KRON 4 News at 9am : KRON : July 18, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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>> right now on the kron, 4 morning news breaking news in the north bay and overnight shooting spanned several blocks. will tran will join us with a live report. plus, find out how the city of oakland is fixing its notorious possible problem and the free water shuttle between oakland and alameda on hold for the moment. just one day after opening operations will tell you why. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> good morning. and thanks for waking up with us on a thursday and daria and i'm james and we've got weather and traffic start the hour and the weather. john's been telling us today and tomorrow are going to be the warmest days of the week and absolutely. and how how it's going to be john. yeah, today for stick with the 90's that the very warm us. but tomorrow expect a couple triple digits for some of our inland areas, but definitely warmer than we've been so far this week starting to get a little bit sunday year to now. we had a little bit of morning gray,

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but you're seeing a lot less of that now. the embarcadero pretty cleared out at this point. temperatures are still comfortable. but under that sunshine, we will see quickly rising temperatures already back to the 70's for a few areas like concord at 71 in pittsburgh at 72 degrees right now. santa rosa, you're 50's during my last check. but quickly now back up into the low to mid sixties at the moment now, heat advisories go into effect here in just one hour for the in the north and east bay that as well as the south bay remain in effect through tomorrow night. as far as temperatures go today, 90's, as i mentioned, for a lot of inland spots, most of the rest of us 70's to 80's talk about tomorrow's heat as well. still to come, rania. all right. on the eve of that, unfortunately, we have a fatal traffic collision. >> this is along southbound 6.80, ride mission boulevard in fremont. so you can see the delay in backup along 6.80, 84 to 80. a good alternate for you. if you're trying navigate around those delays, all they have is a bridge is look good like the bay bridge. 40 minutes. no major issues

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there. 24. so we've gone up just a bit on the san mateo bridge. traffic stop make its way across towards peninsula. 30 right along the richmond, sandra fell and the golden gate. 37 of the tolls. 23 minutes donations. back to thank you, reyna. now let's get back to the breaking news that recovering this morning below. police are investigating an overnight shooting. yeah, we've got kron four's will tran on the story for us from. >> the lay with what we know will. >> it will be up to detectives now at the vallejo police department to piece together exactly what happened. all of the evidence has been brought back to police station. let me show you the video. this all went down about a mile and a half from this location in the overnight hours. this is at the intersection of carolina and butte, you can see all of those evidence markers on the ground indicating a very violent incident. this is one of 2 locations, other about a quarter mile from this particular shooting right now.

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reportedly a 16 year-old was shot and killed at this point. that person's name not be released to the public either they don't know or won't say or a possible motive. we do know that that the late hope police officers, they were on scene for hours finally leaving the scene at around 7.45. in the morning. understand possibly the violence took place in front of a senior citizens center. but right now it looks like they're still working on the case. obviously, no arrests. but detective they will have to find out exactly what happened. i put many phone calls into the police department and still waiting to hear back from them. but again, just by the evidence markers on the ground, you can clearly see for yourself that it was a very violent scene. back to you. >> ok, well, thank you. it is 09:00:03am, police in livermore investigating a shooting that involved 2 vehicles on rincon avenue. all right. near gnesen park. that's where a white pickup

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and a blue sedan were involved in the shooting. but when the police got there, the vehicles were gone. they don't have any suspects right now. they're just collecting evidence and interviewing witnesses. police are looking for multiple suspects who fire guns in the process of trying to steal a car. this happened in sunnyvale and san pablo avenue near highway 101. the driver of that car wasn'y struck by any bullets, but the robbers would-be robbers got away in a light colored sedan. >> city county and police departments of san francisco now being sued for their alleged use of facial recognition technology, secure justice is a nonprofit and it's the one that filed the lawsuit tuesday. they allege that frt facial recognition technology is known for not accurately identifying individuals with darker skin tones different genders. back in 2019 city officials enacted an ordinance to help distinguish appropriate and inappropriate use of surveillance technology,

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including a ban on frt, facial recognition technology. then a 2021 secure justice as they receive documents. that sfpd was outsourcing the tech to 3rd parties which violated the ordinance. san francisco city attorney david chiu notified the department to submit a proposed policy for the use of surveillance tech. used after 2021. we did reach out the sfpd for a statement, but so far haven't heard back. >> time now is 904 and new this morning, no more free water shuttle in the east bay. and it just opened got a brief shutdown of that service between oakland and alameda. >> we have michael thomas standing by with an explanation. good morning, michael. >> hey, good morning, everyone. the good news is that vote has already been fix the bad news. they're waiting for the u.s. coast guard to really figure out and give it final approval. but essentially they noticed some damage yesterday above the water line. take a look. this is video from yesterday when it first set out for that first shuttle. and, you know,

