Alternative Energy Concepts for Swedish Wastewater Treatment Plants to Meet Demands of a Sustainable Society (2024)


Alternative energy concepts for Swedish wastewater treatment plants to meet demands of a sustainable society


EN 1707 2018-04-19

Master thesis, 30 hp (5EN067) Department of Applied Physics and Electronics Master of science in Energy Engineering, 300 hp Umeå University

Author: Carl Brundin, [emailprotected]/+46 70 471 60 11

Identifying the most potential system configuration and integration at wastewater treatment plants, obstacles and good choices based on environmental and economic costs, efficiency losses, alternative technologies and political development.

Corporate supervisor Christian Baresel, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Supervisor Robert Eklund, Applied Physics and Electronics, Umeå University



This report travels through multiple disciplines to seek innovative and sustainable energy solutions for wastewater treatment plants. The first subject is a report about increased global temperatures and an over-exploitation of natural resources that threatens ecosystems worldwide. The situation is urgent where the current trend is a 2°C increase of global temperatures already in 2040. Furthermore, the energy-land nexus becomes increasingly apparent where the world is going from a dependence on easily accessible fossil resources to renewables limited by land allocation. A direction of the required transition is suggested where all actors of the society must contribute to quickly construct a new carbon-neutral resource and energy system. Wastewater treatment is as required today as it is in the future, but it may move towards a more emphasized role where resource management and energy recovery will be increasingly important.

This report is a master’s thesis in energy engineering with an ambition to provide some clues, with a focus on energy, to how wastewater treatment plants can be successfully integrated within the future society. A background check is conducted in the cross section between science, society, politics and wastewater treatment. Above this, a layer of technological insights is applied, from where accessible energy pathways can be identified and evaluated.

A not so distant step for wastewater treatment plants would be to absorb surplus renewable electricity and store it in chemical storage mediums, since biogas is already commonly produced and many times also refined to vehicle fuel. Such extra steps could be excellent ways of improving the integration of wastewater treatment plants into the society.

New and innovative electric grid-connected energy storage technologies are required when large synchronous electric generators are being replaced by ‘smaller’ wind turbines and solar cells which are intermittent (variable) by nature. A transition of the society requires energy storages, balancing of electric grids, waste-resource utilization, energy efficiency measures etcetera… This interdisciplinary approach aims to identify relevant energy technologies for wastewater treatment plants that could represent decisive steps towards sustainability.


Wastewater treatment; Paris agreement; Energy-land nexus; Land-use intensity; Wind power & photovoltaics; High-temperature heat pumps; Synthetic inertia; Energy storages; Modular chemical plants; Haber-Bosch; Electrochemical ammonia synthesis; Fischer-Tropsch; Methanol synthesis; BioCat biological methanation; Electrofuels; Blue crude; Synthetic diesel; Synthetic gasoline; Synthetic natural gas; Synthetic Ammonia; Methane cracking; Combined cycle gas turbines; Fuel cells & electrolysers; Reversible Solid Oxide Cells; Battolysers; Smart grids; Electrification; Fuel cell mobility; Hydrothermal carbonization; Ultra-high temperature hydrolysis.



With this work I am completing the Master of Science in Energy Engineering program held by the Department of Applied Physics and Electronics at Umeå University. The program is my second academic education, where studies in Ecology on the University of Gotland were the first. Gotland won my interest once much due to the nice windsurfing conditions here. Yet again, this about 420-million-year-old tropical reef (Gotland) is home to me and my expanding family.

From windsurfing to energy storage solutions Since Gotland is distanced from the mainland of Sweden and expensive electric cables are required to balance its electric grid, Gotland has also been designated as a location to test the new power-to-gas concept to allow for an expansion of renewable electric generation on the island. Power-to-gas is one of several technologies lifted in this report as being promising alternative pathways to support a sustainable energy transition of the society.

My interest has grown strong during the work with this thesis to follow and work for an increased deployment of these technologies of the future.


I would like to express my appreciation to Christian Baresel, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, for giving me the opportunity to write this thesis and for guiding me along the way. Thank you also Robert Eklund, Applied Physics and Electronics at Umeå University, for your friendly support throughout the master program in Energy Engineering and during this master’s thesis. Special thanks go to my friends and my family, for your kind, loving and continuous support.

Visby, Sweden, April 2018


Table of Contents

1. Introduction ...... 1 1.1. Purpose ...... 1 1.2. Target group ...... 1 1.3. Scope of project ...... 1 1.4. Method ...... 2 1.4.1. Land-use intensities calculations ...... 2 1.4.2. Extended land-use intensities ...... 4 1.4.3. Vehicle powertrain efficiency comparison ...... 4 2. Cross-cutting future analysis ...... 6 2.1. Requirements of a sustainable society ...... 6 2.1.1. Why is a transition necessary? ...... 6 2.1.2. Political action and ambitions ...... 7 2.2. Introduction to Swedish wastewater treatment plants ...... 8 2.2.1. Energy feedstock ...... 8 2.2.2. Biogas in Sweden and the EU ...... 8 2.3. Key challenges for future energy markets ...... 9 2.3.1. Recoverable energy ...... 9 2.3.2. Intermittency in supply and demand ...... 11 2.3.3. Smart grids ...... 13 2.3.4. Energy storages – status and future needs ...... 13 2.3.5. Energy-land nexus ...... 14 2.3.6. Energy storages – towards a selection ...... 18 2.4. Chemical storage mediums ...... 21 2.4.1. Fuel-to-wheel powertrain efficiency comparison ...... 21

2.4.2. Synthetic hydrogen (H2) ...... 22

2.4.3. Synthetic ammonia (NH3) ...... 23 2.4.4. Carbon-based electrofuels ...... 24 3. Alternative and competing energy technologies ...... 27 3.1. Gas- and steam turbines ...... 27 3.2. High-temperature Cells and Auxiliary equipment ...... 27 3.2.1. Combined heat and power fuel cell (CHP FC) ...... 28 3.2.2. Circular heat & High-temperature heat-pumps (HTHP) ...... 29 3.2.3. Reversible solid oxide cell (RSOC) ...... 30 3.3. Low-temperature electrolysers ...... 31 iv

3.3.1. Proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyser ...... 31 3.3.2. The Battolyser ...... 31 3.4. Other gas-production technologies ...... 32 3.4.1. Ultra-high temperature hydrolysis ...... 32 3.4.2. Hydrothermal carbonization of residual sludge ...... 33 3.4.3. Methane cracking (MC) ...... 34 3.5. Ammonia synthesis & deployment ...... 34 3.5.1. Power2Ammonia ...... 34 3.5.2. Waste2Ammonia ...... 35 3.5.3. Lithium three-step cycling electrification ...... 36 3.5.4. Deployment of ammonia-fuel concept ...... 37 3.6. Carbon-based electrofuel synthesis & deployment...... 38 3.6.1. Compact containerized and modular chemical plants ...... 38 3.6.2. BioCat – Biocatalytic methanation ...... 39 3.6.3. Deployment of carbon-based electrofuel concepts ...... 40 4. Technological evaluation ...... 43 5. Discussion & conclusions ...... 47 5.1. Businesses & strategies discussion ...... 47 5.1.1. Demand-response ...... 47 5.1.2. Which fuel to choose ...... 47

5.1.3. Land-use/CO2 penalties ...... 48 5.1.4. Unknowns & opportunities ...... 48 5.2. Authors own reflections ...... 48 5.2.1. Technological choices ...... 49 5.2.2. Political incentives...... 49 5.3. Conclusions ...... 50 6. Additional recommendations ...... 52 7. References ...... 53


1. Introduction A rising interest in electrochemical energy conversion technologies such as power-to-gas and electrofuels, has spurred activities all over the world. The belief behind this interest is that chemical storage mediums are required to enable a large-scale energy transition of the energy system, where the inherent intermittency (variability) of renewable energy sources and the ability to transport substantial amounts of fuel for a graphically and a seasonally levelized access of energy, are the major reasons to invest in such storage solutions.

Wastewater treatment plants in Sweden produces a large share of the biogas used by road-vehicles today. They have managed to turn waste into fuel and thereby replacing fossil fuels, which can be a testimony of a successful integration in an evolving energy system. Still, many wastewater treatment plants lack the technologies to use their biogas to more than for heating purposes.

The topic was highlighted as a potential subject for this master’s thesis in energy engineering where the idea was to identify potential chemical storage mediums and potential ‘floor’ technologies of direct relevance for wastewater treatment plants. It was therefore motivated to first conduct a cross- cutting analysis of environmental problems, political ambitions, wastewater-business today and challenges faced by the future energy system. 1.1. Purpose This report aims to provide a basic build-up of knowledge to support informed decisions on the field of energy technologies indirectly or directly affecting wastewater treatment plants. The results can give an improved basis for further studies and suggestions of potential business models.

