilt motor, new
paint, good tires, $3400. John Grant Dallas
'50'8N 12V Ford tractor, great shape, runs
'well, $2450. Margare! Clower' Loganville
canopy, $14,200.T. M:Witcher. Bremen 770-
537-5241 '99 EX-150LC-5 Hitachi backhoe; '97650-
G-LGP JD crawler; '83 1845 Case loader; '74
Handcock 192 pan. Glenn Hallman ,Baxley
1, excellent ,condition' ;.ID, 1-row corn
snap'per, exc.: condo Winton Harris Screven
15:5x38; 50% tread, wench for JD skidder or
crawler, some fire damage.. Jerry Ellis Calhoun 706-629-1386
33' 3900'harrow, new disc, '90 JD 644 com
head; 26.5 3950 harrow, 2.5 hp. Leroi basic' air compressor. Malcolm Giles 'Fort Valley 478~95:::;3<,-",4,;;12",2~::;-..""-,-:::-:-::,-:-::;-""",,.:---,-=_=:-
3600, Ford, '79, unused tires, paint, .grlll, $7375; 12' JD harrow, $1000; 10' Pittsburg HD
...Businesses,. corporations, dealerships or other taken v[a telephone:' commeicial enterp~ are not allowed to advertise Ads are computer ,referenced by telephone in theMARI';ET BULLETIN. Commercial is defined nun,ber, so n Is esseritial ' that the advertiser's
as intended for, mass market; handling large ' telephone number be submitted with each ad,
quantities' ol,product for distrib'ution'(Le., more than Advertisers. who do not want a telephone number
'n<innal household or fann. quantities); supported by printed in' their ads shoulirnote !his fact on the face
advertisement'/ (I.e., 'advertisement'in publicaiions, of the advertisement furnished to' the BULLETIN: other lhan the B~LLETlN; listed as "business", in', ~ There is a 2()-word limn for advertiseme'nis; name,
'50 8N .Ford tractor, runs well, bushhog & 1 pair NH skid steer loaders, LX665, bad bushhog. Aros Reeves Hiram' 770-943-6473
scrape blade, $2950. Bill' R. Moody_ motor, LX 865; used'in fert. plant, $6995/pr. 3910 Fprd tractor; less than 1000 hours, 8:
McDonough 770-855-1483
Hubert Gibson Hoschton 404-787-2363
f1ail'mower, stored in garage, $11,500. Glenn
. '50 Farmall H & JD M, gpod condition, ,ll-tine KMC chisel plow, 2:row' KMCGrogan Cumming 770-887-9849.
restoration projects, also dirt scoop. 'Mic,hael peanut [nverter, ready, to go. Leon Coates 3T transmission, D4 frames w/rollers. Eddie
Leggett Douglasville 770-942-2491
. Fort Gaines 912-768-2609
Crawford Rockmart 770'684-5427 '
'50 G'AC, ,runs, in great working condition 12' bushhqg, needs repair, $1200. German., 430, 438 & 238 Gleaner corn heads,
w/all'plows,'plowed garden this yr., $3000., Wallace Wlnder770'867-7140
' bushhog disc mower, -1', $2200. David
David,Romane Trlon.706-506-3938
12-ton 8 wheel trailer,. 8 'x 17 w/drive on Stanford Newnan 770-502-9636 - .
telephone directories or "yellow pages",'etc.).Other. tOwn,' phone 'number. or.,name and'complete
'50 H Farmall,-running when stored' inside ramps, good tires &shape, $2200, also other: ' 435 Int'l sq. hay baler, also rake mower,
indicators, include, but are not limited to, holding address must be'included in the: 2O-word limtt. The. business licenses and, holding' re9IJlaioiy MARKET,BULLETIN reserYesth~ right :toedii
The editor has' the authority to'designate the length " Georgia residents only may adve'rt;se in the
of ads and the of the BULLETIN. Currently. only' 'MARKET'BULLETIN.With the fOllowing e~cep1ion:
one (1) notice may be plaCed ,by any family unn in out-<lf,~tate residentS. may adveriise only in the
any isSue of the BULLETIN. Family unit refers to' ,Out-<lf-State Wanted categoiy.
aft. last used 1972, $2000/0bo. M. D, Reese Steve Brown Chlckmauga 706'539-1572 , 'good condition. Dan Durreh Newnan 404-'
Ranger 706-629-7458 .
...1370. Case tractor w/21 , Taylorway harrow, 379-9594.
'52 8N, Ford tractor & harrow, exc.cond:, good condition'- $9500. Helen $trickland 4400,JD combine (under shelter), 213 graih'
$3100, Geo. Mulkey Blakely 912-724-7661 Baxley 912'367-2834'
platform, both for $3000, Rodney Horne
'52 8N Forg, runs well; fair sheet metal, 140 hp. Perkins irrigation motor,w/clutch & Glenwood 912-523-5239-
.. -
$2000; '46' 9N. Ford, runs ,well, $1850; 5', pump, $3800" 20' flex mower, $2200; 14' 4x4front-el)d'loader, pulverizer, box blade,
bushhog, $300. Thomas Tucker Lithia mower, ,$1200. Royce Ledden 'Leesburg ,bopm pole, tractor runs well, $9200. Wilbert
Spi'lngs770-941-2354 '. :
. Padgett Canton 770-479-4094 . ' .
all individuals ,sharing the .same residence, _. Ads must be received'no laterthan'Wednesday
'52, Allis Chalmers B mdl. w/box scrape; '. 1420 Int'l combine w/13' grain table, field , 5 -Bankhead trailers for hay or mulch
address or telephone 'number, . .
. noon in'-order. to' appear in the following week's
Each, notice submitted for publication must be paper. Send ads to:
.' '
inWliling, legible, on a' single sheet of paper
'Ga 'separate from" any. other notice, and be " MARKET BULLETIN
accompanied by the ~me of the categOiy and tl)e
Dept. Ot'Agrt~ulfure
name, mailing and street address(es) and telephone 19 Martin Luther King Jr. Drlve
numbe(of the person submitting the same. At the. , AUanta, GA 30334-4250
end and below th.etext of the noilce, , the following ,statement must be included and signed by the'
Advertisers who have ~ds running for more than
disc, plow & belly mower. new brks., $2400. ready, 1969 hrs., $8000. Clyde Bruner Metter transport; $800/ea.Larry Champion' Shady
ChrisL. Dotson Aragon.706238-9150
912-685-6089. . '
'52 MTJohn Deere, restored 12 volt, 3 point 16 & 20 disc harrow, $525/$550; 5" & 6' 5' JD bushhog, $350;,JD 71 4-row planter hitch, '$2800, Stephen Le~ Frawley 541, bushhog, $550/$650; post digger, $400; dirt on JD toolbar, $1100; 1-row Massey' corn
JaCkie Hart Rd. Statesboro 30461 912-587-' sCoop, 1-row subsoiler, $200. M. Crosby' picker, $350,EC. Chad Aman Hartwell 770-
Blackshear 91'2-449-6573
. . ' 457-2700' -
. ,,
'5;J Ferguson T020 tractor, good condo w/4' 16' trailer, 6' new box blade, 5' harrow. ',5' Landscape rake, $200, 5' J-bar. finishing
,bushhog, $2500; 5' Rhino finishing mower; Franklin Stephens Gray 478,986-4728
.n:lOwer, $450. R. Braun Fayetteville 770-460-
gClOO cond., $425. E. Caldwell Cumming 16-row 300 gal. tank, 3-pt.hitchsprayer, 8" 6256 - , '
770-887-7659 ' . .
row hooded, sprayers, .2055 Cash IH cotton '5' Taylor bushhog, $400, 4' MF bushhog, .
person submitting the notice:
. one week may call to caricel their ads if the items
I hereb)' certify that the a'bove notice .".,.,b. all' sell before the ad expires, To cancel or correct an
the necessary requirements'for publlcaUon In ad, simply call the departmenfs toll free number, 1~ FARMERS AND, CONSUMERS M~RKET.: SClO-282-sa52; 8 a.m; - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday.
,Please ask for the person who is responsible for the
Items tOr sale or services offered In any' notice' ad you \,yantto cancel or correct. The person's'name
must confonn to all lawS and regulations'Covering .and telephone extension can' be found under the ad
'53 Ford Jubilee, fair coridition w/all planter,peanut dryers.& wagons: Scooter $350, both TPH & good condition, Wm.
'purpose plow"4' bush hog, boom pole, Harrington Eastman 478-374:2808
Wilson .Douglasville 770-802,4504
$3250/0bo. Daryl Stowe Eatonton 706-485- '1810 YanmarJractor, 21 hp., dsl., 430 hrs., 500 gallon hydro seeder, $4500/0bo, call .
2891 .
- . ': -' ' .3-pt.' hitch, 9/spd., exc. cond.,. $3800. Bill aft. 6 pm.: Randy McDonald Clayto,n 706-
'53 Ford NAA, needs paint, everything ,else Clawson Clermont 770-983-2212 .
rebuilt, $2,500; 5' box scrape, $250; 6' rake" '1942 John Deere styled "D"hand cranK, 530 Hesston round'hay baler, exc. cond.,'
$300. Terry Garnto Commerce '706-335 good condition. Garland White Route 2 Box kept. sheltered, less ,than 700 rolls, $4250.
'113 Alamo' 30411912-568-7660 478-463-, Wayne Powell' Menlo 706-862-2252',
sale and ';'ovement of the same.:. Ads foroome
categories musi. meet certain requirements.
.Advertisers are advised to'review ,requirements.
under 'ad categories" before submitting their
noiices.. Note: Due to' space limitations, all ad'
gUidelines' cannot be listed in the BULLETIN each week. Advertisers;, who have: qu~stions
concerning' these guidelines may call'
1-800-282-5852, 8 a.m.' - 4:3P p.m.; 'Monday ..
categoiy heading. Cancellations or correCtlc'ns ~lIed in by.Frlday noon wllrbe reflected In the next
issue "the following Wedn~y. Cancellations or,
'coriections called in after -Friday noon are not
effective !intifane week after. the "follo;"'ing
Wednesday. Adverti.sers a';; reminded ihat new ads
or changes to existing ads' must bli'inailed to the
BULLETiN office; these cannot be takElI\, over the
" ' '"
, '53 Goldeil-Jubilee, 12 volt, runs well, ,5347
. 530 Heston round baler, exc. cond., $4000;
,6/pcs. of equip: including bushhog, $4500. 1950 Farmall M tractor, $800, also other. M. 4 wheel' rake, $275; V-type c"ulti., .$100;
Wayne.crouch Covington 770-786-0145
Wilson Dalton 706-259-8918
woodsplitter, no motor, $150. Billy Fountain
'531H Farmall Cub Cadet, 48" mower, exc, 1950 JD B, unused' tires/paint, power Villa Rica 770-459-5169
cond., $2449. Bill Poe Sharpsburg 770-253- coated rims, reb!Jilt carb.lmag., 'many new' 5410 JD tractorw/cab, AC, 521 quick attach'
parts, $3200can'del. Clyde Scott' Moultrie loader, '.100 hrs., exc'. cond., ,$29,000. Dan
'55 IH CUb,all.equip., $3000/0bo. Danny 229-890-2506'
" .Johnson Lavonia 706:356-4242.,
Dunn Aragon 770-6847336'
1951 ford 8N, completely restored, exc. 6' 'Gill 'pulverizer, $475; 5' Bushhog mdl. '
.'5~ Farmall..Cub; runs well, belly mower, conditii:>n.ElliottWhite Alamo 912-568,f845 305,.$750; subsoilhook,'$150, cash only:
disk plow, cultivators, planter & tow bar, 912-568-7660'
Winston Westbrook Crawford 706-743-3252
$3000. Bobby J. Brookshire Kennesalll( 770- 1956 JD 420; 3-pt. hitch, runs well, $3000. ,6' ,Gill rollover, $600; 5' bushhog, $275; 5'
FARM ,EMPlOYMENT . Vet; techl)ician looking' for work' 426-4512'
. Fred Purcell 480 Lepard Road Roopville' pull type bushhog, $350 dirt, scoop; $150. M.
nights/weekends on 'horse farm in exchange '63 Farmall 504, runs well, excellent 30.170770-854-6104.,'
,Stone McDonough 770~957-861.3
for housing/loft, 10 yrs. exp., GwinnettlBarrow. restoration' Jlroject. Wallace, Houston ,1996JD 5300, 4x4, loader, 1170 'hrs,' 6' biJshhog.-average 'condition, $300; Ford'
".you haveques!ions ref;atding ads in this Kelly Doster Statham 770-725-1160
$21,000;'1983 JD 2150, 1700 hrs, nice, dirt 'scoop; $225, call aft. 6 pm. Clay,
, category. call Mercedes L.assro'e. rat404:65,1-9082.' Want couple or single man to do part-time '64MF 25, runs well, not restored w/5' Ford $10,500. Dale Wiley Covlngton,770-464- Pentecol!t Winder,770-867-4373' , .'
farm labor, housing available, nO salary, need bushhog: $2750,' Troy French FayetteVille 3815,
. .:
, 'Only farm work or farm help'wanted refs., '&transportation. Rebecca Abernathy 770-461-8225'
24000 JD combines, l'w/o header, good ... The, Market
" is
advertisements Industrial or
commercial, employment
Canton 770-479-1471 Want couple ti:> work on egg farm in Banks
'J:3 Ford F750, steel flatbed grain truck, new, paint, good tires, 28,000 miles, $5500.
dsl. engines, some good, tires. Whitehead Colbert706-788-3218'
, Vwwiaw.a,g.rt.hsetate.Ignat.eursn/emt~. tndaetx.htmtl!le.
Co. for 4 days a week in exchange for housing ,Dick Sellers Byron' 478-956-1863 . "
: 2 Cub Cadets, 1 w/4 pes. of equip., $850,.1
Ifyou \vantto submit'anadv'ertiSl<mentviathe
30 yr, old male looking for work with horses etc. Johnny Smallwood Alto 706-776-3556
'73 MF 165 Perkins dsl., 52 hp., VGC,new no, equip., $600 both runs, well. R. lee we~site, click, on the option "Submit Ads" and
in exchange lor housing or, salary.' Dan Want couple, to .work on hen, farm, paint & seat, strong, tractor, ,$5200/0bo. ,T. Maysville 706-652'2665'
follow the instructions displayed; Ads must be
Daughtery Dacula 678-442-7371
housing/salary included. Janie'Rice Statham
Coupl,e seeking work on farm, prefer pOUltry 770-725-4550 .
farm, exp., dependable', need housing/salary. Want job on pOUltry farm, will work for$100
Mryna Thurman Bremen 770-537-611.1 . a week with housing/lights. Gene Robinson
Todd Darien 912-437-4889
' 2 , Long 393 ..peanut 'combines, $50q, for' :submitted before Wednesday noon in order to
need .'74 Ford 2000 'dsl. tractor, $5000. Joe
Ingram Waverly Hall 706-582-2972 706-846-
.Cbootohd, y~FQU3fbto~ttaonm9r1o2ll-o2v6e3r-p~lo4w87, $300. Ronald
appear in the folloWing issue. . "
.If you have access to the Bulletin via the
0273, "
. '-. 2 axlE! trailer, $600, Omon seeder, $450.. ,Inte'met and .you no longer
to 'reCeive,the
Exp. part-time stable helper, exchange for Valdosta 229:834-3554 ' ,
barn priv no stalls 10 hrs Iwk flexible Dixie
Savard Social Clr'cle 770464' 0200 .
Want mature responsible farm help, will
, E .. d f
- -,
provide housing in exchange for farm help
xpenence . arm . manager seeks, feeding animals etc. Bob Witt Coweta 770-
.employment with row croplhunting operation 253-4443
in Sout~ Ge9rgia. J. DE!riso Winder 770-586- Want milker/farmhand,- like new renovated
'76 Ford 3500 dsl. tractor, front-erid loader, Fran,k Miller. Hazlehurst 912-375-5219
bushhog,'box blade, auger, boom pole, goog 2 double axle' equip: trailers, 16' long, 1
cond., $7500. Toni Hush ,Zebulon 770-358- heavy duty, not floored, $600/ea'., cash. Chas
Hazelwood Cartersville 770-382-1339' .
'77 JD 450 C, has trailer lift, straight blade,' '. 2 pecan dump wagon, $1000, as is )Neiss $11,500; '88 1400-B JCB backhoe,-$15,000. side sweeper, $3500,McNair side sweeper,
bli ti thro gh US '1 'de
pu ca on, . u .. truU, conSI r cance . g
.your .subscnptton to help the department reduce Its
pnnnng and po.stage 'costs. , To cancel a
b . . . I caU (404)
su scnptton, sunp y,
656'3682 inme\I1i
Atlanta' or 1-800~282-5852 toll-free from
0232 .
dairy with excellent 'working conditions, good J. Calhoun Soperton 912-529-4812
$500. Billy Herrin Albany 229-344-0632 ' '. anywhere in Georgia, 8 a.m. -,4:30 p,m., Monday
Free. housing in exchange for part-time housing, salary, vacation, uniforms.' Mark '81l'lnt'l harvester axial flow,combine .tor 2 pecan dump wagons, $1000, as is Weiss -Friday. Please have your Bulletin mailing address
, barn work on small horse, farm. Linda .Rodgers' Dearing 706-556-6316
sale, $18,500. Stan Harris Ranger 706-334 pecan blow~r, $180~; McNair' side ~weeper.. label available fpr reference when you call.
Salsgiver Barnesville 770-358-8982 .
Want ,person to exchange housing for care 2600
,. .
. '$500. Donme Counc.11 AI.bany ~29,344-6063 .. . No, 'part ' of this publication. may~e
Horse bam caretaker, horse expo a plus, of two horses, some yard, work: must have . '85, 948H . McNair harvester, $4000; '82 .. 2 used BF Goodnch tires, Size, 18.4 x38. reProduced in any fonn or incmporated irito lU)y
clean stalls', feed horses daily, 'grounds I' I f M' k M Ph
AI h rett .948P McNair harvester;, ,$2500; '93 8900P Wesley Powell ,H~r:tweIl706-376-176.2 . , information reUievai system without the written
no keepl'ng I'n exchange for' houslng. D. Fulton oca6' 6re7s1. 304IC ey, acers' on p a , a McNa'ir harvester wId ump .wagon: PauI -r2ow KMC & LIIIISton pea':!ut combInes, 2. - consent of the Geomrn Department ofAgncuIture.'
Watkinsville 706-769-9287 706-207-2542'
.- -
Cooper Arlington 229,881 '5531
;" . row KMC & Paulk peanut, Inverters. Leslie
' . . .
Horse farm' in North Ga.(Blairsville) needs Want pOUltry farm work, willing to relocate,
caretaker; housing, salary, vehicle provided, must enjoy dogs and horses. Wi!liam Gerald'i
;fBo=.ua:r;:x~yl.e::a.erYLs.::3e.:x.1p2:e:;r,i-e,.n::c3:e=:6,6~.-B,.:o:0b:.b;4.y:..12L==e--e"._,,C--_r-a,_-v~ e_n
'86' Ford 6610, 4x4' WD,exc. condo remote
hyd., canopy, goi:>d tire, Farmall Super C, good condo R.. W. Bo'rchert Lincolnton 706-
'. ,engine,
'The_MarketBulIetm IS pnnted , . on recycled paper, ,;
asking $1000. T. Baldree' Ocilla '229-831-'
Ruellge Blairsville 7063742332 Man & wife want -poul-try work; refs.
included and experiencE!, belts. or out of nesl.
Polly,Cothem Gainesville 770-532-7468 .
Want reliable personlfamily to work on broIIiledr. ch. icken farm, house/sa' lary prOVided, ca aytlme Of night. Connie .Crisp Dalton
706-278-4535706-629-9145 .
. 2451 "
, .'8T Ford .1910 4x4 tractor, 28.5 hp., 1160 ::""2:;-<ro-'w::::m-::d-l=.;;2:-2;;=0;;0-;U-;-~;:,p,,,e::a,,n::u-:t-:iCnv7e'=r:t-e::r:-p:-lo--w;-,-
hrs" pIs, asking $9000. Graham Jamie, sheltered & in exc. cond., fiel,d ready. Richard
Calhoun 706-602-0126'
,,' Bird Portal 912-865-2885
_ Man looking for job on North, Ga. horl!e. Will relocate poultry farm work with '87 Ford 540 B loader, 1500 hrs., turf tires" 20 ,disK flex h.arrow, good condition, $325. farm, expo w/feed & turnout; grounds keeping, housing; a,lso have,.experlence. Richard P. strong tractor, 109ks good, runs well, $9000. Tom Martin 'Athens 770-231-7829 . ,
--!-liI---Ii.li---------1 ,in exchange of housing and salary. Dave
Clees Cumming'770-530-2107
,. ,
.' Man would like,job on horse farm or other
hhooursseingr:eJlaothendnywWoreka, vemronCthhlayts'swaolartrhy' 7a0n6d-
, ., .
Dennis Baxley 912-366-0226 912-663-2087
If you have any questions ~egaii:Jing this cat-
Russ Berry' 'laGrange 706-882-0098 "
' '87 MF 240 tractor, 550 hrs., '. 5' Taylor
bushhog" 5' scrape blade, '5' gang plow,
0$9053000~. Harold Lee Tumlin Temple. 770-83.2. '88 Ford 66.10 w/20' side boom mower,
Man would liI~e job watching oyer poultry' egory. call Brendi! Donnell at 404-651-9081.: $10,500;"90 ,hldl.: MF 240: tractor, $7500; 6"
farm .' or 'livestock in' Northeast Ga.,
Alamo flail mower, $800.- Jerry Cravey
ho'using/salary, needed.' Charles Bramlett Only fa'rm machinery 'andequlpment Helena 229-425'8209 '
20 disk harrow, $450; Troy-Bilt Horse 6 hp,
tiller, $400; 16"3 axle trailer, unused, $1500. Buryl McConnell Young _Harris 706-379-
3, '12605'x7'. fifth-wh-eel..tandem utilit"y box trailer, electric: brakes; $1900. Robert F. O'Hara Kingston 770-336-9298
20007x~6 enclosed uti.lity trailer, side door, dbl.. rear"doors, $3100., M. Richa'rdson
Fairmount 706-337-3740
owneC! by the advertiser and used In
Ne~d "part-time groom for hunterljumper, his/her own farming .o'peratlon' can be
',professior]al, South of 'Athens, must be advertised; those persons advertising, for
available days before 3 pm, '20'25 hrs.lwk. machinery and equipment wanted must be
Jennifer P. Scott Monroe 706-559-2868
seeking those Items for their own farming
Need part-time help on horse.. farm in o=.pr:;e~r""a:.;tl::;o",n;;'!:7;':-'~ _ _-,,,--,-;;-,-,,,,,,,,,,,-=
exchange for housing or. salary. Cindy Griffeth. '00 JD 5410, 4x4, sync shuttle, loader, 650
'89 Vicon round baler, mdl. RP1210, one, Edison 912-835-2038
owner, parts &' owner manual, 'field ready, '2000 NH 5610, 75 hp., hyd., remotes, 285
always sheltered, $5000. 'Glenn Hayes' ,hrs., exc. cond.; :$15,000.: Marcus Gregory
Oxford 770-786-6425 770-786-3737
' Waltho'urville 912-2227356 912-876-5888 "-
'90 Ford 3~10, 47, hp., pIs, new seat" :2001 50,hp. Kubota tractor wlhay cuttin\l;
canopy, tires, $8000; ,unused 6' bushhog, baling equip. included, 'must sell. J. Martin
$750. Jim Blanchard Midway .912-269,3728 Cumming 770-781 '5439 -, '
(ISSN. 0889~5619)
Department of Agriculture , 19 Martin' Luther King Ji: Drive , ,. Atlanta, Georgia 30334-4250
1-800-282-5852 ..
office hours 8 a.m.;4:3P p:m. Monday-Fiday
Tommy Irvin; Comril~ssiorier
.. Carlton Moore, i Editor . . Randy Cox, ~anaglng Editor" '.
Address all requests 'to be added to or
removed from'the,mailing list, Change of address
andFQnn 3579 to the MARKET BULLETIN office
at the above address. ".
Published weekly at Capitol Square, Atlanta 3033.4~'Perlodlcals.postagepaid
'Dawsonville 706-216'8007
., "
hrs.,.exc. cond., $25,000; Athens 107' offset 912-368-4519.
2001 Bradco trencher, 36" depth, fits skid
Need reliable person/couple to work and 'harrow, exc. cond., $3,000. Bert Thonlpson '90 JD 2955, cab/air wlfront-end loader, 1 loader,. used less than' 20 hrs." $3000; 7' manage 5 broiler hoLises, refs: needed.M:::.;a;<:c~0""n=4,-,7:"8:.."4.:.;7~5~"~99~0~3::.....,,.--,;::-:=-.--;--,-;-_-:- owner,big Vico," disk mower, 9' 4" cut.Grady ,pulverizer, $800. Casey Coggins Thomaston
Leighton Kersey Elk0478-987-1740'
'02, manure spreader, 25 bushel, grt. Allen Danlelsvllle-706-795-2555
'. .' '706-647-9220,
Regd. TWH trainer, must bE! reliable, condition, Country Mfg. brand: Kelley - '92 Case IH 2055, 4-row cotton picker, 1800 2001 Kubota BX2200, 60" Kubota' belly
knowledgeable, honest,. management quality, Hollowell Calhoun 706-602-8602 ,
. ' eng. hrs., mud hog duals, $34,OOO/obo'-Jeff mower, ;W.h"rs. Greg Smith Peachtree City
established' cli.entele, Ireferences required, '35 Farmall F20, restored 4 yrs.ago, looks .Pruirh Leslie 229-874-6757.
,, ,
salary+. J. Wilkes Cumming 678-947-9256: . _good, runs, well, front tires, md. spokes, 50% '94, Bushhog 9044, combine,. exc: cond., 2002, Kubota' B7500 HST, 4WD,54' belly
Seeking full-time goatherder, no,exp. reqd., reartires,-$2600.Ron White Cedar Springs. $13,000; 9004 peanut combine, good cond., mower, exc. cond., '2 hrs., $2,500. Sam Wood
,applicant~ must live on 'pre!T1ises~ housing 229-793-4743
.c '
$5500'. Chris Young Sylvester 229-7766523 Morrow 770-961'6417 256-896-4726 i
provided. Mitchell Williams, 2985 ,Hathcock' '36 FarmaliA tractor, $2000. W: C. Castelow :978560 Ford tractor, 130 hp., 2WD; '97 JD 245 MF dsl., $6500, .parts for T035 4 cyl..
Rd. 'College Park 30349. '
7894 Whiteoak-Alley 'Donalsonville 31745 vacuum planter, 6~row; 2000 KMC ripper dsl. T. W.,Smith . Carrollton 770-832-9816 '.
Seeking part-time morning help for small 229-861"3879 .
.. -
bedder, '92 V ripper. Howard Beecher Baxley ,2590 Case ,tractor w/cab, grt. eng., bad
horse. farm, horse expo helpfUl, but. not '42 Faimall A, grt. condition wlWoods 42' 912-367-4739912-367-8959
. ",
trans. w/duals, $2750 w/o duals, $2500;'Kilby
,necessary. Debbie-,Furbish Norcross 770, belly mower,. new blades,- $1700 firm. Cecil
tree 'shaker, 4W dsl. eng., $12,000. Donald
c' Black Hawkinsville 478-892-9345 c
O~ly one ad may be placed'per family unit. Atkinson Garfield 478-763-3943 "
of at Atlanta, Ga. and additional offices.
The Geo'rgia Department Agriculture does' not
discriminate on the basis of sex, race, cillor,
'national origin, age or disability in the admission
or. access to,. or treatment'in. its employment
policy or its programs or activities.The
, Department's Administration Division at'19 Martin
Luther King Jr. Drive, Atlanta, GA 30334, 404-656-
3608, 'has been designated 'to ,'coordinate
compliance . 'with :, the non-discrimination
requirements contained in Section 35.107 oUhe
Department of Justice regulations. 'Infonnation
, concerning the provisions of the Americans with'
Disabilities Act, and the rights' provided
thereunder, are available from the Administration
Division. If you require special assistance ,in
utilizing our S?rvices, please contact our agency.
..' :-
.\ ;
Wednesday September 18, 2002
. Page 3
6' bushhog, pUII.type. $375; 6' scrape blade, Craftsman chipper shredder. 9 hp.. . Ford 8N restored 'w/new paint & parts. exc.JD 4250. 125hp. new paint, seat, sheet Kubota 3600 mdl., 43 hp.: GST trans.
$200; 'n Int'l grain dump truck. unused tires, $2751obo. M. Francillon Atlanta 404-875- cond.. $3250.' John Brantley' Powder metal, $8000/0bo. A. Minish Lexington 706- industrial tires,. 4WD, 680 front-end loader.
GC, $2800.' Howard Felcher Hephizibah 4675 .
Springs 770-428-4402
!..:.743~-848~~3-=-....,'_---,,...-_ _....,....:....,,-=-_=_ 250 hrs..exc. condo Royce Brown
Crawler loader mdl. 941, good,nech. Ford.9N tractor, new rubber. brks., seals, JD 430 2cyl. gasoline. new paint, 25 hp., 3- Commerce 706-335-2420
6' pulverizer, new condition; $600. Pat condition, needs paint, very good farm carb rebuild. 3-pt. hitch,. PTO. 5' mower, pt. hitch. 5' bushhog, JD tractor.$3500. Tony Kubota B2150, '97,HST, 4WD. 24 hp. 550
Beatenbough Bowman 706-2459326
machine. $14,500.. M. Taylor Calhoun 706- $3500. Ralph Hartman Loganville '770-466- Strenth Sylvester229-776-0977
hrs., exc. cond~, always sheltered, $9000.
60 mdl. 801 Ford, original manual 629-4281 .
. JD 450B loader, 90% UlC, runs well, looks Steve Tyler. Alpharetta nO-992-8688
w/records. some equip. runs well. $3200. David Bradley - garden tractor Ford NH 5030 w/Ford 7210 loader. dual good. $8500 or trade for 40+ hp. rubber tire , Kubota B6000. 2' cyl. dsl., 3-pt. Woods
Preston Kendrick 264 Arnold Mill Rd. w/attachments, runs, $400. Larry' Moore remotes, canopy, tractor like' new. Dale tractor \V!loader. James Young Gainesville mower. $2450; JD 3-pt. disk plow & 2-row
Woodstock 30188 770-926-6101
Loganville nO-527-5175
-. Rowden Farmington 706-769-8058 706- !....77~0~-9~8~3~-0~0~0~2'--,,-'-_---,._---,. _ _--,,,,,.-'- cultivator, $200/ea. James Buice Carnesville
6000 Lilliston peanut picker parts; $200; DavidBradleygarden tractor. ami' runs, one 769-0980
. JD 450C loader. good running condition, 404-372-3787
Super Long. 393 parts or. fix, $300, KMC for parts w/3 attachments. $40.0. Larry Stewart . Ford harrow. 15' HD cutting harrow. exc. for. $14.500. Stan Hall Oxford 7.70-787-0234
Kubota -B6100E tractor wlbushhog & tiller,
inverter. GC, $500. Willie Lee Statesboro 721 Bill Kight Rd. Broxton 31519 912-359-' cotton stalks, $1400. AI Shanklin Sylvester JD 48-M, 3-pt. hitch. new rubber & paint. $5000. Dan W. Williamson 2911 Bridle Creek
exc. condo Jack Smith Hull 706-354-7905
Dr. Conyers 30094 678-41()-0728
6x12' landscape utility trailer, tandem axle; Deutz 4306, 6' ext. hvy. duty bushhog,. 6' Ford sickle mower for sal~. belt driven, 7' JD 530 5x5 baler w/monitor, good condition. . Kubota B8200. 19 hp. 2WD, 3. cyl., dsl,
elec. brks., tool cage. never used. $1450. M.. harrow, 3-16 bottom plow, cultivator, $5500.