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this was essentially supposed to be running wednesday to sunday. 07:00am to 07:00pm offering free rides from oakland's jack london square to alameda landing. but that shuttle was short-lived after was immediately suspended yesterday when crews noticed there was damage above the water line vessel. now the captain did spend everything immediately. they brought in welders overnight to repair that damage. it was fixed by 04:00am this morning, but it still needs approval from the u.s. coast guard. there were some people this morning who showed up that we're a bit disappointed. take a listen. >> that road all the way here with about 2 minutes to spare and it's a service today. >> now the hope is to get this 45 foot yellow pan to vessel named woodstock back up and running soon. it was purchased and then got it and restore to become a shuttle by officials all funded by alameda county grand the port of oakland, along with developers and residents living near the alamedh point area, the pan to a transportation fund back out here live. we've seen a few

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people really not too many on this side. and alameda, you know, to show up looking for that channel in the oakland side, we could see that there were some over there. but the hope is that they could possibly getting running maybe the end of the week, but they're still waiting for those approvals. as we get that update will keep you updated. that's the very latest reporting in alameda michael thomas from thank you. michel 906, is the time and youth football league in the north bay trying to get back on their feet because thieves stole their van and equipment and police did recover the van, but not before the suspects caused thousands of dollars in damage. >> kron four's philippe gaulle has the story. >> when ryan sarna woke up to his dog barking early last wednesday morning, he looked outside his window in vallejo and saw his football league's van was still in the driveway and went back to sleep about 07:00am. i got up and he's got sadly sarna realized history was repeating itself. >> he founded the coach sarna youth nfl flag football league back in 2021. and this is the second time in more than 2

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years that thieves have stolen the nonprofits vande really unfortunate. >> you know, we're happy. we got it back. fortunately, unlike the first theft, it did not take weeks to track it down. >> this time one of the football league's coaches spotted in the neighborhood just hours after the called he said coach sarna. i'm looking at 50's right now. they have your man and they're they're torching sarna says at least 3 people were involved in the theft and attempt to torch off the vans. custom wrapping 2 people placed under arrest. meanwhile, the cost to repair the damaged van runs around $8,000. serna started an online fundraiser to help fix it back up. this is something that >> we would be give its its. coming together as community stay together as a community. and i think its a community, we see a setback and this is where we rise together and go full. the league has 2 seasons a year. the next starts in october and registration is

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open. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> 908, is a time in the south bay today. leaders are going to come together to talk about their latest efforts to combat mail theft in san jose. this comes as the year, but hills court neighborhood experienced another break-in of its community mailbox over the weekend. so according to the postal service, more than 30 letter carriers now have been robbed across the bay area since 2023. u.s. representative jimmy panetta who represents parts of santa clara and other areas of the south bay recently introduced a measure that would require cross agency coordination to try to fight this mail theft. it would also raise the staff's to a priority level for federal law enforcement leaders are set to meet at 11 o'clock this morning at your bills court in san jose to talk about it more. in san mateo with 21 year-old now is accused of robbing a check cashing business and then arrested. now with the help of a rideshare app. so police say the suspect took these guns to

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the business, threatened to kill the cashier and took off with nearly $16,000. the suspect was in captured on surveillance, taking a ride share. police say the rideshare company identified them and that is what led to his arrest. >> california's 45 billion dollar budget deficit is really starting to be felt in the bay area. now in the form of services being cut, san mateo county superior court is going to have to reduce their services in the civil and family courts apartments and the records departments and because of the cuts, the county is saying you should expect longer wait times. >> i could see giving up. i could see just allowing things to take its own mechanism of not fighting the good fight. if somebody wrong financially experiencing some challenges right now. so if somebody has to wait an additional 6 months, it can put a lot of stress. >> scheduled hearings for family court services they think will be delayed by up to 16 weeks. and the number of

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daily appointments and walk-ins are going to be limited. the san francisco firefighters union is holding a mayoral debate this morning at the local 7.98 union hall and all of the major mayoral candidates are going to be there participating. the current mayor, london breed, mark farrell, daniel lurie, aaron peskin testify. the debate is going to happen within this half hour 9.30, this morning at 3.25. newhall street. >> okay. we're going to take a break here at 9.10. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news. 10's of thousands packed levi stadium to celebrate the rolling stones and the birthday of the stadium itself to. we're going to have more on that coming up in a minute. meanwhile, hyundai is recalling thousands of cars over a major safety issue will explain. and today is warming up compared to where we've been so far this week. san jose nearing 90 oakland and san francisco holding out of those 70's. >> i've got your forecast and we're seeing. a lot of improving out there was still