The aim is to realise ‘informed’ decisions through an up-to-date exploration of the following areas

✓ Climate changes and related ecosystem degradation ✓ Political goals related to energy and climate ✓ Background-information about wastewater treatment in terms of energy ✓ Key challenges, opportunities and environmental insights regarding land-use and the future energy system ✓ Background-information about relevant energy storages being potential business cases for wastewater treatment plants ✓ The field of potential energy technologies which could share ‘floor’ at wastewater treatment plants

A qualitative evaluation of the selected and presented technologies will be included. These should be considered as a guiding-tool that includes recaps of the presented material and relevant insights to stimulate further explorations. 1.2. Target group Potential target groups are employees and consultants for wastewater treatment plants, decision- makers, officials, politicians and engineers who are interested in the bigger picture, in future energy technologies and/or in how to integrate wastewater treatment plants within the future society. 1.3. Scope of project The report aims to present a selection of energy solutions that could share floor with wastewater treatment plants. The scope is also to find the energy technologies that could have a crucial role to play in future societies and successively allow the integration of wastewater treatment plants into


the future society. Influencing where to look for such solutions does insights in climate- and environmentally related problems, in the political trajectory of the society, in energy-issues related to wastewater treatment plants and in challenges for the future energy system. Chemical storage mediums are identified as crucial to allow for a sustainable energy transition, and are therefore given key attention along with the electrochemical technologies on which they depend upon.

Economic assessments are omitted because of uncertainties when dealing with emerging and sometimes disruptive technologies which rather are in the hands of politicians. Moreover, disturbing features related to e.g. construction or installation are not covered in this report. For example, the use of rare-earth metals in electrochemical processes or natural gravel in the construction of land- based or offshore wind power plants. 1.4. Method As an interdisciplinary review-report, collection and comprehension of various information constitutes the major work although some minor calculations were required which are described in chapter 1.4.1 through 1.4.3 below.

Otherwise, the shape and content of the report has evolved gradually and dynamically, were the ambition was to track down and cover the most relevant and recent knowledge including state-of- the-art technologies with a decisive impact on technical and political decisions and choices in the context of future energy technologies for wastewater treatment plants. Information was googled for and found in e.g. news-articles, blogs, forums, press-releases, company and research institution websites and in research and white papers.

The “Technological evaluation” made in chapter 4 includes qualitative conclusions about the selected technologies. The conclusions are based mostly on knowledge withdrawn from the technological, political and environmental intelligence-resources presented in this report. More pronounced own conclusions are marked with “Authors remark”. Plus- and minus (+/−) symbols are used to roughly mark the conclusions as being towards positive or negative aspects/properties in terms of the results from the cross-cutting future analysis, and (×) is defined as a neutral sign. The conclusions and the signs in the evaluation are of course subjectively selected by the author. Nonetheless, they are an attempt to provide relevant indications of potential pathways to integrate wastewater treatment plants into the future society. 1.4.1. Land-use intensities calculations In chapter 2.3.5, “Energy-land nexus” (which continues in chapter 2.3.6, “Energy storages – towards a selection”), some calculations were performed to include the forestland-area required to produce various forms of energy, as a complement to the cited land-use intensity data for other sources of energy.

The basic information for these calculations was gathered from forest-growth approximations made annually by the Swedish University of Agricultural Science (SLU). The growth is measured in cubic meters of standing stem-wood per hectare (X m3/ha). A conversion factor from volume of wood to 3 feedstock energy (Y MWhLHV/m ) gives the growth in terms of lower heating value (MWhLHV/ha). Changing to square meters instead of hectares (10,000 m2/ha) and taking the inverse gives the number of square meters of wood needed to produce one mega-watt hour of LHV-energy per year (Z 2 m /MWhLHV). The formula can be summarized as in equation 1,

10,000 푚2 1 1 푍 푚2⁄푀푊ℎ = × × (1) 퐿퐻푉 1 ℎ푎 푋 푚3⁄ℎ푎 푌 푀푊ℎ⁄푚3


An example when using the wood-growth value (푋) 5.3 m3/ha for 2017 (Table 2, chapter 2.3.5) and 3 the conversion factor (푌) 2.1 MWhLHV/m , gives the following land-use intensity for one MWhLHV of wood,

10,000 푚2 1 1 898 푚2⁄푀푊ℎ = × × (2) 퐿퐻푉 1 ℎ푎 5.3 푚3⁄ℎ푎 2.1 푀푊ℎ⁄푚3

To use wood for electricity (MWHelectricity), heat (MWhheat) or combined heat and power (MWHCHP), their respective conversion efficiencies will have to be factored in (Celectricity% [Eelectricity/ELHV]; Cheat%

[Eheat/ELHV] or CCHP% [ECHP/ELHV], (E stands for woody biomass energy in this case)). For example, the land-use intensity for combined heat and power can have a combined efficiency above 100% which is due to the use of the lower heating value1. Equation 3 illustrates this calculation when using the CHP- efficiency 110% and the given land-use intensity per MWh of lower heating value of wood from the example above,

2 2 898 푚 푊퐿퐻푉 817 푚 ⁄푀푊ℎ퐶퐻푃 = × (3) 푀푊ℎ퐿퐻푉 1.1 푊퐶퐻푃 A comparison was also made where solar electricity and a heat pump were to be used to produce the same amount of heat and electricity as in the above case with wood and 110% efficiency. Firstly, the actual electricity produced in the above CHP-case was assumed to be 40% of one MWhLHV (0.4

MWhelectricity) and the actual heat produced was 70% of one MWhLHV (0.7 MWhheat). So, the area needed to produce 0.4 MWhelectricity and 0.7 MWhheat based on solar photovoltaic was to be calculated. A cautious estimated seasonal coefficient of performance (SCOP) between 2 and 3 was assumed for the heat-pump used to produce heat in the comparison. Thus, every unit of electric energy input gives between 2 and 3 units of heat as output. Information about approximative land- 2 use intensity for photovoltaics (PVs) was already collected (10 m /MWhelectricity, Table 1, chapter 2.3.5). The resulting land-use intensity for by photovoltaics powered CHP was calculated as in equation 4.

2 (∗) 6.3 to 7.5 푚 ⁄푀푊ℎ퐶퐻푃 =

10 푚2 푀푊ℎ 푀푊ℎ × [0.4 𝑖푛푝푢푡 푒푙. + 0.7 𝑖푛푝푢푡 푒푙. ] (4) 푀푊ℎ𝑖푛푝푢푡 푒푙. 푀푊ℎ푒푙. 2 표푟 3 푀푊ℎℎ푒푎푡 퐶퐻푃 Thus, equations 3 and 4 gives the land-use intensities to produce combined heat and power using woody biomass or photovoltaics + heat pump, respectively. (*) The actual produced useful energy in the example (0.4 + 0.7 MWh) is 1.1 MWh, which was chosen to compare a heat pump-setup with woody biomass-based CHP which had ‘110%’ LHV conversion efficiency. To calculate the resulting land-use efficiency using wind power + heat pump, simply change the land-use intensity for input 2 electricity from 10 to 1 푚 /푀푊ℎ𝑖푛푝푢푡 푒푙. in equation 4. To calculate land-use intensities for heat or methanol (MeOH), simply change the CHP-conversion efficiency-block in equation 4 to the respective conversion efficiencies (given in Table 2 and Table 3).

1 The lower heating value (LHV) or effective heating value excludes the heat of vaporization, which enables the possibility to claim a higher energy efficiency of a process. Thus, when also extracting this ‘bonus’ heat in a heat-exchanger, e.g. in a combined heat and power plant where steam from exhausts is condensed to liquid water, more energy than what was said to be included in the fuel is extracted, i.e. above 100%. The more correct heating value in this case is instead the higher heating value (HHV), which is seldom used because of convention. When based on the higher heating value, no energy conversion can reach above 100% efficiency.


1.4.2. Extended land-use intensities The “Extended land-use intensity” calculations in Table 5, (chapter 2.3.6, “Energy storages – towards a selection”), presents power-to-power (P2P) land-use intensities. These are based on pathways where electricity is used from the electric sources in Table 1 (e.g. wind, solar, etc.) including wood from Table 2. This electricity goes through 4 extended pathways where the common route is production of an energy storage medium from electricity including combustion of the same energy storage medium to produce electricity in a combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT). The electric efficiencies are already given for the 4 extended pathways (with electricity as end-product), i.e. 1)

Ammonia production via a solid oxide electrolysis cell (SOEC) with a given 39%el total efficiency; 2)

Ammonia production via a Battolyser with a given 31%el total efficiency; 3) Methane and 4) Methanol production with 28%el and 27%el total efficiencies, respectively.

To factor in these extended pathways – i.e. to update the land-use intensities of the mentioned 2 electric sources – the original land-use intensity (m /MWhel) must be divided with the electric efficiency of the extended pathway. Equation 5 exemplifies the calculations where the land-use intensity to produce one MWh of electricity from wind – i.e. 1 m2 – is updated with the extended pathway through ammonia via a SOEC and back to electricity – i.e. 39%el total efficiency:

2 2 1 푚 /푀푊ℎ푒푙 2.6 푚 /푀푊ℎ푒푙. = (5) 39%푃2푃−푒푓푓.