Tague Hoschton 706-654-1475
Frank Gibbs Gordon 478-628-5349'
cut. exc. cond., $600. Jos.h Hall Molena 770884-9144
now using, $5500. W. Collier Jesup 912-427-
tractor w/ROPS, 660 hrs., 21spd. PTO. 3-pl. hitch. VGC, $4900. B. Auxier Athens 706-
7' Hardee rotary mower, good condition. . Equip. trailer, axles 12,000 cap., hyd. disc Fordson Super major. 4 cyl. dsl. tractor. pIs, JD 530 round baler w/monitor. good 546-1505
Kermit Buie Mount Pleasant 912-530-8593 .brks., wet bearings. 8 lug, 16'.5x12' tires. runs well. lift & PTO. exc. cond. $3500. condition, field 'ready, used last season,' Kubota 'L245, 25 hp. nice. very low hrs.
7' JD finishing mower, neeqs 1 blade shaft, $450/ea. Cory Hulett Milan 229-362-4695 William B. Wilson'Athens 706-546-1897 706- $5500. L. T. Johnson Marshallville 478-955- w/6'. belly mower.' $5500. Mack Gilreath
metal good. James A. George Colbert 706- . Farmall 140 tractor, 3-pt..hitch. 4 cyl. gas,' 207-1480
...,.:".~_ _ Summerville 706-734-2927
.eng. w/6' harrow, $3000. good condition, 3:30
7' bushhog mower, HD. mfg. by Ibar corp. pm: Willie lroy Wrens 706-547-6611
3-pt. hitch, VGC, $850, Alton Holeman Farmall 140 w/harrow. turn plow, 'all
Gehl 7' disc mower, new belts, blades. $2500; NH 847 round baler. $2500. David Watts Chickamauga 706-539-2658
JD 5400, 350. hrs., exc. condo w/6' Bushhog brand cutter;-' $17,000.. Russell Conine Douglasville 678-773-8495
Kubota. L2950 wlfront loader and box scrape, 4WD, 1250 hrs., shuttle shift, $ll~OBO. Jim Cleveland Hoschton 706-
Colbert 706-788-2559 706-369-9106
cultivating equipment. Edward Kennedy Generator 25KW, Winco PTO driven. good JD 555 track loader w/backhoe. new under 654-0852
7' heavy duty Howse bushhog. new blades.
dbl. tail wheels, $850; Ford 4000 dsl. tractor
forklift, $4600. J. Jones Whitesburg 770-
834-9760 -
7' sidewinder bushhog. pull type. good
condition. new PTO drive tire, exc. blades,
$650. C. Ridgeway Bethlehem nO-867-
. J'
Collins 912-684-2078
'condition.,$1500. Kevin Blalock Homer 706-
Farmall 140, turn. plow. harrow. rotary 6n-3410
mower, planter & cultivating equipment, exc. Gleaner K combine w/3-row com head, field
cond. '$4500. Daniel M. Newman Brooklet ready. $5000. Ken Register Hahira 229-794-
Farmall 154 Cub La-Boy tractor wlbelly Gleaner K combine, 13' K-2 grain head & 2-
mower & turf tires, restored, $2800. Paul Little row corn head, all in excellent condition.
Blairsville 706-745-8538
$2000. A. Nicholson Rock Spring 423-309-
carriage, many new parts, low time eng:,
$15,500, ,B. Barber Rabun .Gap 706-746-
:::5"-,72:;;8~,..,..,.__-;:-:-.,...,.-.,,.-=.---_ _--,--;,-,-,;
JD 643 corn head. 6 RN, exc-cond.. field
ready, $6000. Roger Gray LaFayette 706~
JD 690B Excavator, good condition;' on
farm last nine yrs., $10.000/0bo. Jerry
Kubota tractor & loader. 1999 M5400. 4WD; ROPS. 200hrs., bam kept, exc. cond.,
5 pcs. of equip.... $25K. K. 'Stanley
Gainesville 770-503-5600
Kubota tractor & loader.M5030 SU, 8/spd.,
shuttle shift. 55 hp. 4WD, '93',1400 hrs, 7/pcs. of equip. $23K. L. Fahn Adairsville 770-
7610 Ford 4x4, turf tires. $11,000; Brown Farmall A cultivation, 1939 mdl., runs great
tree cutter. 6 1/2'. 71/2' offset harrow, $2250, w/disc tumer& cutting harrows. Jack Adams
C. Smith Atlanta 229'343-0097
Blue Ridge 706-632-3528
7810 JD tractor, 4WD, 1474 hrs.; 630 JDFarmali 'Cub belly mower, $350; 1 'disc
harrow. 25'. 230 HD harrow. 23'. Richard Wills rollover plow for Farmall Cub, $75. no call aft.
Dawson 229-995-4755
9 pm. J. Martin' Monroe 770-207-4577
8 hp. Sears leaf shredder, $200; pull type 5' Farmall Cub cultivators. 12 volt, new paint,
Woods bush mower, $100. -E. Perkins 149 good.tires, runs well. E. Bailey Ball Ground
Brown Springs Rd. Milner 30257 770-228- 770-735-3733
Farmall Cub tractors w/some attachments &
8' hyd. box blade; 20.5x8xl0 tires. used tractor parts. Bobby Holtzclaw Canton no-
less than 100 hrs., $1500. Bernie Shiver 479-4221
Good trailer. dbl. axle, used. Ditch Witch
goes with it, $400 for bah Denmon Dukes 32
Carlyle Ct. Hiram 30141770-947-3565
Great Plains 10' no-till drill, 300 acres,
$12,500; 175-C Int'l loader, '74 mdl" DT-466
eng., exc. machine, 2800 hrs., $19,500. Jeff
Cantrell Bowdon 770-258-7194
. Grouser tracks fit Bobcat, NH skid steers
w/l0x16.5 tires, $2000. Chuck Hardy Hull
Harrows, scrapes. other misc. 'equipment,
Strickland Jesup 912-270-6285
JD 70 gas standard, pIs, live PTO,' no 3-pt..
nice tractor, $5000 firm. call before 9 pm.
David Sims Roberta 912-836-4343
JD A late .styled,' hYd. lift..power control.
original' tractor, $2500. Charles 'Clay19n
Sharpsburg 770-463-3250
JD A, l-owner, always sheltered, unused
tires. used this summer, handbook & JD I&T
shop manual. $2500. J. Hatcher Haddock
. IT-40 woodmizer, 1000 hrs., Grizzly planer,
12" planer. blade sharpener & setter. Victor
Powell Jesup 912-427-3329
Lilliston 1500 peanut combine w/straw
spreader, good condition, $700. John Thigpen
Rockllidge- 478-272-5297
Logsplitter, 25-ton. hyd.l exc. cond. 8 hp.-
Tecumseh, use,d, very little, trailer hitch; sheltered, $700. R. Corley Brooks nO-460-
Long 350 dsl. tractor. 716 mdl., needs
Camilla 229-344-6413 848 McNair PTO pecan harvester. Ronald
Farmall Cub. 1948, 12. volt, rear .wheel Case tractor w/3 pt. hitch.. Melissa A. Elrod
we'ights, runs well, $1200. Sam King.Cummlng 770-889-4660'
mower for parts, Kuhn F-67 tedder hay rake. etc. Frank Pendley Jasper 770-893-2602.
motorwork. $1800. Joseph James Warwick
Parten Ashburn 229-567-3053 850 Case 1981, 1900 hrs. good condition,
$27.500. Gene Darracott 2320 Donnie Lee Dr.
Fayetteville nO-716-1809 770-527-5740 . Hay balers, NH 270. $1500 & NH 273, J=armall M tractor. very good mech. cond:, '$2500, best offer. good condition." frank
eng. rebuilt w/Super M kit, good rear tires, Marler Cartersville 770-382-2907
JD mdl. 165 backhoe, 3-pt. hitch, $2200; JD
2-row planter, 25-B. $300. S. Hodges' Bartow
Long 360 farm tractor. 1 .roll-over blade, 6' wide, 16'. bushhog, 5' finish mower. call aft,6 pm. Jo Jones Cleveland 706-865-6260 '
Gainesville 30506 678-549-7466 .
$2000. John Daughtrey laGrange 706-884- Hesston 5500 round baler,good condition & JD rake, Fella 17' f1uffer, NH 273 baler. exc. Long 610 dsl. tractor, 61 hp. 4- cyl.. live
851 NH round bale, good condition, field ready, $3800. Bennie Green Evans 706-863-
Farmall Super A front blade auger. on reaf,
hay rake. $2000, 'Jerry Maxwell Manchester 706-655-3325
cond. $7000. will sell separate. Scott Brown Bowersville 706-376-n34
clutch & PTO.p/s. good tires, '$7500. Robert Street Augusta 706-863-8872
runs well. need clutch. $1750.. .Randy Duran Hesston square baler. mdl. 4550; VGC. JD rollbar & canopy for 4020, never used, M&M pasture. planter. 9" spacing, heavy,
, 8N Ford, in good condition, has bushhog, Cumming 770-889-3124 .,
$4500; MF 124 rnd. baler, needs repair, $1250. Jeff Peters Social Circle 770-267- $950. George Hunnicutt 2893 Sleepy Hollow
box blade, tuming plOW, layoff plow, boom Farmall Super A, 90% . tires. front $1200. Mark Garner Carrollton 770-834- :::3::::58~9~.---,-"-_-===-=-=-..".,-==-,-,-_.,-,,...- Rd: Fort Valley 31030 478-967-2309
pole, $3200~ Charles Kent. Ball Ground 770- cultivators. bottom plow, solid original tractor, 8287'
JD turf tires. 27/8,5/15, $150/0bo; trailer. MF '86, mdl. 270 dsl., pIs. 55 hp., indo PTO,
sheltered, fair paint, $2800. Don.Batten Heston sq. baler, GC, Heston mower, good pulverizer, root rake. 6' bushhog, priced 1700 hrs,. EC, $12.500; Morra 8' 6 disc:
8N Ford. new clutch, paint. 90% tires, runs Gainesville nO-532-6827
cond, upright hay loader. 3 hay trailers. Carl separate:T. Phillips Bogart.706-714-7282 mower. $2500. BillyMoody Dallas 770-445-
well, $3000. Chris Ray Rocky Face 706-673- Ferguson TE 20 tractor wlbushhog, 12 volt, McEntire Aragon 770-684-7410
. JD-l010 RU tractor, unused tires, clutch. 9923
runs, good tires. $2150. Mike'Hoehn Canton Hit & miss engines for sale. Novo 3 hp,. steering and more, runs great. looks good, MF 165 dsl., p/~. 52 hp" new brks,. 6'
9600 Ford tractor, $5500. Mark Adams nO-205-8298
vert. eng. & 1.5 hp. JD eng. aft. 6 pm. Larry $5,000. Gene Bennett Midland 706-568- mower. GC. 3 bottom plow, $6750. L. Garrett
Lumber City 912-363-4020
Ferguson T020. cylinder head .cracked, 3 Sturdevant Cumming 770-887-7931
Ellenwood nO-921-1636
9N'Ford, 12 volt; good sheet metal, lift & unused tires, 12 volt, $1500/0bo. Bobby _ Hitachi trackhoe, funning condition, wide John Deere 3.10 B backhoe, new hoses, MF 165, runs well, $6000 firm, no call aft. 9
PTO, $1900/0bo. Lee Chafin. Hartwell 706-. Fountain Cochran' 478-934-6837 .
tracks, $8000; g'rain dump truck, Cummings good condition. $12,500. Davy Stephenson pm. Vicki Chatman, AdaIrsville 770-773-
Fire break harrow. $90P; 2 axle trailer. eng., used on farm. $2500. Larry L.y.nn Conyers 404-456-3183
9N tractor, looks good. runs w!JlI. 12 volt, 3 $600, also other. Frank Miller' _Hazlehurst Fairburn nO-964-2246
KBH cotton boll. buggy. 1993, excellent MF 175 dsl" $4000; MF 165 dsl., $4000;
unused tires. all movi!}!! parts, works well. R. 912-375-5219.
Horse drawn plows, good condition. Pat condition, sheltered. all sprockets, bearings JD 2010 dsl.!Ioader, 1000 PTO, $4500/0BO.
Chasteen' Commerce 706-335-2078' .... - For sale 3 grain dump trucks; $900. $1100, Steele Rock Spring 706,375-2076 .
replaced recently: Allen Whitehead Ashburn Chris Jackson Jackson'770-nS'0454
-A,C D-15 tractor. 3-pt hitch, good sheet $1800. call aft. 5 pm. Ronnie Brooks Molena . Hustler.3400, z-turn mower .130 hrs. exc. 229-567-4542229-567-7542
MF 230, 964 hrs. new Int'l 5' bushhog, new
metal. needs work on lift & pIs, $2000 firm: '770-884-90n 770-584-0665
cond., 28 hp. Kubota dsl,. catcher, turf tires. KMC 2-row peanut inverter, in good shape. Baltic 7 shank alp plow, $9650. Jerry Gabbert
Kevin Kneeland Douglas 912-384-6696
For sale Ford tracto(601, runs well, $2500; seat. $13,995. K. Fahn Calhoun 770'778- $700.l:eon McLendon 833 Mayhaw Rd . Marietta 404-657-5663 770-424-~970
. ACtractor. D-14 gas. '180 & 190 w/duals. Woods beilymower, $500. also other. H. G. 4221
Colquitt 31737 912-758-3740'
, MF 245 w/hyd.& all implements, excellent
'both dsl., also some AC parts. E. Davidson. Chambers Winterville 706-742-8120
Hyster 20,000 lb. forklift. rough terrain, mdl. KMC 4-row narrow body peanut combine, 3 rubber. $8,000/0bo, also Lowboy. Don W. .
Fort Valley 478-825-2355
For sale, Int'l 826, running, good for parts. H2000, dsl., $6000. B. Hosch Buford no- 2-row Hustler peanut combines. Ted Cowan Clark Rentz 478-984-1323
. AC-CA, tractor, 3-pt. Ford 9N. AC-B mdl., Johnny S. Lokey Dearing 706-595-5308
Fitzgerald 229-423-9166
MF 253 dsl., 53 hp., canopy, dual remotes,
AC-WC mdl.. some equip. Harley Kimmons Ford 1743 dsl., 4WD, 3 pt. hitch IH 1480 combine. rebuilt, 863 6-row Krone' 5 disc hay mower, used very little. 360' hrs, w/new 6' Rhino bushhog. $13.500.
Cumming nO-887-0431 Adam's 6 or 8-row nitrogen applicator, also
other. David Black Baxley 912-367-2573
Aerators pull behind, heavy duty, water for weight. plug type wlwheels, $395 & spike.
$225 pull behind. Ted Myeres Dacula no-
w/cultivator. back blade & disk harrow, VGC. $4500. 'Jim Valiante Hawkinsville 478'8928434
. Ford 2000 tractor, good condition, pIs. gas motor, $5000. Randy Pruitt Cumming 770-
comhead. 820-20' grain' head. 820-20 for sheltered, in exc. cond., $3000. David Roberts parts; trailers. ready to pick. Phillip Beamer Carnesville 706-384-4617 -
r , Calhoun 706-629-2530
Mark-'-e't Bullet.-n Ad Form I IHB275 dsl.. approx. 35hp., looks rough, '. _ ..
Jermaine Barlow 706-302-7658
LaGrange 706-883-6870 ' . .
I ' runs well, lift good. $2500 cash only. G. Moore
Waycross 912-283-6132
I 995-9950
. Ford3000dsl,w/5'bushhog,$5300.Wayne IH.Cub 154, '4' scrape blade, 60' deck . You may use-this fonn to submit your ad. There is a 20-word limit ,for.
Agco 8' tedder, $650; MF 12 sq. baler. Miller lavonia 706-356-3384,
$3,500; IH Cub 1405 wlbelly mower.$1400. advertisements unless ptherwise noted under category headings. The 202word limit
I $1300; NH 467 haybine. $600, MF 25 hay Ford 3000, runs well, look good. Alan can email pictures. Randy Jones Resaca .in~ludes name, city and phone number or name and complete address, The Market
rake, $800. Steven Griffitt Trion 706-734c . Shearouse Woodbury 706-553-5109
Bulletin reserves the right to edit notices exceeding the 20-word limit. Only one (1)
I 2388706-638-0194' Big 12 cotton module. builder, good cond.,
Ford 3910, 45 hp., bushhog, 6' . box
. - IH CiJb wlbelly mower, $2295; 4' .rotary
mower. 3-pt. $325,cashoin M y. . W'IIson
. noUce
all d owe
. Issue.
Ad rti' . ve sers are
ed encourag
' reVIew
th d rt" eave ISIDg
I unused tires & seat, del. available. $8.000. $12,000. Matthew Ohrt Byron 478-956-2445 Millwood 912-283-9266'
guidelines on page two and under individual category headings before'submitting
Lee Webster Waynesboro 706-554-1888
Ford 4 or 5 bottom plow, $450; NH manure Int'l 1086 tractor. 110 hp., needs notices for publication. ' . .
Bushhog 5', mdl. 502 Bushhog brand. runs sp'reader, .$800. Robert Sanders Stephens transmij>sion repair. $7500; NH 57 rake for
well, cuts good; needs painting, $375. T. 706-759-3836
' parts. $250. also other. Carl McKnight Senoia
Presswood Jasper 706-337-8446
Ford 40 hp. dsl tractor, live shaft. 2 stage nO-599-0442
Please place the following ad under the. i~dicated category:
Bushhog.6' mower, fair condition, $275; trans.. runs very well. $3500. Bruce Int'l 3388, 160 hp. dsl., p/s.4WD. rear
garden harrow, single section. $155. S. Gore Thompson Vidalia 912-537-9890
du<!ls, GC, $12.900/0bo. L. Genet NQrcross
Macon 478-743-3915
Ford 5000. runs well, good rubber, seat, .:..n.:..,o-=-:;::9=:2""1--71=.5",98=-;-:-::-.",.."..---::~--.-...-:;--.-:;.,,.-;,-,-
Bushhog, $350; Troy-Bilt Horse, used very rollbar' & canopy, $4900. Doug Anderson Int'l Cub Cadet, mdl. 582.44" deck. 16 hp,
little, $950; scrape blade. $250. dirt. scoop. Armuchee 706-235-6572
Briggs, 146 hrs., exc. cond., shelteted, $1100.
$225. J. Connally Powder Springs 770-~2~ Ford 5610 w/duals & boom mower, A. Martin Cumming 770-889-0039
$12,500; 8 yard dirt pan, $5000 & 15 yd. dirt JD '84 dsl.. mdl. 950. 1100 hrs. total time.
Cage trailers, 2-6'x16' & 1-6'x18','dual axle pan, $5000. Gene Hurst Thomasville 229- exc. cond., $6650. C. Robinson Austell 678-
w/l0K jacks, fits 2' ball. all need f1ooring'& 226-1566
new wiring, $500/ea. Patrick Moore Ellerslie Ford 5610 w/duals & boom mower, JD 1070. 4x4" 101 hrs. loader. canopy. exc.
$12,850; bushhog .10' mower, mdl. 32100, cond., several pcs. of equip., $19,000. RUdy
Case '92 360 backhoe &. trencher. 1100 used one season. $4500. Tommy 'Hurst Hicks Eatonton 706-485-0691706-485-8506
hrs.; $5500. Dale Brown Buford 678-725- Coolidge 229-941-2083
JD 140 UG, 14 hp. Kohler,hyd. lift. hyd. 48"
Ford 5610. 65 hp., pIs, live shaft, hvy. duty deck,tiller. front hyd., $650. also other. Hiram
Case '95 580 L backhoe,'2WD, 1859 hrs..6' mower, unusedtires, $11,500. D. Chalk Blackmon Griffin 770,228-1602 .
24' bucket, fair tires. exc. cond., $20.800, 'Atlanta nO-898-0026
JD 1995 550-G, dealer maintained, very
Doug Locke Winston 678-232-0934
Ford 6610 tractor. 76 hp.,2200 hrs., great clean, $27.500/0bo. call aft. 8 pm. Mike
Case 395 w!loader, 46 hp. 168 hrs. dsl.. condition'w/good tires. canopy & remote hyd. 'Cartwright Pearson 912-422-7493
p/s.extras. exc. cond. $12,000. L. Reece $10.700. Tex Arasmith Plainville 706-295- JD 2040 tractor w/JD 148 loader & 6'
Talking Rock 706-276-3378
5211' , .
mower, also other. W. Blalock Armuchee.
I . Please provide your telephone number for office reference. The phone number will
Case 850 track loader, $7500; pull type Ford 6610. 1990. cab/coJd air. 2900 hrs:.7.:.",0;6-~2:;3;2-.,;;9",9",2,,:9=:-7:""""-:-:-.,,-',=-=C"-""""""""-';- not be published. unless it is included in the above ~dvertisemenl. equip. trailers, 9 to 15 tons, Leland Milton $13,000. W. L. Carey Royston 706-245-9708 JD 210 garden tractor & '67 112 .restored.
Watkinsville 706-310-0395
Ford 6610. 22' boom out or up. hyd. Glen Willis' Tifton 229-382-4116
Case Int'11394. cab/air, 68 hp., 3090 hrs., bushhog. 3PH remotes. $11,950; '92 Case JD216. 2 decks. $2000; Husquavana 14
.. Phone _ _~~--,-
--,-_ _-~
good condition, JD 15' bushhog, $15,000,
Carlos Bagwell Alpharetta n0-475-5251 nO-827-7366
Case Int'l 1822 .cotton picker, VGC. 2670 hrs. $8,000; JD 9940 4-row .picker. 'GC,
695, 3PH' remotes. $6950.: J. Cowan
Augusta 706-855-3835 Ford 703 loader. restored. ready for work,
extras. pcs. avail., $1500. Ronald L. Kaes 165 Bobby Road Danielsville 30633 706-795-
I hp. mower, $1000, PTO manure spreader,
needs work. $250. Mike Gilbert. Cumming
I ..
Please include your name 'and complete address on all corresponde,nce.sent to the
I -4=-0=J4-iD:-=3"-'-7-2"9"7-=9=54;';00='c=0-a-Ob'/a""'i-rlo-a-d:--e-r,...,2~6"'5""0,...,.h-rs-.,-gO-0-,d
cond., $19.700. Lee Anderson Grovetown
Bulletin office;
I. I $10.000. 'both for $15,000. Dale Ttfompson 3570
The following statement must be signed by the advertiser submitting this notice for'
Sylvania 912-829-3924' .
Ford 7700 cab/heat, AC; Tn F loader . JD 3010, tri-front-end. bushhog, 6' box publication:
Case skidder, needs 1 cyl., $1600; ,also w/quick attach bucket & sprear, 3700 hrs.,
F600 dump. '68 mdl., rebuilt eng., $2800. Jeff $15,500. T. White Lula 706-6n.3482
Phillips Newnan 678-378-0569
Ford 7740. 1400 hrs, spray cab, $20,000.
Chipper shredder, 5 1/2 hp., Home Depot 15 ton Lowboy,' single, axle, 32', $4,500.
mdl., used very little, $350. Billy O'Neal 'Dennis James Fort Valley 478-825-5515'
LaCGdrhaipnpgeerk'7,s0h6re-8d8de4r-8C737r~3ftslmabn $410 hp exc.
Ford -801' Powermaster, rebuilt engine, clutCh$'3u7nOuOseDd rearwtires, gOBad metVial &taP2a2in9t,
can . ta es up to
1m , 50. Bruce gas.
. usty arren uena s . -
Stewart Acworth 770-975-3130
Craftsman 5 hp., 3 cutting stage. mulching & Ford 801 dsl., zero hrs. since engine
blade, 4 btm, plow, hay spear & fork, all $5500
I'. I firm. David JD 317
Taylorsville 770-684-1274 cutting deck & 36" tiller
I I attachment. 'uses oil,
bushhog. $500. 'J. L.
$D5u0n0c;a5n 'sDealfcpurl9apenlloed-
I 962-4990
I JD 350 loader parts for sale, trans. parts. .
Ihereby certify that the above notice meets all the necessary requireme,!ts for publication in 'the Farmers and Consumers Market Bulletin,
Advertiser's Signature
final drive parts cyl.. undercarriage parts. Ron
I - '1 Springer Dawsonville.770-887-0168
,This form' will appear periodically in the Market l3ulIetin as space perIl)its.
. J JD 4:10 U, 2 cyl. utility, good metal. unused L:A,dvertiSers may. p.hotoco~y the fonn for future use.
cboangdg.i,ng$3c0h0i.pJp.eMr osrhereedTdeurc.kuesre7d70t-w9i3c4e-.78e3x1c, . o2v5e.1rh-7a7u6l.4.$' 4600. Don .Merkl Newn- a!l no- tCirheas,pmnoan3-pRt.ivheirtcdha,leneneOd-s99p7a.i-n0t6, 2$83700. Bob
,. -
"Page 4
Wedn'esday September 18, 2002
,MF 265, good condition, $6,500;' 30 ft, 'Trailer, 3 axle, 20' metal frame, wood floor,
lagoon' agitator, $3,500, Dale Brubaker $1800/0bo; tiller,B&S, '95 rear tines, grt,
Comer 706-783-5089 '
cond., $300. B. Sullards Monroe 7.10-207-
' App'rox, 1000' woriny 'chestnut lumber, Horse barns, board or'barbed wire,fences
various:!engthslwidths" Terry York Rabun & fa,rm, builClings ,for sale, 'Bates Kelley
Gap 706-746-5519
Hartwell 706-376-6322 , -
MF 2?5 spin-out wheels, 'good sheet metal, 6459
, Approx. 150'x5' chainlink fence hWd" $150, Hundreds of sheets" various 'lengths, 3'
remotes,' canopy" ROP, $7500. Danny Trailer, heavy duty, 5xl0 steel side & floor, Ifyou flave questions regarding ads in this cat- 2 oil pumps; 55g'!L drum, $20 ea., qt. jars $3,' wide, metal roofing: Shayne 'Abney Cochran
Meadow Jackson 7.10-7.15-5660"
:$750. Glenn Slaton' 225 MayfieldRd, egory, call Mercedes Lassiter at 404-651-9082, Jerry Kelly Hiawassee 706-896-37.18
-,4.:..,78;:--..::9.::;34..:..--;:0..:..1=:;35=--,,',...-:-'--_ _--:-'--.,..,--,--'-;-.,-,-
MF 35 industrial tractor w/loader, 2-row Alpharetta 30004 7.10-475-7.149, potatoe digger, JD 5 bottom, plow. Roy' Tree planter, 1-row, 3-pt. hitch, very good
.," ,
Atlas 4' jointer 1/2 hp motor on metal stand, Incubator self tumer, ,wood cabinet, holds
(1) 20" metal bil-ndsaw, $150, (1) 30 ton $225. E, Dascenzo ,Hartwell 706-376-2030 180, chicken, yard eggs. hatcher in bottom,
Standard 1153 Salem Church Road Jasper condition: $1000.- Harry Hodges 'Hinesville press, $300, (1) 2-ton hoist, $250 etc. Frank Band sawn lumber" pine, redlwhile oak, $400. Shane Walls Dacula 7.10-822-0452
30143 706-692-5719,
' 912-876-2253"
'Gamett Shiloh 706-628-4271
green or ilir: drilld, other.' John Sell ,Milner Irrigation pipe 2350'-5" 750'-4', 'many
MF 65 dsL w/new battery, rollbar,5' Troy 'Bilt tiller/Horse mdL '1981, electric . (1) like new F250 heavy duty 8 lug wheel, 7.10-228-1338
, fittings, like new seals, axc.,condition, $.90Ift,
bushhog, runs well, $3500/0bo. Tom Lanford start, $300. Thomas C'-Baker Conyers 7.10- $40. David Miller Monroe 7.10-266-6045 "
Barn building telephone poles,' :use for and$.75/ft. Terry ,Chandler Danlels)fllle 706-
Oakman 706-334-7273
(15) '36 inch fal)s; $75 each; excellent fence post or bam poles, J. Rawdin ,Helen 795-3182
MF. 65, 4 cyL dsl., 'runs well, bushhog;" Troy-Bilt 10 hp, chipperlshredder, excellent condition. Lamar Fendley Ellijay 706-276- 706-754-0866 -
Jaderloon, 28'x96' greenhouse; 1 heater, 2
scrape blade, ,boom pole, harrow, $4500. condition, used very l.ittle; $750. Wade H, 3484
Berkel meat slicer, comm. adjustable from exhaust ,fans" 3 interior circ. fans, and more;
Jesse Hamilton Ray City 229-455-2018 ' , Buchanah Austell 7.10-941-0747"
(2) ?l-ton feed bins, (4) 36" fans, (1) 8 hole 0-30, table, model;' good cond., clean, $450 $6,500. Glen E. Moorehead Elberton 706-
MF mdL 1100 tractor, rebuilt pump in Troy-Bilt 4 hp.junior tiller" ideal for smalll hog feeder,10 cattle feed troughs and 1-egg ,obo. Bill Greene Ball Ground 770-479-1393, 213-0455
tractor, new 'rubber, 95 'hp., good condition, garden, exc. corid:,' $325. T. 'R. Henderson room cooler. Elmer Stewart Galnesvllle'678- Boll savers for 9965 JD cotton piCker, $250. Leer camper top for'shortbed pick-Up truck;
$5000, strong trac1or. Johnny Bums 'Tignall Altanta 404-255-3192
' 910-0916
' , T o m Windhausen Meigs 229-294:9603
1995~2002" $400 abo. John A." Carpenter
Troy-Bilt tiller,S hp. pony, bought new, used .(2) 9x7 wood garage doors with glass panel Breeder hen house, 500'x40' nest generator Athens 706-548-3911..,
, MH pony,trac1or, good condo & sheet metal, little, exc. cond., $550. P. 'Butler I:llram no: and all hard.ware, $90 each or both, $160, J. etc. Harold Gaulding Jr. ,Colbert 706-788- Live bird quick release traps (9), 12/24
needs motor wo'rk, $750; Jack R. Edwards 443-9085 . . ' ,
, Reece Powder Springs 770-439-6303 . .. 2335
,. volts, control board, $750, delive~ed. Doug
514 Ball Ground Rd. Ball, Ground '30107. Troy-Bilt tiller, 7 hp., works great, $500. , (2) squirrel cage fans, 1 heavy duty top link Cage for hauling hogs, goats, and calves, Mercer ,Elberton 706-283-6327
Darrell Dowman KIngston 770-386-2523 lor 3 pt. 'hilch, 2 layoff leet for tiller, Perry $175, Johnny Phillips Moreland 7'70-254- LUbing!impex stainless steel poultry nipple
, Manure spreader;JD 80 bushel, completely Turning plow & disc sertor FarmaliCub or 'Stephens Monroe 7.10-267,'5055'
drinkers,will equip three,500 ft. houses, good
reconditioned, $1250, Ive, message. Ron similar trac1or; not for 3-pt. hitch. Bill Myers (30) 36" coolair poultry hO,use fans, (10) 48', Calf hutches for sale.' Albert J. Spillers condition, take all, $800.. Chan Cabe
McDowell Cumming 7.10-889-8510 ' . . Lilburn 770-923-0261
" Stanley poultry house fans, good cond[tion" Musella478-836-4281
,Carnesville 706-384-7119
Manure spreader, PTO drive, exc,' cond., Unused 16' dual axle trailer, unused tires, negotiable... Dillard AbernathY Adairsville Cane mill, cross-cu1 saw, other for sale. J. Lumber from 100 yrs. old house, nice
$975; James Laster Kathleen 912-987-3703 adjustable ramps: no'brakes, $750. James H.nO,773,7189
Collins Norman Park 229-769-3077
flooring, must take all,' $500, Tim Shaw,
McCormick Deering combine w/continental Smith Newnan 770-251-4753404-326-3423 10 hirehand furnace, 9-48' and 20-36' Ch' k
5' 9' 'th . 'd"d I =B";y;-;ro::..:n-'-;-'-47:...;8::;.-.::.9=:;56=,-,"-1=22=-0=-,-,-;-::;;;:-:--':-_,.,-......,~::-
engm. e, made 'In 1.948, good cond'Itl.on. R0bert "",tl'l1 ty "tr1 al er, ,5xl0, ,unused, $600. 'S. coolal'r fans, '150 sheets', 20''_x8' tl'n, Jl'm Pethel compIaCrtmenentpse, ni,dealxfor WbaI ntamSIXs oInr rIaVbI buitsa, Lumber, va$rious widths,' lengths, $.35-
Wynne Chester 478-358-9484 ,
Harrison Douglasville 7.10-942-9535
Talmo 706-693-2315, ,
wire floor. William' Lewis Winder, 7.10-586- $2:50lbd, ft., 2.50 is furniture:grade, other.