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get that accident along southbound 6.80. >> as you're traveling through fremont saint 8 80's, better alternate for you. we're going

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>> neither team right now and things are going a little toasty the next couple of days. apparently we've got john in the weather center with those details. hey, john. yeah, here we go. rounding out the week on a hot note today is warmer than yesterday. tomorrow at the very hottest one skies are clear up above the embarcadero. right now. san francisco, you've got a nice, sunny, comfortable day ahead of to the rest of the bay area. maybe just a little bit, too, sunny, the high pressure ridge. we've been talking so much about contributing to what will be our hot end of the week. we

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cool off a little this weekend, though we are seeing a southerly flow carrying a bit of monsoonal moisture, our direction. so southern california in the sierra could see some thunderstorms today into tomorrow. now the entirety of the western u.s. is in for a warmer than average week next week. your extended outlook for the bay also shows that from july 23rd the 27th next week, a warmer than average forecast. so we get a bit of a break from the heat this weekend. that will be right back to it. as i mentioned today, getting hotter. we do have heat advisories going into effect of areas. impeach starting at 10:00am. this morning lasting through 11:00pm tomorrow. same for the central coast and southern california. where will our highs latest today will for the city 60's to 70's a warm day for the city? not as hot as the rest of the bay, though, as we will be seeing daytime highs for a lot of us back into the 80's to 90's today. now no one is going to be the triple digits this afternoon. that is something we'll see tomorrow, though. morgan hill getting up to 95

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today. livermore at 94 degrees. well, fremont hayward up through castor valley in the low 80's, oakland and richmond at 77. our hottest spots, antioch, in vacaville, 97 98 degrees today. let's look ahead to tomorrow's temps triple digits at the very hottest saturday sunday taking a step back from the heat. but we're right back to it into next week. great. all right, john, thanks for that. still tracking that fatal traffic collision along southbound 6.80, of mission boulevard. >> and you can see the red on the map drive times of skyrocketed up over an hour. if you're still trying to maneuver and travel that way. saint 84 on 8 80's, good option bc 8 80's busy. a lot of folks are taking that route. other highways and bridges drive times of down. 13 minutes on the bay bridge will san mateo bridge is around. 22 minutes there. one of the south they were still around. 52 minutes. so nearly an hour 2, 80 82 better option at this time. italians are to 37. 52 minutes. james, back to you. time talk winners and

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losers with our financial expert rob black. hi, rob. >> die. how are i'm good. how are the markets? not so yesterday was a big disconnect day after trump said the previous day that he thinks time lunch pay for their security. >> that freaked out a lot of investors and tech stocks cause semiconductors are made in taiwan. so yesterday the nasdaq is down 2.8%, but it's still up 19% for the year. like let's take that people that day. i stocks to try to get into a broader market because of the fed expected to cut rates in september and december, which again, that would be healthy if you've invested anything but tech stocks. that's another thing. look forward prime day was wildly successful. 14.2 billion are spent up 11% year-over-year. and mobile was about 49.2% you and i've been doing this long enough, daria, together kron know that a lot of people that think people buy stuff on the phone people clearly don't have a problem

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>> know, know that that are probably other way of a spending problem. but okay, so a lot of people are in the prime day. i was annoyed that it was like called back to school prime day because it's what is this july 18th and now so to think about halloween. >> right. home depot's dropping their skelly. i think it's 12 feet tall. about $400. some versions of 300. thank the whole idea here is not to miss out on sales. we've got a realistic-looking, chucky decoration and some decorations come with like inter operable. hence we can take one off and put a different on. i'm not a halloween decoration. kind of guy. i look at it as plastic and i don't like that. i'm an environmentalist, halloween is big sales to what they have to happy new year. i mean it just why don't we just wait a little bit. it's july. >> it's 2 weeks since 4th of july. hear you. i hear you on shocking details of. >> all right. you know, another shocking thing is taylor swift. you add up all of the other big releases and

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her new one tops them all combined. >> the tortured poets department is a huge head and went loser on this one. give me a minute and all explain k she sold 2.5 million copies. that's more. the number 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.10, put together. she's the most streamed artist of 2.5 billion, its 500 mill in more this year than morgan wallen. so it looks great by she's hacking. she's growth. hacking is what it's called. billie eilish called her out on it without saying her name. so she has won out this year, but it's got 30 different versus versions of it with just like a bonus track where different parts. so it's encouraging there or shoppers for buyers for followers to get more than one copy of the same album. can you're not talking about like because i've heard. >> instrumental versions, you know, that's different. but you're saying it's just a different mix maybe the one