Thus, the impact for this extra route through ammonia and back to electricity is a 2.6-fold increase of the land-use intensity. 1.4.3. Vehicle powertrain efficiency comparison In chapter 2.4.1, “Fuel-to-wheel powertrain efficiency comparison”, data from the U.S. Environmental protection agency (EPA) containing fuel consumption of 2017 Sedan-model vehicles was used. The original data contain ratings for combined cycle (city + highway) in miles per gallon (MPG). Regardless of the actual fuel used, estimates are made by the U.S. EPA to interpret how far vehicles can reach on one gallon of gasoline or gasoline equivalents.

The following equations convert the measures from (X) miles per gallon (MPG) of gasoline to litres of gasoline equivalents per 100 kilometres (L/100 km).

Equation 6 gives the connection between miles per gallon and kilometres per litre.

miles 1.61 km km 푋 ≈ X ∙ ≈ X ∙ 0.425 (6) gallon 3.79 L L

A first conversion coefficient (0.425) is identified above. Inverting the above equation gives a measure with the unit: liters per kilometer (equation 7).

1 L (7) X∙0.425 km The sought unit (liters per 100 km) is obtained if a factor 100 is multiplied to both the nominator and the denominator as in equation 8.

100 L (8) X∙0.425 100 km 100 Thus, as in equation 8, a measure X with the unit MPG can be converted to 푌 = with the unit X∙0.425 L/100 km.


The succeeding calculations of averages and standard deviances were made according to standard statistical routines2.

∑ 푌 2 The average fuel economy (푌̅ = , where n is the number of observations, i.e. the number of observed n Sedan-model cars in each respective vehicle powertrain category), is calculated for each category including a measure of the standard deviances. The standard deviance is given in parentheses with two digits which can be added and subtracted to and from the last two digits of the average, to give an upper and a lower limit which statistically encapsulates about 70% of the observed measurements. The chosen standard deviance, in statistical terms, is based on a whole-population coverage (all 2017 Sedan-model cars was assumed to be ∑(푌−푌̅)2 represented in the data) and given by the formula: √ . n


2. Cross-cutting future analysis This chapter aim to frame the key knowledge-ingredients useful for all of those who are in a planning phase for a large energy investment, including those handling waste and energy.

The following sub-chapters or ‘pillars’, are included:

1) Requirements of a sustainable society 2) Introduction to Swedish wastewater treatment plants 3) Key challenges for future energy markets 4) Chemical storage mediums

After this background in chapter 3, “Alternative and competing energy technologies” are presented, which includes a review of various energy concepts, also called ‘floor’ technologies with a potential to share floor with wastewater treatment plants. 2.1. Requirements of a sustainable society The focus in the first pillar of the cross-cutting future analysis is to pave the way to make informed decisions in-line with the latest scientific findings and political ambitions. 2.1.1. Why is a transition necessary? Many scientists find it unlikely that the increase of global mean temperatures would stop below 1.5°C when it is already at about 1.1°C (1) (2). The most representative scenario to the current trend (Figure 1) points toward a 2°C rise in global temperatures already in 2040, about 3°C in 2060 (3) and above

4°C with a CO2-equivalent concentration of above 1000 ppm in

2100 (4). If the CO2-equivalent concentration level stayed at about 450 ppm in 2100, it is likely that global warming can be maintained below 2°C (4).

The CO2-levels for 2016 was 403.3 ppm, which is up 3.3 ppm from the year before (5). CO2-emissions from fossil fuels and industry are projected for a 2% rise in 2017, which thereby breaks the positive trend after three consecutive plateau years of stable emissions (2).

There are still risks of tipping points within a 2°C rise of temperatures, where the most endangered ecosystems are coral reefs, Alpine glaciers, the Arctic summer sea ice, Greenland and the West Antarctic Ice sheets (2). The same

CO2-levels as are observed already today correspond to those in the mid-Pliocene (3-5 million years ago), where the climate Figure 1. Surging CO2-concentrations, up from 0.7 ppm/yr in 1960 to at least 2.0 was 2-3°C warmer and the sea levels was 10-20 m higher than ppm/yr at present with about 50 ppm today due to the melting of ice-sheets on Greenland, West increase in the last 30 years. Source: World Antarctic and some of the East Antarctic ice-sheet (6). Earth Meteorological Organization (2017) (5) could expect large-scale changes at and beyond a 4°C rise, endangering the Amazon rainforest, Boreal forests, earth oscillating and circulatory systems, the East Antarctic Ice sheet, permafrost and the Arctic winter sea ice (6).


Aside from climate effects, there are other ongoing events such as oceans acidification followed by higher levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide (4). Oceans and waters are under intense pressure from, not only overfishing, but also eutrophication, contaminant carrying micro debris, drugs and other toxins where wastewater treatment plants have a significant role to play (7) (8).

Renewable energy in the total global energy mix has been increasing from 0.8% in 2000 to 2.8% in 2015 (2). The development follows an exponential curve that doubles every 5.4 years (2). If this business-as-usual exponential curve would be allowed to continue, it could take the world to a fossil free economy by 2045 (2), (see Figure 3). Bold political leadership is necessary to have this prophecy come true, where adopting a global price on carbon may be necessary to postpone a deployment saturation of renewables (2). Such a saturation occurs already on regional-scale where the intermittency of renewable power becomes too difficult to handle. A first step would be to at least stop the subsidies of fossil fuels estimated to 150 $/ton CO2 (2). ‘Avoiding’ climate change by continuing the killing of ecosystems who otherwise could soak up carbon should also be reconsidered (2). 2.1.2. Political action and ambitions An important force to support sustainable technologies on the global scene is the Paris agreement. Its central aim is to keep the global temperature rise this century to well below 2°C, with efforts to stay below 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels (9). In 2017, Sweden’s parliament adopted a climate policy framework that will ensure that Sweden reaches its goals of net zero emissions by 2045, and net negative emissions beyond (10).

Producers of biogas used as biofuel (transport) or as bioliquids (electricity/heating) are covered by the Swedish act (2010:598) concerning sustainability criteria for biofuels and bioliquids (11). This act is based on the EU sustainability criteria for biofuels and bioliquids, which aim is to guarantee ‘real’ carbon savings (although this approach may be flawed since it does not account for biogenic net greenhouse gas emissions3); biodiversity protection; and restrict who is eligible for governmental aid (12).

First generation biofuel crops farmed on previously diverted land for food or feed markets demands intensification of current food/feed production or will bring non-agricultural land into production elsewhere (12). The indirect production is likely to be realised at the lowest cost outside the Union where conversion of tropical forests and peat land drainage can be expected (12). Consequently, biofuel and bioliquid feedstocks such as cereals and other starch-rich crops, sugars and oil crops will have to add provisional indirect land-use change (ILUC) emissions to their calculated life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions according to Annex VIII of Directive (EU) 2015/1513 (12).

Other feedstocks will be considered to have ILUC emissions of zero if a direct land-use change is already added (12). The feedstocks eligible to zero ILUC emissions counting in part A of Annex IX, are e.g. bio-waste, algae, sewage sludge, residues from forestry, non-biological renewable liquid or gaseous transport fuels based on renewable energy and renewables based bacteria (12). The EU commission is preparing new regulations where they suggest a duty for member countries to successively implement such fuels (13). Biogas and advanced fuels covered in Annex IX of Directive

3 A more advanced method to calculate greenhouse gas emissions in a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), called the dynamic LCA, may yield significantly different results compared to the most common methods (169). This is because dynamic LCA, beyond the value-based choice of geographical system boundaries, also accounts for the timing of the CO2 released and captured (169). Researchers opt for more consciousness around e.g. the impacts of the value-based choice of geographic system boundaries and the timing-factor (169).


(EU) 2015/1513 are mostly freed from energy and carbon dioxide tax in Sweden at least until 2020 (14) (13). Updates are currently being reviewed, where a reduction duty is proposed (13).

The Swedish government has suggested such a policy to be implemented by Jan 1, 2019 (15). This policy will add a duty to incorporate liquid biofuels in petrol and diesel (13). Biofuels in this respect are fuels made from biomass for use in motors, i.e. biological materials and waste originating from agriculture, forestry, fishery, industry and municipal waste (13). The proposal is to require an annual reduction of fossil greenhouse gas emissions in a life-cycle perspective per energy unit for petrol and diesel (13). Renewable fuels will be the only fuels eligible to escape energy tax when the governmental support for low-concentration mixtures of biofuels is terminated (13). Taxes on carbon dioxide emissions is suggested to be continuously updated based on the fossil carbon content of fuels (13). Nevertheless, these suggestions are on remittance and could still be changed.

However, this policy does not cover biogas and an update of Swedish regulations for biogas is required before the end of 2020 (13).