Motor for 660 Hi-Boy sprayer w/final drive & Utility trailer, 6'x12', 3500 lb. axle, wood ' 10,000 gal. steel water storage, tank for 0527.
" Rich Odom, McDonough 678-300-4939 '
other parts, $1200,' other equip. also, call aft., floor, 4' gate, exc. cond., $650. Mike Bobo sale;' other, Russell Banks Dallas 7.10-445- , Clean 15, 30, 55 gal. plastic drums; also, 55 Mantel, tum of the century wood mantel
8 pm: James McDowell, Perry 478-987-2741 McDonough 7.10-914-0876
gal. metal top drums with liners, $5 each. W.E with mirror,60" wide, 79'tall, $750: Frances
Moving box blade, $145; Mill.Creek manure Vermeer 605Bhay baler, new belts, 12,000 gal. aluminum 'liquid nitrogen'tank; White Smyrna 7.10-436-3548
Kerr Hillsboro 478-986-1195 678-772:8478,
spreader, $575; Maxa 5000 'generator 'w/portable cart. Jim. D'ryden Kathleen 478988-4204
gearbox, $1500 or trllde for hammermill, call' $3000. Hudon Thames Fayetteville 770'461-
aft. 8 pm. William Baldwin Calhoun 706-625- 2515 7.10-461-4643 '
14 shenandoah' brooders (like ',new),
Da'IasCohI,leoa2nn7e5g55ag7gial0Il6' -tma2ne6kt5a-,rI.2nd5ru5cma9gs' ew. /I0'1dasV"Id$8
Ceach; ' rane,
One 12' Sorghum pan; used 2 yrs. only and, 1 Sorghum mjll with necessary equip, Howard Pollard Summervllle,706-857-5941 '
'NH 316 square baler,-excellent condition, Weiss McNair drum sweeper, lift tower & Choretime feeders, Ziggity waterlines. Comp,lete dairy equipment, tank" One sellable model platform scales, old but
$3500/0bo. David Nelson Ellaville 229937- hyd., hoses, extra .belting & wire, $650/cibo. Richard A. Lind AdairSVille 770-7.13-3811 compressors, vacuum pump, everything for 'accurate, Raymond Chandler Elberton 706-
Paul Milling Sylvester 229-776-2817
15, 30, 55 gal. barrels, food grave, metal, dairy. Robert Jenkins Millen 888-796-9829 2=:;8=;3~-:'i;50E3Tl'==:-:-777"""""O:-:::-::-:==---';=;-;--C,"
NH hay baler, $750; Lelyrake-f1uffer comb, Weiss Vortex harvester, $1600; Weiss side plastic'stainless. Bo Phillips Buford 770-945- Compost tumbler, like new, used twice, 18, Pallet racks; (117) 4' beams, (206) 6'
$)000; Case IH 5 disc mower, $2000, all good, sweeper, $4000; pecan dump wagon; $3500; 2491
bu" 1998 model;like new, $364, asking, $250. beams, 54, many extras, wood, bolts etc. Joel
cond.Morris 'Jennings Cumming 770-887- OMC shockwave tree shaker, $12,000. Phillip 15, 30; 55, ,& 60 gallon drums, ,steel & Glen Bragg Rincon 912-826.5407.'
E, Friedman Newnan 7.10:253-3784'
Menett Albany 229-883-3742 . .
plastic, $4.50 each, plus screw on top plastic Concrete wall form plywood,S ply, 1/2' Pea sheller made by Taylor MFG, Co., will
NH ' round,' baler; $850, 6x6, mower cRoonbdeirttioSnteurr,tz'1C3'a, lhhooumn, e7m06a-d6e29s-5te6e1.19 trailer...
. Wheel horse C-125, 8 spd., 12 hp. Kohler, dL&ecGk,'tr$a1c210o0r .wD/oponw' BearerbdertillMera, r&Ie"t4t2a"77m0o9-w7i.n1g-
& stainless steel. Ellen Chambers, FayetteVille 7.10-774-9762
16x8 duel axel, GI-hitch, ramps, $500,
J32o'/x4e4"x'W2',ax$l4k"2,e4r$03F.2a0eyeaet.a,te.,V13il/1l2e4""xx724'7',x0x48-,4' '6$1'6-$.7441084' 2e0 ae:ea.t,c.-5-,-7~e06P;l<,l-,,i:n:f6.o:e:.r65,:':$,f-,l;2o,3:,0o:1=r0i,n2. g0P;:,af-o,u,-rl-a.-s-'Ma--l-.e;-,:L,-a7,.c,0,k-_ eyyrs_. T-oa,-ll.db-,-o-:t,l-tx-o-4,n-
Nissan forklift, 3000, lb. 'capacity, work 8852'
8xl0; like, new condition .. Tom Merritt Monroe Custom cut T&G,pine f1Qoring, ,cypress tongue & groove, $1.50-$2 sq. ft. Traci Todd
ready, $3000,' also other. Kirby Dangler Wheelhorse. trac1or, B&S motor, original 770-385-8563
. ", '
,siding, beams .for sale. Steve Hortman Gibson 706-598'3851
Rossville 706-861'-5441'
parts'c,artiaIlY restored, axc. cond.; $800/0bo... '2-12 hole' galvanized nest boxes. repainted WrightsVille 478-864-2438 '
' Pin~;, 1x12 10' and 12' lengths, some 1xl 0,
No-till machine, Tye pasture pleaser, 80', 8', Mark eymour' Newnan 770-252-2838 , white, good condition,- $20 each. Kristina"Daytona poultry fans, enclosed 1/2hp., 36 lx8 and lx6; majority is lx12 roughcut. Ted
exc. cond., used very little; 3-pt. hitch, call aft.
' B e t s i l l ' Jasper 706-692-8989 706-692-4154 inch, like ne~,$100 each. Cindy Martino Ball Bell Villa Rica 770-459-6624
'7 pm. Ray Brown Hartwell. 706-376-3431 ,
Farm Machinery Wanted?-14 tonleed bins, $700 each, 600 pcs., l'Ground 770-844-9940
Platform scales, 100lb" Fairbanks-Morse,
Peanut combines, 2 Roanoke Hustler 2000, Want '70 + year mdl. TD-15C Int'l craWler, blueboard, 300 pcs. 3'x20' tin. Bobby Bagley Deer tree house; 4'x4"on skids & stilts, 100 lb. 'beam, old, oppt. to refurbish, $75. Jim
black baskets, always sheltered, field ready, rollers, chain, sprocket or parts: C. Purser, Cumming 678-947-4462' ' .
' completely e'1closed for shooting windows, Thaxton Watkinsville 706-769-1315
$1200/ea.' or make'offer. Ted Milliron Rockmart 770-684-6288
20 pes. galvanized tin interlocking, 16" wide $500. Clarence Brown Centerville 478-953- _Plywood all- different sizes, .$2-$5/sheet,:
Shellman 229-679-5801
, ,Want..16" bottom plow, 2,or 3 blades, also and 8' long, $75, also sq..steel tubing and 1356
4x4 8'-16', $3-$5 each, no, checks, leave
Peanut dryer, Hall, Carter, 220 volt,' $450. front rims, for MF 65: John Edmonson angle ,iron, $10/$15, Rosie Higgiris Egg conveyer feeder, 2 feed bins, eggroom message if not home. Cynthia Grizzle Eden
William L. Kirkland Brinson 229-246-6629 . ColumbUS 706:321-3527'
lawrenceville 770-963-5746
cooler,bell drinkers, curtain machine. Betty 912-748-5491
Pecan harvester, Romemaker 9000, compo Want 1951 JD mdl. M for parts only, wl10le 250 gallon portable water tanks, $75 each. BrannonLLila 770-869-3475
Poplar'lumber for sale,dried, planed"non-
rebuilt, $7500; Flory sweeper, 10" self- or part. Ben West Ellijay 706-276-7838
:B. Davenport Athens 706-540-1840,
Farm gates, three 8', three 10', approx, 50 pliu~ed, or fr~sh cut,. ~uitable for furniture,
propelled, $2000. Robert Ray' Fort Valley Want 3 pt.hitch rotary tiller, 40. to '50 inch, 3:pt. post hole diggers w/6 & 12" augers, steel posts, $200. B. qallaway Cumming cabmets, f1oonng, or sldmg, 'J;J. Andrews Ola '
478-825-7202478-825-8739' . '
width',lve. message. David Brown ,Franklin $400: Kyle Montague 670 Arnold Mill Rd. 770-887-4443
., ' , 678-300-5569"
.Pecan harvester, self.propelled Flory 6100" ,678-378-8697,706-675-2644
Woodstock 30188770-516-5203'
, ' Farm or estate gates for sale, made from ,Post ,hole digge~ for sale, $15. David
used 1 season since complete overhaul, Want 40 JD trac10r win arrow front-end'for 30 & 55 gal, plastiC drums, 2 bungholes, 55 western cedar any size. Russell Cochran Simonds Dahlonega 706-265-3560
$12,000. Don Collins Willlamson,nO~567- parts, any condition considered. Caiter Hall gal. with lids, o~ 2 bunghol~s 55 gal. stainless Alpharetta 770-475-6473
' . , ..~res.sure w~sher; l!,0P PSI; ~ns.well, ~150
.. ,
'1087 Pleasant Valley Rd. Adairsville 30103, steel drums. Jimmy Cannon Canton 770-, . Flower flats, 4 inch, 1 piece, 18 'per-flat, 000. G.Bland: Columbus 706-6600109 P.
Pecan shaker, C-clamp, good condition, 'W 6' d' h
d $4
$0 20 'each n'ever used Brantley Wise Propane tank; 1000 gallon,- underground,
ready to go, $4000; pecan sizer, hardly used,' ant ISC arrow, hvy. ,uty; 50; 2 36' Dayton exhaust fan, 8225 CFM, one Ma'rletta 770'-993-2100' .
$1100. Charlie,Martin Dacula770-263-7282
$3500. John Robison 'Alley 912-583-4532
bneoettdosm wpolorkw, , $$330Q0O. ;CKhaurblioetaDalovaidse' rJabcukcskoent,' year old ,grainger item 5C196, $340 firm. Craig Four yr. old Shenandoah nests automatic -7'-'7-:"0'-9:":4:':5'f--:0::':7-:4"::8"::-'::"'7.:,-:"c:-~= ;::--:-:-;-=-=o::::
Pecan spraYl[lr, JB, 757, truck mounted, 770-775-5007
Brogan ,,:,ampton 770-707-2951
" gatherin9 system enough nests to complete QuartcanOing Jars, $31doz, Inez Bramlett
wheels available for tractor pull. Richard L Want AC 1;>'17 or .0-19, ,repair oJ parts., 500bncks over 100 yrs. old, decorative one 450 house Wiley Sullin Cassville 770~ Woodstock 7.10-926-0423
Crider Thomaston 706-646-2816
JosephW. Stradling Palmetto 770-463-1408 solid, ve~'unusual, $5lbrick or all for $2200. .548-9445' , . , . .
, ' , ' , Rear hay fork for tractor, $125 and a 2'x20'
Peerless dump trailer, silage dump wagon; Want AC rear engine, mdl. 'G tractor for Susan W ~atley Crabapple 770-442-8100
Free' bambOO cane, great for tree and culvert pipe, $2~5. Ted Reeves Cleveland
Buddy Moore' Union PoInt 706-759-3785 " 'parts" also tires for same" must be ,500 gal. propane tank above ground. Tim gardening ,stakes; you cut and' haul. Scott :.7",0.6..-.::;8",,65~-..:::6:.:.4:..:.737-."" =-'-'='-;:-~-:';;"'T--:;'-'-"'"
:,Pop-up hay loader, ready to load square, reasonable. James Elliott lavonia 706-356- Sikes Cobbtown 912-684-4182'
' - Williams Madison 706-342-4672
Roll-up metal door 10x9; have all hardware
bales, $300. H. Von Richthofen WatkinSVille 4839'
5000 gal. aluminum water tank, ,$500, d!rt. Free plastic pots, Ige. lot, greenhouse 'use, wilh motor. Billy Mason ~bert 706-548-9865 '
Want B Farmall, in fair condition, will trade scoop, $50 and 10,000 gal. plastiC tank In all sizes, small to extra Ige. with some trays. Rough cut oak 4x4x8 ; good fence post, $2.
f"ortable well drilling outfit; manual, $1500; ,H Farmall for or buy, Charles Byrd Douglas trailer, $.1000. Franklin Tanksley Temple 770- S,Odom Gainesville 7.10-718-1103
" each, please call. Charlie Dobbs. Rockmart
Buster McFarland, Kingsland 912-510-7843 912-384-2501
Fuel oil tank, approx. 800 gal. capacity, .nO-684-2~23
f;'ost hole,digger, 3-pt. hitch, 12', $400. T. 'J, Want BCS tiller. Bob Gilleski Brunswick ,55 !ilal. metal drum, $4.50 and" up w/hd, $150 abo. Freddie Brock FayetteVille 770-, Saw, sphtter,-conveyor belt, boxes" scales,
Mahoney Columbus 706-568-9412 '
, w/out,hdS5 gal. plastic drums, food grade. Bill, 461-2445, .'
, . I etc. W. W. Bentley Sr. 118 Stratford Way
. POUltry housekeeper, Lewis Brothers, hyd, 0p.erated, used 3 yrs., asking $5000. Herbert, Tanner Axson 912-384-9123 '"
, Red Ball hooded sprayer, exc:cond., used
, WantFarmali F20 or F30 for parts,or repair.
John Walls Cumming 678-~25-9058 770-
Want Fgrd trac1or, 50 hp. to 65 hp., 4WD
Cheatwood JacksonnO-,227-9708 . ~un535.hgoalle. s,p'lacslteiCan,druumnus,setdIg,htf-ohoedad'arWidithwatwteor gr.a e. Norm~n Cruce Stone Mt.,nO-381-o789
Fuel pumps; Fill Rite model 700, '1/3 hpwith meter $600 for both. D:A. Brown Turin 404; 427-7617
, Galvanized hay rack for goats,. $125, cage
Thomasville 31792
Sears scrape blade, plow harrow, $100 ea.,
irrigation pump w/hose, other. William
Gard~er LoganVille 770-46~-2259 ,
600 acres only;. 482 NH hay conditioner. w/orwoloader.,Tom Hearn Bethlehem 770- 55,gal. stainless steel barrels, 15,3055 \lal. for hauling goats and calves, $150'. Ricky Gish Spht.locust larm fence rail,!, and pos.t, del.
Robert Jenkins Millen 912-536-4784 ." 867-8782
plastic barrels, 55.gal. metal barrel w/wq, hds, Reynolds 478-847-2519 ' ,
and ,Installed any.where:' C. Mitchell
',' Savage pecan shaker, mdl., 2130, PTO Want JD' 2520 wtv.(ide front-end, in great all clean ,& food grade. ,C.H. Johnson GamE! fowl pens, round with brooder tops Clev~land 706-865-98~8 " .
driven, 7' peqansweeper, Wisconsin eng., low shape, also JD hit ,miSs engine; Ronny K. lawrenceville 770-963-7257
' and treated 2x4 bottoms $15 each or $500 for SWine nursery eqUipment: Includes SS
profile, $2200. Joe Hodges Claxton 912-739- Maxwell Bostwick 706-342-1035'
,55 gallon plastic barrels, $5'each or'10 or. all.'Scott Watkins Lula 706-677-3642 '
wet/dry feeders,' waterers, and Tri,Bar
Want 'Kohler K341 16 hp.' engine, any more $3 each. Dale Holcomb' AdairSVille Generator; natural gas, modine heaters, flooring, used, good cond., $1500. Sharon'
Sawmill" Frick circular, ',48" ,blade, v-belt condition,' running or not,' Ive: message. Scott 7.10-877-5037
exhaust' fans, gas piping, gandy spreader, Low1her. Folkston 912.-496-3869
powered" unit apart, can see others working, Magyar Grantville 678-467-3433' , .
55, 30 an~ ,15 gal. plastiC closed-top drums, galv. pipe trusses, dbl. wall vent pipe chain link Three, roller cane. !"(l"l, :~e, Chattanooga
$2300. Gary 0dder$2B500nalilre 47D8-929-2tt9022320 ' Want MF ,124 hay baler for parts. Bill ~~e~a~o~I~~~~ ~~;~~~c~~~~:r'n55L~:a~~:~~~\ei; Steve R. Purcell Athens 706~~69- ~~a~~e;g0~1;:~~~~~3-4J-;JessleMack
Scrape b, la e,
.' erry, arraco
Bleckley 378 Black Diamond Road Clayton' 7.10-466-4284
Donnie Lee Dr. 5853' ,
GaineSVille 30506 678-549''
30525706-782-3310 WantMF'135, dsl. tank, transmission or
, 5V tin, machines,
'$1.50, curtain
d3r6o~' s,faZnsig,git$y2'd5r,inkCeurrst,ain2
G'tlodused tin lumber trusses and chicken
house equip, Hoke Caudell Homer 706-677-
4682 . '
,,-' ,
$1T4ine,a.u..sterdu,s5sVes1;84'O, ~9,',
12';:$2.50 ea., 3'x23', $45 ea., BB insulation
etc. Leroy Core Marietta 7.10-971-9322, '
Sears garden tractor, 12 hp.; hi/lo trans., J'unk trac1or, running or ,repairable. Eugene needs work, $150/0bo, call aft. 5 pm. Will 'Carithers Conyers 7.10-855-2639
h eac ..
b rt H C I 0 e .err umm ng
Greenhouse 98x36; everything you need to ' Truck load of walnut logs for sale, ready to
Durmire Macon 478,-405-8830
Want a sprig-machine that will hook up to a
. Silage chopper" 840, Oliver, good cond., MF 240 trac1or. Barry Needham Loganville
. - -,
. , .,
6 hp. 24 leaf vacuum w/hmb Chipper, hardly
start growing: fans heaters, tables;. only 2 yrs. old, gave $4000, sell for $3000: James
$1550; high throw silage blower; $1050, also 7.10-554-1811
used" exc. cond., $275. Jack Moore Broome Elberton' 706-213-0501 706-245- , Two chicklin' houses; (1) 36' wide and 200'
15 05
50 36'
P rk a er
NI ,e, son
Fayetteville 7.10-461-9304
.' long, (1)36'wide and 400 Wide, goodcond.,
,Want' cultivators, sickle .mower and belly 6in, post hole digger wood splitter hydraUlic Greenhouse 12'x20'" shadecloth' roll of fans; breeders etc. Ted Tibbitts Dallas 770-
Sn s one 'd - 't c-1
dl L1333G 12 1/2' mower for Farmall Super A, West Georgia
napper n er ra or, m .
area. Todd Wood Buchanan 678,794-8165
4'"In. gOUld sUbmer~i,ble pump seed & fert. P.T.O spreader. C. King, Statesboro 912-839-
plastic, roll, o' f gr" oundcloth, five benches, irrigatio!" supplies,' mist controllers, fan, door,
445-2608 ' Two wheat
.. avg.;,
hp., 33" cu1, $795, also other. C. A. Hudson Want fertilizer spreader for trac1or, 3-pt. 3 9 5 9 $ 1 0 0 0 : Josh Kardos Athens 706-227-1284 goodcond., Scythe, ,all three, $175. E.
DoSuugplearsAvil'l4e67".1In0t-'l9412~r-5o3w6M6'cCo'rmick Farmall 3h5itc8h-6; 4a2ls0o, other. E. Tob' in Barnesville 770- ' , 6," inCh'"Irriga. tion', pump,, con.MentaI ..6 --. Hammermill, gehl:grinder/mixer, make your H' aw1horne Auburn 770-962-0520
b tt
I t It
cylinder ,flat ,head twin coach pumper unit, own ,feed, completely mobile powered by 100 Used lumber; 1/4, 1/6, 2X4, 2x6 and 2x8,
rac or"goo con ., new aery, pan er cu. Want front-end loader to lit 191 0 Ford 1943 runs, needs work, $750 obo. Jeffrey G. hp diesel . 1 to 2 ton capacity. Billy Martin good lor small barns etc., Bill Huff Canton
bottom plow, $2800. P. Price Soperton 912'
529-3856 hEaaSrsruotapwnesor,;lleAefr7oF0na6tr-m7.ab1Il9Ia-2dI r2eo0.n'3t'
cu ItI'VCator,S
3t -p:
W, . hedd
tractor, Gene LUrWig Danielsville 70,6-795- Cody Fortson 706-883-8734
'Cumming' 404-376-6414
' 770-345-4833
'. , , ,
no- ~55~6-4'-__' "-"""", ::-"-,",---;--;""-__7 , 6' Columbian post vise .lor sale. Want grain drill" no-till, good condition: J. Coleman SmY,rn,a 770-435-5531
. Heart -pine flo.oring 6' ,wide, $4 sq. ft" cypress siding, $l/Iength footage. Alan Sligh
32U5 s~eadL
propane tank~, $4,50. Jon Rlc
100 gal., $250 hadson"Grlffln
Turner Lula 7.10-869-9791'" ,60,000 ft. dnphne, 3 ft.,2500 f.t8" and 10' Fortson 706-323-1954
233_ 047 .. , , "
TO 35 hp. Ferguson, dsL, bamed, hyd. lift, Want hay baler, round NH, mdl. 346 or 347 polypipe, 3900 ft".4" and 6' etc. Bubba Pippin , Heart 'pine flooring and lumber up to'll" Various' size' of cement blocks; '8x8x16,
hillo range, 2 stllge clutch, PTO,'looks'grt. for parts. Ronnie Hill" Woodbury 706-553- Albany,912-344-6060 " , '
wide. Doris Harris Leesburg 229-846-2709 $.50, 6x8x16, $.40,. 12x8x16, $.75, 4x8x16,
runs well, $4500. M. Biester Toccoa 706- 5027
7 roll Atlantic steel barbwire, $50/roll or 'Heart pine; 2800 sq. ft. flooring 1,840' exc. $40, 12' column block, $1,50. Anthony 1:;.
' . Want old pull type drag harrow,' \load $300 for all, Thoams A, Stone College Park quality, 6'-8', 10'-12' widths, 1'4 ft. & 16 ft. Tucker ,.Sprlngflel~912.-754-~207 ,
'.,T035 dsl. wlbushhog, $3300 w/o $2975 con~ition, any' size., Henry Wilson 404-767-2980
lengths. Ricky Lynn Jeffersonville 912-945- Walk-lncooler;6hx6wx3 deep,hkenew,.
cash ,only, Call between 7-9:30 pm. William Sandersville 706-373-7576' ' . . '
8 ft. Pittsburg rake for 3 pt. hitch, $250, like 3846
never assembled,. Norlake brand, ,e~~y
Pawlowski .Colbert 706-548-7996
Want rear tine tiller w/Briggs & Stratton new. James Henderson Cairo 229-377-7298 Heartpine,f1ooring bds; 6, 8 or 10' widths, assemble, $3500, will sell for $1800. Phillip
Tiller 'attachment for John Deere GT262
engine, Want
SscinogttleS.roSwhepdldanDtearllwa/san' 30--p4t4. 3h-i7t3c2~2&
fertilizer hopper, reasonabJy priced. Kenny
,Weldon Dublin 478-275-4346478-272-1569
Tiller; 4' 'Bushhog brand 3-pt.' hitch, PTO Want small tiller/cultivator, for garden work.
8 outside brock feed bins 500+ ft. of, feed
lines; 36 stainless'steel log' feeders. Bill St.'
John Americus 229-928-2618
800 gal. & 500 gal: milk tank, 5hp ref.,
compressor & 5hp vac. pu. 6 w1. jars etc. Virgil
70% heart makes'beautiful floor' also 14" to 18" pan'eling" bds.' Bennett ,Daniel Mllledgevllle,478-452-3039' ,,'
Heavy duty metal catch' pen; (11). .fence
panels, (1) gate, (3) 'connectors, (2) growing
West Fairburn 7.10-969-6918 Want ,head, gate, good ,cond,ition,
reasonable ,priced preferred.' Nelson Hollinsworth Molena 7.10-884-3422
~ater service pipe; ,black plastic, 314' and
driven, used very little, '$950. Greg Fowler Hallie Henrickson Douglasville 7.10456- Dorminy Fitzgerald 229-423-3370
Eilleys SQueeze head'chu1e, $1800. MarionL 1', 100' rolls' ;160 PSI, $25/roll. James
Dalton 706-673-3603 .-
" ,9759' '
Air Ilow and peerless dryer old ,timer hay Harbin Columbus 706-563-8370"
Thomas Doraville n0-451-2087
Trackhoe JD 690BLC yard bucket, new Want ti!ler for .3-point t~~c1or attachment, ra!<e: pull type duel wheels for 5000 ford Hobart grinder, coile & compressor for walk- Welded wire, l'xl' 4' high, $.751ft., various
Long undercarriage & paint, 30' pads, low ,must be In working condition, Barry Zuber woods 1020 front-end loader. Robert,Conner in food warmers; all single phase, other. H. lengths up, to 50 feet. Vince Ingram
hrs., exc. cond" $~,500; J. Martyny Perry, Canton 770-704-6559
,Pitts 229-648-6565229648-6561
Phillips 'Watkinsville 706-769-5490'
Dawsonville 706-265-6656 '
478-988-3205 " ,
" , Want to trade turf wheels and tires, MF. Approx. 100 ft, of 6" schedule 40 PVC pipe. Horse bam, 30x48x12, woodframe, steel' Windmill and tower complete ,for sale,
Please observe our 20 word limit.'
L1e2w40is' 4WRlDnfcoor nA9G1a~r-in7dsu4st-ri9al9t5ir3es'~
,w/couplings & 3 long sweep ells, $100 for all. Doug Forsyth Rockmart 7.10-684-7324, "
trusses, .metal' rool & wall panels, $3800.. aeromotor brand; very good condition, $3500.
David Lee Marietta 678-494-3009,,'
Charlie Smith Dawson 229-995-2731
Wednesday,September 18, 2002
Page 5
Wood-Mizer sawn lumber, pine, poplar, & BB.UBeefmaster bulls, all .ages, quality Regd. Black Angus bulls, _exc. carcass,
oak, starting @ $.35/bd. ft, or can saw your bulls, reasonable priced. Charles Summers .EPD's, small herd of Angus females, exc.
logs. Randy Metzger Newnan 770-304-0762 Elko 476-967-7151
- pedigrees & EPD's. Dennis Scoll 'Sylvanla
Wood-mizer sawn lumber pine oak or can saw your log. 0.. E. Taylor ,Calhoun 706-602-
BBU regd; Beefmaster bull, Spartacu\l Son. Cherokee Phanton USA 'bloodline; 12 mos;
Georgia Cooking -
Wood-mizer sawn lumber .pine, oak and
poplar, .35 to 55 bd. ft., other. lim Tucker
.Newnan 770-251-7612
Woodmizer sawn lumber, green or K.D.., walnut, .cherry, oak, pine, T&G pine flooring,
white oak trailer flooring, more. -M. -Smith
Rockmart 770-684-5752
old, $1200. Rondal Fields Clenmont 770-
963-7104 .
Belted Galloways; 6 cows regd.,'7 mix AI)QuS calves, bred back to Angus bull, calf in
Spnng. Quenton Taylor Greenville 706-672-
1075 Black Angus bulls, 2 yrs. old. James Farme~
Chlckmauga 706-539-1507
Black Angus bulls, regd, 17 mos. old,
excellent bloodlines.. L. R. Gibbs.. LaFayette
3 yrs.to 9 yrs. old, most bred AI, calve Oc!. to Dec. J. Tinter Cumming _404-316-4969
Regd.- Charolais. cow/calf pairs, $1150, breeding -age/bred heifers, $600. Tommy
Samples Cumming 770-667-0553 - '. --
.Regd. Chiangus bull, long tall, selling due to
inbreeding, $1200. Jerry Mells Pearson 9~ 2-
~42=;2<---7!.:4~0:;:6,,=:--=,~;;-:-....,.-=:-::-=,.--; __-:-
Regd. Umousin bulls, .12 mos. polled, exc.
bloodline, black, $1200. Don Hall 'Wlnder
The Market Bulletin _'has received a number of requests -for -the following
recipe throughout the years, so we-are again sharing' itwith our readers. The
recipe was originally submitted to the Bulletin by Bertha Smith of Demorest, Gp .
Do. Nothing Cake
Black Angus cow calf pairs, $600,; call Regd. Umousin bulls, heifers, cow/calf
2 cups an-purpose flour
All livestock (i.e., those animals such as, -between 6 and 9 pm Bill .Cornelius 13760
but not limited to, cattle, equine, goats, sheep, swine,. and ,'OUltry) must have been In possession 0 the advertiser for a
Panhaf1dlE! Rd. Hampton 30226 770-9463457
. Black Umousin bull, 3 Yrs. old, polled and
minimum of 90 -days before they can be gentle. Bill Hill Carnesville 706-335-4064
advertised. -
Brangus bullS-from Pinelog bloodline; regd.,
pairs, polled, blacks & fullbloods, AI sires, free
del., reasonable prices. Paul Bourff Juniper
229-649-9932 706-5664667
Regd. P.B. Simmental bulls, show calves
and' breeding' age, $600 and up. -Steve
Brannen Watkinsville 706-769-5576' . .
2 eggs, slightly beaten 1/2 teaspoon salt .
1 20-ounce can crushed pineapple, undrained
2cups sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
vac(2c)m. raetg'lodn. sB,elax.cckeAIIenngtusbl0b0udlll,-In9e,m$o6s0.0oled,acahl.l Shawn Keeter laFayette 706-277-7211 706-
gentle, low birth weight; 16-24 mos., $600/up. Regd_ Polled Hereford bulls, 20-22 mos.