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track and that considered and same songs with one track difference. and like putting voice memos our records as differentiator. >> she's doing like clear albums that you can see through now get some some fans want to be fans by multiple versions of it. i get it. i said it's creating and it's bad for the planet. i kind of agree. and critics say it's just taking advantage of her and i kind of agree with that said congratulations, taylor swift and that stuff. i because i do love or so. >> but she sure shirley has enough want to heed of all heart right now. she's weight. she's one of the few women who do have enough money because according to you, women have a harder time saving for retirement. yes, seriously. and topic now, right? i'm saving for retirement. for women is tough than it is. for men tend earn less than men. they tend to live longer than men. >> they spend more time with the so the sacrifice, career opportunities. he spent time with sick parents and sick family member city sacrifice,

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career opportunities. something called the greatest addario. that's shocking. it's up 300% for people over 65 in the last 30 years, it's up 200% people over. 55. it's takes women who are the most exposed this times. women tend to have less than $100,000. save 40% of women have less than $100,000 saved. just 33% of men. that's a big exponential difference. as far as total savings retirement women in their retirement age. have 44,000 men have 91,000? and as far as social security right now have about 1638 on average, whereas men are 22,020 bucks. so start young here. woman save as much as you can. just in case take this year's off pay work past 60. consider not taken social security until 70 kids are going to live longer than average man. and you get an extra 24% of the delayed by 3

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years. so those are just some hacks to try to play with 2 to make your money. good ways and you get an extra. what percent if you like instead of 67 retira 70. >> yeah, 8% here. sussex evans, a 68 69, 70. >> we get a percentage years. that's another 24%. and what's so scary pace, you i've got those or if you have 2 others are in the years to which is sometimes difficult. if you have a big family, i don't know if i have another 11 years in me. super die. can do it. much energy is 25 years ago has started on this. >> as long as they'll have, i need a lot of retiring because i'm going keep going and going and going. all keep saving. thank you, rob. thank you. start. and if you'd like to retry became richmond email x or facebook will be right or facebook will be right back.

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it ain't my dad's razor, dad. ay watch it! it's from gillettelabs. this green bar releases trapped hairs from my face... gamechanga! ...while the flexdisc contours to it. so the five blades can get virtually every hair in one stroke. for the ultimate gillette shaving experience. the best a man can get is gillettelabs. with bugs, the struggle-is-real. that's why you need zevo traps. zevo works 24/7 to attract and trap flying insects. for effortless protection. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly.

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francisco, some people are going to be protesting the proposed construction of a waterfront park on the great highway. so you would be able to drive in the stretch anymore. but those who are against that it's a vital road for the community. so they're going to be demonstrating a currently you are allowed to drive in the great highway during the week. but on the weekends, this stretch is off limits to cars. and it's more of a park voters in san francisco will decide in november if it will remain car free permanently so far. by the way, there's no final design for plans if they due to a park, the demonstrators today are going to be meeting at the parking lot north of lincoln and great highway at 10 o'clock this morning. there is a recall to tell you about. happening now involving

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hyundai's. they're recalling about 67,000 vehicles nationwide, the national highway transportation traffic safety administration just made the announcement that hyundai needs to recall. 54,000 vehicles because of a loss of drive power from a fuel pump failure and they're recalling about 12,000 santa fe vehicles because of a software error in the transmission control unit. if you have hyundai that's involved, you'll get a notice in the next few weeks. >> for your money this morning, the biden administration has announced an additional 1.2 billion dollars now in student debt relief for 35,000. public sector workers. the borrowers qualifying for the debt. relief are part of the public service loan forgiveness program that's designed to help those who work in public service like teachers, nurses and law enforcement officers. with this latest low in forgiveness, the biden administration now has waved to nearly 169 billion dollars in student loan debt for roughly 4.8 million americans.

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this latest round of government loan relief is coming after the supreme court blocked the president's plan for broad based college loan forgiveness last year. >> it's 9.26. and still ahead on the 4 morning news next. we're going to take a look at baby just passed and how park officials are working to improve beach.

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(vo) meet fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo. fargo makes banking faster, and easier. (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card! (vo) lets you pick up the tab, even if you forget your wallet... (kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle®. (kaz) smooth. (vo) fargo puts important information at your fingertips. (dad) fargo, what did i spend on groceries this month? (son) hey dad, can the guys stay for dinner? (dad) no... (vo) want to see everything fargo can do? you can, with wells fargo.