2.2. Introduction to Swedish wastewater treatment plants The second pillar in the cross-cutting future analysis provides background information about wastewater treatment in terms of energy production. 2.2.1. Energy feedstock Three types of sludge are commonly formed in wastewater treatment (16), sludge from preliminary treatment derived from gravitational sedimentation, and often including mechanically trapped grease from the entrance (17), sludge from biological treatment, i.e. bacterial cells (activated sludge), and chemical sludge formed by precipitation induced by chemicals. External organic materials (EOM) such as food waste are often also added (18). The sludge is treated through anaerobic digestion, which is a natural part of the common wastewater treatment (19), where raw biogas, a supernatant (liquid phase) and a digestate (solid phase) are produced. The digestate can be treated for use as a fertilizer and a soil conditioner, while useful energy is collected in the biogas (20).

Many treatment steps also require electrical energy, e.g. mechanical treatment, stirring, aeration, pumping, thickening, heating, dewatering, upgrading (gas purification and pressurizing) and nitrogen treatment (21). 2.2.2. Biogas in Sweden and the EU In 2015, there were 282 biogas production facilities in Sweden (22). Of these, 140 plants were wastewater treatment plants that stood for 36% of the total biogas production, or about 700 GWh out of 1947 GWh (22). Totally, biogas production is increasing and most of the biogas (63%) is upgraded to vehicle fuel (22). All biogas production 2014 in the EU-28 represented 7.6%, or about 174 TWh of all primary renewable energy production, where Germany was the largest producer (50%) (23). About half of this derived from energy crops (mainly maize) and 9% from sewage sludge (23). This energy was in the EU-28 (2014) used for electricity (62%), heat (27%) and injected into the gas-grid for the built environment and vehicle fuel (11%) (23). Only Sweden, the Netherlands and Germany has a substantial share of its biogas upgraded to biomethane (23). The production potential of biomethane in EU-28 in 2030 is 335-468 TWh or 2.7-3.7% of the EU’s energy consumption, with liquid and solid manure and organic wastes having the largest growth potential (23). Producing


biomethane for mobility, either to CNG or LNG4 quality, is the most efficient ways to reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions since fossil fuels such as diesel can be replaced (23). Using biogas to replace natural gas in the built environment with combined heat and power shows a lower effect since natural gas is less greenhouse gas intensive compared to diesel (23). The resulting cost levels when either upgrading to natural gas quality or converting raw biogas to electricity is 1.3 and 2.0, respectively, compared to the current EU prices for natural gas and electricity (23).

Production of biogas is just a side-effect and in many cases not yet fully used. There is even more energy to gain from sludge with re-digestion of digestate after pre-treatments (24) and a potential to make processes more effective (25). Other substrates (external organic materials) has been proposed to increase the biogas production, for example food waste/wastewater (26), aquatic biomass (clams, ascidians, reed and algae (27) (28)) and agricultural “middle-crops” (often grass, clover and rye) (25).

Wastewater treatment plants have a unique role in the society and they are not just an end- destination for waste. Energy is required and energy is produced which is why wastewater treatment plants can and should be further integrated within the society, to become an even more important actor on the future energy market! The potential of waste-to-energy should be further developed while looking for innovative ways to integrate wastewater treatment plants within the future renewable energy markets.

2.3. Key challenges for future energy markets The third pillar in this cross-cutting future analysis is focused at energy system requirements and opportunities.

With a vision set for a future where renewables dominate the planet, with the recoverable sources often characterized by a distributed and intermittent nature, one of the key challenges will be to find sizeable energy storage solutions (29). Efficiency losses, exploitation of natural resources and costs are inherent parts of an energy system. Focus should therefore be on finding systems with the highest overall net-efficiencies, with the lowest negative environmental impacts and on providing scientific basis for politicians to help with research and development, fair market regulations and to promote energy security at the lowest possible degree of resource exploitation. 2.3.1. Recoverable energy Approximately 18.5 TWy/y (and rising), of energy are used worldwide every year (30). Figure 2 below depicts estimates of available and recoverable planetary sources of energy if using existing energy technologies (30). Solar energy is the largest source of energy with 23,000 TWy/y when taking 20% of radiation energy as recoverable, and including all radiation falling at the whole planet excluding oceans (30). Even when the area potentially available for direct utilization of solar energy is scaled down to a more moderate estimate of 4% of all land area based on optimal usage in urban/suburban areas and network areas used for e.g. transport, it would be equal in size to the entire finite reserve of recoverable coal used up in a single year (30).

4 Compressed or liquefied natural gas (CNG or LNG).


Figure 2. Planetary recoverable finite energy reserves measured in terawatt-years (TWy) and potential renewable energy measured in terawatt-years per year (TWy/y). Note: The estimated recoverable solar energy should be scaled down considerably to represent less than 4% of all land area, based on optimal solar energy utilization and maximum deployment, which results in less than 920 TWy/y of recoverable solar energy (30). Source: IEA SHC solar update 2015, (30).

Fossil carbohydrates accounts for the largest share of used energy today (31), providing flexibility and security to most energy systems. Swedish hydropower acts as a flexible baseload on the electric grid (32) with an ability to store energy seasonally (33). To receive energy (charge) from the grid requires a pump for this purpose to be installed (33).

Almost three quarters of the world investments in power generating technologies until 2040 will be in renewables, where renewable energy will be cheaper than that from the majority of existing fossil power stations by 20305 (34). As a result, 34% of all globally generated electricity will be from wind and solar by 2040 (34). To enhance efficiency and achieve sustainability, lots of processes will have to be electrified, which in turn will increase the demand for electricity 3 to 5 times with power supplied all-year around (35).

Falling costs of solar and wind energy together with an increased availability of energy storages facilitates this development (34). The levelized costs of electricity (LCOE6) from solar photovoltaics (PV) has fallen with 75% in 2017 compared to 2009, while costs are projected to fall another 66% until 2040 (34). For comparison, solar electricity is at least as cheap today as coal in Germany, Australia, the U.S., Spain and Italy, and solar electricity will be at least as cheap as coal by 2021 in China, India, Mexico, the U.K. and Brazil (34). By the way, the 10 most coal-rich countries of the

5 Based on announced projects, electricity economics, current policies and that subsidies will expire (34). 6 The levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) is all lifetime expenses for generation divided by the predicted generated energy, i.e. cost/MWh (34).


world in falling order are the U.S., Russia, China, Australia, India, Germany Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Colombia and Canada (36).

The LCOE from onshore and offshore wind are predicted to drop 47% and 71% respectively, from 2017 until 2040 (34). Many factors7 influence lower costs for wind power, where key factors are higher loading rates and the provision of electricity transmission links (34). A cumulative capacity of about 350 MW of European offshore floating wind projects are to be commissioned until 2021, and the capacity in Europe is said to be 4 TW (80% of all offshore wind-resources) according to the industry group WindEurope (37). Statoil aim to reach 40-60 €/MWh (LCOE) for floating wind power by 2030, which is equal to, or lower than the lowest prices for utility scale offshore wind in Europe today (37).

The two lowest bids for utility scale8 wind power was won at the prices 49.9 €/MWh (Kriegers Flak, Denmark) (38) and 54.5€/MWh (Borssele 3&4, the Netherlands) (39). An announced solar park in Abu Dhabi will even produce for about 23 $/MWh (19.1 €/MWh9) (39).

Figure 3. "Global electricity generation mix to 2040" (34). Source: Bloomberg new energy finance – New Energy Outlook 2017 (34).

The prophecy in Figure 3 above from Bloomberg new energy finance indicates a remarkable rise for wind and solar electricity generation. With substantial efforts, this curve could be allowed to continue faster and further – i.e. postponing saturation (flattening of the blue line). Exactly those efforts are required to avoid devastating climate changes (2).

A higher share of both centralized and distributed intermittent electric energy production requires a flexible and smart energy system with strategies to balance supply and demand (40) including energy storages, demand response and grid development (41) (42) (43). This will be more obvious in the next chapter. 2.3.2. Intermittency in supply and demand At present, the limit to the proportion of intermittent renewable energy sources (RES) that can fit into an electric system without curtailment (shutting down energy production) at peak production

7 Larger and more efficient turbines, economies of scale, more experience, competition, lower risks etc. (34) . 8 Utility-scale is large-scale electricity generating parks built by utilities (i.e. large energy providers). 9 Direct conversion from 23 USD to 19.1 EUR, exchange rate 0.83 EUR/USD (Jan 2, 2018). For comparison, a Harvard Medical School study made 2011 found that extra health and environmental costs of coal (from mining to waste streams) for the U.S. public was approximately 90-270 $/MWh.


hours are said to be less than 15-20%. Countries exceeding 20-25% (Denmark, Spain and Germany (at 32.6%)) cannot count on full usage of their RES (see Figure 4) unless they can fill up energy storages in times of higher RE production (44).

Figure 4. Curtailment in relation to installed renewable capacity in Germany. Source: European Power-to-Gas White Paper (45). Curtailed energy in Germany has increased from 1% in 2014 to 2.6% in 2015 of all renewable energy production, where most of lost energy was onshore wind (46).