Barry McManus RoopVille 770-654-5570 old,. gentle, pasture raised, small birth wts., Bran~us regd. bulls, p.ower J_ack Son; J6 exc. bloodlinEls & EPD's, cert.laccred. Bobby
mos., PD,-w.w. 36.6, y.w. 552,' also weaned bulls. T. H. Avery Covington 770:766-3647
.BrRanetgled- i.T Penolnlelldle
476-552-9326 Hereford bulls,
Breeding age buffalo heifers for sale, national sires, Mohican TRM Java 25J,
1 tea.spoon baking. soda
x Preheat ove.n for 350 'degrees Fahrenheit.: Combine all ingredients, and mix
by hand. Do riot use an electric mixer. Pour into a greased 9 13-inch pan . and bake for 3-0 to 35 minutes. Spread topping over cake while warm. Yields
excellent condition, gentle. Ronnie . Hodges Feltons Bear 926 and PRF Victor PB6 H629 6-
1 regd. Hereford bull, 22 mos., $950, Covington 770-464-2969 ; '
9 mos. Billy Martin Cumming 770~666-6649
weanil)gage, regd.. bulls, $550 each. Mike Buffalo; 1 1/2 yrs. old & up bulls; females, ReQd. Red Angus buU &. heifers, e~c.
12 squares. . Topping
Hightower McDonough 770-696-9641
$500 ea, Steve Reed OakwoOd 770-536-5299 .bloodlines, gentle, easy calVing. AI .White
1 5-ounce can -evaporated wr-01e milk .
10 Holstein steers on grass and feed, $250 Bulls and heifers, Brahman, Simmental and' Hampton 770-707-0799
each, delivery available. Raymond Andrews Simbrah, weaning age to breeding age, few' .Regd. Santa Gertrudls bull, ~orned, 5 yrs.
1/2 cup butter'or margarine ' .
Byron 476-956-5565 10 medium bred heifers,Black.Angus bull,
1000 lb. avg., calf Dec: thru Jan., delivery available, $6000. Wade Pitcock Rome 706232-2997
16 purebred Charola:is, 1 bull, 31 mixed
cows also. Cliff Adams Bowdon 770-256-
Calves, newborn Holstein bull' calves,
receive colostrum, shots, excellent care, born hereQn our dairy, $100_ Suzy Wright Ellijay
old, ,gentle, papers. Laurne Freeman
Cleveland 706-665-9076
Rilgd..Santa Gertrudis bulls, polled 1~-36
mos., $600 up',12 palr,$12,OOO, best bloodlines.
John McGarity Royston 706-245-6564
Regd. horned Hereford bull~, t1earty, sound,
1 cup sugar - 1 1/2 cups coconut
1 cup chopped pecans
In medium saucepan, mi!< milk, ~utter andsug~r; boil 5 minutes..Stir in -
coconut and pecans.
'. . -
heifers, $600 each, other. Mark McCurley Calliing ease; milking ability; gentleness, ready for service. John Hamson Whigham
Dewy Rose 706-376-6202 _16 young, gentle Brahma heifers, 1 young
cbhuollsic,esgerlaedce. 'sOekrJvahaogme~.Pcoolwlesd,
Irish can
Shorthorn .del; Ken
mith' Georgia
Liz old
Fortner Kite 476-469-5245 purebred pasture raised
Bridges Nicholson 706-757-3906
Charolais bulls, 3 polled purebred, 7-6
b~lIs, AI breedlng,- good s~lectlon. B: Boatnght
Midville 476-569-7144
U(lless otherwise ini:Jicatea, all recipiJs have been 'tested for.accuracy in the
Simmental bulls & weaning age bu!ls, both AI mos $1600 Marvin Elrod Carnesville 706- Regd_ purebred polled black Simmental (;eorgia Department of Agriculture test kitchen. If you. woulq like to share your
bred. Rufus Davis .Tennille 476-552-1715 3644673'
buljs, weaning age. Bill Gibson Fairmount . favorite recipe with our readers, -send to: Georgia cooking, Market Bulletin, 19
20 purebred regd. Angus heifers for sale, Exc. breeding age red or blk. Simmental 706-~7-2350
weaning to breeding _age. Larry D. Daniel bulls, 2 yrs.-6 mos., easy-calving, high milk, Roping cattle, 4. Longhorn heifer,. 4
MLK Jr. Drive, A tlanta 30334-4250,
If you have questions or problems
laGrange 706-862-7423
exc. EPD's, UGA perf. tested, open & bred -Longhom steer, 2 Comente Longhorn X steer. regarding recipes featured in this column, call1-80D-282-5852 (statewide).
---..;...---------I 25 crossbred replacement heifers; been cows & heifers, priced to sell; Miiton.Martin, Jr. Sammy Noles Franklln706-675-3965
Please do not call the individual who sub'!'itted the recipe.
with registered bulls since 4/15, also open Cleveland706-665-5624
Santa Gertrudis bulls,regd., polled' and.IL.---------------~""'--...,.........
. heifers. Bob Chandler Good Hope 706-474- Full blood. Senepol bulls, :$650 and up. scurred, 9-_19 mos.. old. Tommy Ballenger % herd reduction, young goats, bucks and .Angora goats, white, colored, regd.,
Douglas McKinnon Pearson 912-422-3793 Bo,,:,don 770-256-3110
does, $25/up, mostly Nubians, aft. 6.P.M. purebred, wethers, does, bucks, flocks,
_25 head, excellent black breeding heifers, Good selection of Black Angus bulls, ready Simmental cows; (9) and (1) bull purebred,' John Keaney Brunswick 912-264-3606-
$50/up. T. Evans Taylorsville 676-757-0942
$600Ihead:LamarWingard Montezuma 476- for service. Fred Blitch, Jr. Statesboro 912- good bloodlines, most co,,",:,s are bred back t 0 1 Boer goat herd; 100% Boer billy, 14 Irg.
472-2661 476-472-2360
. , the bla;:k bull, papers reqUired. Frank Thomas nannies, 4 female kids. J. Avant Villa Rica
3 Polled Hereford with 3 calves, all full Herd regd. Angus -cows, 50 mama' cows Car~esvllle ~06-36~-7095
blooded. D. L. Jaillelle Covington 770-766e and 2 herd bulls, good bloodlines, John' '~Immental, red and black bulls, also 1'Pygmy billy, 6 mos_, caramel, small, $35.
Brunson Sylvania 9.12-657-3526
heifers, .regd., 6 to 2:4 mos_ old, .$600-and up. . Denise Watkins Thomaston 706-647-9615
Award, winning Boer goats, bucks and. does, show stock and .breeder stock, exc.
health, reas..prices. William Adkinson 5626 Sandy Point Road Uzella 31052 476-9359072 .
3 weaned Polled Hereford heifers and'1 ,Herd sellout; 5 good cows with nice framed Mike Thomas Gordon Commerce 706-335- 1 purebred Nubian wether, born 3/2103, Barbados & Katahdin sheep, young rams &
Polled Hereford bull for sell. Katie Johnson calves, $650, 4 bred cows, due Sept.-Nov.,. 602~ 706-656-6669
sable, white, $50, twin Saanen wethers, 1 yr. ewes, breeding ewes. Richard Grebel 3900
Canton 770-479-9071
$540, other. Dustin Giesbrecht, Davisboro, . SIX Black Angus Beefmaster heifers, polled, old, $100, ea.; tame, grt. horse companions. Cookley Rd. Albany 31707 912-436-0736
3 yr. old .Limousin bull, 2 1/2 yr. old 912-346-3841:
1 yr. old, regd_ Beefmaster bulls also. Todd Mary Daniels Wlntervllle 706-742-5612
Barbados blackbelly sheep, ewes, rams
Charolais polled bull and 21/2 yr. old Hereford Holstein springing heifers calVing Oct. Clark Gainesville 770-654-5169
, 100% Boer bucks, IBGA regd. Champion. and lambs, not picky eaters, no' shearing
polled bull. Donald Phillips Royston 706-245- through Dec bred to _Jersey bull Richard Texas Longhom cows, most are bred, one bloodlines, 6 mos. old. E.' Hudspeth required. Bryan Roller Clarkesville 706-754-
Batchelor Eatonton 706-465'6430 .
with heifer calf, $400-$450, Chris Peebles Jefferson 706-367-4453
39'brood'cows;1"bull;'.22-calves;$25,OOO. Holstein heifers; 450 Ibs:,-$750 each; good Newborn 678'896-4754' "
- '1_00% Boer bucks, IBGA regd.;-a mos; old~ --Slack'Toggenburg,malo, bl....'eY""';:not-for
D. R. Smith Forsyth 476-994-2766 -
nurse cOVis, $600 and up, 14'- crossbred Texas Long~orns c.ows fer sale, some Lanier Wheeler Social Circle 770-766-0301 slaughter, $50,mustsee, very, tame. Lindsay
.. 4 regd. Beefmaster cows, all 2 to 3 mos. heifers. Stephanie Mosely Eastanollee 706- calves ready to rope, nice horns. Pat Stewart 100% IBGA regd. SA buck, born 3127/02 Maggard Cartersville 676-721-0368 -
'pregnant, bre.d to regd. Beefmaster bull, $800 n9-0336
Matthews 706-547-2622 .
Shadow, 07's Naomi bloodlines, doe born Boer KikoSpanish cross, also fullblood
each. Keith Prasse Bethlehem n0-667-2665 Homozygous black; Homo polled Urhousin Two .Santa Gertru~is bulls, ready for 3/19/02, others, must see. Chris Rice Kiko's, $25/up, call Mon., Tues., & Weds.
40 head big frame _blacks and Baldie, bull, proven breeder, DOB, 03111)/99; $1200. servlce,re~s~nable pnce, call a~er 6 pm. .Loganville 770-466-3115
nights. J. Smith Savannah 912-233-8977
Springers,$600, pairs, $900, .call evenings. James Jones Cartersville 770-362-3262
Morns Griffm Ocilla 229-466-5213
2 1/2 yr. old milking Alpine, parents w/papers, 'Boer cross Kiko bucks, some regd., also
Wesley -H. Fiveash, Jr.. Ashburn 229-567- . Jersey cow; (bred), Jersey bull, heifer and . Two Jegd. Santa Gertrudis bulls, 26 m~s., 21/2 yr. old milking doe, 9'mos. old, 112 Alpine. wethers, all from fullblood Boer, Heard county.
- bull/calf, all 'for $2500, gentle, hand raised, polled, g~ntle-, Chnst'!'as ~oubloom bloodline, Lydia Berg Cumming nO-687-0467
M. Seymour Franklin 706-675-6843
. 42 cows bred to Simmental, $650; 72 cows -Holly Bessinger Dixie 229-263-4224
outstanding breeding stock.. R. - Cook 2 Boer bills, born 7/5/02, fullblood. E. Boer mix, beautifully marked, 5 mC]s. old,
bred CharolaislAngus 2nd calf, $750. Frank Limousin bulls, black or red,. 17-20 mos., Woodville 706-466-4535
Eaves Ellberton 706-283-1264 706-263- leading bloodlines.. Charles Mcintosh
Monroe nO-267-9536
. Helmuth Rt.' 1 Box 606 Richland 229-687-. billy & nanny, billy very tame, not for
no- ~39~60'0,==-;=-,-;-~..--::;::-:-::-::-::=-:o--,----:;-c~ slaughter. Lauri ~cCafferty Cumming
2 Pygmy females, light c:aramel, medium 669-6468
47 Longhorn cows, 26 calves bred 'back ,to Umousin club calves, black or red" Oct.-...
caramel, 20 Months old, never bred, all shots Boer/Nubian goats, DOB 5/02; strong and
Corinte bull. John Buchanan Rydal.706-624- Mar., age great, show quality; also, 12 mo. . 'If you have questions regarding ads in this and worms, non regd.; $50 each. Marty- healthy, gentle & beau., friendly characters,
black bull. Jim Boling Homer 706-677-2741 category, call Tammy' Thomas at'404-651-9083. .Echols Conyers 770-597-7297
call to view. S. Uncoln Commerce 706-335-
'5 black Baldie heifers, weaned June 30th, Umousin cow regd., due Dec. 5th to black all shots, 475 to 500 Ibs_, 9 to 10 mos. RickY cross bull, $675. Kay Dawson lIa 706-769-2922
Swine moving' from farm to f~rinmust
2 purebred, French Alpine' bucks, 4 mos.
old; aft. 7 P.M. Gilbert Reed Braselton no-
0740 Boer/Nubian ten-week bllckling, brown and
Hix Comer 706-795-2934 706-763-3796
"One Jersey nurse cow 5 to 7 mos. bred t9 a have a negative brucellosis and 967-3254
white, shots, wormed, ready to be weaned,
5 regd. Brahman red cows, been with show Black' Angus, raising a 20.0 lb. Angus bull calf, 'pseudorabies test within the past 30 days 2 red fullblood Boer bucks, nice kids on $65. Susan McPherson Buford 770-271-
. bull, $3,500. Ken Hatley Stockbridge 770- $650. Douglas Hall Monroe 770-267-6667 . before they are moved Whenever there Is a' place to see, before 9 P.M. B'uddy Wyall 6404
- 389-5426 770-966-3250
. One comm. Angus bull, 20 mos. old and change of ownership. . Exceptlpns are Talking Rock 706-253-7299'
Boers- fullblood bucks and does,_top quality
50,Holstein heifers, start calving Oct., bred one regd. Angus bull, 17mos: old.: Carolyn swine from a validated brucellosis-free 3 Boer/Saanen bucklings, 2 mos. old and SA genetics, ready to work, must see to
to Jersey bUll, delivery available. L Mize' .Cowart Clarkesville 706-754-4694 706-754- and qualified pseudorabies-free herd; yerytaine, 2 polled, vacc:, $45 ea. Sarah appreciate. Steve .Couch Watkinsville J06-
Royston 706-201-6761 - .
Buyers are urged to request proof of Ii Turner Waverly Hall 706-562-3691 .
6 replacement heifers (white), been with One regd. Senegus bull,24 mos. old, heat negative brucellosis and pseudorabies. 3 Pygmy 'nannies, 2 blk., 1 white,. not for Certified Texas Genemaster does and
black bull 4 mos., 1 red cow/calf.' James tolerant, Angus was sired- by N Bar Emulation test prior .to purchase..
slaughter, small, 'ideal for_breeding Urban G. bucks,' Goldmine, Moneymaker and South
Johnson- Good Hope 770-601-0079
Ext. Jack. Newberry Powersville 476-956- Baby pigs for sale, 6 to 6 wks. Frank Hesser Rump Alpharetta 676-624-9666
African . genetics, full blood SA Efoer
7 comm. Angus heifer_sired by select sires, 2266
5130 Sandy Creek Rd. Madison 30650 706- 3- 6 month old' uncut Rams, sold for -do-eslbucks; percentage KikolBoer does and
bulls AI to calving easy.Angus bull. Tim Purebred Hereford cow and her 4 mos. old 342-4115'
slaughter through processing plant only. !lucks. COo Thompson Twin City 912-562-.
Connell Cohutta706-694-2927
heifer, good -natured arid,healthy,.$925. T. .Crossbred pigs, 6-16 wks., $20-$40, bred' Cindy Mcinvale _ The Rock 3946
. 7 purebred Angus bulls, farm raised treated Clark Palmetto 770-304-1616
gilts, sows & 1 Duroc boar, $100/up, all must cindymc@accessunited.com 706-646-6640
Common_goats, 4 nannies, 3 br_ed, $35 ea.,
and taged, 600 Ibs. _to 700' Ibs., $500 each. Purebred Polled Simmental bulls, -raised- go. Ricky Taylor Ringgold 423-593-6470
30 Boer goats, goats consist of 2 grown not for slaughter. Sonya Chastain Bowman
Garvis Youngblood _Milledgeville 476-4530421
75 black Baldie heifers; bred to N-Bar Angus bulls, start calving Oct. Charley Gaughan Camilla 229-336~0671.
6 spring calving Santa GertrudislShorthorn crossbred cows and one Shorthorn bull,
from regd. sire .and Dam on my farm, born .Duroc X for sale, 6 weeks, cut.and wormed,
12101 thru 01/02. Mrs. L.. G. Bennell Shiloh good quality, $35 each, call anytime. 'John
. ,-
.Harper Meansville 770-567-0505
Purebred Polled Simmental bulls,service Duroc Yorkshire cross pigs, ringed &
ready, V. L. Willis TyTy 912-382-5909
wormed, 16 wks. old/up, $!?O/up. Larry Payne.
Pu-rebred Simme-nta-l bull bom 9/15/01, red Adairsville 770-661-1163 ' .
with white blaze on face, $750. Wayne Duroc boar, 1 1/2 yr. old, good service hog,
bucks, 21. nannies, 7 babies more, nannies to . .:.7"'06;;.-=2"'45"'-..=6.;:;0"'51.:...,--;-:,--""_ _--._---.--.--,---::;:
drop. Elaine Culbertson Winterville 706-742- Common goats,- billies, nannies, kids, 6
bred 'nannies, $100 ea., billies -starting at
--=--=--;6~g-oa-:t-s,.,f-or-sa..,l-e,'"""Bo-e~r'l""yo,---,-a..,.g-e-s-:3,.--m-o-s-:.Iu~p-, $450. :Scoll Carlile Ball Ground n0-735-
bucks and. does. T. Bearden Newnan 770- 3736
Dallas Dall sheep, must see: Gary D.
7/6%, 100% Boer full and crossed Spanish Gaskins Sparks 229-546-3032 .
priced to sell. Darren Richmond Ringgold Minyard Royston 706-245,7049 _
Alice Griffith 104. Watkins _Farm Rd. Bill. William E. Allmon Nashville 229-686- Doubled reg!!. fullblood Boer buck, 4 yrs.
706-965-9256 Add quality to your herd, regd. Angus one
P.urebred breeding age Limousin bulls for sale - red or .black, Alton Tankersley
aLne~X:in'g~~to;na~3~0~6J4l6~7~0~6:-~7i4n3~-5s7~n6r3,- f:-r.2~Z~~~
3030 =;A""B"'G=<'A-'-;--fu"lI""b;-lo-o"'d-:1--=0"'Oo"'Yo""S=<'A-:-::B'---0-e-rs-,7'h-er-d""'b-u-c7'k
old, good comm. breeder; $400, in Thomas County, call aft. ?:30' P:M. Eileen Griner
and two yr. old bUlls, performance guaranteed. Lincolnton 706'359-4495 706-359-3997
and_ does, Gr'Champion bloodlines. John. Thomas 229-226-0456
M. E McHugh Tignall 706-265-2646 :Angus. bull yearlings, purebred,
Ready Gelbvieh
thickllerigthy/growthy, calving ease, top Greensboro 706-453"2117 706-316-6369
bloodlines, . can arrange delivery. Mike Reg. Angus bull; Gdar Traveler, heavy
Watkins Rhine 229-385-3661 229-362-4100 muscle, good. EPD,.2 yrs_ old, $1,500. Ken
~,- Angus buII s& e G Ibvieh.. buIIs-for saIe, calI_ Corbin Chickamauga 706-539-1206 -'
after 5:30 pm. Anthony Lawrence Reg. Polled Hereford bull calf, great
Clarkesville 706-754-6402
blOodlines from big,.hearty stock', 9 mos. old.
Angus buIIs 16 mos. and up regd. RI-ghll'Ime James Gregory 655 KeIIey Road CleveIand
bloodline, $1400, freedelive-rywithin 50 miles. 30528706-219-4535'
an~o;h;:~:, J~~;::'~~rarymr:~~~~' c~JlngtP~~
Cumbie Monroe 770-466-1117 ABGA fullblo'od SA buck, DOB 10117/01,.
correct color, $200. Joey Scoll Dearing 706-
Pigs for sale, HampshireX, Yorkshire cross, "5"-"9'A7:-:-D1"'G4"2"TA6oF=-r""en-c""h--:-A;-lp7'in-e---:-bu-c""k-,,""b-o-m--'4-:-o""'4'----0"'2=-, 7 cut 0 & w6orm_ed6, $9 35.5Joh_n W5h2 itma1n 3 Crabndo all-l l l e raised, exceptional stock, ready for fall
breeding.;;I. Olsen. Dahlonega 706-667:7006
York X for sale, 6 weeks 'old, cut and ADGA Nubian - bucklings, _champion w0 ormed, $35 yeach, please call after 6 P.M. bloodlines, also one Nubian wether Ann Gray
mar Lopez atesville706"647-9057
Milner 770-356-7452 .
Females 1/2 Boer 314/up nice healthy,
different ages and' prices, some breeder
males, 3/4 Boer and up. Barbara Avery
Davisboro 476-346-3019
Finn! Border Leicest.er cross lambs, ,'et blk.,
exc. fleece, dispositions, vacc., wormed
ewes, $175, ram $150.: Kim Depp,
Cartersville 770-336-9096
.Full blood ~oer billy $400; 4 month Old South African Boer billy, $600, from Grand
Jim'Pallon Comer 706-763"3511
Regd. Angus AI sired, 19!17'2000 females Yorkshire Landrace- cross pig; .6 wks_ old., . ADGA Nubian bucks,S mos. old, spots, Champion stock. Bill Haas Penry 476-967-
EPADn. 'gs,ustobpu_llspebdlIagcrke,esr,egbd'I.g,sesrvtriocenga, geh,eatovpy
AI, like new desig-n ..bred top producers, replacement heifers. F.M. Binford
JRodh. nLHinacsoslenltboenrg3e0r6312727106C"h3a5m9-b4e6r7la6in F' erry
exc. bloodlines, CAE neg., $75/ea., Nubian wether, $40. Kate J. Kiley Conyers 770-765-
Fullblood Boer bucks/does, 5 mos.lup,
muscle, .$600 to $1500. George Queener Thomaston 706-647"7674 "
Yorkshire and Yorkshire cross pigs, from.6 7002 .
$200/up, Pipeline and other top bloodlines.
Chickamauga 706-539-2537
-Regd. Angus bulls for sale, good selection, wks.,- also young b_oar for sale. Brian Sturdy ADGA Nubians, 5 does, '1 buck, CAE neg., Gene Sheffield Norman Park 229-769-3040
'. Angus bulls, large' frame, excellent Bando' bloodlines, .$1 000 to $1500. Bob Gainesville 770-761-4156
bloodline Rito 9FB3, 13 mos., $900, 10 mos., Whitmire Clermont 770-983-9166.
'Goats_And _Sheep
$700. Gary Jones ElliJay 706-635-2680'
Rt:l9d. Angus. genetics for sale, --bulls and
all for $1000 or 'will _separate, 'spots, tames, 229-769-3881
must sell. J. Blake Conyers nO-466-6992
Fullblood Boers, top bloodlines,. Tobias,
. ADGA regd: Nubians, outstanding, show Pipeline, Eggsfile, UboralBig 65 bloodlines,
Angus cows; bothtop quality, by EXT. with females bred strictly for carcass quality, EPD's % Boer does, dik--:-neaas.als:::oO-;;cC;;:om=m:::o"'n quality does, . some in milk, over, 100 to choose from, quality Boers at
heifer calf, $1250 due 12102102, $1000. G. and. performance..Tom Dalbey - Hampton goats. Wayne Chastain Carnesville 706-364- Chii\mp.lGr'Champion bloodlines, also quality reas: prices, bucks/$250+; does/$400+.
Brown Palmetto nO-463:2014
404,372-0973 -
4496 -
bucks, spotted/solid, $75/up, dely. avail._Lori Bobby Chastain Moultrie 229'965-8760
BBU 15 open heifers, and 4 yearling bulls" Regd. Angus, 10 heifers, 8-12 mos., $600 .% and'fullbood Boers, meat goats, bucks, Walkins Carrollton 770-830-7660
IBGA fullblood buck, 6.5 months, weighs
U classified, Merrt breeder, cert. herd #168.- ea., 20 bred heifers, $1000 ea., 20 bulls $650 bred and proven does, wormed, vacc., many. African Pygmies, 1 billy, $35; 1 nanny, $40. 105 Ibs., must see; does, 6 months, 7/6 and
Morgan Harvey Bolingbroke 476-994-2603 to $1200 ea. B.- F. Bohanon Chickamauga "Ennobled" and Champion bloodlines. Patricia 'Otis C. Thigpen 147' Sflyder Rd. NE .fullbloods: Scoll Griffin Gillsville 770-869-
.. --
Parson Pendergrass 706-693-2496
Mllledgev:iIIe 476-452-2925
, .,
P~ge 6
Wedn~sday ,September 18:' 2002
IBGAregd, Boers, 4- '100% does, 3- 87',5% '02 APHA 'colt, Homozygous bay tobiano, '12 yr, regd, sorrel Arabian gelding. 6 yr, old 2001 AQHA bay ,filly; 15hds,; 2001 ~QHA APHA buckskinovero stallion, APHA bay
does. 2- 75% does, 2- 93,75% bucks, 1-' very loud' color, muscle. good cow horse, . Paint sorrel QH gelding, BUddy Proctor Rt. 1 sorrel filly. both Streakin Six lines. ,AAA tob, mare, APHA bay overo mare, AQHA!>lk.
87.5% buck. $1251up. K. Harrison' Camllla Skipa Star. Dual Mcition, Scvootin, Spook Soperton 912-529-4968
racing/performance prospects, $2500 ea. stallion:Steve Brown Baldwin 706-677-4387
bloodlines. James Maraman Macon ,912- 12-yr. sorrell QH mare, beginner/child safe. Dawn Causey Vidalia 912-537-1876' , . APHA sorreVwhite tovero gelding. '2 yrs..
IBGA.regd., fullblood Boer.' % does.. and 9 8 6 - 4 4 1 4 '
$2500;9-yr. paint pony, jumps 2'6", $2500, G. . 2001 AQH!'chestnut colt, gorgeous, correctold,genUe, green broke, very flashy. must sell,
fullblood bucks, fullblood Kiko. ,and % does; '02 AQHA regd. filly. sorrel, gr'daughter of Smoot Social Circle 770-464-1077 678-358: and 'grt. to work with, exc. bloodlines, $1500/0bo. J. Phillips' Winterville 706-742-
Fred HarUine Ti'lon706-734-2989. '
Modern Excellence. already showing in.halter, '2857
wonderful show prospect, $1500: 'Dane A 8029
' . ."
Katahdin ewes & rams for sale. Tommy verynice,.John McG~ehan Baconton' 229- 12.2hds.'blk., 10 yrs, old. Hackney gelding Braswell Bartow'478-469'3543 "
AQHA '01 buckskin 'colt, cremilla (white)
Connell Statesboro 912-764-7693 912-764- 787-5088
w/4 wheel rubber tire. buggy ,and hamess; 2001 .AQHA gelding. sorrel,. blaze. leads, 'mare, Colonel Sanddillar, Colonel Hip,
'02 QH filly, Imprinted, handled daily, leads, $1500/obo, James R. Ryan Wildwood 706- loads. lounges, clips, beau. head. 14hds. sire Hollywood Bill, Captain Joker, bloodlines;
Kika buck,' blk. & tan. purebreed, regd., loads & ties. grt. barrel prospect, $850.. 820-1123
Reserve Champion.. moves softly, $1000. $1000 ea.' C. Jones Lawrenceville 770-995-
bom3l17/00, beau., healthy. ready for Oct. Michele Welch Toomsboro 770-550-1884
14 yr. chestnut,lrg. 'pony mare, very quiet. KayeEvans Box Springs 229-646-7885' 5751
. . , ' ..
breeding, kids on site. E. Morgan' ~airmount '83 AQHA sorrel broodmare, LeMac'exc..forbeg., used for lessons, jumps. $1500. 2001 ApHC colt, Dreamfinder bred. sire is . AQHA,10 yrs. big beau. drk. bay mare,
Goodbar in foal to,buckskin son of DiY Doc. Leslie Norris, Winterville 706-742-2066
National' 'Champion, chestml1 w/blanket. ,15.2hds., exc. bloodlines. Doc Solano. well
Lamlis for processing, good quality, healthy.. had red roan colt 2002.' $2500. J: Jordan' 15 yr. old ASB gelding; very gentle, $1100, leads, ties. loads,' imprinted, gentle,. trained/good on trails, $2100. Mark Robertson
J. F.Lawson Shady Dale 706-4688173
'Dalton 706-695-9029 ..
TWHX 14 yr, old, smooth gait.. 16+hds., mannered, $1500: Denise '.Youngblood Guyton 912-772-3698 '
., Lambs for sale, born in February, ,70+ Ibs.. "86 AQHA sorrel broodmare, King and Leo $1600. both chestnUt. J. Wood Nicholson
$120 ea. 'Tom McConnell McDonough 770- breeding, in foal for 2003 to son of Zippo Pine .' 706-,757-2282 '. . . ' ,
Bar, Red Hot Zipper. $2000.. H. Carte,rAlston , 15 yr. old )Nelsh IH?ny. 12hds., easy keeper.
, Lambs. ewes. rams. spotted Jacob sheep. 912-594'6265
,,/ ' '<strawberry roan color, $800/obo. Lynn Berdan
friendly. lovely wool, and horns. regd. L. '88 AQI.'IA geldjng, gentle, all around, HartweIl706-376-4678
Bjarkman Lakemont 706-782-7578,
$2500;'~9App.lArabmare;inreiningtraining, 15 yr. old. 16.3hds., bay TB gelding.
Lambs. intact males. 75+ 'Ibs. David B. $3500; '~9 App. gelding. 16hds., gentle, extensively shown; HlJ. jumps 3'6', sweet
Maddox.. Warm Springs 706-655-3407
'$3000. S. Schiro Buena Vista 912'649-7003~ disp. sound/sane.' easy keeper, no vices,
Cordele 229-535-4837
, AQHA' 1983 red roan Foundatipn
2001 sorrel filly, very refined, small, head broodmare.Gold .Seeker BarslWimpy, sound" and a grt. body, ~what a sweet heait, will no vices. $2500. Karen Feige! Calhoun 706-
mature to. 15.3hds., $700. 'Debbie Adkins 602-2922'
Lavonia 706-356-2142 ,
AQHA8yr. sorrel geld.; Easy Jet, Three
2001 sorrel tobiano'colt, gr'son of Easy ,Chicks. ,Go-Man-Go breeding; '.15.3 hds.,
Chance, dam & .dam's sire both money big/last.lots of motor. good-looking; $1700. G.
eamers roping/cutting; gr!. disp. and athletic. Jolin Dahlonega 706-867-9783 .
Nigerian Dwarf goat, white and gold doe. "93 AQHA dun broodmare.selling open, $3500, before 9:30 P.M. D. Gladney Cordele $1500. Jay Martin Glennville 912:S54-4332
blue eyes, AGS. NDGA regd. 'no hams. Sonny Dee Bar/Mr.'Gun.smoke, bred, genUe, 229-276-1010
3-Yr. dapple brown mare mule out of
friendly, bred to blue eyed buck. $2()0. w.~uiet and broke. reduced to $2500. Dianne 15hds., 9 'yr. old pinto gelding, sadly Percherorl' marelMammqth Jack; 4-yr. ~d.
"Brown-Clark Commerce 706-335-5015 ' . assara' Loganville 770-554-8574 ' . . outgrown. runs'all' five, ! jumps, rodeo drill 'Percheron m.are iN/lo-mo. 'mare, coif H.
Percentage. BQer' does .w/kids, ql,l.ality '93 chestnut gelding. 4 white stockings, team. grt. youth 'horse. $4500. C. Chatham Darwin Morgan Bloomingdale 912-748-4391
fullblood bucks. $150/up, 4' Katahdin sheep. blaze face, g!lntle, trail rides. has done team Cumming 770-889-5513 c . . . . . 4 miniature mareslfillies, bay, buckskin, blw
Dan Parker Ringgold 706-937-4909 ' ;
penning' & cattle.' $2000.' Jeff Brown 16 yr. Paint gelding, rope horse. grt. for kids paint,' brlw paint, exc.' disp./handled daily,'l
.Purebred Nubian buck. 6, months old, Fayetteville710-461 ..1350
,or junior rodeo events, work ,in all events. yr. 2 yr. 6 yr. & 8 yrs. old. Lynn Hel!ning
healthy andve,y gentle, $100. Keith Nelson '95'APHA BS.blk. w/star broodmare. own $3000/obo. Dewey Conner Cohutta 706- Fayettevllle770-719-1072 -..