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it's going to start getting toasty out. there it is. yeah, today, especially tomorrow. john's been. >> keeping us warm. good morning, we are getting warmer. that's for sure. tomorrow easily. the hottest day of this week's forecast. so it's going to be mornings that you're stepping outside more. so these next couple of

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days, we will get some weekend relief, though. it will be nice. let's look outside at the embarcadero, which is plenty of lee sunny. now after starting the morning with some low gray, that's pretty much gone at this point. rest of the day is going to be bringing that sunshine and bringing temperatures climbing pretty quickly. san mateo and dublin each at 70 degrees currently pittsburgh at 74 right now. some 60's up in the north bay, calistoga already up 80 degrees. now, heat advisories were only about 30 minutes away from these going into effect for the inland north and east bay, as well as the south bay. and they will stay in effect through 11:00pm tomorrow. as i mentioned, the hottest day of this week's forecast, most of us along the bay shore today will be 70's to 80's while a fair share of us inland rising. well, back into the 90's. all right, john, thank you for that. still tracking this fatal accident. southbound 6.80, mission boulevard in fremont. >> you can see the delays that are forming a law 6.80. it's well over an hour. 84 80 good alternate for you. there.

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other bridges not looking bad. 17 minutes, san mateo bridge. if you're hopping on the bay bridge right now, just short, 15 richards overfill, 12 minutes. a lot of improvement and the golden gate. 21 minute brian d'arcy. james, back to you. thank you. it's 9.30 in the east by. oakland mayor sheng thao is talking about the city's efforts to improve the street. yes. and kron four's dan kerman takes a closer look at what they're doing. >> it's 30 years i haven't seen it done so it's really a great time to see this get done. pleased about it. oakland residents along 65th avenue are saying goodbye to potholes as their street is the latest to get a paving makeover. it is a big deal because these houses. these are properties. so, you know anything that's going look funny. a property is going to take the so the fact that they here and they did this work. >> all of our houses just increased a little bit today. and i mean, i'm happy about that. the work here at 65th and evan, as part of the city's 5 year paving plan launched in 2022, which is

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funded through voter approved right now, we're really focused on areas that are close to schools and we're coming into your neighbor's neighborhood just like this neighborhood. >> we're we're paving the smaller streets, the community street at a news conference wednesday, mayor sheng thao said so far this year. >> the city is paved over 47 miles of oakland streets more than any other year. and this work will continue as long as the weather allows. we want to continue at at the clip that we're producing, if not a little higher. >> but it's it's really a commitment. it's a commitment from the public. it's a commitment from from the leadership within the city. but we we have easily another 15 to 20 years worth of work to do. there are about 800 miles of streets in the city of oakland. so far, 200 miles of unpaved. they hope to pave another 200 miles by 2030, at which point the likely have to go back to voters to approve another bond measure to finish the job. in oakland, dan kerman kron. 4 news.

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>> 9.32. and when you go to fill er up and you're a busy over the gas pump, watch your car. that is the warning from police in south san francisco. this seen a trend of cars being broken into while the owners are out pumping gas. so the south san francisco police are putting out the warning and upping they're a surveillance in areas that they've seen this happening around some gas stations in shopping centers. these taking luggage, purses and other valuables that you might leave on the see or what now when you're filling up. so they say don't do that. make sure the always lock your car, even if you're just, you know, at the foot of the car, filling up. that's just something that you can do and also be aware of your surroundings and report anything that is suspicious. >> well, the man accused of killing his 5 family members in alameda is now facing 5 murder charges following the death of his one year-old son. investigators arrested shane killian last week after they say he shot his wife his 2 children and his 2 in-laws in their home. the youngest

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victim in this case was the lone survivor until he died at the hospital on monday. and with that 5th murder charge now, the potential prison sentence that he's looking at is upwards of 250 years to life in prison. he's scheduled to be formally charged on july 22nd. in the meantime, a vigil is growing outside of that home where those 5 family members died. one of those killed was 6 year-old william andrew killian. and here's this little league coach talking about the impact a step is had. >> our team will not be the same. it will be one less settled, right? or fields playing with and as players and coaches and a community. at a loss well, i will miss you. missed that right in your eye. the energy you brought up the day. so that peace can with your family. please help us find our way we

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>> police are calling this a case of domestic violence. >> its 9.34 in governor newsom's office is taking credit for a big sideshow bust in the east bay. there were more than a dozen people arrested. >> stop right there is under the tree the tree stop. but driver side window. >> highway patrol there by air and on the ground there in oakland to make these arrests. in fact, there are a lot of chases. they said that they track down people in the side show and they had 7 car chases resulting and 13 people being arrested. 8 stolen cars being recovered and also 2 guns. oakland mayor sheng thao says that these units and arrests are going to help with future crimes. >> what you'll see is that many of the crimes are being committed are being committed. stolen vehicles. chp is able to pick up the stolen vehicles and helped opd. would picking up these vehicles and taken