Ups and downs in power production can in one perspective also be at least partially levelled out with a larger, diverse and geographically dispersed portfolio of intermittent renewables (29) (47) because of their accumulated constant of inertia, or mechanical “swing mass” of the power system, which also serves as a buffer to both deliver and absorb energy, i.e. to stabilize the electric frequency (32). However, the total inertia decreases when going from heavier “synchronous” generators with a natural inertia to e.g. wind power driven inverters (32). Furthermore, there are also limits to the amount of storable energy, the character and how fast pumped hydro and hydropower generators and pumps can accelerate after a sudden grid-power shortfall or excess of supply (32).

A high RES system will therefore require an increased development and deployment of regulation services, i.e. a compensating capacity, to maintain a balanced grid (29). The options, including comments, are:

✓ Interregional compensation (e.g. enabled by grid expansion) – Important, but not a standalone solution (29). ✓ Conventional backup capacity, e.g. gas turbines – Cannot absorb energy, although indispensable in the short term (29). ✓ Demand-response (i.e. demand-side management) – Incentive-driven, but only short periods for peak-shaving at a potential-maximum of 2% of peak load (29).

And an increased “synthetic inertia” produced by:

✓ Fast power converters connected to e.g. wind power plants (32) – Fast throttling helps but reduce production which increases costs (29). ✓ Large scale electric storages – Best when located close to the production and consumption sites, but a portion of the fed in energy will be lost (29) (32).

The conditions are that compensating capacity, or in other words – the frequency containment reserve capacity, must follow in lockstep with intermittent RES deployment (29) (46).


2.3.3. Smart grids Solving things in the future might come to be a matter of going interactive (i.e. “smart”). One of the reasons why could be the increased amount of decentralized energy components which need to be controlled and used for e.g. grid-balancing. Another reason could be the potential to increase energy efficiency.

The introduction of hourly electricity rates in Sweden was an incentive to stimulate adaption between consumption and production and a step towards the development of smart grids (40). Energy losses due to transmission of electricity was reduced when electric price-areas was introduced in Sweden in 2011 (48) since the incentive for local consumption increased (49). However, more regulatory measures are needed until the development of smart grids can make a difference (40). These could be directed towards e.g. network operators who need more effective incentives for investments (40), such as long-term political visions; incentives based on benchmarking instead of self-comparison; more flexibility to optimize efficiency requirements between capital expenditures (CAPEX) and operating expenditures (OPEX), implemented e.g. by shifting focus to total expenditures (TOTEX) and by designing contracts that promotes innovative and untested technical solutions (40).

One of the potential ‘smart’ solutions is to use the ability for electricity to go both ways in parked and charging battery electric vehicles (50). The concept is called vehicle-to-grid where the connected vehicles are bundled as a virtual power plant (50). However, diminished performance or travelled miles are two major obstacles that are addressed in the ongoing pilot tests in California (50). Two unrelated studies also concluded that the potential for similar demand-side management solutions to reduce peak-load has a limited potential of approximately 2% of the demand (29).

Aggregated asset business models are concepts where bundles of power producing and consuming units and/or virtual power plants act together to stabilize electric grids (51). These units could be electrolysers, fuel cells, grid-connected batteries and wastewater treatment plants with a flexible electricity demand and/or production. Household batteries are already being sold with software for aggregation pre-installed (33) (52). Stationary battery packs connected to the grid are believed to become increasingly important for grid balancing (53). For example, a distributed energy storage network with a capacity of 10- to 20-kW has been launched in France, managed through aggregation by Actility (a company) to respond to high peak-load periods (54). The concept reduces electricity demand by 10 to 15 MW by using 8,000 batteries at 7,000 locations (54).

A new company called Northvolt has recently decided to build a Li-ion battery factory in Skellefteå, northern Sweden, with a capacity to produce 32 GWh per year. Their R&D team will be situated further south, working in close collaboration with other large companies in Västerås, situated in proximity to Stockholm. Due-date for first production is 3rd quarter of 2020, aiming for full capacity by 2023 (55). This is likely also a benefit for the part-Swedish part-Chinese car company Volvo Car Group who has announced to build all their new generations of cars with electric engines (56). 2.3.4. Energy storages – status and future needs By 2025 in Europe, an estimated sum of 100 GW of compensating capacity will be needed to handle intermittent RES (renewable energy sources), with a capacity to provide roughly 150 TWh of energy, corresponding to more than 5% of annual electricity demand (29). The IEA 2°C scenario (2DS) made 2017 estimate the global need for storage capacity to about 225 GW by 2025 (57). In contrast, the


global electric storage capacity is about 176 GW10, where 169.2 GW are pumped hydro (96%) (58). European pumped hydro storages, mainly in Norway and Turkey, currently have a maximum storage capacity of 70 TWh while underground natural gas storage facilities in Europe currently store approximately 900 TWh of energy (46).

Among the alternative energy storages used today on the global scene, pumped hydro represents the most mature and widely used although non-pumped hydro technologies have increased lately, e.g. with 500 MW (50%) in 2016 and with 1 GW announced at the end of that year (57). Most of that increase was Li-ion batteries11, 5% redox flow or lead-acid batteries and 5% was all other technologies combined (57). Thus, many new storage technologies are still held back from large scale deployment by low cost-competitiveness and/or by inadequacies in technological performances (41). To reduce costs, it is said to be more beneficial to co-optimize energy generation from e.g. wind and solar with energy storages12, with the increased reliance of the system (and reduced arbitrage costs13) as a major contribution (47).

Some important properties for an energy storage system are a high round-trip efficiency, low cost, maturity, flexibility and fast response times to maintain the above mentioned “synthetic inertia” of the power system (59) (32) (60). High-cost systems are limited to high-value peak power management (61). 2.3.5. Energy-land nexus In this chapter, the link or “nexus” between energy and land is assessed, where the invers of surface power density of different energy sources is calculated.

The challenge is to provide energy, food and all the resources required by a growing population, while securing and strengthen earths ecosystems. Deliberate and conscious planning is required to integrate renewables without sidestepping sustainable development goals (62). This is of paramount importance since the world is in a transitional phase, going from depleting fossil resources to renewables restricted by land-use allocation, which in all points to a more intensively usage of land in the future (62).

…” the world is in a transitional phase, going from depleting fossil resources to renewables restricted by land-use allocation “…

Costs and size of a resource limits the use of non-renewable (fossil) sources, where expansion is required as resources are being depleted (62). Renewables on the other hand, use land for continuous extraction of energy (62), where a presumption for being renewable is a sustainable

10 Estimation made in October 2017. 11 Examples: A 100 MW/129 MWh Tesla Powerpack battery was recently installed (December 1, 2017) in South Australia to mitigate regional renewable energy intermittency, deliver electricity at peak hours and provide emergency backup (167); A 2 MWh battery fitted to an operational 90 MW offshore wind power park on the Burbo Banks in the U.K. (Liverpool Bay, England) will be commissioned in Q1 2018 to provide the world’s first grid frequency response regulation installed at an offshore wind park, and the 30 MW Hywind Scotland floating wind-farm project will also be equipped with a 1 MWh battery in Q2 2018 (168). 12 Example: The world’s first utility-scale wind-solar-storage plant will be built in Queensland, Australia by the end of 2018 (167). Phase I will be a 60 MW hybrid plant, which will rise to 1.2 GW when the project is finished (167). Phase I will include 43 MW of wind power, 15 MW of solar capacity and 2 MW/4MWh of Li-ion battery storage (167). 13 Arbitrage – the practice of capitalizing on energy cost imbalances.


management to keep societal requirements within a frame of ecological limits. Energy efficiency in terms of land-use is therefore of interest, where Table 1 provides some clues.

Table 1. Indicative land-use intensity for various renewable sources in the United States, EU and a global estimate from United Nations Environment Programme. The data includes land-use for spacing and from upstream life cycles (62). An assessment of heat is excluded given the few existing studies on the topic (62). Actual or individual values will vary. Data- source: UNCCD & IRENA (62)14.

Land-use intensity [m2/MWh] U.S. U.S EU Product Primary energy source dataa) datab) datac) UNEPd) Typicale) Wind 1.3 1.0 0.7 0.3 1.0 Geothermal 5.1 2.5 0.3 2.5 Hydropower (large dams) 16.9 4.1 3.5 3.3 10 Electricity Hydropower (small, low height) > 500 Solar photovoltaic 15.0 0.3 8.7 13.0 10 Solar - concentrated solar power 19.3 7.8 14.0 15 Biomass (from crops) 810 13 450 500 Corn (maize) 237 239 250 Sugarcane (from juice) 274 239 250 Biofuels Soybean 296 479 400 Cellulose, short rotation coppice 565 410 500 Cellulose, residue 0.10 0.1

Although the actual land-use intensity is site-specific and vary in the type of impact on the occupied area (implying the need for individual assessments), Table 1 gives a general indication of the energy- land nexus (62). Another source (63) calculated land- and water-use intensity for the Swedish bioethanol and biodiesel production in 2013 to be 504 m2/MWh and 648 m2/MWh, respectively, while in both cases consuming about 284 m3/MWh of water (63).