Cartersville 770-387-9755'
daughter of Kilt Trac. nice manners & 694-3787
' 4 yr. Racking gelding. good trail horse,
Pure.bred Nubian bucklings, DOB 417/02. movement. 2 foals on~premises. $2500/obo. '16.2hds bayTB gelding, 15 yrs., fun to ride. intermed. rider, $1250. Keri Williams, Newnan
AQHA .Appendix sorrel gelding.
BarlKing/Dancer, good disp., trail rides &
parades, shots,wormed, $1400, Vickie Driver
Carrollton 770-836-8915
AQHA' gelding, 15.1 hds., great 4-H
English/jumping prospect. has AQHApoints.
circuit championships. all-!lround awards,
cute,mover;$5000. Madison Sargent Dacula
AQHA gelding, 15.3hds., pretty. gentle,
talented.. great for 4-H or Novice;:great for
gorgeous, ,very friendly, disbudded. vacc., Avery Csitar, Franklin'706-675'6530
user .friendly, confidence builder," tack 770-253-7397
trails & showing. ChrisUe Moss' Dacula 770-
wormed. $50. not for' slaughter. Karen '95 AQHA broodmare. Zippo Pine Bar inclUded, $2500. Mike Mignlia Hiram 710- 4 yr. Welsh type gelding, 14hds. chest. 963-5476
Donaldson',Jefferson' 706-367-2437 . "'gr'daughter, ,green broke. bred for 2003 to '456-0708
. ."
. wlflaxen maneltail. grt. trail, smooth <;anter. AQHA sorrel daughter of Starpion, shown.
Purebred Nubian kid bucks, bam May foundation stud. must sell. Larry Brant!ey 16.2hds.. bay TB gelding, 'would make $1200. D. Bishop Gainesville 678-316-5783 AQHA w/l westem riding point, safe/sound.
2002, beau. colors and markings, 'parents Cartersville 770-382-3326
'wonderful eventljumper' horse. extra sweet 4 yr, old, regd. Haflinger mare and gelding Impowered colt by side, bred back SkipperW
regd exc bloodlines healtt\ygentle B J HolI~;'d cObbtown 912'684-2718 ' "
,'95 AQHA gelding. "94 AQHA blue roan mare, '98 Paint mare. '98 dun gelding. '01
disp., beau.'heal;l. $5000/obo. K. Heard Mansfield 678-575-9375 678-342-8195
w/full,set of hamess 'arid' rubbers tires, covered wagon,$5500. Ernest H. Walis
stud. $3500. Fred Mauldin 4453 70~356-1199
Lavonla706-356c '
Pygmy and common male goats, well fed. Fsirecrackr~.'?unit filly, guaranteed 100%. Tom 1983 palomino.AQHAmare, gr'daughter of Cleveland 706-219-3819
AQHA, PHBA. mare, grt. disp. grt.youth
21$50 or $30 ea. K. Le Barron Dewy Rose ~well E III~y 706'635-4515 706-635-2973 Te N Te, exc,broodmare. exc. confJdisp.. . 4 yr. old', sorrel gelding, 6, yr. old, paint horse. west. pleasure. horsemanship. trail..
706-213-6261 "
., ~95 palomino mare. glass eyes, $500. Burch sound & healthy: $850. w., McGuffee Villa gelding. 12 yr. oldTWH gelding. beg. to adv. etc.. PHBA: pts.. $7500. Johnny. Lovett
,Pygmy billy, 6 mos. old, solid blk., $30. Neat W~lson Commerce 706-335-5273
beg horses, $1500-$2000. Ginny VanOostrom Waynesboro 706-554-7676 706-554-6732
Adams Tallapoose 770-574-2546 770-328- 96 API;tA .blk. 15.hds... mare, barrels and 1987 AQHA- red dun gelding, 15hds., Bethlehem 404-583-6590 . ' ..
Appaloosa mare, 6 yrs: old. Red roan &
3673 '.
.'. : . " poles. trad ndes, clips, bath-:,s, loa~s. and anyorie can ride. $2,500; 1994 Appaloosa 5 yr Warmblood/TB mare. 10 yr regd. QH spotted, beautiful & sweet horse, must sell,
Pygmy goat for sale nice animals Donnie shoes well. $3800. Greta DaVIS 'Commerce mare, 14.5hds., bea~,; gentle, needs expo gelding, 11 yr. Appaloosa mare, $2500 ea. or $800/0BO, Brian Martin Grovetown 706-
R M G h LaF ett8706-638-1715'"
rider Unda Bryant Acworth 770 318 5740
ca Pygmy
ay for sale.
, regd.,
'96 AQHA' regd..,palomino mare w/regd. .APHA buckskin filly, regd."chestnut mare' '1987
breeder pair $200 Judi Jones Jasper 770-
grey, flashy 'cadenced ,gaits, dependable' on
, ".
'w/palomino filly. will 'separate. Rosa'St. John trails/groun<l, $1800/obo. Jan 'Badowski
Americus 912-928-5451
obo.'Debbie Chambers 898-2479
Grove'770' ,
5 yr, 1611ds. ,QHITB,'gelding, need.s, expo ' Appaloosa mares. mother and' daugter,
ages 12 and 16 yrs. old, gentle, $2400 with
rider, English ,or ,westem,$2300. Michael tack Na B
Blairs III 706'3742201
Mitchell Kennesew 678-525-2235
. ncy rown
ve - -
goats recently barr), sell out, $50.males.
reserve yours $75 females.
. '96,AQHA sorrel gelding, 15.3hds. flashy English/westem show horse; 2nd at State in
Forsyth4'78-992'8014 1987 regd.. bay Arabil;ln mare, beau. some
5 yr. old Appaloosa. gelding, drk., bay, 15.2hds., smooth, very sweet. 65 days prof.
Appaloosa regd. colorful 2 yr.'gelding. 15 yr.
broodmare wlfoal, exc. bloodlines; $500lup. p.
Jen L Broxterman 0557 .
. MCDonough 770-898-
ELundgloiswhicila9s1t2-y5e4a5r~, 33ch7i6ld ' year. Von'Sittle
s4rhio7wde7~an8d344t$r1a3i0l 0/riodbion.gD,e'bbeivee~Kryin.gweMekaecnodn,
,expo 478-'
.training, rides both Englishlwestem.grt. on trails; $2600. Margaret Lacey Dawsonville
FaArmppeerndCio~nQyeurasrt7e7r 0h-o4r8s3e-.5b4a6y3,
' yrs.;'first
Pygmy males adorable and young
'd d dlsbudde . an
'h ~ndIed.
d'\ II- h '
al Y. ,a s Qts
'96 TWH gelding. lS.2hds. blk., not ridden in a year. needs 'work. $700. Charles Pilcher
Dallas 770c505-1286
'97 AQHA bay gelding. 15.2hds., sire: zans Living Legend, awesome jogger,' b.eau. color/conf., exc. disp., shown, 'perfect
1990 15.2hds. sorreVovero gelding,' very f1ash,y. grt. temperment."has been,trail.ridden
no- by 10'yr. boy, no Vices/good manners, niee
family horse. $3500. ,Laina Rice '.Canton,
-0116 '
'". '.
770-893 1943
level dressage. sound, forward. nice mover,
f1ashy, exc. manners: Janice ,Reid Ball
5 yr. old, regd. TB mare. 15 1/2hds. well broke, $1500/obo. Luis Castro Powder
' Arabian English pleasure mare. 8 yrs., bay;
pr ngs,770-943-1 00
lots of motion. upright in bridle, $6000. Christy
5 yr. regd. TBgelding, 16hds.; guaranteE;ld
sound, child-safe, versatile & athletic, bathes, ,Presley Milner 710-358-7184 . .
,...rE9dea0,~SSd7mdyaa.3.oaann$nJse1eimon5nn0._W~,mTu"2ycdhkr-koosi.nm5s,gd'almfcsudkotloolsebn.lDo'7o~ad~l0d,hd6.l-o61$'n-b45e'u601gc-2~ka9e; ma67.f2o0us6Bl.l.-ob8Iob6Olb~7ddy-.,.
7n1o0vi:c9e1l4y-o2u1th4,6 $7.500.. S. Sim, s McDonough , '97 AQHA gelding. 14.2hds., chestnut. 3 socks. b.laze, schooled 2;3. tralled.,.p01\.CIUb. 14H prospect $4500. L Freeman rone '710-969-3147" " . '.. "'" ''','
,Ea1's9y9J1etA&QPHaAssb'Eaym,mUPa.re1.5hbdasrr.e, losp/pe'onl.eHs.S boyr Jr. Rodeo. horse. $8500. Wendy Greene
cRII'ePnSt.z' I4oa7d8s. -n9o8V4.ic-e4S.4$44200' 0: Robert Ma' y 6 yr. old Arabian, grey wlblk: points. trair
Do1u9g9l1asTvBillege7.l7d0in"5g4" 81-.469h8d3.s., exc. co.nf. gr"t.. d Mn i.cehsa.eflaMstoam~slk; Werr,ig1h4tS+Vh,dislle.47s8eII86f4o-r2'$629800. :,,,Be.au". .'5 y,r.. b.-u-c"k"sJki"n" pa..in, tI m'"a'r'e,!.h""a/l,te,.r
feet. 'calm, taler;tted. successfully shown.trail 6 yr. paint QH mare, Cattle Foundation. trail prospect, "-eeds tnt"r. rlder,.wlll make gn. tell!
boer buck; Saanenlboer kids. TB, brucellosIs, ~97 AQHAgelding. grt. kids horse. gentle. and ,CAE neg." exc.. condo Starla Jones anyone .can ride, '86, AQHA marer ,Peppy
ridden. ,sound. Marilyn Austin 443-4692;
Dallas 770- goes everywhere. baths, loads; Clips; kind . ,/. eye, inter. rider.$1300. D. Edwards Atlanta
horse. Big.
Ellijay 70~-636-2582 .'.
Brooks,5 event; AQHA broodmare, .'94 1997' BS p~int ,gelding. 15.2hds:. expo 706-353-8325'
',' ..,. .
approx. 11 yrs. ,old. regd., QH gelding, exc.
Small mixed goats, bdlles and nanmes. ~25 Appendix gelding. Scott Wall. Hawkinsville showing huntseat. WP. several other events.. 6 yr. regd. paint buckskin gelding, 16hds., cont.. smooth ,. muscled. .Joe ", Walker
J.L BreedlOg 478-783-2453'"
" 9 7 Quad/Arabian
bay , mare.
noSt ufoprers~samugahltl epry,g$m3y~bailnlieds,upb.eaU~UsfauIHcuoslk~ri's!s,
socks, star. 15.2hds.; halter broke,sound 8.
.friendlr' good looker,' $800.. Jose,Ph Malone
grt. disp.. incredible mover,. Patterson 'Monroe 770-265-9689
,'1998TBgelding,$1800; 1995POAgeiding,
$700, can e-mail photos. L. O'Hara Winston
1250 Ibs., pretty to look at. pleasure to ride, no problems. wagon train deluxe. $3000. Mark
' beginners
Pressley Winder770-868-1563'
.mount. $20001f1rm or trade ,for limall
" 7 yr. AQHA gelding, Okie Toes/Oloa bred. garden/estate tractor. ,Gerald, Gamto
Cartersville 678-721-0911
.. SoCia Circle 770:788-1027'
, ' , fairplayhouse@aol.com 770-489-1013
$3500: April Griffin Jasper 706'692-0133 Jefferson 706-367-4444
Tennessee fainting goat billies,all youn.g ,'98 HanlTB; .16.1hds.. mare, chestnut,
except 1 buck.2 1/2-3 yrs. old. ,D. Hams' showing 2'6'. schools 3', auto changes, very
Powder Springs 770-794'6668 ,
easy, m'ust sell, $9500/obo: J. Troesken
. ,Toggenburg billy 3 yrs. old, proven breeder, 'Fayetteville 770-460-1120
$150, pure. no pallers, tame ,& h,ealthy. I. "99 AQHAlPHBA palomino filly. 15.1hds..
Harmon Thomaston 706'646-2328
1100 Ibs. lmpressive/Coosa on papers, green
Truly small Pygmy goats, must reduce herd. broke, $2500. E. L. Avery Vidalia 912-537-
MichelleTate Dahlonega 706-867-8264
.' ..
$~OY,oun, bg aBbii!Ieys;,
blk.,~o hams; bam
available soon.
2120Q?, KelVin
01. AQHA palomino colt" beau. color and markings, halter broken, loads; clips, 'bathes,
Middlebrooks' 3631 Chandler Rd. Good, very 'gentle, $1200: Steve Worthy Buchanan
Hope 710-267-5185,
. . 710'64~717
'1998 regd. QHlTB gelding, blk. trail; English 706-692-767.1 ..
. 9hestnut mares: 2-yr. AQHA-reg. 14.3hds.
prospect. grt. !>Ioodlines. 15.2hds. loads. 7 yr. AQHA. PHBA g~lding, $2000; 17 mos. dau. of Ch!pped-in-Chocolate, 90-day prof.
bathes, gentle, good w!horses. $1500. LOUis 'AQHA 'fiIty, .special effort.~exc. prospect. tmd., $2500, 3-yr. AQHA-reg. 15.2hds., gentle
Owens Cordele 229-273-9261
' ban'!lls/racetrack; $2500. Randall Scarboro trl. horse. $2,200. J. ~umette Alma 912'632-
1999 APHA BS mare, baylblk., 15.3hds., Swainsboro 478~237-6093 . "
exc. bloodlines, gentle. good 'ground 7 yr. TWH blk. gelding, $1250; 7' r: TWH Donkey'S Mama & .3 month jennett baby,
manners, good w/children, must 'see, $2500. bay gelding, $1500. John Crowetochran' good w/people and ar:"mals, $700.flrm,-health
M. Williams Ball Ground 770-7202224 , '478-934-8520
cert. Annette Combs Hephzibah, 706-592~
2 1/2 yr. old small blk: stud. $650. John
Takash Albany ,229-436'68'29
7 yr. bay Bars, Kings
mare and Golden palomino filly, 3 Pistol. Joe Moore;Poco Bueno ori
;. 9=~-e1n,t-l;0e<I:r4g=.'p=oo=n-y=-m=a:-r=e=,~~=:4;h-:d-s-.==!-,/:fe-y-,::s;h:o:w==n-
2 beau. chestnul Arabian fillies, yearling &, papers $4000 for both' Charles Noland In Jumpers, events prenovlce. no vlces.grt. for
y!eanling; wonderful dispositions. hunter or Jasper'770-735~2387 . . . '
, child/adult, $3500. Becky Lee, Albany .229-
01' APHA Paint avera filly. shown in halter
. ' . Equ'ine For Sale
classes. bathes, loads. Clips. sire Mr Sky High;
--'-'-'-'----'-'--,-----'---~I.beau.markings. $1800. Glenna S. ,Jones
if you h8ve ,questions.regarding' ads in this
Sautee 706-219-2048 . '10 yr. regd. ' Arab: gelding, 14.3hds. flea-
,category. call Tammy Thomas at404-65}-fK)83.. bitten wlblk. _m,ane and tail, easy keeper. grt.
,All eqUine advertiSed' In' the Market trail horse, fun personality. $1800. Mary
Bulletin musthsve had a negative Coggins Specht Thomson 706-595-7221'
westem prospects; $2000 ea. J. A Tisdale Brooks nO-599-3467
2 ponies for sale.WelshX.13hds., exc, show prospect, ShetlandX, 10hds., rides, exe. 1st pony.P. Smi ht' Ro'ckmart 770-684-8208
2. sllddlebred 8 yr. old geldings. sorrel,
$1200; chestnut. $800. must,sell: Crystal Danis' Cove Springs 706-777-0892- . -..
7 yr. chestnut TB gelding, friendly, must sell. $1500/obo. Monica Wharen Royston 706-
,888-2992 Gorgeous
AQI;tA Appen.dlxgeldlng,
11 yrs., expo trail hors.e; Jumps, ~oads, clips"
8 yr. AQHA sorrel gelding'. $2000. ex~. rider'. comes wher;t called, $2800. Alice' Duncan
7mo1>.palominocolt;$1500;9yr.welc sorrel mare. $900, interined.lexp. rider. K. Winders
, filly,
.. Sire.'
Whltesburg770-838-1799 8 yr.. Appaloosa gelding,
. new
silver ~ king
.TcoeentSCi?dlealrlteod. ..dSatm~v: eSBaotinyd,BaMboeu,lt~r5l0~0;g-2-9o-f8f9e0rs-.
test within past 12 months. Negative reports are valid .for ,12 months from the semple date. A copy of this test report must accompany" the ad 'each time It is
'g.'rt1. 0foyrr.cornegfidd.enAtrabbeiga.n/inmtearmree; ds.w~eoemt.e'wsilhl0in10gV,' exp., used for lessons, $3000. Michelle Wright Moreland nO-304-8192 "
2 yr. APHA filly. bay tObiano w/2 blue eyes. 15+hds: very sweet, Willing & eager to please. 45 days prof. training. $1800. priscilla Hooks Swainsboro 912-:562-3085
saddle. $450. Lee Wehunt Douglasville 770-
949-7966 . '
gelding, strawberry roan. approx., rides, needs time"'spent wlhim.
7751,. Med,nrg,. size
~entle: &
g7OCn ld f~ or beg., $750. M.Dlllard Canton
slow. 67~o' ,.
submitted or the notlce'will beretumedto 10 yr. sorrel saddlebred gelding, $1500, 2yr. old jack, brown. long ears, lots of he- '$900. Bubbette Prince Griffin 770-227-1386 . MI.mature AMHR 6 mos. cremello ~olt the advertiser. For- this reason, generalized bucksk[nlwhite yearling paint gelding. $1100. haws,. bathes. loves' to be brul?hed. good 8 yr. QH gelding, bay, good trail horse, Imprinted, small. G~ld, Mel?dy Boy breedmg.
ads (I.e., many horses, varletles.to choose Kim Logan Eatonton 706-484-1811'770-846- guard donkey,. $350. Par'fl Wilson 'Good gentle, ,likes people, $1500. Bill 'Bailey $500. Barbara Smith Fairmount 770-796-
from, 'other's, etc.) cannot be accepted.' 2700
Hope 404427-6216 .
, ' , . Hoschton 706'654-3236
;:;.57=-:1:.;;8'-,--:-,-~-:--:-_ _-,;--:--:---:;-_ _
Buyers are urged to request verification of 1-1. yr. regd. Arabian mare. bay. Bask 2 yr. old sorrel colt, Impressive on papers. 8 yr.,QH mare, 14.3hds.,liverw/ blk. mane, Miniature donkey, .regd. jack, ,7 mos.,
a negative Coggins test before purchasing bloodlines. verY sweet, proven broodmare. Hypp NIN; $900. E. Smith Rochelle 229-365-
any equine.' Any falslflClitlon ,of Coggins $1900/obo. M.LLindsey Lithia Springs 770- '0069
tests can result In fines arid/or suspension. 941-5711
2000, APHA baylwhite mare. open, halter
of .advertlslng priVileges' in the Market' 11 'yr. 'strawberry .roan gelding,- running' winner,-performance cutting breed ready to
tail . legs, ridden western. current s,hots, $1800. Troy Ryals, Bethlehem 770-586-5229
8 yr. old. C!un. 13hds.; 'gelding, great show pony, intermediate rider, friendly personality.
adorable. grt. personality, $1200. Marsha Randolph
brown. Locust
1 h't &
Iml!-tu~e ge lOgS" w I e gray, '.
. .~
BUlletin. This' regulation 'also 8PPII,es to pony,intermed. rider,$1500:'Wilbur-Mosley be trained; $2250. Chip Daniel Douglasville $3500: Hannah' Campbell Cumming 770- blk./white, $775 for both or $400 ea. Stevie
equine advertised .In the "At StUd" and 115 Brown'!! Crossing Rd. Haddock',31033 ,404-406-1840 .
'., 844-0435
.. , '
Adams Tallapoose 770-574-2839 .,
"Boarding" . categories of the quarterly
'equine editions.
478454-1086 ll-yr. 01d'16.2h black. TB 'gelding, has
'2000 APHA fillies (2), baylwhite. tobianos, sireOH Leo Joe, $2000 ea. or $3600 for both.
159.1yhrd. sA.,rabv.ergyE!lCg!ieIl9n,tlree,g. dE.n, gf.leao-bri,ttweensgterarny,,
Mini~ture.grey. j~nny; '7 yrs. old, very, gen~e: $700. Paul Vall Elllj~y 706-635-1404
, '00 AQHA pal stallion, $2000; '01 AQHA'pal shown 2'6' hunters, good on trails, . D. Harris Cartersville 770-386-3554
wonderful on" trails, . $1800.. T. Buckner '. Mlmature: 2 yr. old, stallion, beau., very
stallion. $1500;'01 AQHA chest. filly, $1000. 'sane/sound. $3500. Mary Waldrop Canon 2000 AQHA geldinQ by Barpassers Image. Flintstone 706-931-2236 .
genUe, Small c~ild can ride, no vices, $750. C.
Ken Rhodes Newnan 770-252-5709
.. 706-245-7045
IF 15.2hds. WPltrailln training. riding, quiet, 9 yr. barrel horse mare, 15.1hds.i 2 ,yr. Green Tyrone 770-487-2858 4040755-4597
, '00 sorr~1 overo geldi~g, t~n!ng reining, '01 . 11-yr. regd. Arabian. mare, riding well. Jmprinted, sorrel, $5000. ,Jennifer Barfield NBHA World qualifier, safe & sound, Morgan ":lare, regd., 14.2hds., 9 yrs., bay,
sorrel solid filly, cuttmg/~eIOing prospect, . $2500; 5-yr: mare, 1/2 Arabian ,1/2 Appaloosa, Aragon 770-684-5839
$5500/obo. Kasey Henley LociJst Grove show quality, very p~etty. Tecfwm TopiC
Painted ~obin, ,Sonny Dee Bar. D. Moore started uts, $1500; 'l-yr. blk. QH gelding, 2000 bay tobiano gelding, QT Poco 770-914-8245
gr'daughter, $4900. J. MIssler, Maysville 706-
CartersVIlle 770-382-2094
$1000. Robin Hix Monroe 770-524-8786
.'00 sorrel, son of. Solo Solano, gr'son Doc's ,12 yr. RHBEA mare. 14.2hds., red, roan, ,Solano, Doc Bar,- Doc ~Olena on papers, well smooth quick rack, very calm, in foal for 2003,
rriannered, riding good, no vices, .$2700. gentle, easy keeper. Dan Hunt College Park
StrekelPepsi Poo by DanyMiss JaylDandy J King, Irg. fore armlbig,hip. 45 days uts, quiet, $2500. Parker, Anderson . Daisy 912-7393776'
9 yr. old buttermilk buckskin mare, grt. for 652-2196
. '.
teenager or lady, anyone can ride. $1350/obo.; ,Mule. m.are, 5 yrs. old,. 14.2hds.,
Amy Timms Lithia Springs 710-745-9235 chestnuVwhlte Appaloosa. good on trails~
AMHA 14-mos. filly, chestnut roan wlflaxen loads. clips, $3000. E. Hargado~ Waleska
David Bowers Bowman.706-245-5081
,2000 ,palominoQH filly, blaze w/3 white maneltail; 31', AMHA 4-yr. mare, palomino; 770-479-1453,
,'01 APHAbaylwhite tobianolovero filly, clips 12 yr. TH gelding, trails, loads, crosses 'stockings, l!ta'1ed u!"der saddle, Willing ~6',can be bred backto.26AMHRlAMHA Mules 6.yrs. old, 14.2h~s., blk.; works to
and loads, good disp., $2200. Linda FUI.mer water"loves t6 go, needs intermed. rider. aft. 4 leamer, no ViceS, l!T1prlnted, $1800. E. Cobb lineback stud. Sandra' Langham Woodstock wagon, asking $1800. E. Rider' Mineral Bluff,
Grovetown 706-863-2616'
P.M. J. Stanley . Fairburn 710-306-1842
Cordele 229-535-6407
.. .:..;70"i67'-3=.:7.:4~-5:,:.7.::65'=o:;= ......~=-,...=;::--.:::=
'01 AQHA sorrel filly, sired by The Finest Kid _ 12 yr. old Quarter heading horse, rates,: 2000regd. TB. filly, Alcatraz breeding, ~Ig, ,AMHAlAMHR. p~int stallion, exc. breeding Mustang geldin~, 11 yrs",l~.2~ds., .br!)wn
out of an own daughter of' Color-Me-Skip, SC9res,.quietin'the'box, has' lots of speed, not stout, sound, mce mover, gentle to nde. stud; lMlau. markings.grt., cond., 32' tall. roan, westemlEnglish, good tl'8lVnng, fnen!lly,
heavy muscled;pretty filly $2500. D. Kitchens. for beg. roper. Jimmy Fisher Washington $2000/nego. Angela 'Hemphill, Loganville ,$800/0bo. Ashley Maxwell Brunswick 912- well trained. $1000l0bo. Amy Khabak Atlanta
Thomson 706-541-9149 .
. " 770-466-0028
' 2 6 4 - 5 1 9 1 ' . . ' 710-975-9330
'01 .regd. Appaloosa colt, drk. bay gelding, leads, loads, & ties, very friendly, should
can12riydre.;ollodVbeusc8ktstekinntiogne,ld$in1g8;0105; h1d6s.;maonsy.oonlde
2001 APHA sorrelllobiario mare, loud color, gil dillP. no vices, has Zips Ch~late Chip,
APHA 2000 tab. gelding, tall, handsorrie, ready' to finish, grt. El'!glish/dressage
Pair blk, mules,rri13 yrs. old, trained to pull wallon, complete hamess, hames and
mature' at. 15hds" $800. D. Breazeale Mustang cross filly, sorrel, $500 or $2()OO both. Boston Mac and Zippo Pine Bar on her papers. prospect, flashy, sorrel white, $2500; D. eqUipment, -$3500, aft. 6 ,P.M. Beth !;loone
Washington 706'678'2003
Daniel Vaughan Monticello 706-468-1930 ' Shane Roberson Dublin 91298:4-4447
McMillian' Gillsville 770-536'6652 ."
.Baxley 912-367-7268
'~ Wednesday Septei)'lber 18, 2002.
Palomino' filly, QH; 18 mos., g~ntle, $750; TWH bay ~are,"9 yrs.' child ~f~, $1250, 7 Dominiques, -6 --hens, l' rooster $7.50 Feather-footed, Bantam bearded Silkie Pigeons, . Russian. tumblers, West' of
palomino colt, QH, regd., '13 mos., $750; TWH bay gelding, 6 yrs.,-$1200: Teary Sapp each, take all, selling out; 9 Dominique chicks, roosters, ,01/02 hatch, show qlty:'white and England tumblers $5; 3 Emden geese $10
Regd. Appendix colt, sorrel, 16 mos., $750. Danville 478-962-0344
8 wks., $4 each. M. Smith Forsyth 478-994- black,$10 each. Jim Hannah Darien 912- each. Dean Maddox Macon 478-750-8891
Sherry Reese Baxley 9-12-366-8817
TWH blk. and white gelding, anyone can 9742
Pigeons, White Homers, never trained,
Paso Fino 11 yr. old bay gelding, 14.2hds., iide,show quality, grt. on trails, regd., $2800. ,8 - 12 week old Blue and Cameo peafowl Game chickens for sale, Hatch X Grey, collapsible baskets, must sell all. Ronnie
super gaited,"extensive trail exp., shown, brio, Angela Pelton Hartem 706-556-6393
($25). Daniel Alan Adairsville 770-877-5550 Butcher X' Roundhead" Hatch X Kelso, Gilbert Hoschton 30548 706-367-9623
on call, goes anywhere, does anything. J. TWH gelding, 7 yrs.; Chestnut" $1500. 80 common' pigeons $3 each, no Sunday Butchers, Gualin Hatch, Roundhead crosses, Pigeons: Partor tumblers for sale, call after
Derrick Lawrenceville 770-962-7273 . Glinda A. Tucker 880 Tucker Road "Lizella sales. Clovis Jackson Moultrie 229c941- Mark Smith Martetta 77Q-428-4789
3 p,m,' Lindy Webb Garden City 912-964-
Paso Fino 25-yr. geld., gentle, was child's 31052478-935-8669
Game chickens from my flying pens: Hatch, .:;6-=,.5.0.1'0.-=="""''''''''''='''-:-;::-::---.'-=''''''''=-=-=:0:=
horse, $900 OBO. . Ginger Goodwin TWH gelding, regd. blk. roan,' wonderful , 90 Pearl guineas, .1-4 mos., $3-$4 each. Roundhead, Kelso, Muff, & Greys. Zaki Polish/RIR chicken; also, brown eggs, Kyle
Carrollton 770-834-6432 678c378-4469 . "ground manners, grt. trail horse, spirited, ride John Bumett 791 Morgan Rd. Bremen 30110 Zubeida Griffin 770-227-5681 770-775-6330 Price Winston 770-459-6083
Paso Fino ~ yr. old bay gelding, 13.2hds., show quality, $2900. Wayne S~hmitz 'Monroe 770:646-3236
,Game chickens, 3 and' 4 way crosses- Pul.lets, -Pearl White' Leghorns, 3 mos.,
expo rider, trails, beaches,parades, goes 770-207-6405
African geese, one male, 6 females, ,$20 Hatch, Roundhead, Shorty Grey, Red Fox McMurray Hatchery, $7 ea. Sue Harris
anywhere, loads, bathes, reducing herd, TWH geldings: 6 yr. brown/white, 6 yr. each or,$1oo for all. C.J. Stiles Cartersville cocks, stags, hens., ,Richard Bailey Marietta 770-992-1669
ArteneKlungle Monroe'770-266-7135
strawbe"!Yroan,7yr.blk.,8yr.blk.lwhite.9yr: 770-382-4030
Red Jungle fowls- pairs' & young ones,
Paso Fino geld., regd., suitable for gray/wht.'.,ShealAlbert Queen Dallas 770- Approx. 125 ducks-Pekiris, mallards, 3 Game 'chickens, all ages, Brown Red, Phoenix, prs. and, young ones, call after'6
kids/beginners, exc, ground/trail manners, 505-0090
- generations from' wild, mxd. ducks $5,each; Spangle, Boston Pile, Grays, and cross-breed p.m. Wayne Whiddon Cordele 229-273-9040
$4500.. J. Williams Powder Springs TWH regd. weanling colt, 6 mos. old, b~au. also, geese $lO'each. W. Hicl<s Adairsville chickens, all ages; pheasants, mallard dUcks-Sev. 'purebred chicks hatched 6-17-Q2,
pasojw@bellsouth.net 770-943-8781
blk., gentle, halter broke, clips, ties, moves . 70&-625-3767
3 generations from wild, guineas. D. ~hillips Re~s, Wyandottes, Rocks, from Murray
, ' Paso Fino mare in foal, chestnut, older, exc. grt.; $900. 'Lynne Jones, Franklin 706,675- Araucana bantilm pair, (hen laying now), Royston 706-476-7586
McMurray, others, $4 each, Ken Wehunt
ride w/brio, '15hds., MajestiJoso daughter, 8820
' Silkie, Blue' Cochin, Buff Orpington and' 'Game chickens, cocks-Roundheads and Barnesville 770-358-2587
$5500/nego. Ron Conner Conyers 770-483- TWH spotted bay & white gelding, 12 yrs. Araucana chicks, Pilgrim geese. Sandra Miller. Biackbloods $25 each. Rhonda Jordan Ball . Several breed of hvy. layers, young game
old, smooth & easy to ride, $2000, 16hds., bay Talking Rock 706-253-3340 770-893-7622 Ground 770-735-2470
fowl, Bronze turkeys. Richard Landa Bonaire
Pony 42", 9 yr. pinto mare, pulls cart/rides, mare, Triple Threat bloodlines, $3500. K Australops,' RIR, Wyandottes" Silkies" Game chickens, hatch; cock, hen for sale E. ..:4..:.7~8-==972T2-c::87'6,,::77:':70=--=:=:-O:::-:;:=--=:=7.:'=
saddle & bridle,$800. Roger Maddox Brooks Roopville 770-854-6274
Orpingtons, Sebrights Blues, and two breeds Smith Macon 478-374-9773
Sex Link pullets, some laying, some ready
Zebulon 770-567-0321
TWH tri-color, 4 stockings, geld., 16hds., 9- of ducks. M.' Wilmoth Shadydale 706-468- 'Game fowl for sale, jemmy est Yellow Leg to lay $8; RIR biddies $2 and up.. Sheri
Pony Of America 8 years, gelding, show yrs., traffic safe, neck reins, anyone can 6726
Hatch, good looking Histion Shamo and ,Howard Thomson 706~465:1480 706-595-
quality, blanket,' blaze and socks, sweet ride/goes anywhere, exc. on trails, $3400. Jim Bantam White Crested Polish, Sultans, ,Spanish: Jos,.e Ramos Colu.mbus 706-569~ 1383'
tempered, well trained, $2500. Susan Causey Carroll Lawrenceville 770-513-1448
. Mille Fleur, Araucana, Silver Duckwing, 6949.