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them off of the street. so we are deterring fronts from happening. >> governor newsom says the arrests were possible thanks to least in part of his plan to which he did add more officers to oakland. man is arrested, accused of starting a brush fire with illegal fireworks in santa rosa. the fire started tuesday in a grassy field near stoney point and sebastien full roads. and it grew and got pretty close to several businesses in an apartment complex. luckily, though, crews were able to get on a fast and put it out. nobody was hurt. and then surveillance video from nearby businesses showed a group of people setting off fireworks in a parking lot nearby. and that's what helped the police to pinpoint the man who they arrested. >> meals on wheels. walnut creek says it's looking for a way to help their seniors that they serve. now, the charity says some of their clients are missing their meals because they don't hear volunteers knocking at their door so they never answer it. so the group is asking specifically for this particular brand of

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wireless doorbell, which can be purchased through amazon. you see it there on your screen. donations can be sent directly to meals on wheels. the awful region. we've got more details and the address for shipping posted on our website at kron 4 dot com. if you'd like to help out. 4 a will soon become a part of the east bay regional park system. park officials and others involved in the deal say this land will benefit the community, especially considering its past. >> quite a lot. he is not only a stunning, beautiful, important environmental place. it is also has a rich cultural history and that culture history includes sacred native american sites. it includes that chinese fishing village that used to be there. it line even which was a major port export brother exploiting wind on west coast. >> well, they say there will be several community meetings

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to decide how that site will be mapped out. >> that's wishing a happy 10th anniversary to levi's at his 80th year. still able to do those jumpin. jack flash this. it's a gas, gas gas. i bet it was an 80 to still rock it, which they did. the rolling stones playing too thousands of people who came to the bay area from around the country and our own sara stinson was actually they're both inside and out talking to fans. >> thousands of people stood in line to rock out with the rolling stones at levi's stadium. but the rocking and rolling started hours before the gates even opened. we're rolling stones. fans say this could be the last time the band goes on tour. so people traveled near and far to attend the hackney diamonds tour wednesday night. >> it's like this is a bucket

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list. thing. >> you know, it's like here they are. i live up in oregon and i was like i got to go against am because this could be last or this family traveled from new mexico excited to see the band and celebrate the stadium's 10th anniversary by sitting they was blowing stills concert. >> many are seeing the band for the first time we've got floor so just right up front then say middle. yeah, really we're excited. we'll be able smell the stone. have you been rolling my entire life which puts it back at least 62 years. this concert goers says he's seen the stones. nearly 2 dozen times. >> well, i can remember 22 will only one of them or do i forgot the line miles long wrapping around the parking lot. the gates were supposed to open at 5.30, but that was delayed. 45 were hot and

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frustrated. even though the breeze out here and the people are just starting to get, you know, kind of cranky. now just roasting out here. look at the line is like 2 miles long crowds eventually started flowing into the stadium and the real party began. games and concerts like fees generate millions of dollars in santa clara with people packing hotels and restaurant. so overall, with all of our events at levi stadium across first 10 years is created 12,000 jobs in over 2 billion dollars in economic impact. got a hotel doing the whole thing and just feeling like life is very good here. staycation. it is a staycation. be rocking in a we're going to go for at levi stadium has a lot to look forward to with the fifa world cup. >> and super bowl 60 happening in twenty-twenty 6 stadium. officials say the number one priority being safety. of course, fun. >> comes right after that. sara stinson reporting at levi stadium. back to you.

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>> 40 right now and check out this white rabbit rescued from a burning home in fremont. his name is tinker bell and there were smoke and flames coming from the house. this is about noon yesterday and that some people called said we need some help, a resident to get out safely. but the bunny was still inside. so firefighters from the freeman department jumped into action. and they located the body and got him out and it made for a great well. it'll be a great calendar you know, firefighters of puppies in bunnies. but all right. it is 9.42. >> 41 actually when we come back, more on the warriors summer league team taking on the cabs out in las vegas will have the highlights and that long-overdue action taken to clear the names of nearly 300 black sailors who survived the for chicago disaster. it's finally happened and today going to be a warmer one. daytime highs heating up in san jose to near 90 degrees opened in sf. still hanging out in the 70's.

9:42 am

>> we've got more on your forecast. all right. still tracking the hot spot in fremont if you are traveling along southbound 6 ad. >> it's a little any of

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>> 9.43 right now. let's talk basketball warriors taking on the cabs at kron. 4 sports reporter aaron wilson has the highlights. >> and now kron 4 sports. >> well, with one day left in baseball, all star break. it's all about basketball, both international and some really going let's start with the boys in the desert taken to sin city with the warriors. summer league team is heading a good run in vegas. one of 5 teams are still undefeated right now in the summer league

