Unblock Websites at School, Home, or Work (2024)

Avast Academy Privacy VPN Unblock Websites at School, Home, or Work

Written by Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols |
Updated on January 30, 2024

Want to browse freely, but your school or work prevents you from accessing certain sites? Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to bypass geo-blockers and unblock websites, including how to unlock content using a VPN.

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How to unblock websites from different countries

If you’re traveling or you want to access a website that blocks access by geolocation, the best way to unblock the website is likely with a VPN. If you're dealing with particularly aggressive restrictions, try using Tor.

Some countries, such as China with its Great Firewall, make it especially difficult to access the open internet. While some VPNs work, they often have trouble. In addition, some VPNs are completely blocked, and Tor won't work at all in China.

Unblock Websites at School, Home, or Work (1)

Unblock Websites at School, Home, or Work (2024)


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