., "
,Show qlty. poultry, Silver and Golden
Macon 478-994-6108
TWH's, 3 yr. & 4 yr., both blk. & gentle, ,Standard Butt ,Lace Polish. Jann, Chumley . Game fowl, 4 Butcher/Grey stags, 1 Sebrights, Spangle, O,E., Gennan Beauty,
Pony, 8 yr. ,black mare; 12 hds, possible $1800 ea. obo, APHA tri-color, Poco bred, 1434 Mineral Spring Rd. S. Jasper 30143 Rosec<imb Hatch stag, 5 mos. old, $25 each. ,Homing pigeons. David Orgel Albany 229-
children's horse; my 6-yr-old rides. $900. S. $38o%bo, all load, leail, tie, must see. Mary Bantam chickens .for sale, 7 wk. old & 12 David Skelton Gainesville 770-503-1760
Duggan Rome 706-295-:0567
Leisure Tallapoosa 770-574-9455
' Wk. old Japanese Black-Tail Buffs and Game fowl, Joe Redmon, Knight, Grays, -=,S"'i"'lk7'ie'-(W;;-,-,h"'i""te')----B""a-rr--e'""d-"'R-oc...,k-.cLh""icTks:c;.....,M'"il>='le
,Pony, hunter, large bay mare, sweet, TWH, 1 racking regd, blk. geld., 13-yr., very roosters for sale, Keeli Whisnante Mansfield Bar Dome stags & pullets.: Larry Knight Fleur, Porcelain' rooster for sale, $4' each, no
grt.Jbeg.-intnn. shrt. stirup, 'easy keep~r, well- gentle, bloodline Midnight Sun, beau. horse, 770-784-8104'
calls after 10 p.m, Richard Argg Winston
trained, older pony, judges favorite, $1995 $2800. E. Goodwin Carrollton 770-838-1529 Bantam hens, roosters, and chicks, $2 Game fowl, stags Greys, Grey c;ross, Caret, 770-942-6306 (tack avail). CaseyS. Mercer Warner Robtns TWHIRH geldings, 15.2hds., blk., 11 & 13, each/obo.,- mix breed type., Julie Stewart Roundhead cross, Kel~o, go~d bloodlines, :....:.;S;,ix::-..::a=s=':so:=:rt~e:=:d.-.=Ia--yir=n-=g-;:h=-=e=n=s-,=ro=0=st;-:e7r7fo::r~s:::'a:i:le::-,
478-953-6328 '
yrs. old, trail horses w/good manners & disp. Dublin 478-275-8984
call after 6 p,m. Jerry Pitts Gr!ff1n 770-227- $7/bird, Oliver Heyer laFayette 706-638-
Pro Belgium fillies, 5 mos. old, $1200 ea.; for begJexp. rider. C. Williams, ,Dawsonville Bantams, '02 BB Reds, Creoles, Black-Tail 1 6 9 0
Pro QH maresw/colts, 4 mos, old, bred back, 706-265-4184
Japanese, O.E., ,and more; also, chicks Game stags & pullets: Blizzar~s" Gavilan, ='T~n?:oc-B;;:la=-=c:i:k:--;:C'-:o=ci:hir=n-;;B-=a=nt;-:a-=m=-=sc-,f;;:irs=t:-':P:;:1a=-=c=e
$2500 ea, Johnny Keasler .Woodbury 706- TWH/RH regd. blk. broodmare, rides, $151pr., Triol$20, J. Edge Fors~h 478-992: Greys, Blues, Speckled White Hatch" winners Kentucky State Fair '02, 1350+ birds
beau."proven producer of high quality foals, 8000478-994-6222
Bantams & Bronze turkeys $10/up. Lance entered, Sweet William'plus 2 wives $75. S.
QH mare, should have baby'in Spring, BTO, ,Black Cloud '88, Merry Boy, Bantams, BB Reds, $15 pair, Trio $22.'F. Foskey Covington 770-787-8674
Wiley Fayetteville 770-719-1708 '
$1000. Dennis Barron Carnesville 706-384- Handshaker/Roan Allen bloodlines, $2000. D. Baynard Perry 478-987-0613 .'
Geese, African Greys, '01 & '02 hatch, TUrkeys, 1 wk. old to 6 wks., Royal Palm &
2648 I '
,Price Quitman 229-2634796
Bantams, Belgian quail $3 each, all must males & females, $20 each, Marsha Kelly, Red Bo.urbon mxd., 1 Bronze tom, 3 mos. old.
" QH/App. ,mare, 15. yrs., , 14.2hds., TWHIRH sorrel gelding, 1.6.2hds., 5 yrs., go: Andy 'Wiggins lawrenceville 770:972- Newnan 770-251-889?
, Miles Russell Meansville 706-648-3503
Eng/West, safe'in open, jumps, good ground manners, $1500. Molly Young Senoia 770-
smooth-gaited, extensive trail exp., .$2500. Steve Stowers Dawsonville 706-265-2280
2044' Bantams, Buff
Turkeys, 3 wks. to 3 mos., RIR roosters and BB.Red Bantams. Rex Sells Buford 770-
'719-0268 .'
TWH: Hard Cash & Pushover' blk. filly, Fantail pigeons $5 each. Paul Chachulski 3 7 2 7 "
.' 271-8814 '
QH/Haflinger, 10 yrs., gentle and loves people, rides and works wagon, $1100, TLC Fann. Chuck Woodard Lula 770-54Q-9640
halter broke, loads.- very pretty, $2800; all shots & wormed regularly. ' C., Hemphill Eastman 478-374-3255 912-374-2582'
Milledgeville 478-932-5556
Bantams, O.E. Black, Columbian, Brown
Red, BB Red, Fawn Duckwing, Lemon Blue,
sale, qty. Charles
=:Ti-':u"'rki'Ce=y"=sc-,.-,"'P;:'ha-:-r=-=0-=a';;:h---=q--u-:-ai"I,--".1"'5"'0-'--g--uir=n=e=as=-, pigeons, doves, bantams, Red Lace Comish; Belgium qUilil, games, pheasants, others,
Qtr.X 6 yr. old blk. mare, trail rides, ,neck TWHBEA RHBAA SSHBEA yearting colt" Blue Splash,' Sports, Standard Araucana, Golden Sebnght Bantams $6 .each. James $1/up. Chris Mann Greensboro 706-486-
reins, racks, canters, very gentle, $1800. L. $1500; spotted filly, $1200; spotted weanling Silver Polish, others. R.. Shoemake Alex Dempsey Cochran 478-934-9327
4094 "
McClure Suwannee 770-887-6613
colt, triple, regd. tobiano, $1500. B. 'Maynard Carrollton 678-796-9222
Guinea Keets, peart & lavender; also; Self- ";"::~'i;u:::rk:;:e:::y:::s::-,7y.=ou:-::n:':g=-,'2"Ri';'0=y:::a:;'1nP-=aT.:lm-:-,"':;ti:he:-:::re:::s:;'t=a=re
Racking mare, 15,5hds." gentle, 10,yr., Cleveland 706-865-5945
Bantams, show qlty., Old. English, Crele, Blue' Bantams. T.R. Penland ,Flowery Bronze/$12 . each. Michael Oberbillig
$1500/obo. J.W. Fielder Buchanan 770-574- TraklTB mare, 3 yr, bay, grow about 16hds" Silver Duckwing, Fa,wn Silver Duckwing; Blue Branch 770-967-4677
Dahlonega 706-867-6349
9707 ' Reg.4-yr.
WTQ balanced, easy,grt. hunter/dressage Red, Black & Blue. David Wright. Ca,rrollton prospect, $6500. N. Kittrell Madison 706- 770-836-8875
Guineas $3 &up,- mixed bantams $1 & up. Butch,Klrkland Macon 478-471-7831
Two Black Giant roosters, spring '02; Coweta Co:, $5 each. C.K. Ward Senoia
',mover, quiet, exc. show prospect, gentle for beginner, investment for advanced rider, $4500 neg. Jessica Gibson Covington 706-
3146T2,lr-ha4dk5se3.h5,nreer~d.b.rmooa~IOmasrteu,dbogoreky.,m. 1a8re' ,ysrsU..ltaobld!!,l
Barred Plymouth'Rock Bantams, Red Pyle ani:! Spangled Old English Bantams. Mike. Brown 2995"Hogansville Rd.' LaGrange
Guineas' and Peking ducks' for sale. Rebecca Reynolds Pelham 229377-1994
Guineas, also,Golden and Silver Sebright
Young game hens, '02 hatch, ready to start
laying, ducks, no. malla.rds. M. Callaway
Regd. APHA 7 yr. mare, gentle, sound,
daughter of Two 'I;yed jack, $2800/obo.
Joshua Bryan Summerville 706-857-6206
Regd. Paso Fino's, uls, top bloodlines, well
gailed, grt. disp., !;yr. f!lly..4,yr"tjUy.
D5.y-r.Rool~d,ba!:y)tmataerseb, oflraos,9h1y23;
r home man atory, $:2500" Clske Van RI]n '30241 706-884-8217
Bantams, various sizes. and prices, from $2-
Locust Grove 770-957-3443
, Barred Rock roosters, 4 months old, $5 $6. Preston Gamer Braselton 706-654-3423
Very gentle, beau. 9 black mane and tail,
bay QH mare, Trish . Dorsey'
eacll' trio of BB Red Bantams $15 Ricky
Gaddis Canton 770'479-4561
.Healthy young game roosters, bom last spring.-raised free range, good homes only,
Jasper 770-735-2873
",: p..,.O,u~j."tnZtlFoW-I-.F~ ..0,,r'.-S_,al~
Beau. 5/02 roosters, mxd. breeds; must $6 each. Helen Heinle Dawsonville 770c893-
,slOeeg.a nWvialllete7ri7M0-o97ogn:1539628';4;;cR'o~..s-eb' ud
Road 4123
,,.. "Homer pigeons for sale, must sell, can no
Warner Robins 912-923-6855
PoultrylFowl Requiring _' Permit/License '-
If you ,have any quesfions,'regarding this
, -'
Beau. white swans for sale" $500 'each or longer keep, $5 each. Marisela Perez cafegory, call Mia Haney at 404-651-9084,
Regd. Paso Fino, 12 yr. bay mare, small, Ifyou have an'yquestions regarding ads iii this two for $950, only 5 mos. old, two for. sale. M. Conyers 770-761-4148 '
smooth, $950; 21/2 yr. sorrel gelding, halter cafegory, call, Mia Haney at 404-651-9084. Autry 'Rome 706-295-1291
Hvy. layers, RIR, Black Giant, $5-$8 each. Advertisements for wood ducks must be
broke, very friendly, $950. Rebecca Cambola
Big roosters $5 each, 30 to choose from. E. Roger Smith Royston 706-318-5477
accompanied by a USDA permit. Permits
Rabun,City 706-782-6548
Mallard ducks must be at leaSt three Leavell Loganville 770-466-2892 '. .
India Blue peacocks, mature birds, sale or are available from the' U.S. Fish and
R!lgd:, Percheron mare, 4 yl'S. old, grey, generations from the wild before they can Black Australian swans $500 each or $900 tradeJor pea' hens. Thurbert Henderson 265 Wildlife Service, Attn: Permit Section, P.O.
1600 Ibs., 16.2hds., very, sweet disp., nearty be advertised In the Market Bulletin. pr.; also, peacocks, blue, and Muscovy dUCks, Indian Creek Rd. Locust grove 30248 770- Box 49208, Atlanta, GA 30359: Advertisers
,bombproof, started uls, $3000/finn. Rick Ivey Advertlsers,must Include this Information A.M. Ferrell Smyrna 770-436-0282
' ,' "
must submit a copy of current permit with
Jackson 77.0-898-0812
Regd. bIw mare, 7 yrs., child safe; bomb
In notices submitted for p- ublication. '01 Butt Orpington, $6/pr. each, mixed
Black Silkies, ages 1 wk, to 4 mos., white doves. Cathy Brown Jefferson 706-367-
.Indian Blue peacock, 4 yrs. old, $125; Ige., mxd. breed rooster, pretty, $3, all to a good
their. . first ad. Permit returned upon' request.
copies will be
proof, anyone can lide, $2500, or trade for young chicks $4 each. l:Iulon Kennedy 1575 '
home. B. Carter Powder Springs 770"222- for b,obwhlte quail must be:accompanled
cattle. Dan Franks Royston 706-245-5992 Lawrenceville 770-962-1874
Black female swan, 4 oz., pheasant pairs, 2043 770-222-2047
by a copy of the advertiser's commercial
Regd, evented
bay TB through
Ie1v7ehI,dse.x, c1.. 2y, oyurnsg.,
'01 hatch" Golden,- ~i1ver, Reeves, Pheasants, Partridge Cochin, Black
fboarnltiastm. sJ.,imhvPy:abmreeell dsL,adwurcekns' ,cesveiIlIIl'neg,400u4t-,4c5a6II:
BloJnumdeb,0' reC g0Uulatmr,'lXTqeuxaasl'I aA. n&'dMegWghsitfeo;r asalsIoe;,
qstuaatiel ' brpere'odteercSteldicenbs.er.d, Sitnhcee thGiseoIrsgiaa
rider, mount, $9,500. K. Carter Dawson 229- Rosecomb Bantams, Button quail. Helen 1268
Diamond doves. John-Brown Moultrie.229- Department of Natural Resources requires
Riggs Zebulon 770-358-3193
941 2100
anyone selling bobwhite quail to have this
.ccooulRtlIeddugdnb.egmetr,llna.dl1.a!n0teu'9d,r'ealapISaui.nandt edcroouIt3bs2l,~m, ataefttac.mh6e'pd Ms'op.rar'si,er,I
2' Bolden La Fayette 706-638-8068
.aknn'oRdwusnnsth.lnoegupndAa,tptepma$Ios3o5os0na0,.a. II154Neay"vrn.ceni0t.sI,dfFaguseIt,bIdsn'1'ga0het
-'0-1/02 O.E. Bantam.s, show ql~., BB, Self" HBleureri,n'Bgtlaocnk,BWufhoilred, 7p7ri0c-e94to5,-s4e7l2l,1 5/up. L' arry
'02 Bantam Araucanas, pretty birds, $5 'ea.',
.ywoeullntga,kesmn acUarCeooc.fh. iHn .mGioxnrzoaolsetezrsM$c1Deoancohu, gahll 770-914-7451
,EnBgrI'IaShssByabnatcakmsa, nbd'IrdsBflruoem
g Le-
Ro cks,
pair. Larry Worsley Arlington 229-725c6775 Breeders, pheassants, Amherst, ,Humes,
FRROe,dsrebcoMmob7d7e'0rC9n6ou9l mG85ab1ma'7ne5s,RoBckasn.taPmasu:I
HBladcky ar
'MFMIaao' nlwadyeaarnny.n,,BBBroaBrnnceRhaend7,,70Bi-aa9nm6t7ae-ms3as8.7F7Gir'eebraaockId, dHuacykess,. q B'IautMy.tta'.uli.a&r.rnd qdRtuy.-,ckss...t"..-r1d27-10g46e2nw4ekr5Sa.t9"I7o0n0Id6,..$K8enena-ecthh,
license. For license 'informatlon, write: DNR, Game and Fish Division, 2189 N.orthlake Parkway, Suite 108, liucker, GA
--:' Adult ]'umbo Bobwhite qual'I, fll'ght and weather cond., $3 each. RI'chard Bolton Athens '706-353-6832 ,
Eastanollee 706-779 2330
Bronze turkeys, 5-6 mos. old, $20 each. B.' m,..on oy on - -
Bobwhite ,or Cotumix quail hatching eggs
SSHBEA 1994 1-6hds. geId1' 09, Ioads, ch. 'i0c2ks,Baluneds, chWichkiteenss...',PRieadndpyeaPfOeWndl,eragsrsatsds. 2E2lli6s-33111188'Thomas Thomasville 31792 912- J MlIeatlltaerd4s7,8(366th1g8e8n3e4ration), $8. Larry Hetrick $381100, $95/500, $185/1000, pn'ce includes
bathes. trails, grt. personality, expo rider, likes Buchanan 770-646-8690
shipping, send check/mo.ney order. Jean
ask'109' $2500.'
77SQa-4d6d3le-3b6re8d7, TW'H X geld., 2 yrs. old, black.
'02, Buff Black-Tail 'Japanese Bantams' $11223/7T,rio. Joh.n. Anderson Jackson 770-775-
GiaBnrotsn,zBeutttuOrkrepyinsg, toCnosc; hBinarreBdanRtaomckss,, SBillavcekr Phoenix, Sumatras, BT Buff Japanese. Nita
GaMmixeed$1B0u, ttotchheicr,kecnall$4a,ftaer fe6w'pS.mpa.'nFgrleedd
Baldw. in CaIhoun 706-625-9179
u=S5-7t;a r~6ic:9;k;il-al-n=-de-=gP-g.-O=s;:;:B$;o2:;5x;/:91;0;;P0:-on&o--l-e=cr=h;3i:c1-k:3-s2""2"w"9:e1:e32:k--7=4-o=8l~d-
bay $1400 C Kemp "ennesaw 770-499
1 '2 8 0 . '
TB 12 Id b i d ' 15+hd 'd
yr. 0 ay ge lng,
s., n es
Englishlwestem, grt: on trails. Pam Hurst
JA. utmTlap~nmtaEg v7~e7Hn0,t-e93r4,r.d71-58le2'v3ye3rls.d, re1s6;s.1aghed,s.:,rocuunrdr,engtrlty.,
Ca''0n2noBnufCf oOvripni-nggtotonn7B7vna-n7t8a7m~ .,t.r,i.o,r$20. Ellen
'02 Pheasants, Red Gold and Silver $35 pair; quail, Pharoah, $1 each, Button $6Ipr., Whl'te SI'lkies $5 each. John Mason Gray
478-986-3709 '02 hatch Butt Orpingtons $l/up; Japanese
. SwBinrodwlen BLeygrohnom47a8n-9d5N6-.5H.82p1uIIels' , hens an'd'p"igMeoonrrsis.$G1o0rdeaanchc.r'oRsasyemd'owndlHV",Rou, ngHo2m5i9n7g
roosters, Mille Fleur and and trios. 'Gary Mitchell
BuAtut bbaunrntam77s0, -p3a3i9rs~
Sumner Rd.. Sumner 31789 229-776-6414 Muscovy,ducks, babies $4, half grown $7,
f II
$12 H d MbA rth
Brown or white egg layers, Biddies, 9u74g-2ro4w45n . owar a ry . cwo 770-
roosters, many large, breeds, $1-$15, Muscovy ducks, healthy, well-fed, pond
depending on breed & age.. Robert, Davis required, caring, resporisible owners only, not
$50/100', Jumbo Wisconsin Bobwhl'te quail, ready for hunting season. Lisa Baxter. Rt. 2 Box 90- B Ludowici 31316 912-545-9158
POUItryIFOWI Wanted ', , _
---------want"OCellated, RIO Grande, ,Eastem turkeys; also, Buford Bronze pea hens and
Wwscwahalotleoterl srhso@rsseo,u$th2w0e00s't,gee-omrgaiial lifvoinrpg.lccotuIAl1rleb2sa2.nW9y-.SS1il0tkr6i.iC8eklaronodsteRrds. $3Feloacwhe.rJyamBreasnGcham7e7t0t -4966476-
478-956-2785 Brahmas and
for slaughter, $10 each. Cumming 770-887-9056
Lynn' Mashburn
a2n5y1-o59th6e5r p.ea. hens. M. Allen
Newnan 770,'
Cagle Newborn 706-752-0830
, OE Crele, Blue, Blue Golden Bantams, $20 . Wan~ White, Black-Tailed Japanese, pro O[
- TB mare,15 yrs., 15.3hds., jumps, loads, clips, $1000, Lead-line pony gelding, all blk.,
,12,lhds. $750.'0: Hanson Palmetto 404307-1542'
'02. mature Peking ducks, '02 .Silkie Hrooo'0rst2otenprsa,l~rIBmIlaaGctukr-roeTua'tA!ldread4u,0c~4aa-pn3aa9n2e-sr5oe1o2sB0taenrsta. mGsr$e8g
Butt Cochin chickens, just started laying, prs. only. Randy, Loveless '~ray 478-986-
5852478-972-6181. ,.
Button quail, Jumbo Pharoah quail, O.E.
a pair. Harold K1eckley Cuthbert 229-732-
OEG Show Bantams: Brown Reds, Lemon
Blues, and Whiles, all cockerals and pullets.
tno. Enc Young Vidalia 912-537-8755'-
or several, not for slaughter, local preferred.
Beth Riddle' Sylvester 229-776-3930
TB mare:16hds., blk. bay, exc. bloodlines, or trade for 2 Buff Orplf1gton pulle!l? D. Trap Bantaf11s, Blue Cochins, priced according to BenCrowdis Cuthbert'229-732-5421
Want hvy. breed chickens,' games,
13 yrs., nice mover, proven broodmare, all Tate770-735-1993
age/breed.R..Strickland Gillsville 770-869- Peacocks, 3 colors, Bull Dog,Cornish, 5 bantams, geese, ducks, guineas, turkeys.
shots, current, inclUding west nile, $1200. S. 10 young turkeys and Black Giant chickens 7575
colors, White.. Black, White 4lce Red, While Johnny Camey Danielsville 706-795-5728 .
Reid Meansville 770-567-9480
for sale. AmylTorn Leary Lula770-287-1552 Chickens, Yellow Butts, Golden Lace, $14 Lace, Dark, & Speckled:' Billy Bryant
_TWH 13 yr. Ultra Threat mare, blk., 16hds., 770-31!3-9924
pair, beautiful. Betty Sharp Morrow404-366- Hawkinsville 478-783-4041478-892-9895 ..
grt. pleasure horse for confident rider, loads, 12 SII-Go Unk pullets, 14 wks:, $6 eac~, all 6930
Peart guineas, 2-7 wks.; $2Iup, over 100
clips wonderful disp $2200 Ashley for $65, lay brown eggs. Gene Garnson Chickens, mixed,. all sizes $1 each. Julie guineas. James King Newborn 770-787-3674
Hammonds RuUedge 7li6-557-1631
Clermont 770-983-3070
Gibb Fort Valley 478-825-5770
Pheasant, tUrkeys, swans-unusual breeds,
TWH 15'3" sorrel gelding, easy 'going, leading & showing, trail horse, AQHAgelding,
$120b0.~eedaecrhf'lfolcok~ks,-gweh~ist!e! ,
(4hens,1 g~nder), & gray, chickens,
,Cochin Bantams, one Partridge Trio, one Ige. breed chickens, Black Giants, yard Red pair, Black Cochin chicks, and Barred ,chickens, oltler. Chrystal Eckes Winder 770-
-.If you have any questions regarding this
sorrel, AQHA sorrel mare, $1800 ea. Jim others. Terry Wmfrey Kite 478-864-3302
Cochin chicks. Chris. Hembree Acworth 770- 307-5942
category, call Mia Haney' at ,404-651-9084.
Thomas Lilburn 770-925-2402
2 pairs Yellow Buffs, 1 .White Leghom, 1 9 7 4 - 9 6 2 3 '
Pheasants, '02, Yellow gold, '02 Silvers
TWH 16hds. beau. bay mare, sweet, sane, Araucana rooster '$15 for all.' Terry Munroe Comish Bantams, 2 roosters, 4' hens fo[ ,bre~der, RedGold breeder. Wayne Shelton
The Alte'rnatlve Livestock category
trail horse, loads, dips, sound, good home Hogansville 706-637-5350
sale, $5, each. Bamey Moms .2995 Francis Shady Dale 706-468-0900 .
contains ads for ralites (ostrtches, rheas,
only, motivated seller. Celeste .E. Walker 40 young roosters and pullets, open range, Rd. Alpharetta 30004 770-475-6641'
Pheasants, Ringnecks, strong, healthy, and emus) as well as other "r1on-
Social Circle 770-464-0297
_ yard type, $4 each. Emory Hulett Ate. 1, Box Doves $4 each, Homer pigeons $5 each, birds fly, pen raised; Call after 6 p.m..Shaun traditional" livestock. "
TWH 16hds. gelding, smooth gate, quiet 71 Milan 31060 229-362-4141
geese $12 each. William Kelley 674 Kelly Dr. Kelly Forsyth 478-994-5127.'
2 yr. old tri-colored llama, other. David
under saddle, sane, sound arid willing, $1900, 50 grown, guineas, 75 young guineas, Canton 30114 77Q-479-2773,'
Phoenix chickens, '02 hatch, $10 pair. T. W. Shields Marietta 678-644-1745
must sell. L. Wilson Powder Sprtngs 770- reasonable. Roger Smith Senoia 770-599-3277 Ducks, grown and almost grown, fat and Jimmerson 'Grlffln 770-227-3971 '
' . _ Alpacas, the finest livestock investment,
50 young gl!ineas $1.50 each,. 2 ma.le healthy, $2.50 each. Henry Hartey 251 Peach ' Pigeon for sale, different breeds. Dwight males, maidens, & pregnant females for sale.
TWH bay gelding, 12 yl's., 16+hds. talVstout peacocks $50 each, 4 young turkeys. Willie Rd. Byron 478-956-7489
. ' Morgan 4121 Kinghip'Dr Ellenwood 30294 Larry Dietsch' Young Hams 706-379-2361.
built, exc. trail or field trail horse, been Keen Jr. Perry 31069 478-987-3687
Fawn colored Indian Runner ducks, doves, 404-212-0608 404-272-4441.
' . Uamas, large selection of registered males
everywhere/done everything, .in perfect" 6 kind of a.E. Bantams, 10 laying hens, 8 .Ringneck Pheasants,guineas;'Pharoah'quail Pigeons for sale, 10 different breeds; also, and. females, friendly, halter trained, prices
health/sound, $2750. Alan Powell. Robins 478-953-2226 '-
turkeys and more; also, 10 guineas, 3 kinds. Millard MooriConyers 770-922-1243 ' .
and more. Danny Ryals 452,-8497
Milledgeville 478-
F1r0adni~ffeWreillniat mbrseeAdusgoufsdtoav7eUs,6c-7a9ll1aHf9te0r16''
p.m. .
start at $500, delivery available. Liliane Grant Dallas 770-445-2855
.. '
-- .
, ,Page,8
'; WednesdaySepierrit?er18, 2002
. L.lamas; male & female, all ages; from $600, 17 1/2" Stubbenn Siefried, axc, cond.: Livestock or'small horsetrailet, 4'X8' area '01 & '02 Alicia hay, well fert., sq.-bales, 5x5 '02 Russell bermuda square $3, fescue.
terms available and dely.available. Lance R. $600, 16.'112', 'Crosby all purpose,$800. inside trailerw/mats, lights, and good tires, ,rolls, $2Ibale, $25/roll. Roy Lasseter Tifton $2.50, fertilized, no rain. Charles Mercer
Bell Blairsville 706-745'6433,
, Linda Moss'.Alpharetta 770-475-4761'
$450.-Robert Lemmon Millegevill!, 478-932- 912-382-9840 ' ' .
RoCkmart 770-684-6006
Llamas, regd. males, startin!! at $500, 17' Dakota Roper, like new, never used; 5548
, '01 Alicia bermuda, JD wrapped for outside '02 Tift 44 bermuda, heayy fert., weed free', .
females starting ,at $700, breeding females $450. H. Terry Covington 770-787-7811
,New Sydney Saddleworks Australian storage, 4x5 rolls, $15 per roll,EXT. 155. Fred bales $3.50 ea.lrolls,.5x5 $30 each. Nick
'available, dely.,& terms available. Patty 17' Wintec Pro, endurance saddle, only Saddle, 18", (equivalent to 16" western), Thomas, Moul1J'le 800-509-5571
Carden Leesburg 229-888-9435 678-772-
Weems Cartersville 770-382-3111 770-382-
-, -
used 3 times, adjustable gullet w/CAIR air, $39510BO. Mark Smith Pine Mountain 706-
pariels, $650. Roger Williams Carnesville 663-2335
'01 '90astal., bermuda hay,' lab tested, for nutrients, 'h,ighlyfert., round' bales, dely.
' ". '
'02, Tift 44 i hay, Ige. sq. bales, 'rain free,
Llamas, regd.,' companions, guardin'g; 706-779-7624' ,
.' .' " Older model 20' GN stocK trailer, Bar top, available. Lyman Prickett Kathleen 478-987"' horse qlty., in bar.n, $4 each; :01 hay, $3.50.
halter trained, adult male $450, female $600, . 17." dressage saddle, blk. w/girth, Courbett" ,new floor, $2000, 'Ive. messg. Larry Hix '2547
'Charles, Stroup 1364 Keys, Ferry'
,6 mos. babies male $350, female $450. Lucy Nix McCaysville 423-496-5397 ..