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against the kfc brandin pajemski there. trace they've is actually did not play along with brandon with was given his so promo some play in state having a good time in the sun city is was boxing legend champion floyd mayweather there with his. his protege, his grandson there, who's ready to walk in his footsteps for years. they jumped all over the cast early on. they never let up jackson role with kachin suit. there. drop those and you can count those 3. he hit 3 treys on the night. 13 points. the warriors, the hit star teen threes on the night altogether, including this one. that one coming from ethan thompson. he had 9 points. meanwhile, the former lacrosse star pat spencer. well, he has an impressive so far. here he is again, the warriors with the it takes the past cuts to the lays it in their 13 points for spencer to 13, seeing like their number they pump on the other drops 3 off here, but then turns around on the other and keeps

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the crowd on their feet watch of years. they worked the ball trying to find something trying to make something happen. almost it there. but he catches it, throws it down inside 16 points and 7 rebounds for they got the warriors. they stay perfect. winning 96 to 85 following the game. brandon pajemski actually talked about the camaraderie of the team and how it's developed in >> i think it's a big credit to together. coaches are really good people person and a really good teacher. he sent me a lot of my first series. don't think i'm a guy and he just really knows how to make people connect with one another. and i having good players and in other football given the short on time. >> that suspect teeth the desk. all right. thank you, erin. and look at this, steph curry, given some love out there at the exhibition game against serbia, less than 2 weeks away from his olympic debut in he helped lead the team to victory. he scored 24 points for a final score. 105,

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to 79. in fact, team usa's going to officially begin its olympic play against this very team from serbia. they'll face off again next on july. 28th. >> and the mayor of paris is proving that the saint is fine safe. yeah, because there are questions about water quality ahead of the summer no better way than the mayor actually with olympic officials >> in swimsuits going under and swimming a little bit to show that it is safe and they went for about 100 meters. they have been testing the water for like a month now because earlier tests said that they're unsafe levels e-coli bacteria. but with the opening games now ad lib days away, they're like, no, no, it's safe now see, were swimming in or well, we we have to check to see. yeah, it's all about the follow-up will be checking in with the next don't open your all the and no matter what. that's what i say. all right. let's get over to the weather center. we've got john with a look at our for our warming forecast dip. maybe today.

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maybe good, for example, only in the clean water. do your investigation. there may be call the mayor. we're looking outside right here from the east bay hills. nice, clear skies up above. as you can see, a little bit, a remnant fog hanging out right around them are in headlines. >> that's about it, though. most of its burned off at this point. and with that, sunshine is going to come a pretty warm afternoon today. little marine layer out the coastline. we'll keep our coastal areas moderated. high pressure ridge not going anywhere contributing to today. and tomorrow's warmth. also a little bit of monsoonal moisture making its way up from the south. this will impact southern california in the sierra with the chance of thunderstorms that ups fire danger in these areas a little bit into next week. we will see continued warm weather. in fact, our extended outlook shows warmer than average conditions for much of the western united states. and that does include us in the bay area. so settling in for a warm forecast today and tomorrow will be the warmest of this week. in fact, here in just a few minutes, we're going back to heat advisories in the inland north bay and east bay as well as the south bay. these were maine from

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10:00am this morning through 11:00pm tomorrow. and not just for the day, the central coast as well as southern california. today's highs in san francisco 60's and 70's. nice day in the city already tapping to some sunshine today to be getting out and about if you are closer to the coast inland areas, enjoy your mornings the next couple of days because your afternoons are going to be on the hotter side 80's to 90's in the south bay with areas like los gatos up at 94 degrees. that same number in livermore, too. fremont hayward to castro valley in the 80's while stanley injured or richmond hanging on to the 70's concord, you'll be at 95 will antioch in vacaville at 97 98 degrees today. let's look ahead to tomorrow's temperatures hitting triple digits for a few inland spots. mid 80's along the bay shore. we back off the heat a little bit nicely time for the weekend with saturday and sunday topping out in the low 90's at the very warmest. after that, we start to climb again and back to the triple digits in some spots by next wednesday, rain. all right,

9:50 am

john, thank you for that. still tracking that accident along southbound 6 ad of mission boulevard. >> we're still seeing major delays along southbound 6.80, well over an hour. 58 minutes here as you're traveling along, i'm saying 80, 48, 88, your best alternate this time even know as you can see, 80's busy. a lot of folks haven't taken that route. 14 minutes into the city. no accidents on your bridges right now. san mateo bridge looking good about 15 minutes there. 45? so we're down in the south bay, 1, one. 85 to them apart. last check in. still at around 50 minutes. so and to. 37 about a 60 minute ride and a summer. full bridge. 11 minutes. all right. james, back to you. thanks a lot for your health this morning. take a look. this is a healthy brain on a magic mushroom trip. psychedelic baby researchers say the bright colored images you see here captured the brain, establishing new neural pathways. they say psilocybin forces the brain to disconnect from its typical pathways and then we connect to different