If crops are also cultivated in monocultures, these figures might even be underestimated, since soil depletion eventually will force farmers to abandon such lands, or to expand into new lands if yields should drop (64). The table shows that products from agriculture are land-use intensive and that, to a from place to place varying degree, the same can be said about some hydropower dams.

Table 1 gives a typical measure for cellulose residue, which is considered as free energy. However, for a fair trial, this table is complemented with Table 2 where energy from woody-biomass is not assumed to be for free. Table 2 can then be directly compared with Table 3 where wind power and photovoltaics are the sources of energy. Both tables show rough calculations with the estimated land areas needed to be allocated to produce the same amount of electricity; heat; combined heat and power (CHP); or methanol (MeOH).

14 For third-party sources in table 1, see (62): a) Trainor et al. (2016), b) Fthenakis and Kim (2009), c) IINAS (2017), d) UNEP (2016).


Table 2. Average annual growth-rate of woody biomass in Swedish forests, recalculated from standing stem wood into land- use intensity for production of electricity only (40%el efficiency); heat only (80%heat efficiency (65)); combined heat and power (110%CHP efficiency based on the lower heating value); and wood to methanol (MeOH) production (59% LHV conversion efficiency (66)). 15 Original growth rates are five-year-averages from the Swedish national forest inventory. Source: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), a) (67), b) (68) and c) (69).

Product 2002-2006 2007-2011 2012-2016 3 16 a) b) c) Standing stem wood Average growth rate [m sk/ha] 4.8 5.0 5.3 Feedstock energy Energy yield [MWhLHV/ha] 10.1 10.5 11.1 Electricity, 40%el eff. 2,480 2,381 2,246

Heat, 80%heat eff. 2 1,240 1,190 1,123 17 Land-use intensity [m /MWhLHV] CHP, '110%CHP eff.' 902 866 817 MeOH, 59% eff. 1681 1614 1523

Table 3. Required land allocation when wind power or photovoltaics (PV) are to produce electricity, heat and/or power or methanol. This table can be directly compared with Table 2 where biomass from Swedish forests are the source. *The heat pump SCOP values are assumed to be 2-3. **Methanol (MeOH) is here produced from electric power (Power-to-MeOH) with 60% energy conversion efficiency (70).

Product Wind PV Electricity 1 10 Heat, heat pump* 0.33-0.5 3.3-5 CHP '110%' eff.18 0.63-0.75 6.3-7.5 Land-use intensity [m2/MWh] = 0.4 MWh electricity 0.4 4.0 + 0.7 MWh heat (heat pump*) 0.23-0.35 2.3-3.5 MeOH, 60% eff.** 1.67 16.7

If the approximations made by SLU are correct, the growth-rate in Swedish forests has been increasing linearly for 10 years, from about 4.8 to 5.3 cubic meter of standing stem-wood per hectare due to a densification and because the population consist of many young fast-growing trees (Table 2).

This trend would probably be even more beneficial for the bioenergy industry with a higher deforestation-rate. Since most of the wood feedstock energy goes to heat (low exergy), it is not very proper to rely on wood for electricity when also considering its actual land-use intensity. Even though

15 All other losses are disregarded, i.e. energy required for felling, wood-chipping, transportation, etcetera. Only conversions of stem-wood into heat and/or power or methanol are included. Conversion factor used for rough calculations from one cubic meter of stem-wood to MWh of biomass lower heating value: 2,1 MWhLHV/m3f (65). 16 The Swedish national forest inventory uses a measure of cubic meters of standing stem wood (in Swedish: “skogskubikmeter”, m3sk), but in the calculations a conversion factor for felled stem wood with bark (in Swedish: “kubikmeter fast mått + bark”, m3f pb) is used as a rough approximation. 17 Combined efficiency above 100% is possible in the highest performing plants due to the use of the lower heating value (LHV) of the feedstock, whereas nothing can have more than 100% efficiency if its higher heating value is used. 18 For the combined heat and power (CHP) comparison with woody biomass, the heat pump systems powered by wind or PV should produce 0.4 MWh of electricity and 0.7 MWh of heat, i.e. 1.1 MWh of energy which is equal to what the biomass CHP system could generate from 817 m2 of allocated forest-land.


wood is also used for other purposes but energy, an ambition to reduce the land-use intensity should be considered in these other sectors as well.

From the tables (Table 2 and Table 3), one can see that to produce 1 MWh of electricity using wind power or photovoltaics, typically 1 m2 or 10 m2 must be allocated (occupied) respectively, whereas at least 2,246 m2 must be allocated in a Swedish forest. However, wood is practically always used for 2 2 heat or combined heat and power (CHP), where in this case 1,123 m /MWhHeat or 817 m /MWhCHP of land would be necessary to allocate, respectively. The use of wind power and a heat-pump to 2 produce the same amount of heat or CHP only requires 0.33-0.5 m /MWhheat or 0.63-0.75 2 m /MWhCHP, respectively. Thus, there is a difference of up to 3,369 times in land-use intensity between woody biomass and wind powered heat production. Production of methanol from electricity (60% conversion efficiency19 (70)) with wind, photovoltaics or through woody biomass gasification (59% conversion efficiency (66)) demands 1.67 m2, 16.7 m2 or 1,523 m2 of allocated land, respectively.

… “‘no’ carbon went down, it just did not go up “

In other words, to protect forest-land and to reduce the pressure on virgin forests from being converted to energy, a rather tiny amount of new installed wind power or solar power and auxiliary energy technologies, are required. When including the carbon saving it entails, this could be a huge opportunity for “negative emissions”20 with side-benefits such as preserved biodiversity. Although ‘no’ carbon went down, it just did not go up. Anyhow, as a first-hand climate deal, it is very hard to beat, both in terms of costs and in performance, at least when adding the extra costs of carbon capture and storage otherwise needed.

Land must be in focus to meet both sustainability requirements and to provide energy, food and resources to the society (62). Otherwise badly managed resources can create a destructive loop of resource degradation, creating insurmountable barriers for improved livelihood (71).

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nation:

“Paradoxically, some efforts aimed at reducing GHG [greenhouse gas] emissions have led to further intensification of competition for land and water resources. This is the case where countries have moved towards the production of resource-intensive bioenergy instead of choosing other available, and more sustainable, energy sources” (71).

An estimated 4% of the worlds arable area and 3% of global water consumption for food production was used for bioethanol and biodiesel production in 2013, i.e. resources that could have been used to feed malnourished people or for ecosystem goods and services (63). For example, if the 2.1 TWh of bioethanol and the 5.3 TWh of biodiesel consumed in Sweden in 2013 were to be used for food instead of vehicle fuel, it could instead have fed about 800,000 and 1.5 million people in Sweden, respectively (63).

With a general definition of waste and residues, these could be claimed to be ‘free’ or ‘okay’ in a sense if the first-hand use is trialed against alternative feedstock sources and where the exploitation it entails is ‘motivated’ from a sustainable point of view. Waste should be exploited in the most

19 Actual efficiency in the largest power to methanol plant, ‘George Olah’ in Iceland. 20 Referring to the displacement argument used when e.g. providing a renewable fuel to replace fossil fuel.


sustainable way, e.g. to indirectly reduce the need for land elsewhere. Using wastewater for its resources and energy is a vital part to maximize the usage-efficiency of feedstocks. The only questions are how to arrange sanitation and/or how to use, reduce and produce resources within the context of the prevailing wastewater treatment setup. 2.3.6. Energy storages – towards a selection Blown away perhaps by the greatness of wind and photovoltaics? Now the light will be focused at how to make way for an energy transition. After all, these solutions will remain marginal unless their energy can be sold.

A certain focus of this report is to identify business models for wastewater treatment plants in terms of potential chemical fuel production, and thus also to identify chemical fuels with the potential to enable a large-scale energy transition. Additionally, it is also important to know if a new efficient and sustainable fuel production pathway from renewable electricity even could outcompete a waste-to- fuel pathway. Large-scale energy storages Many storages will be involved in the energy transition, where each have different advantages. Figure 5 below depicts the performance of various storage concepts in terms of discharge time at rated power versus energy storage capacity.

“The market potential also gains from transportability since it enables import and export, successively allowing a levelized geographical access “

Batteries with their high electric round-trip efficiency, can be valuable for storing energy in proximity to production sites for short periods, e.g. seconds to days, and capacitors are suitable for milliseconds to minutes (39). However, the advantages of chemical storage mediums are an almost unlimited storage potential, relatively low cost for storage, high power output potential and few geographical constraints (39). The market potential for chemical storage mediums also gains from transportability since it enables import and export, successively allowing a levelized geographical access; and from a demand in other market sectors which entails an increased transition-potential (39). Despite a lower electrical round-trip efficiency, chemical storage mediums can enable a large- scale transition to intermittent renewables to fill the needs where more efficient e.g. grid-expansions or batteries are economically less attractive solutions (39).