German - made,' exc. quality, $350.' Nan~y' Colbert 706-783-3219
" 0 1 Coastal bermuda squares for callie or
Jenkins, senoia 770'463-0492 "
Saddles, Martha Josey Long Horn limited ,mulch, sheltered, $1.50-$2 each, hay located
McDonough,30252 770-957-9701 '02 11ft 44 square bales, horse-quality, well-
1985 Stoll-GN stock'trailer, 24', 2 cut gates, edition, crates & blue ridge, miscellaneous 'in Sylvester. Jason ,Barksdale. Tifton 22ge fertilized, rain .free; 5x5 Tift'44 and
$1400/obo. Marty F.ulghum Lavonia 706- tack, all f\lr $1!~00. Rita S. Powell Athens 382-8444,229-881-9418 '
bermUda/rye round bales. Raymond Bailey'
, '01 Coastal hay, fertilized and weed free, McDonough 770-957-4713 '
, 1986 Rice,horse trailer,-SP, 71/2' high; rear 'Soo,,!er 3-horse bumper pull" slant load ,5$920580square:AnthOny-.oeVi!ci M~uk478-862- '02 Tift 44"exc. qlty., sq. bales, fert., $3.75
, L"IV'E"STOC.,'K' W'ANTEP:, and front ramps, great,trailer, $3900. Pam R. w/large'tackroom/saddle racks; drop-down
at barn', dely. ,available. C. E. McCallie
McNair Covingtoh 770-786-8618" '
wind~ws, exc, cond.; $7,000/obo. Belil1da "01 Tift 44, ,round rolls" stored outside, Chickamauga 706-539-2522 "
.. '19932 horse BP, 7: high 6' wide,walk-thru JenkinS Acworth 770-917-1611
approx: 20 rolls, .$15 each ifall taken"good ','02 Tift 44, limed & fert., (including minors),'
..tf you have questions regarding ads ,in thiS
category,'c8Jl Tammy Thomas at 404-:51-90!J3.
escape.. brakes,'padded, mats, great cond" Sooner alum. 3H, SL; GN, rear tack" ramp,hay. Wayne Head JerSey 770-787-2685 $2100. Mary M. Cox' Silver Cree~ 706-232-' DR, great cond., $8500; Croslly/Courbettte '01 Tift 44, well fert" .Ige. md. bales, $15'
close contact 16,1/2' ,saddles, $550 each. $20 per roll depending on size of order. Ben
_19~,CM 2H, straight load BP, grt. cond., 'SusanBrown'Sharpsburg770-251-4290
Land Pine Mountain 706-323-9156
rain free, stored in bam, horse qlty., Ige: rolls/$35. Ed James Byron 478e956-2363 ~
'02 Tift 44; premium qlty. hay, rain free, highly fert., Ige: sq. $4, round bales'$45,
" Items listed In the Livestock' Wanted, very minor cosmetic rust,' used very 'little, ' Squeeze chute, portable Prief,ert, $1200, "01 Tifton-85, horse quality hay', 1000 bales, fescue $35; also,'field'prices, 'Terry Mitchell category must be for specific livestock; for $2000. Cher Patterson Monroe 770-266-6838 Paul cattle scales; $600. Joe Briggs Flowery no delivery,$1.50Ibale. Philip Gillis Rt'l, Box' Loganville 770-466-8192'. . '
Instance, "want 30r'4-yr.'0Id quarter hors" ' 1994 Merhow 2H BP,extra height, ramp Branch 770-967-3827
238A Hoboken 31542 912-399-5473'
'021ift 44, sq. & round, sq.l$3.75 per bale,
gelding" approX:. 16 hds., suitable for load, escape doors, axc.cond. JoAnn B:Sims Stoll stock trailers 28'x8' steel top. with full ,"01 bermuda & fescue hay for sale, round & rounq,,'l O/up, '$25"per bale, horse qlty. Paige,
moderately, experience rider.:' ,Ge.lJeralized 174, Jim McMichael Rd, Jackson 30233 678- enclosed neck, 20'x6' with canvas top, $4000 sq. 'bales, inside and. outside.. Joe Cronan Bullock Dallas 770-445-2107
ads, such as "want horses, any amount," ,752-0565" .
each. Tommy Mead Midville 706-554-6107 McDonough 770-957-4761' ,
'02 Tift 44, sq.&,round, sq.l$3.75 per bale,
are'not acceptable 'or pUblication; neither 1994 Sundowner '3H GN ,alum. rear tack, StubenSiegfried II,:, all .purpose saddle " '01 fescue hay, bam stored, sq. bales/$1.50' round, singles, $35,. 10/up $30, horse qlty.
are ads for free or unwanted livestock.
dreSsing rm., drop windows; escape door, grt. wlfittings, ,161/2' Havarm,a Brown, exc. condo, 'per bale. James lillman 'Calhoun 706-629- Billy Bullock Dallas 770-443-8713 '
Want QH g~lding, 4-10 yrs. old"l5+ hands,shape, $~1,900. D. Mu!linax 'Oxford 770-385- $725. Deborah Theisz Alpharetta 770-475- 8031
" , '02 lift 44, taking orders for last cl,ltting,
trail expo and' gentle (50 mile radius 'of 5541
3268 '
','01, fescue/bermuda hay" barn stored, horse qlty.; fert.. sprayed, rain, free, in, field
Monroe). 'Heather Wages Monroe 770-267- "1995-Featherlite, alum., wht.skin; 4H slant, ,Trailer 7', 2 horse bumper pull, good, forage tested, 4x5 round bales $20. Stan T $3lbale. J::dwine Summers Temple 770-562-
0785" ','
mid tack, large dressing room, awning, condition. Robert Allen'LaFavor 2532 ,Tucker Mitchell Farmington 30638706'769-7121 ,', 3679
Want all types of farm animals, rabbits, etc.rramps, rear and street side, feed doors, exc. Mill' Road Conyers 30094,770-922-8720 '01 premium 'Tift 44 & Coastal bermuda, !02lift 44, well fert., rain free,lge. sq. bales
Ms:Alisha Conyers770-860-0418
. cond., $15,500. Vickie Lowom Newnan 7700 478-454-4039
bermuda rolls; heavily,fert., weed free; dry, in bam,$3.50Ibale; '01 $2/.I>ale. Tony'Merck
, Want blk. jack, 14.2hds. to:15hds. .that will 251-0634. ,,,'
., Used.English riding equip., good cond., full stored in bam @$50 per 'roll: ,lim Hunter Jenkinsburg 770-775-0829
breed. Joel Shirley .,Bowersvllle 706:245- 1996 Ax8 heavy duty. utility, trailer, wood pelham bridle, ',$10; weanling leather show Conyers 770-483-8712 770922-6653"
'02 lift 44/Bahia horse qlty. hay, rain.- weed
floor and tilt bed, $350 obo. Keith L ,Barnes halter, $10; other. Jan Pruet Thomson 706- '01-"02, Bermuda World feeder, '01 free, high fert."forage tested, Ige. sq. bales
, Want doves, finches, goats, rabbits, will Canton770-720-1358
,sq.l$1.50, '02 sq. in field/$2.75, 4x5 $30. Don $3.50. Ralph Mills Gainesville 770-536-8438
have good home or'any caged. ,Ralph Dillon 1996 Bee ,Super deluxe 4H GN trailer w/LQ, . WW stock trailer, ,used'twice, BP, stored Mahrer Sandersville 478-553-1788 ."
, '02 lift bermuda hay,sq.lround bales, horse
Social Circle 770"464'1911
new paint, stripes, mats, tires, $8,000/OBO, under cover, like :new, $2000. D. Hunion '02 $25/roll.lift 44 hay; EXT. 14. M: Boyles qlty., stored in bam, dely. available; sq.lround
Want 'pony'13 ,to 14.2hds., .reas. priced trade. J. Wilkes' Cumming 770-587-3876 Dallas 770-445-6530
Dawson 229-679-5353 229-995-4694
bales fescue & bermuda ,cow hay. Dick'
trained/safe for handicapped children, t:lxc. 1996, alum. Southern 2H BP, 7' tall" gortex' , ,Want. ~fi, BP trailer w/sleeper, will trade, a ,,'02 4X5 roll, 'johnson grass, browntop millet, Stratton Locust Grove 770-842-9268 770-
care/home provided. ~anette Chastine lifetime floor, mats, full escape door,saddle 4H In good condo Kathryn Fo.untalnJasper common, grass, we)1 fertilized, $10Ibale in ,,~9,,"14::<--;:6:.;,1:::53=:::-. ":'=-=,...,..,...-:~-;:-:-=...,..::c::-:-:;--.:::-::-
Franklin 706-675-141.7 "
racks, new tires & brakes, $4500.' Randie 770-89303039 770-893,3039
'field: Kevin Vassar, Hartwell 706-436-1144 ' '02 bermuda lift 44, sq. bales, weed free,
. Want 'small donkey jenny for breeding, call Johnson Sparta 706-444-6809 '
Want 4 or 6 horse walker, must be in good '02 4x5 rnd. bales' bermudalfescue $25, rain 'ree, well fertilized, $3,50. David Harden
after 6:00 P.M. Bob Lee Cedars Monroe 770- . '2 horse'bumper pull, fUlly enclosed, walk-in, conde and reas., leave messg. RICky Long, World Feeder squares $3 in barn ViliaRica. J. L8Fayette 706-397-8347 "
tack, extra storage, hay rack, mats, pulls, Franklin 706,675-6279
.' Cosby' Douglasville ,770-265-9060 770-789- '02 bermuda hay & peanut hay, 4x5 rolls,
,Want small pony, must be very child safe, great' good condition. Greg Reed Want to b~y GN 2H trailer w/dressing rm., ' 0 9 0 4 '
- 1000# under shelter $20/roll. Herman Adams
reasonably priced, email with photos. M. Stockbridge-404-379,2206
. slant, or s!ralght load, 'call aft. 8 P.M. orlve. '02,4x5 rolls Coastal bermuda orlift 44 or Nicholls 912-345-5091
Walker. Columbus 706-332-0156
2 horse, trailer, Gooseneck w/dressing" messg. Joan Reaves Quitman 229-263-7074 fesCue hay, fert., in barn, rain free. W. Glover '02 bermuda hay,.md. & sq., well fert., rain
'Want to buy goats, .. mixed breed Dr room, older,mdl., 7' tall, GC, straight load, Want used metal corral panels. Alice Grlffln770-979-0373770-599-8514
' free .. high protein, dely; available.:Lance
purebred, will pick up and pay cash, no' $2,500, T.. Barr Columbus 706-289-2048 Summerour Marietta 770-422-5103
'02 Alfalfa, hay $6; lift 44 and Russell Johnson Fort Valley 478-825-1249
,Sun'day 'cillis., Wayne Green ,Bremen 770- .20' GN horse trailer, new paint, new tires" Westem.show saddle; bridle, breast strap, 'bermUda $3.50, bermuda & rye mix $2.50, '02 bermuda ,hay, well fertilized, 4x5
562,3605 '
;oak floor, $3000. Ray'Ham LaGrange 706- silver. trim, $1200. Adrian H. Gillespie fert., sq. bales, horse quality, delivery. Helmut. roll/$25, horse qlty., sq.' bales, $3 each.
: Want young or baby Scottish Highland calf, 884-3896706-298-1238
' .'.
Woodstock 770~926-3614770-926-3420
Cawthon Rome 706'291-067.1 706-802-0797 Roscoe Meeks ,Douglas 912-384-2606 .
not for slaughter.. S. E:Marley .Wlnder 678- . 20' covered gooseneck livestock trailer,
center gate, elec.. brakes," very good cond.,
'02 Alfalfa hay for sale, top qlty., leafy., , '02 crop, top qlty. fescue hay, sq. bales $3 Bucky Malcom Bostwick 706-342-4670 706- per bale, well fertilized, rain free in bam. Craig
Wanted goat, must be tamelfriendly, looking 'for animal that will double as lawn-mower, not
$22515~0106: 4A3nne. tte Banks
Norman Park '
. Smith Danielsville 706,795-3066
'02 'Alfalfa sq. bales, great horse hay, '02 fescue and bermuda round har bales'
for' slaughter. Armon. Justin 'Mosseini 2000 Sooner alum. 3H slant'load, GN ,Angora F.ussy Lop, Satins, '1/2 groWn & $6Ib~le; dely: available w/quantity. N. ~ittrell, $25 picked up, fertilized to U,GA'soi specs:'
Carrollton 770-832-0823
dressing room,'escapedoor, saddle
6$1162e,1070806.T. Thompson
McDonough '
babies, $61up; bunny cages, new wllitter trays,
$20/up.- Carolyn Devitt 'Ringgold 706-965-'
Madison 706-342-7705' '~? Alic:ia bermuda, high quality,. well'
fertilized, In bam $3.75" $4 local. delivery.
Bennie'Moon Bostwick 770-972-5359'
'02 fescue hay in bam, sq. bales, well fert., rain free, $2:50 quantity discount. M. Vassar'
2000 Sooner alum.3H slant load, dressing "Assorted NZW English Lops, Flemish Giant Matthew Echols McDonough 770-957-8150 Hartwell 706-436-1603 c'
,. '00 ,Sooner Rio, alum., 3H; SL, 'RT, DR, won
'in raffle in July, never used, cost new,
rm AClheat;awning rear tack DOW, like new, $15;000. Scott Knigtrt Dublin 478-676-4149 .. '
2001 Kiefer,'3H slant, GN; all alum., ,12' full living quarters; ,awning, AC, furnace; walk-
babies assorted colors age $8 $10 Desiree
Nicholson P.O.' Box 424' Wima-"'son 30292
770-567-9591 Brass 'back
runners.' Walter
faolsr'0oc2,oAwAlsflai.clfDiaawignaryarnoselslsH,neai)al(ldtwu. no$il:e2te5rIMbc~aotvlteee,rr,qw9ty1i.ll2d-tr6ai8sd5ce-.;,'$le2a'.05th20e/srfqmeusaacnruee,C$ah2rl'r!ryoW'll1tlfoe:n'r~t7ixl5i7z'0,e'-d8n3o4in"-r.8a,.3itnh3:e3- ~biamrmny
,"02 fescue hay,' premium horse qlty., rain
$19,000; sell for $14,500. Sheila Stone thru.Joe'Shurley,Warrenton706-465'3161
'Resacca 770-846-8178 706-625-7741
'24' GN cattle trailer, good cond."good tires,
'00 Sooner Stockman, 18' box, bought new good floor, ready for haUling, $1800. Keith
last September for $12,500, selling for $9000, McMullen Social Circle 770-464-3817 "
e7x7t0ra-3t8a6ll-a1n9d10w7id7e0.-8J4o6h-n81W7a6rren 'Cartersville 24'HaIesteeI 4H'GN, 7' taII, 8''dre'ssl.ngrm.,
good floor w/mats, new,tires, 'asking $3009,
'$d3r~e'~0s'0sOOinOS.gu; Jnu8dl',oiewtGnRNeo,rss,rVeaaTlruheotLa,micteka"st2oeHnxc4.s7la8cn-o8tn6d28.,-'-
RandaliWilde Blairsville 706-745-6594, 2H BP Mcquerry trailer; 6'1" ramp, good
floor,!loodtires,surgebrakes,pullsgrt., some
'Jackson Commerce706-335-3348
Brass backs crossed rabbits, $6 ea., ttom~
of the original Mountain Runners. Jim
Grantham Jasper 706-692-3449 ,,' . ' Breeders'rab-bits for sale, Dutch; Lops, Fla.
White, and mixed, also rabbit cOmpost, Ga.,
licensed. S: GUiney Covington 770-786-6227
'Dutch; Satins, meat cross, San Juan, Silver,
Silver Marten 10 available $7/up Michael
'02A.licia hay, fert.i1ized,. horse qlty., ?x5, free, weed.free, sq. bales in barn.-Morgan
ro IIs,
Adams Clermont 770-983-3940
$39/round', ba!e; ,$2.75/square at-..farm, '02 fescue hay; ,s.9. bales. Danny Little'
delivery. Art Johns: Dawson 229-995-5371 Felton 770-646-8708 .'
''0,2.AI"ICla hay, fe. rtTIlzed, ra'In free, horse " ,'02fescue.hay, top glty., sq. bales, $2.25 ,
qlty., sq. bales In barn. RL. Maloney Ho'0b2okAelincia91h2a-y4,5h8o-r3s0,~30qlty., sq. bales in barn
barn; also,,'mulch $2, ,rain' Bradley' Canon 706:356-
$2.50. Charles West. Waycross 9,12-;283- '02'fescue orchard grass hay, horse qlty"
,1 . 01 Trall-e'.
padded, ramp,
wAallukm~t.h, ru,2,Hd, reBsPs~ln.g7l,t.a4ck
. high,
,rust;$800. Telle Stein Marietta 770-321-8706 2H BP straight ,load' trailer, manger and
tack: $1000. Larry Pressley Eatonton 706-'
Bertrand Marietta 770-437-0437 .
Dwarf Holland quality, pedigreed,
extras $7;000. Calvin Cowles Newnan 770- 484-0258 , . '
Whitener Dalton 706-277-2595 .,..
,hily, sq. bales fert.llimed rain free. Lamar ,Long Chatsworth 706-695-5906 " " ,
'02 fescue orchard mix, fert., rain' free, horse qlty. hay, $3Isq. bales in bam, 'dely.
- ' , 2 H BP, good, cond., escape' door, tack,'
,'02 AliCia, premium horse hay, limed & fert., available. D. Hemphill Blairsville ,706-745-
a 76 2H BP horse trailer, new floor, good comp $\650. Bobby Windham
tires, new wiring, ,removable petition, $600. 770-722-7126 "
Conyers Dwarf, Mini-Lops; Dutch, Mini-Rex. Bobby'. - ' Brock Maysville 706-677-3522
rain, weed, & Bahia free; $3Ibale; Bahia free $JIbale. J, Wright Dublin 478'272-8008 '
'Do'n8n3a~Wicaell2, RHeoyrnsoeld~sum4p7e8r-84p~71'I-59tr4a1iler, b.ack
2H BP good fir. old but solid, $1200' 3 saddles--$250, $75', $200; 72" blilnket,. $30.
and Side ramps .forloadlng/unloadmg,- Melodie Hood Conyers'770-922-5756770-
,Free rabbits, Rex, dwarfs, lop, all different colors and alles, very sweet, to good home
only, Amy Shields 'Marietta 770-641-7122
'02 Coastal bermuda hay, UGA specs.,
fdeerltiivliezer:dBarnedn,dfaain~rfarencei, s$.3Hpaew(skqh.l-s. vblalllee,,4c7a8n-
sq. bales $2.75. James Phillips Fayetteville,
. '02 fescue, 4x5 rolls, fertilized, rain freltin
reasonable condition" $700: Don K. Cole, ,313-2880 '
", ,
H.olland Lo,? bunnies, variety ,?f colors, 892-8480
barn, $20 rolLlarry Benfield Clarkesville
Monroe 770-207'8662 -
3 Engl'sh saddles bridle's mise tack etc' pedigrees available, ceges also. Kimberly, A '02 ,Coastal bermuda h.ay, ,exc., qlty.. sq. 706-947-3500 '
'83 WWbumper pull stock trailer, 4 horse, priced td'sell. P. Wagoner.' Sava'nnah' 912:' .Browl) Chickamauga 423-421-4326 706-
.5'x6' tall; $23OO/obo. Fran Herifl Cqmer 706- ,925-1038'
783-4342' ,'94 Adams
,. 3H
3H SL GN wlliving quarters, new paint, ,brakes, tires" $4500. Steve',. Hayden
sleeps:;4, custom, bUilt, GN, grt. cond.;. 19' Columbus 706-596-1038
~3D"H7~w5~oa-~l7rlf~a1s,~0n3~bdrn,eje, 7dLlgno~!p;!s~,~~s~ho~Mw~"i'anRl'ie-lRxp_ .eedx1l"ig.m~leNae~de,thHeprarl!ri'cp!needsr
bbCBaa~~lltr0eeao2ssun,, lCp4paoi7ic7ca8kk0s-uu69tpp-a53l62oo-7br5r-e91ddr88eme38l~yu1..l;.laaavvaahdi~laay,bblleee..xcSE.,tedqvdelyty,A.Allllseeqnn.
'02 fescue, 'round bales, horse qlty.; in barn,
sprayed, fert. extenso $25Ibale. Brian Ellington
Conyers 678-773-4793
fescuelbermuda sq. bales, $3lbale
mix, good qlty., in bam. George
rain Kirk
awning: Sally Hurley, Macon 478-994-4500 . 4H stock trailer w/center gate &, 2 'escape M" L b '
ltd I'tt
02 C!Jastal bermuda ~ay, exc.' qlty. sq. Kennesaw 770-425-6554 '
GN.' mId
11' DR" AC & rear ta*,
ramp, ,sheltered, $18,000. M. Austm
doors' , $1. 000. Kaye; Evans .Box SprIngs91 2-' ,eachIn, I-1 obpaby uAnnngleosra, ,.ubrnorWe an,e$3,5I. eKras,thleen bales, pickupor' dely:a'vailable, 'E,dWin Alle. n '02 fescuelbermuda, ,mixed hay, 4x5 rolls, '
6'.4690-:8~8e5avy. dUty round
,. ., " galvanlzea2
,Minkkinen Dallas 678-457-3682 '
. Butler 912-862-3288 , ' w e l l fertilized, $25/roll. Frances Farrar Griffin
Mini-Reicbabies for sale, $5'$10 ea. Ashlie' '02 Coastal bermuda hay, highly fert., rnd.' 770-228-6348 770-228-9409 "
, Dl~ oao'9du5,glGCdarrMseavnsihstll~ihenrags7~e7,,r0toDr'oa9ami4lew2,r-s,3orbe1nua1mr822pt9ae-cr6kp~, u8le-l,x5c?4.H05csol~adn.t,
Young ,
Norman .
& 'several
6H straight load Mcquerry GN, $4000/obo" 'breeds in all 'sizes and assorted colors. Ray
D. Hanson Palmetto 770-463-8544 ' ' .' Knight Covington 770-464-0446 " , '
bales, 4'x5' $25, dely. available. Sonny
Trammell Juliette 478-994-9492 , '02 Coastal bermuda hay, sq:. bales, exc,'
qlty., $2.75Ibaleat bam, dely. available. Tracy
'02 highly fert. Coastal & fescue hay $4
each sq., rnd. rolls in dry $45 each straight
Coastal,. other. Ray Clai'k . Dacula 770-963-
3561 770-963-4228
. 96 Featherllte 2H BP, extra h,elght, step-up,., Beautiful"saddle& 'some tack complete. C\ Netherland Dwarf bunnies for sale cages Watson Buena Vista 229-649-2438 229-928- , '02 horse, qlty. fescue orchard grass clover
escape, front tack, good cond., $7000/obo.
MelissaCantreli Fayettevllle770-460-9680'. ,97 CMLega~, ste- el., GC 4H slant, DR, hay
rack, GN, new ,tires, spare, r:emovilble re!jr-
tack, boot-box, $7750. R. Smith Evans 706-
Collins 2775 Duck Gap Road Blairsville
30512706-745-8112 Child's, synthetic; alH~,ur.pqse Engh.sh
saddle,. leathers and Irons, hke-new, never on
a horse, $250. Cecil Dobbs Jackson 678-
': _ ' '
1 " ' 1 E' 7625'
w!,!ter bottle, an feeders are aso aval.. SimRambsbitMs aforiretstaal'e7,70$-84e22a-"7868w1ks, old. Jim H.
:02 Coastal B'IShO-u-P'Irkle'
CbeorvmInu'<d~"aonha7y7,0s-7q8.6b-6a0le9s5/$, 3.50
Elzey Cumming 770-889-4318 . "
'02 Go~~al berrT)~da hay,~quare and rou~d
R-bb't f - I FI . h G' IX NZW' bale~; fertilized, dellvery,avallable. Lee Hams
a I s, or sae, eml.s. ,Ian
, St. Simons 912-638-2163
mix; fertilized, rain free, $3 per sq. bales, in
ba.rn, dely., 'available:' Charles Hemphill
Blairsville 706-745-9544
'02; horse qlty. fesCue orchard grass mix,
fertilized, rain free $3/sq. bale in,barn. Dean
Walker Canton 770-442-1633
:98,Sundowner Siesta 3H alum., complete
LQ, loaded; solar, elec. jack, stud wall,
--enclosed, exc. cond., $31,500. M. Vanne
Snellevllle 770-815-6373 .
," '
. Circle Y show 16' loads 'of
choc.. seat,' Messman
,WClliolarbmesttoens7a7d0d-le2,27E-n4g0l6is0h'6,71~8'-,61e8xc-3. 1c4o1n"d., 3
,e3sa6e.1Rv-eTa9reba8rblr~yibt2srCe6oda7fn8f~elI-eI9mrb6ar6Bl!e-l~e9syd0.ts9hJ,1,eh."7vlh'e0l6lho-p5r s9d2reA-2st4sla7en'9dt.,a$470.54"0-
'98 ,silver 3H' alum. GN slant, DR,. OW yrs. old, $400, also English 15', exc: cond:, 4 ~abblts, $5 ea., need to sell ,now. Hugh
'02 Coastal bermuda hay, well fe,rt., $30/.roll, '02 horse qlty. fe.scuelbermuda'mixed hay,
dely. available., Wymann Hartley.' Warner $2.50/sq., $251roll in 'field; Tift 44 bermuda
$4/$40 in barn, dely. available. R.J. Campbell
'02'Coastai bermuda hay, well fert., rain free, Rockmart 770-748-3419
weed free, .~2.50/sq. bales, $25' roll, net, "'02 horse qlty. hay, well fert., rain/Weed free,
rem/collapse, rear tack, exc. cond., $12,000, 'yrs. old; $300. L. Pecl1enino. Marietta 404-' Teems Tignall 706-285-2344,
<500 mi., blk. graphX. T. Ray Kingston PO- 403-2335' ,
. San Juan, NZW, Flonda crossed, ,Fyers,
' : English show bridle, tail exten~ion, misc. IIve:or dressed, freSh_or fr~zen In water. Roger
~ 0' GN used callie trailer, elec. brakes, new show equipment. exe. cond., e-mall.or call for Smith Royston 706 2~ 5061.
wrapped. CurtiS Durden Lyons 912-526-3189
'02 Coastal bermuda miX, Ige. sq. bales In
bani; also"mulch $2 & $1.50. Leonard Rhyne
Barnesville 770-358'3913.
fescue; orchard grass, bermuda .mxd." in the
barn $2.75 each. Charles Hoffman
McDonough 770,914-2767,
'02 horse quality lift 44 square,bales, highly
tandem axle; 5-'10 ply tires, exc.-cond. Ed C. list. Baylj3e Manske
Kennesaw," Show !'!nd pet quality pedigreed Holland, '02: Coastal ,bermuda, sq. bales/$3.50; fertilized, weed and rain free"in bam $3.25.
,Henderson Cairo 229-226-3460'
bay229@yahoo.corri 770'517-0494,
Lop rabbits for sale. Wade Jeane Newnan bermuda fescue $2.50, ,bermuda, 5x4 round' Lon D. Marlowe West Point 706-882-5101
15' A-BETTA western' saddle, like new, Gooseneck brand 16" stock trailer, '84, 770-304-9842
bales $28; bermuda fes~ue $25, fee for dely. ,'02 oat and rye grass; 5.5'x5' size, well'
'Cordlira blk., nylon, sterling silver conchos, enclosed nose compartment, solid ,sides,
includes bridlelbreastcollar, $250; paid $360. needs paint, grt. 4H1FFA trailer, $2500/obo: R.
Cindy Rao Cumming 770-888-6071
'Bruce Van Meter Rome 706-290-9154 , . '
16' Billy C90k roper saddle, like' new, only Horse trailer, BP in good cond.! new floor,
'been on horse once" basket weave w/small wiring. etc., $500.. call' for details., Ronald
. i; you 'have questio~s regarding ads in ,this
John Adcock Woodbury 706-553-5381 . '02 Coastal bermuda, horse'qlty., highly
fertilized, sq." bales, in barn, $2:75. Yancey Smith LaGrail~e 706:884-1209.. . '02 Coastal, 02 AliCia, 6x4 rolls In bam,
fertilized 800+ bales $30. Frank Eaton 4441
Bethany'Road. Buckhead 30625706-342:
'02 prime Coastal bermuda horse hay, fert.
UGA, soil specs., in barn sq. bales/$3.50,
amount of tooling..$875. Karen Stewart Good Myers Covington 770-787-4191 ' ,
category" call Mia, H,?-ney at' 404-651-9084. never, wet, hvy.. fert., '$35 at barn, dely. .round bales/$35,' round billes in fieldl$20,
"HopEi n0-267c9836 ' .
Horsellivestock trailer, ,BP, .6x16, like new
available. BiII,Barrs Eastman 478-374-7055 delivery.- Olin Trammell FC:Jrsyth 478-994-
,16' Crosby Prix De Nation, close contact condition, new fl()or, good tires, ,$2500/obo. All hay ads, must contain the variety' of '02 Coastal!johnson mix, fertilized, weed 6463
, '.
saddle; exc. cond., $450. Libby Witcher No~an McGlohon' Arnonldsvllle 706-74Z- hay offered 'or sale; I.e., Coastal'qermuda free, .lab tested;' 4x5 roll, $10 each., R. Billings '02 'qlty. Coastal bermuda hay, round bales
Powder Sprtngs 770-534-9114
' 7925,' ' , '
'. hay. Alicia hay, etc.,
Jr., Monticello 706-468-8612
$30/$35, sq. bales $3, dely. available. Walter
16' BP horsellivestock trailer, center gate, King'2H GN, 25' long, remodeled living qtrs, , '01 & '02 4x5 Russell bermuda hay,- well '02' Russell bermuda hay; limed, fe':!., no T. Davis Haddock 478-932-5462
escape door, big front tack, new tires, $1800., under manger storage,. s,elf contained, $6!100. fertilized, covered, rain, free, $10-$25 per, roll. rain.. in bam, 4'x5' ,rolls $25, dely. available"
J. King Buford nOC945:3664
,,' K. Barnhart Yatesville 706-472-324~ .' J. McAllister Columbus 706-563-0634 '
Jimmy Keith laGrange 706-884-492~
, Submit ads by ~ednesda~noon.
": .-.
'Wednesday September 18, 2002
Page 9
'02. rye grass or bermuda, horse qlty.',
fertilized' each. cutting, baled 5-7 wks. old,
sqJround;sq./$4 (55-60#), 4x5 rollsJ$35 (9001000#).. Jerry Watson Palmetto ]7Q-4633200
. If you have anyquestions regarding this catc
$lIpkg. w/LSASE, extra orders-extra postage: 'Lady in Red" salvia, cleome,
. Obi. poppies, touch-me-nots, roseeampion, black-eyed Susan, Gloriosa daisy, old time
Old timey shipped free.
laikspur, amaryllis, cosmos, zinnias, white hollyhocks,pink .salvia,. mini hollyhocks: :..R~d...~U~v~a;;;ld:;;a,:-,,:304~7:73:-- =~.-::-::-=-=-....-:=
trumpet, $10/doz., $4.50 postage. Gerri Ward Sandra Pankey 4544 .Tailscreek Rd. Ellijay Over 100 var. of perennials for sale, 4' and
4496 Fowlstown Rd., AttapUlgus 31715 30540 '
. 6" containers $1.50 to $3. Tina Keaton
'02 top qlty. horse hay,' Alicia, Russell, egory, call Tammy Thomas at 404-651-9083, 229-465-3641
Free dark green monkey grass, (Iiriope), Dawsonville 770-856-0984,
Cheyenne and Coastal bermuda sq. balesJ$4. Richard Smith Bear Creek Farm Moreland
. Advert'I'sers . of agrlcultura'I ..__ must .........