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parts of the brain. and it's those new pathways they believe are successful in treating depression and ptsd. this was just a small study involving 7 people, don at washington university school of medicine in st. louis. they found that the acute effect of mushrooms wears off. yes, but subtle changes could last for weeks suggesting a long-term benefit in brain function. federal regulators are issuing warnings to 5 companies about illegal sales of copy cat food products. they look like regular snacks, but these contain thc, the packaging for these marijuana edibles looks like, you know, chips, ahoy, cookies or cheetos or skittles, but it's not the fda. and the ftc says they have can they contain dangerous amounts of psychoactive can avoids in delta, 8 thc, and they're really concerned that it could be mistaken for regular snacks, 8 by either accidentally on purpose and they end up, you know, overdosing.

9:52 am

>> well, this embattled police now warning the public about recent phone scams called virtual kidnappings. so these cases involve a scammer calling and telling the victim that they've kidnapped a family member and then they demand a ransom. police say anybody who suspects that they've received a call about a real kidnapping, let alone this virtual kidnapping scam that you need to immediately contact police if you received a call, know that the scammers are attempting to reach out via phone, text social media often request that you the victim called him back from a cell phone. but again, police say call them, let them handle it. well, this week, the u.s. navy exonerated more than 200 u.s. navy sailors from world war. 2, they were unjustly punished following the port chicago disaster of 1944, it was in the summer of that year that a massive explosion occurred as ammunition was being loaded onto a cargo vessel in the east bay, 320 people died more than 200 of them were black navy sailors

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and of the surviving service meant 50 were charged with muted because they refused to go back to work while those unsafe conditions existed, their exoneration comes 80 years after that explosion. >> it's 9.52. coming 4 morning news. warning for you. there are higher on the prowl again, and amazon just said the big sale. so maybe your stuff hasn't gotten there. maybe it hasn't. what's next? (vo) with wells fargo premier, a team can help you plan for your dreams. so your dream car, and vacation home, may be closer than you think. ready to meet the dream team? you can with wells fargo.

9:54 am

hey, flex. considering there's a heatwave, it's kinda chilly in here. oh, that's because i'm pre-cooling the house

9:55 am

with the ac before 4 pm. then i'll turn our thermostat to a comfortable 78 or higher that way i could stay cool later. ooh, what about me? you're never cool. oh. (vo) with wells fargo premier, a team can help you plan for your dreams. you're never cool. so your dream car, and vacation home, may be closer than you think. ready to meet the dream team? you can with wells fargo. >> 9.55, right now. and which favorite 5 chicken place? apparently this is the number one in the nation, according to usa today, they did a poll.

9:56 am

and jolly be was voted the best fried chicken in the country. it's a a filipino chained at locations all over the bay area. so if you want to give it a try, you can also among the top us chains for fried chicken. according to usa today report it was popeyes chick-fil-a and also crispy crunchy. those rounded out the top west well, from fried chicken to grilled burgers and it turns out habit. >> is apparently the best fast food burger that you can get at least according to usa today. >> their double char comes with 2 chargrilled beef patties. you can see pictures or caramelized onions, lettuce, tomato, pickles. mayo? >> on a toasted that's honestly they want to is get when i go there. but i'm a big fan of having burgers. it doesn't surprise me at all. could you eat too? because they got this deal now? yes. so this is the thing you get free. >> chark if you join the char club which you can do on their app, you get a free double char with a $5. minimum order.

9:57 am

>> so it's basically charmian. when you get a second burger free to offer someone, i guess who's with you? yes, donating your time. that's too much. probably. all right. the time now 9.56. in coming up with profit warning is south bay leaders are working on ways. >> to stop mail theft. we'll tell you more about this problem. >> plus, a facial recognition technology receiving some backlash as a bay area city and police department now facing lawsuits and people will be out protesting against new plans for the great highway. one of those plans and why people upset for find out.

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10:00 am

>> right now on the kron, 4 morning news. breaking news in the north bay and overnight shooting spanning several blocks. will tran is live with a report shortly. plus, find out how the city of oakland is trying to fix its notorious pothole problem and the free water shuttle between oakland and alameda. now out of service. just one day after going into service. >> from the local news station. you're watching you for more 10. >> morning gang is all back here together. isn't that nice? daria and i'm james got john and raining here with weather and what he fall and our well, we've been tracking that accident along a southbound 6.80. it's still at some other stories to talk about 2 for now. start with that, ok? all right. very good. we're talking about another warm-up. >> john and i were on a case we missed a really hot. oh, yeah. i was trying i wonder has been warning it was like, you know, a good time to away. but that's what i'm getting back a spike in again.

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