Figure 5. Potential energy storage solutions. Source: ECN, TU Delft21 and Nuon via the Institute for Sustainable Process Technology (ISPT) (39). Extreme temperature thermal storages (molten tin 1200-1400 or molten silicon at over 2000°C) could also join somewhere in this diagram as potential cheap electricity storages in the future (72).

Chemical storage mediums such as hydrogen (H2), ammonia (NH3) and carbon-based electrofuels 22 such as methane (CH4) and methanol (MeOH) has been identified as potential seasonal energy storages because of their lower costs in combination with fewer charge/discharge-cycles (46). Pumped hydro has a limited potential due to geographical and ecological constraints (39). Chemical storage mediums – a comparison Because of its low volumetric energy density, the produced hydrogen must be either pressurized or liquefied, reacted with a recyclable carrier such as iron or a liquid organic hydrogen carrier (e.g. MCH or H18-LOHC) or reacted into a synthetic fuel (e.g. NH3, CH4, or MeOH) (39). (The next chapter, chapter 2.4. Chemical storage mediums introduces synthetic fuels). A comparison of the performances of some chemical storage mediums is given in Table 4.

Table 4. Chemical storage mediums with potential power-to-power (P2P) electric efficiencies using electrolyser hydrogen production and CCGT23 combustion of the final product. Source: Institute for Sustainable Process Technology (39).

21 Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) and Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) 22 Using electrical power to produce gas or fuels are often called power-to-gas (P2G) or power-to-fuels (P2F). 23 Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT).


The next best P2P (power-to-power) or round-trip electric efficiency in Table 4 is given by the pressurized hydrogen pathway, with 38%. However, liquid and pressurized hydrogen are unpractical for large-scale seasonal storage unless an underground cavern (39) or a dedicated hydrogen gas grid is available. For example, salt-caverns in northern Germany has a potential to store 1,614 TWh of hydrogen or 4.5 TWh of compressed air (31).

… “salt-caverns in northern Germany has a potential to store 1,614 TWh of hydrogen or 4.5 TWh of compressed air” …

The liquid organic hydrogen carriers (MCH and H18) disqualifies in terms of P2P electric efficiency, energy density and chemicals costs (39). Iron has a low technology readiness level and is difficult to move around (39). P2P-efficiencies in this comparison was lower for synthetic methane (28%) and methanol (27%) compared to e.g. synthetic ammonia (NH3, 30-39%), [where the higher energy input required to capture carbon dioxide compared to nitrogen, is one explanation]. The highest electric P2P efficiency (39%) in Table 4 represents a Solid Oxide Electrolytic Cell (SOEC) and Haber-Bosch ammonia synthesis (39).

Efficiencies have been calculated by ECN and TU Delft, where other ammonia pathways also were included – in decreasing order of P2P-efficiency: LT SSAS24 (34%), Battolyser (31%), PEM (29%) and HT SSAS (25%) (39). For the endothermic reactions (i.e. heat is consumed) in the SOEC, high- temperatures are beneficial for the electric efficiency although 4.0% is lost due to heating (39), [waste-heat may be utilized]. While difficulties to recover heat in the HT SSAS internal Haber-Bosch process lowers the efficiency with 10.7% of the power used for heating (39). Further savings in all systems can be made with better heat integration (39). Moreover, the battolyser in battery mode has a P2P efficiency of 82-90% (39).

…” woody biomass needs 5,759 m2 to serve with 1 MWh of backup electricity via ammonia, while wind-ammonia to backup- electricity only requires 2.6 m2” Land-use intensity – extended pathways Returning once again to the land-use perspective, and factoring in the previously assessed P2P electric efficiencies of ammonia (NH3), methane (CH4) and methanol (MeOH) gives their total source- via-storage-to-electricity land-use intensity. Two alternative ammonia pathways, i.e. the Solid Oxide Electrolytic Cell (SOEC) and the Battolyser, are included in the analysis presented in Table 5.

24 Low-/High-Temperature Solid State Ammonia Synthesis (LT/HT SSAS).


2 Table 5. ‘Extended’ land-use intensities in m /MWhel – From the energy source, via a chemical storage medium and back to electricity.

Electricity production Extended land-use intensity NH3, SOEC NH3, Battolyser CH4 MeOH Land-use P2P- Electric source 39% 31% 28% 27% intensity eff.: Wind 1.0 → 2.6 3.2 3.6 3.7 Geothermal 2.5 → 6.4 8.1 8.9 9.3 Hydropower (large dams) 10 → 25.6 32.3 35.7 37.0 Solar photovoltaic 10 → 25.6 32.3 35.7 37.0 Solar - concentrated solar power 15 → 38.5 48.4 53.6 55.6 Biomass (from crops) 500 → 1,282 1,613 1,786 1,852

Woody biomass (40%el eff.) 2,246 → 5,759 7,246 8,022 8,319

In terms of land-use intensity, the major differences in this analysis are based on which source of electricity is used. The difference in the order of magnitude is still 2,246 times between the least and the most land-intense source of energy, i.e. wind and woody biomass. Adding further energy losses through a P2P chain via chemical storage only worsen the case for an already land-intense source of energy. At best, woody biomass needs 5,759 m2 to serve with 1 MWh of backup electricity via ammonia, while wind-ammonia to backup-electricity only requires 2.6 m2. Increasing the P2P-via storage efficiency will make a significant difference, but choosing a less land-use intense source of energy will make a larger difference in terms of land-use intensity.

Synthetic fuels for mobility derived from renewable electricity may (or should) be eligible for use in the coming reduction duty proposed for a new Swedish law in July 1, 2018, where only fuels derived from biomass and waste are mentioned in the council on legislation. The EU commission however does mention fuels from non-biological renewable origin (and many other fuels). After considering the land-use intensity of biofuels, the ‘electrical’ synthetic pathways should be even more highlighted.

2.4. Chemical storage mediums As above presented in “Key challenges for future energy markets”, fuels are needed to enable a full energy transition. The possibility to store and transport fuels is crucial to allow a levelized access to energy both seasonally and graphically. As either being reserves for backup-heat/power, or as commodities to be used on other markets.

This chapter will first give a perspective in terms of fuel economy for mobility. Then the mentioned synthetic fuels (preferably derived from renewable electricity) are introduced, their properties and deployment status. In the next chapter, Alternative and competing energy technologies, chapter 3, some options to produce these fuels will be presented. 2.4.1. Fuel-to-wheel powertrain efficiency comparison Fuels for mobility are made for different engines with different destined efficiencies which can be worth to consider as a piece of the puzzle prior to making large investments. The fuel-to-wheel efficiencies of Sedan model cars from 2017 is therefore given in Table 6.


Table 6. Average fuel economy for 2017 car models (with standard deviance). Rating for combined cycle (city + highway) measured in liters of gasoline equivalents per 100 km. Source: U.S. Department of Energy (73).

Number of vehicles Operating on Operating on Fuel/Powertrain Type for calculation conventional fuel alternative fuel (Sedan cars only) L (g.eq.25)/100 km L (g.eq.)/100 km

Biodiesel (20%) 3 6.79(18) Battery Electric Vehicle 17 2.27(35) Fuel Cell Vehicle 2 3.48(03) Flexible Fuel Vehicle 5 9.77(68) 13.44(99)

The following conclusions can be drawn from Table 6 above: If battery electric vehicles, with the best fuel economy, are compared to the other fuel/powertrain types in Table 6, the results are:

➢ fuel cell vehicles have about 53% higher energy consumption, ➢ biodiesel vehicles need about 199% more energy, and ➢ flexible fuel vehicles on o conventional fuel need about 330% more energy, while when on o alternative fuel (e.g. ethanol) they need about 492% more energy.

At this final station (mobility), battery and fuel cell vehicles may be the best-in-class. Although, there are of course also differences not reflected in this comparison between direct charging of a battery and the required production of e.g. synthetic fuels successively used in fuel cells or other vehicles, where electric vehicles again expand their advantage in terms of required energy input.

2.4.2. Synthetic hydrogen (H2) Carbon free hydrogen has the potential to be a cost-competitive solution for storing renewable energy at a massive scale, turn it back to electricity when needed, and use it to transform all the other energy sectors as well, e.g. heating, mobility, within the industry, etcetera (74) (75). This, by hydrogen production technologies enabled market-expansion opens a wide market for intermittent renewable energies.

The first applications that comes to mind may be fuel cell vehicles such as busses and cars. The race to power airplanes with fuel cells has also begun. The Netherlands and Norway have far reaching plans to implement hydrogen technologies within the marine sector (76) (60). Micro combined heat and power (m-CHP) for single- or multi-family homes can provide heat and backup-power, and reduce local peak-power demand (77). Even stoves for cooking and old internal combustion engines can be adjusted to run on hydrogen (78) (79).