$1/pkt. w/SASE: mxd. (red, pink, white) cypress vine, attracts hummingbirds,pink,
w/purple blossoms, LilburnlTucker. Diane
Moskowitz Lilburn nO-279-1212
P.G. hydrangeas $4, bengal, phaison cannas $6, banana. trl;les $10, devil's &
404-473-7281 770-253-6332
submit a current laboratory report (not purple, white cleome, yellow hibiscus. B. Gardenias for sale, old-fashioned, big angel's trumpet trees $5. Shirley Olmstead
1000 rolls Coastal, Alicia hay, net wrapped, more than 9 months old) for purity, noxious BrYant 1143 Rosedale Rd., Atlanta 30306 bloom, no shipping. Suzann Roalman Athens Hampton 770-946-3525
good qIty., hIghiY fert'IIl'zed,. weedless, $25 awdeveedrstisaendd. Agesermedinlaottiomnufsotrbeeaucnhifsoermedalnodt
each, dely. available. Chris Bruner Metter not exceed 400 50-lb. bags. Laboratory ~91~2~-6~5;;.7"-84=07~9~12=,,-6,,,::825~-9~77=2c;.7c--:=-.:-==I=_reports will be returned upon request. Any
1200 lb. round bales of Coastal bermuda, ads. for agricultural. seed submitted' for
.'02 crop, will deliver, call for more information. publication In the November 7 and/or
Rhett Walker Rhine 478-374-2871 229-385- subsequent Issues without this
~32~4~7;"---:7"'-:~-:::=':':=-=-=-:O:-::=-=:==-=--=-=I;documentation will riot be published. 20 A. of Bahia grass free for the cutting, not Certain varieties of seed are protected from
fert., 10 miles'West of Waynesboro. J.P. propagation unle.ss they are grown as a
Rollins 1018 Gough Red HiIIRd. Keysville class of certified seed. For example, wheat
seed such as Florida 304, Coker 9134,
2002 Alfalfa and bermuda, high qlty., 50 lb. Coker 9835 and soybean seed, 'such as
$3 pk. PP.; Cherokee Indian bead seed, grows wlhole in it, wlinstr. to' make jewelry. Fran Chapman 129 Westfield Rd. Leesburg 31763 . '02 Grandpa Ott heirloom morning seeds $1/tsp. SASE, planting, instructions included. Jena Hart 103 Wisteria Way Athens 30606
'02 seed, purple ice 'plant, perennial, blooms all summer, $1/pk. plus SASE;' reseeding petunias mxd. 1000/$1 w/SASE. C.
Amold 644 Lynn Ave. Jefferson 30549 100's, aloes: medicinal, variegated
Pachysandra $10 for 50 bare root. plants.,
Ginger lilies, sedum, red hot poker, hosta, Carol Olson Marietta 770-998-1076 ,
trumpet vine, yucca, 'liriope, forsythia, Rose- Paulownia flowering. shade tree- grows up
of-Sharon, daylilies; iris, (bearded & Siberia!), to 15" year, . planting. season through
w/ship. L. Mulkey Cumming 770-889-7079 September. Tanya Weeks Lenox 229-546-
Ginger lily, (fragrant), yellow flag for wet spot), Japanese roof iris,
iris, (good blackberry
plants, Solomon's Seal, (good shade plant). foxglove, cleome,. orange & yellow cosmos,
Sheila Wilbur Lilburn 770-921-0190
plain dbl. hollyhock, rose moss, larkspur, $1
Hen & chick plants, small starters just each w/SASE. Linda Beemis 18 Saddle Club' rooted, 10/$10 ppd., ornamental & chili ~R:::;d::-.~.1i.!.:re~n~t~0:.:n::"3~0"'75~2=--.-;.,.__=_::_:___,.,.-:- ::;:-
peppers $1/pkt. w/SASE. Doris Chambers Peony poppies, foxglove, giant cockscomb,
bales, Alfalfa $5 each, bermuda $3.50 each. 6738, Haskell -and Benning, may not be $0.50/up, Sweet Williams, Iiriope$0.1 O/up, 155-A Huff Dr. Lawrenceville 30044
moon seed, cleome, rose moss, snapdragon,
James Ramey 2593 Bandy Road Ringgold propagated for sale urileSs the' seed has verbena$0.50/up; seeds: cleome, sweet pea, Hen and chicks $121doz. 'or 2 'doz'/$20, larkspur, sweet peas, dbl., sgl. hollyhock $1
30736 706-965-4087 .
been grown as a class ofcertlfled seed. four o'clock. P.R. Dean Morrow 770-961- daylilies 2 doz./$20, purple verbena, Jacob's each w/SASE. W. Phillips, P.O.' Box 516
2002 Alicia bermuda hay, square bales $1, $2, $3 and round rolls $25 & $30, horse and
Propagation of such seed Is a violation of the Plant Variety Protection Act and the
8841 . 4" perennials, 350 var., $1.50, xeriscaping,
ladder or Queen Anne's lace $21SASE. F. Brooks 674 New Rosedale Rd., Armuchee
cow quality. Carol Sapp Barney 229-775- Federal Seed Act. If you .have' questions eucalyptus, palms, ferns and roses, display 30105
Living, 31$10, $3.50 shipping & hdlg, Herb
regarding certified seed, call the Market garden. Selah Ahlstrom Jackson 770-775- Hibiscus, Red Star & Pink, 8" pots $2, no Bates.Rte. 1, Box 2025 Yatesville 31097
2002 Tift 44 bermuda, horse qlty., weed Bulletin office or the Georgia Department of 4967
shipping. Joel Folds. 119 .Mallory Dr. swtretrt@aol.com 706-472-9932
free, well fertilized, $3 in' field. Russ Lane AgriCUlture Seed DIvision, (404) 656-3635.
450 Virginia pines in 1 gallon pots, potted Lagrange 30241 706-884-5097
; Plants, rose, campion, strawberry begonia,
Carrollton 770-834-0737
.' Alicia Tift 78; Tift 85; Russell bermuda January 2001, $1.50 each, local delivery Hollies, crape myrtle trees, 3 gal.l$7.50; 7 daylilies, butter-and-egg $121doz., bee balm
_ 2002 Tift- 85 hay, in round rolls with .net sprigs, custom planting. Ray Beaty Coolidge available. David L. Brown Sharpsburg 770- gal.l$22, liquidation daylilies, no shipping, call Of blaCk-eyed Susan $21SASE. L. Brooks P.O.
wrap, excellentprices. Marty Griffis DOuglas 229-941-2047
to visit. D. Warren Kathleen 478-988-8406 Box 888 Armuchee 30105
Annual Ryegrass, 99.5%. pure, no weeds, . ~chillea, daylilies, hosta, nandina, vinca Hosta, 60 varieties, 1000's to choose from, Pond plants, hardy and tropical, all kinds,
2002 horse-cow feed hay, Tift 44, Costal 92% germ., $12.5050 lb. bag. Greg Reeves minor, pachysandra, Japanese, Siberian, roof 3 kirids gingers, 6 types Elephant ears, 5 you'll be pleased withe price. Ellen Morley
bermuda and fescue mix, $1.75 field $2 bam. Winterville 706-613-5023
iris, dwarl bloom & re-bloom iris, others. J. types hardy ferns. M. Smith Gray 478-986- Fayetteville 770-969-7468770-861-7526
Chasen Wright Fayetteville 404-557-1676
Coastal, Tift 44, Tift ,78, Tift 85, and Alecia Paul'Banister Roswell 770-587-2088'
Pond plants, many.varieties, will ship., send
4X5 rolls bermuda grass' $25, rye grass Sprigs avail.,.delivery/planting also avail: Cale Ajuga 50 plantsl$10. plus $3.75 shipping; Hostas, $2 and. up, 1 & 3 gal., butterfly SASE for price list. Susan Kingsolver 202
$20, can deliver. Denriis James Fort Valley Kight Soperton 912-529-3900 912-290-5557 vinca minor, variegated w/purple blooms, bushes, 3 gal. $7, 7 colors. B. J. Rhodes Piedmont Park Hull 30646 706-369-0673
Deer mix or grazing mix oats, 95% germ., ground cover, 50 plants/$10, $3.75 shipping. Acworth 770-974-9092
, Pond plants, water lilies, pickeral rush,
, 4x5. rolls, rye/fescue & mxd. $9, (dely. Abruzzi rye, 95%, wheat 97% germ., $7:5050 3B1, 7A91. Rouse 144 Calhoun Rd. Sylvester Japanese maples, "Lace Leafs" , 3' tall, 5 aquat'IC, cIover and. m'int, cat's ta'li, thaIl'as,
available $75 per Joad-25 'miles), some may lb. bag. Billy TUrlington Covington. 770-786-
gal" $38 each; hosta and daylilies $1.50 and creeping jenny, spadderdock, flags, floating
be feedablellandscape hay. David Welch 5116
Anemone, Jilck-in-the-Pulpit, hydrangeas, .up, dbl. fans, will ship, bare root. Bridget and edging plants. M. Frey Mableton 770-
Carrollton 770-258-0412
Fescue, 91% germ., 50 lb. bags, $25/bag.
. Alfalfa, new crop, $5-$9 deperiding on Brent Mize Royston 706-246-0290 706-245-
quality and quantity, dely. or' pick-up; also, 0453
1200# rolls. Dar Bohnenstiehl Milner 770- KY 31 tall fescue seed, .50 per lb. Winfred
voodoo plants, wild ginger, forsythia, crape myrtle, hosta, ferns, aucuba, other. Verma Farlow East Point 404-767-7656
Angel's trumpet trees, 'Elephant ears,
Britton Garfield 706-829-1427
Japanese maples, 110 one gal., 38 three . opples, oxg ove,
u ons, mx.
gal., 14 seven gal.; red & green, lace & regular amaranth, cleome, sweet peas; larkspurs,
leaf, $1500 firm. Rodney Raley Louisville snapdragons, lady'S fingers, giant cockscomb
Approx..100 4x5 round bales of fescue,
Timothy, clover mix, $15 per' roll, call after 5
p.m. Doug Weaver Chatsworth 706-695-
Bermuda fescue orchard mix, 4x4 round
bales, .$15. Grady Roberts Aragon 770-684-
9866 770-684-5006 .
Crane Winder 706-367-9617
KY 31 tall fescue, 98% pure, 96% germ.,
combine run .50Ilb. Roger Kirig Bowden 770-
Kentucky 31 Fescue, 89% germ., 50 lb.
bag, $25 per bag. Lyndon Mize 'Royst!>n 706-
Oats, 94% germ., for forage, James Bailey
hosta, hardy begonia, strawberry begonia, ice plant, hydrangea, gardenia, sedums; purple heart, will ship. P. J. Black Jonesboro 770478-5557
Antique roses, perennials Oct. 4 and Oct. 5, 9-1. Lisa Bullard 7311 Zebulon Rd. Macon 478-474-1298
August .Iilies, (special), 15/$20, pink or
Leyland cypress 1 gal.l$3, (16"), 3 gal.l$8.50 - ( 3 1/2 to 4'). Bob Welch Ranger 706-629-6332
Leyland cypress 3 gal., 3', $7 each. George C77a0u-d7e1l6le-3184059Massengale Rd. Bro_ oks 30" 205
Leyland cypress 3'-$5, hydrangea, Dooley,
$1 w/SASE. Opal Huff P.O. Box 342 Trenton
30752 =;;;:;:"::-:--::-::-=:--:-c:---:-:-:;----=
Prairie .:coneflower .seed, great drought
resistant, yellow 'flowered perennial, $1/tsp..
SASE Sharon Strube 4020 Wesfbrook Rd
SuWanee 30024
$.1P,. "uvripnIecabugtrte~ruflnyd.buc'oshveesr .
$2,'trumpet vl,!les $1, red Star!,ght
Bermuda round bales, horse qlty., $30; Elberton 706-283-3376
bermuda/fescue cow hay $20; all well fertilized, stored inside. David wells Senoia
Ag. Plants for Sale
~lIow multiplying onions for fall
Coastal bermuda $0.80 per bsh., Russell planting, $15/gal. shipped. Randall C. Morris
bermuda $1.50 per bsh., other. Sam Steele
Arabi 229-271-8170229-938-5755
Cumming 770-887-2456
Coastal bermuda hay, '01 & '02 round &sq. . '02 Yellow multiplying onions, $17/gal. plus
bales, good, great qlty. Lanny Harper Social shipping, 2 gal. or more $16/gal. plus
Circle 770-918-8064
shipping. E: J. White LithonIa 770-987-9790
.Annabelle, nandi.na, juniper, cryptomeria, crape myrtles, fothergilla, viburnums, butterfly'
LOnlgan ..
Rd. Armuchee 30105
.. bushes, itea. Anne Walker Good Hope 706- Re-~Ioomlng tall.bearde~ and dW~rf inS, re-
Banana-shrub seeds 10/$3 w/SASE. .342-9471--'
Barbara Williams P.O. Box 55 Shady Dale Leyland cypress 7 gal1$15; Bradford pea!,
bdwloao_mrf ian~gd
and long blooming mini's. Travis Petty
daylilles; regd. Lawrenceville
31085 Bananas, 5 varieties,. Elephant e.ars,
unusual Nancy's 'Revenge,. 4 colors angel's
trumpet, red' & purple passion flower,
red maple, Japanese maple, river birch, oaks,
ginkgo, dely.. &. planting. Greg D. Strickland
W.inston 770-942-0.011404-583-636$1 Leyland .cypress In 3, 7, 15 gal:, 9/3
7feo7nrR0vees9ldoe6pe3ceda0,s5t~Io7nnr9cdlmudopeloesybtoaeugaren,asd, md5r0ae.islsesed.e~JsIonJh$2np,a"Wdpdaheyi.tdse
3824 Pine Forest Rd. Macon 31206 478-788-
Coastal round' $25, square ten or more in field $2.75, $3.75 in barn. L. Kinsley Perry
47807.1.4-,9900478-987,2837. " . . __
Close out on all shade trees, fruit trees, 1/2 price sale on all !lizes of citrus trees, oranges,
~~~o~~~-7~:'4~~~~g!o/.!"~f.!!.:- ~~.!:.ry'.~.ec!d~y
camellias, peonies, pond plants: Patrice Cook maple~, crape myrtle, cryptomena, Carolina
Covington 770-787-6141
Sapphire, Deadorcedar, more shrubs,
'.BIack. Maw.c".BIack . Pn'ncess, H awa"llan .e5v2e6r6gre',e,n:,s. .'"Bob .W..e"tzel _ .D,a._ila.s, .7.7'0;"-,4.,4-3,:-,
5274 . =w:/~lR.o~,n-dg;-Sl-e,Aa.S-f -Ec:,-a-sa-tn-o.dr,.$m-0-o;.l3-e-7-b-s=et=aa-mn--sp--w5,0/,e..as.ec.eh,d,os,rJ,d$.e,1.r .
p, uCrcuhttainsge Tibfte4fo4rheayc,fuirtstitn.wg.eeJkimin SDepatu.,gchatlrletoy Sugar Valley 706-625-3513
Fescue & bermuda hay for sale, all stored in dry, '01 ,round balesJ$20; '02 $25'&. $30 according to qlty. Elmer Nix Winder 770-867-
Cold hardy citrus trees for Ga." Meyer
lemon, Satsuma orange, keylime,' Ruby Red grapefruit, $22 ea., $6 postage. R. Butler 208 Henderson Ocilla 31774 229-468-0892
Crystal white multiplying onions, a heavy
Elephant ears; :Japanese' [aceleaf maples;
Japanese climbing ferns, 'voodoo plants, will
ship, rareplahts. Pam Jolley Decatur 770-
593-1599' .
Butterlly bushes, kerria, hydranseas,
S'I ben'an .In.s, heIIeborus, nand'Inas $3,' 1I ver
,Leyland cypress liners $0.90, 1 gal./$2.25,
3 gal.l$6.50, Nellie R. Stevens; Needle Point, Foster liners. Scott Foster' Yatesville 706-
.LeyIand cypress trees, 3 gaI., 3.5' t0 4',very
of 50 beans, no checks. John Carroll 1677
Buford Dam Rd Buford 30518
:' . Q
A' I .
ace" $1/pkt..
3w0/S7A52SE. D. Hampton 511 P.iney Rd. ,Trenton
producer for summer/fall planting, $181gal., Dragon Iiriops- $0.10 each, wisteria, others. uniform in size, $9 each, discounts & dely. on
Fescue & bermuda mxd., well fertilized &
rain free, $2.50 in barn, '02 hay. Frank Powell
1207 Jacksonville' Rd. Tallapoosa 30176-
$35/2 gal., postage paid. H.E. Davis P.O. Box
"'783=;;;,,:-D=e7.=a::,"::.n"'g""3"'0,;:8"'0"'8__-:-::;-:-:,-,---=_:_--:-;:,.,...-, Egyptian multiplying onions, large shallot
type, grow year rourid, $15/gal., postpaid. E.
Carla Houghton Marietta 770-428-2227
Canna lilies, yellow, 25 plantsJ$20 plus $3
shipping, 1 pkg, daylily seed/$1 plus $0.37
ta M E P 0 k 1152 G H 32 E
s mp. s, .. y es
a. wy.
Ige. orders. Harold Parker Blue Ridge 706374-5339'
Leyland cypress; 3 gallon, single' leader, 4 ft. $8.50. Russell Carroll 5430 Woodlin Rd. Lula 30554 770-869-3044
Sago. palms !or sale, all Sizes, Will ShIp, call
or email. Jennie Staf1field Brunswlck,912-
264-6032 ,
Ja.mSeedsuonm,sBluAeu.tSupmrun~e;JoMya,zuMs apturorpnlae,,
V;lra white,
Fescue. hay for sale, $3/sq. bales, min. 50 Merritt 71" John Grimes Rd. senoia 30276 . Ashburn.31714
. phlox for fall planting, more. K.. Rosbury
bales. L. Kempler Flowery Branch 770-967-. . Egyptian walking multiplying onion sets, top Cape jasmine, Christmas' cactus,.. maiden Le.yland cypress, A~umn flow;lnng cherry, Royston 706-245-1030
setting, $61doz., PPd. Pamela Padli\vana Box air ferns. Junell Hester 3496 Hutcheson Ferry burnln!! bush, magnolia soulanglana purple, Seed $1.50 each pkt./$0.60 LSASE;
Fescue hay, 4x5 rolls, JDroller, rain free & in dry, $25 per roll. Ray Anderson 587 Marlow
.::;69=:4:,..1.;cir:.e:;:nc:.t:o:::.:.;n:..:3:.:0;:,7,=5=.2----:---;--.-'--,--=_ _---;--,-= Rd. Whitesburg 30185 770-838-0229 Fig plants, shipped free. J. Thorne 418 , . Castor bean seeds, 5091$5, you pick. R.
gardenl"" Pee-Gee hydrangea, dogwoods, oth~r: Rich Gunn Alto 706-7~6-5211
clematis, sweet autUmn or.virona, Northern seaoats, mxd. gaillardia. Dora Fletcher 127
Rd. Maysville 30558 706-652-2869
Timberfalls Thomaston 30286
Dangar 1062 Liberty Grove Rd. Alpharetta Llrlope, Bill Blue & varleQated,d~arf Red River CirCle Chula 31733
Fresh cut '02. TIft 44 $3.50/bale, bermudalfescue rndJ$20; '01 Tift 44 $2Ibale; also, mulch hay $1.75/bale. Dan Tant Barnesville 770-358-3024,
. Grass hay, sq. and round, $2.50 each, over
Lrg. improved white multiplying onion bulbs, plants grow 18' or more, good soil, 50 bUlbs, $15, 100 bulbs $25, shipping free. M. L. Powell P.O. Box 613 Jackson 30233
Old' fashion yellow mUltiplying onions,
Catalpa worm trees for sale. Jackie Johnson 1912 Brays Lake Rd. 'Royston
30662 706-245-5024
. Centipede sod $0.15 sq. ft., picked up at
mondo, English 'IVY, re-bloomlng daylilles, Stella de Oro, Happy I:letums, Pardon-Me hosta $1. Bill" Silvers Conyers 770-483-0198
LoropetaIum I'Iners. 'Ruby' a.nd 'Zhuzhou' $.80, rlrep~wer-nandlna~ 1 gal.l$2.75, Dwatf
Seed' four -a'clocks datura Plains
I' ' t
pan s'. ange s .rumpet, owenng
qWUoinocteen, MCaarroielitntaa 7J7e0s-s4a2m2-ln8e2"45h' ost.a. M.L.
Seed: mellow hibiscus; deep pink & white
100 sq. bales $40 each, 5x6 round bales.' handed down from my gr'mother, 31b. $10, $4 farm, 500 sq, ft. per pallet $75. Corky Harvell Atlantic. white. cedar, 6, $2.50. Kelby Fite bird gourd $lIpk. SASE; luffa seed, '02 seed.
Kenny Davis Fitzgerald 229-423-9443
Oats and wheat, top qlty. feed, winter -grazing or food plots. Tommy Adcock Good Hope 770"267-7639
postage. R. Jones Gainesville 770-536-1712 Pavo 229-859-2454
Plumgra,nny seeds for 'sale, $1.00 per 50 Cleome mixed, rouge plant, toothache, light seeds:Jared Bookhardt Rydal 77Q-607-8164 or dk. pink hollyhock, cottonwood rose, touch-
.While and red multiplying onions, bulbs for' me-nots, $1.50 each/pkt. seed $0.60ILSASE.
Jefferson 706-207-1726 'Marigold, yello,;\, galore, '02, Ige., camation-
type blossoms, VI~OroUS bushy plants $1Itsp. w/~.ASE. J. C. HIli 3994 .Gates Chapel Rd.
Irene Burkett Rt 1 Box'42 Pearson 31642 Seed: mUllei~ pink, morning glory, touch-
me-nots 1/2 tsp.l$1, money plants, four o'clocks; angel's trumpet $1/tsp., ea.. w/SASE:
Peanut hay, wrapped, approx. 75 rolls, $20 fall & winter planting, $181gal., postage paid, per roll. Roy Mitchell DOerun 229-776-2467 specify' color. William Parker Pelham 229-
Round bales fescue $25 round bales, Tift .=2=:9484~.;;:5:..:1_.,."....,...,._----,_.,-;,-.,...,..,=-...,..-r-= 44$25, sq. bales bermuda' $3.50 in bam; White multiplying onion bulbs, 1/2 gal., $10
K./B. Lane 183 AlcoVy Lane Chula31733 , Cleyra, dwarf Bufordi holly, Compacta holly,
abelia, .forysthia, 3 gal.l$6, var. ligustrum, helleri holly 1 gal.l$2.50. A.' Burgess
. Mexl~n man~olds, '(rare), minty smell, tall, nemat~cldal" kills weeds,(seeds) $4/pk.-2
stamps, $6 1/2 .cup-3. stamps, $10 cup-4
G. Robertson 1955 Old Cornelia Hgwy. Gainesville 30507
C::.::;S"'e:"e;::di=:'::re;::d"'b::':u"id""&:'-g"'r=an-d""d::-:a"'d;:;d"-y"-g-re-yb;:-ea"',"'d"t-re-e seed, purple coneflower $lIpkg. wlLSASE,
heavily fertilized, dely. available. Charles postage paid. Judson M. Cooper Rt.. 4 Maysville 706-367-0634
stamps. Nancy Fltzpatnck 2802 Melrose Dr. Siberian iris tubers. Genie Weaver 3482 Skull
. Rutland Powder Springs 770-943-5798
Confederate rose seed $2 per bolt ,Valdosta 31602 229-242-2554:
Shoals Rd. Washington 30673
Rye, wheat, rye grass cleaned or mixed in White multiplying onion sets, $14/gal. plus w/SASE. Mary Wood 563 W.B. Braddock Rd.' MeXican sunflower, cl~ome, four o cloCk,: Seeds from marigolds, ,(unusual mxd.
bags, quantity discount, delivery available. $3 shipping. F. E.. Drummond 438 Burkhalter 'Uvalda 30473
Wallace Vassar Hartwell 706-376-9019
Rd. Cedartown 30125 770-748-5388
.- Confederate
touC:h-me-not, Caveman s gourd, cosmos, .colors), Jack bean stalk, giant mxd: zinnias,
(variegated), old- mangolds, .$1/pk. Ig~. SASE. B. Savage 3017 Italian arum $1/pkt. w/SASE. Ann Dutton 3269
Spring '02 cutting organic bermuda-fescue mix, exc.- qlty., weed free,' rain free, b'!rn stored,- 4x4 rollsJ$22. each. Marsha Halloran Storie Oak Farms Arnoldsville 706-548'0066
Tift 44 bermuda hay, horse qlty., well fert., rain free, sq. bales $3.50 in bam. Ed Williams Calhoun 706-629-0608 706-272-4902
Tift 44/85' hay, (horse qlty.), 'round & sq. bales, dely. available. Ron Botts Bainbridge 229-243-2616229-243-4655
Tift 85, Tift 78 and Coastal bermuda hay, 1300# rolls, good qlty., sheltered, $65Iton, dely. available: Ernie E .powell Montrose
'fashioned running rose, (pink), Jerusalem Atkins Dr., GaineSVille 30507
Five Forks Trickum Rd Lilburn 3e047
Ag SeedIPlants War:'!ted'
thorn. Hazel Floyd 122 Evergreen St. Warner Mix col. bearde~ iris.~ yellow Japanese iris Seeds, summer bloo'm peanut trees $1/pod
--waij!24 blk. Raspberry bushes and 24 thornless Blackberry for own use. Hal Brock 311 Hawthorne Dr. Clarkesville 30523 706754-4803'
. Want. ha'rdy kiwi plants and native persimmon trees. E. Whalen, Doraville 770840-0535
Want to bUy 40 Elberta peach tree plants, 34 or 5-6 feet, call before 9 pm. Dan L. Payne LaGrange 706-882-6892
Robins 31093 478-922-8429 .
'. $7.50/doz., Siberian Ins $5.50/doz., ~.50 w/SASE. Una. Fay Crosby 4877 Ga. Hwy.
Crape myrtles, all varieties, 7 gal./$17, 15 ~~Je. P. Tilley 2854 Hwy. 382 \Illest Ellijay 33N. Moultrie 31768 229-782-5484
gal./$25; river birch 15 gal./$35, Firewitch.
Seeds: brown-eyed Susan, marigold,lemon
.dianthus 1 9al./$1.85. Denise Thompson Mixed Sweet Williams or shasta daiSY tree seed $lInkg. ea. kind w/long SASE. Mary
Lawrenceville 770-513-2552
seeds 2 Thsp.l$1 w/SASE. M. Sparks P,O.. Tindall 114 Hfli Rd. Ashburn 31714
Daylilies, 100 plantsJ$35 plus $6.50 Box 118 Porta13045?
Seeds: 'daylilies, foxgloves, tiger lily,
shipping, 1 pkg. daylily seed/$1, $0.37 stamp, Mondo grass, stripped IIn.ope,. yar.row, lantana, small white, clematis, hibiscus,'pink,
no envelope. S.H. Hill 144 Calhoun Rd.. hostas, others,. $2.25/gal., white wlstena & Texas Star, white, $1.50/pk. Lavida Childs 170
Sylvester 31791 -
hydrangea $3/gal. O. . Gorde!Jk Mallory Dr. LaGrange 30241
'Daylilies, 1500.var., send $1 for 16 page Lawrenceville :r0-682-8353.
Seeds: mix colors~ old maids, touch-me-
descrlptive price list. M. Netherton 727 Moon flower, bush type 30/$1 .. vln!! type nots, marigolds; also, big chili & pimento .
Dothan Rd. Blakely 39823 229-723-6703 10/$1, Ig~. envelop,e $0.55 postage, pIctures pepper seed $1/pkt. w/SASE. Donald Allen
478-376-4582 Tift bermuda hay, 5 ft.' rolls $35, square
. Daylilies, Stella de Oro, 3 yrs. old, wlinstructlons. DaVid Jeffress. 113 Robert E. 155 Huff Dr. Lawrenceville 30044 clumpsJ$4 ('10~15 plants or more per clump). Lee Fort.Ogletho~e 30742'!06-866-0450 Spider lilies$10/doz., pine cone lilies 61$5,
bales $3.50, in barn. Larry Eley .White Plains
Faye Chambers Yatesville 706-472-3371
Moantaincameilla, St':,wartla ovata, grown milk & wine lilies 61$5. June Hurst 536 Green
30678 706-467-2184
If you have' any questions about this Daylilies, Stella de Oro, 30'fan clump/$15 fro.m .seeds, plants 8-12 tall, $25 each, no Rd. Whigham 31797
Tift-orchard-fescue mix, round and square bales. Mrs. John Marlowe 1855 Auburn Rd. Dacula 30019 770-945-4872 -
Tift-orchard-fescue mix, round and square
category, call.Mia Haney at 404-651-90fJ4. Flower seed offered for sale has not been
tested for germination ~In~' it often Is
plus $5 shipping. M.M. Haynes' 275 Pine shipping. Jack Johnston 422 Neptune Lane
Crest ~~. C~~ton 30114 77Q-47~~5224 -
Lakemont 30552 706-78~-739~
.l?aylilles, Ins, (blafk), ho~ta, hnope, hardy N0':Way.spruce trees 5 up, In the field, $5
hibiSCUS, au~uba, nandrna, black-eyed. each In pairs or more. C. Handte Ellijay 706"
'-";si;;:u":cc~uli"e"-'nt;::';;&'-'c"-'a'-'ct-7u~s-s-pe-c"'im-en-s-,"'p;;-e""tti""c-o-a"-t Harefoot, lJ!lkleaf &,:other unusual tropical
ferns, orchid cactus, succulents in asstd. sizes. Debby Satterfield Baldwin 706-778-
bales. Pierce Marlowe 3701 Geo Wms. Rd. collected in very limited quanUtles.
Susa~, fors.ythl.a! Mahonlaholly, ~weet shrub, 635-5284 .
. '.
Monroe 30656 770-26705760
Tifton 44 round bales $30, sq. bales. $3.25,
'$0.50 pkg.. w/SASE: poppies,- larkspur, purple coneflower, foxglove,. columbine,
MJaos~mrronee,770p-u2s6s7Y-'50W53illow.>' ..
Betty ' ..
Old time daffodils $31doz., Siberian iris, purple & white, $4/doz., $4.50 postage, each;
.c.1Teoomucehs-"mmea-nrigootslds,coccykpsrceosms b~ineo,ld
miads Gloriosa
horse qlty. W.B. Lesesne PortaI912-865-2244 snow-on-the-mountain, black-eyed Susan, Daylilles, mIxed colors, 4/$1 you pick up. Scotch broom $5; boxwood, hosta. B. pansy, poppies Easter ellg moonflower
mullein pinks, sweet rocket. M. Lane 3914
e e , 'F
d HaA ynd Grai.n' ,Wanted
Sue Lane Decatur 30035 $1 each SASE: angel's trumpet, blaCk-eyed
Want round bales of horse quality bermuda' .Susan, four o'clock, moming glory, purple
Bett~ Pettett 4460 Wesley Chapel Rd:
Mar etta 30062 770-552-71.~
'. .
Daylll~, pachysandra, iris! .Englls~. IVY,
purple wrntercreeper, hardy hl~I~CUS, Ilnope,
Lunsford 3602 State Highway 60 Suches blackberry lily. t4thryn Watkins 672 Northcutt
30572 ?06-747-2~1
Rd. Ellijay 30540
.Ol~ tim.e,y daffodils. ~doz., ~4.50 pos~ge; Trees for sale, pines, maples, crape
Slbe.n.an inS, green IInope, vanegated vrnca, myrtles, hollies, container & field grown. Ron
or other quality hay,. need delivery. Leanri coneflower, Queen Anne's lace. G. Samford a~cuba; ~ondo, o~ers, call giving address, daylilles, blue 'bells, shrubbery-redbud, Bums PIne Mountain 770-757-7553
McAlil?ter Talking Rock 706-273-2017 770- 1119' Banbury' Cross . Avondale Estates will send-rnformation. C.O. Henderson 171 forsythia, aucuba. E. Beach 2966 Cardinal Lk.
. 30002
. Marietta St. Alpharetta 30004 770-475-6503 Cir. Duluth 30096 770-476-1163 .
'. Ads cannot be called In by phone.