Power-to-power are expected to become a niche-market already in the short-term (80), and a cost- effective way to store intermittent energy and replace expensive grid-extensions and backup electricity derived from natural gas and biomass (75). The most bankable business cases today are in sub-national locations where low electricity prices are available, i.e. places with a baseload price at the electrolyser of 40-50 €/MWh or lower, including grid fees, taxes & levies (80). A discount on the electricity (60% suggested) that would otherwise be curtailed would be system beneficial and strengthen the case for both power-to-hydrogen and renewables (80). An estimated 1.4 GW of power-to-hydrogen business cases would be profitable if all cases in Europe were realized today (80).

25 Gasoline equivalents (g. eq.).


The best cases, e.g. in northern Germany with up to 40% local RES curtailment, would have an estimated payback time of 3 to 11 years, facilitated by stacking up multiple revenue streams and particularly if they can provide (fast response) frequency services to the power system (80).

One enabler of the often called ‘hydrogen economy’, is the collaborative deployment of hydrogen filling stations for vehicles (81), where a market and deployment of fuel cells and electrolysers can be scaled up efficiently (45).

Although the deployment is more offensive e.g. on the European continent, in California, China, Japan and South Korea, Sweden has at least 8 new hydrogen filling stations planned as part of the Nordic Hydrogen Corridor, linking together the three Nordic capital cities Copenhagen, Oslo and Stockholm (82). These will complement the 4 existing ones and the 2 already planned for in Sweden. Electrolysers and new hydrogen electric vehicles are also part of these projects (82). Wherever electrofuel production is planned for, there is an opportunity to establish hydrogen filling stations.

Ways to store hydrogen other than by compression or cryogenic liquefaction is of interest, because the low boiling point of hydrogen makes storage difficult and energy intensive. Furthermore, there are other problematic characteristics of hydrogen molecules who can easily leak through tank walls and cause embrittlement in metals.

2.4.3. Synthetic ammonia (NH3) Ammonia could be a hydrogen carrier which solves the above-mentioned problems. It is also carbon free and use a plentiful resource for its production.

About 78% of the air is nitrogen gas, which is also the feedstock for ammonia (NH3) production together with a source of hydrogen. Ammonia is commonly used as a fertilizer in agriculture (80%) but is also used as an intermediate for explosives, fibers and plastics (e.g. melamine), pharmaceuticals, pulp and paper, refrigeration and cleaning (83). Additionally, it can be easily stored and transported for use directly or indirectly as a hydrogen carrier, to drive a combustion engine, a gas turbine or a fuel cell, e.g. in a car, a jet engine, a ship or for load balancing of electric grids (84) (85) (86) (87) (88). An alternative to internal reforming of ammonia is an ammonia cracker. The cracker can be applied at the point of use or at a filling station to receive either a mixture of H2, N2 26 and NH3 or high-purity hydrogen with for example the CSIRO -developed metal membrane which has an energy efficiency of about 76% (87) (89). For hydrogen refueling of fuel cell vehicles, compression (including precooling) of hydrogen to 880 bars is also required at the filling station with an energy conversion efficiency of about 83-88% (89).

To conserve anhydrous (pure) ammonia in its liquid state, its temperature under atmospheric pressure must be kept below -33.34°C (90). Alternatively, it can be compressed to 10 or 17 bars (10- 17 times the atmospheric pressure) for storage in ambient temperatures (88) (90). In contrast, the conventional pressure in hydrogen storage tanks in vehicles is 700 bars (89). Liquefied anhydrous ammonia used as a hydrogen carrier is about +45% more hydrogen dense by volume (kg H2/L NH3) than liquid hydrogen (91) and +40% more hydrogen dense by weight (kg H2/kg NH3) than methanol

(89). Energy density is 5.2 kWhLHV or 6.25 kWhHHV per kg ammonia (89).

Combusting ammonia (or hydrogen) with air can give rise to a small amount of NOx. But NOx can cheaply be catalyzed into water and nitrogen gas by using a small amount of itself, since ammonia is also a de-NOx agent (86) (92). Otherwise, the only exhaust gases are water vapor and nitrogen gas,

26 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO).


i.e. no greenhouse gases (92). Ammonia is also said to be safer than many traditional transportation fuels (92) and it fits into the same transportation and storage infrastructure used for fossil hydrocarbons (85) (86). It is already, in volume, the second most produced inorganic chemical (39) (92) and despite it is being classified as an extremely hazardous substance, large-scale handling is proven safe and cost-effective (90) (39) (61).

The current routes to produce ammonia, e.g. through steam methane reforming (SMR)27 of natural gas combined with the Haber-Bosch28 ammonia synthesis process, accounts for about 1.2% of global greenhouse gas emissions (89). However, the production process can be made carbon-free if the energy input is renewable electricity (85).

As a carbon-free, high calorific, high density energy carrier with a relatively high round-trip efficiency, scalability potential, unlimited storage potential together with the low-cost source of nitrogen – ammonia was chosen for an assessment brought together by the Institute for Sustainable Process Technology (ISPT) (39). The findings of the assessment can be summarized into the following.

✓ With a high renewable energy scenario by 2030, electrochemical ammonia production through highly efficient SOEC and the additional ‘battery-acting’ revenues of the battolysers [more about these in chapter 3.3.2] will make these technologies more cost- effective than natural gas based steam methane reforming (SMR) production. ✓ Until then, costs of electrolysers [or alternative methods] need to fall. These costs limit the possibility to allow down-times when renewables production is low.

✓ A global price on CO2 emissions is needed. Although, strengthened incentives for

reduced CO2-emissions in the European trading system (ETS) could result in “carbon leakage” were fossil ammonia production instead occurs outside of the EU. Renewable energy subsidies are other routes to make ammonia production economically feasible.

✓ In 5-10 years, ammonia-cracking into H2 and N2 will allow for a seamless integration into the hydrogen economy. ✓ Carbon-free ammonia can be stored seasonally or transported, which allows for reduced grid-investments. Since deployment of renewable power depends on local prerequisites, import and export of renewable energy carried by ammonia can be a flexible solution to meet deep decarbonization targets. ✓ Overall cost of the electricity system will increase, but will also enable a large-scale introduction of renewable power and a penetration of ammonia as a fuel and a chemical commodity. The costs should also be compared with alternative large-scale system solutions that may have to rely on carbon capture and storage. 2.4.4. Carbon-based electrofuels Since appearance and properties can be the same as for their fossil counterparts, electrofuels produced from electricity and a source of carbon dioxide match very well in existing infrastructures for transportation fuels. Electrofuels are also chemically cleaner and thus more stable (no ash, Sulphur or contaminants), and they can be chemically optimized for engines while exhaust gas systems could be simplified (93).

As a fourth-generation biofuel, one of the building blocks of these so called electrofuels are carbon dioxide, a by-product from for example second-generation biofuel production in wastewater

27 [Large-scale] conversion efficiency of steam methane reforming (methane to hydrogen) is only 60-75% (163). 28 The Haber-Bosch process: 푁2 + 3퐻2 → 2푁퐻3. Nitrogen and hydrogen are repeatedly passed over catalysts (magnetite or promoted iron) under high pressures and temperatures (90).


treatment plants. Air can also be filtered for CO2 e.g. using Climeworks direct air capture method where air fans direct an air flow through an amines-based porous granulates-filter which when saturated is emptied of CO2, preferably using waste heat since only about 100°C is needed (94). A theoretical production of electrofuels today in Sweden based on recoverable high CO2- concentrations only, e.g. from biofuel operations, would cover about 2% of the demand for transportation fuels, successively increasing the demand for electricity with 2-3% (95). If a large-scale introduction of lignocellulosic biofuels production was realized by 2030, the potential production would rise to cover 9-13% of the current Swedish demand for transportation (95). Consequently, the demand for electricity would increase 10-14% compared to the current production (95). However, the capture cost of CO2 is a minor cost in comparison with: the capital cost of electrolysers; the influence of electrolyser life-span and capacity factor29; and the electricity price (96) (97). Synthetic gasoline/petrol Methanol, a popular electrofuel, is globally mainly used as a feedstock in the chemical industry today to produce formaldehyde, acetic acid, olefins and end-products such as paints, antifreeze and plastics (98). However, the use of methanol for propellants are increasing, representing around 40% of the global use today (with China as a strong driver) (98). Methanol can also be used in direct methanol fuel cells (DMFC), high-temperature fuel cells or in fuel cell vehicles in combination with a range extender (98). Combustion of methanol leads to lower emissions of CO, NOx, HC, SOx (Sulphur free) and metals compared to petrol, but its lower heating value is about half as that of petrol (98). Methanol is also highly toxic (98). Distribution-systems also need adaptions to methanol, but fuel infrastructure for storage and transportation in Sweden is often adapted for alcohols, i.e. gasoline- ethanol-methanol (GEM) (98).

High-octane (i.e. compression resistant) synthetic gasoline is a mixture of various hydrocarbons mostly with 6 to 9 carbon-atoms in each molecule. Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) deriving from methanol, is a petrol additive used as an octane enhancer (98). Concentrations of less than 3% methanol (98) are allowed in accordance with EU regulations, although a car can or must be modified (fuel injection and adaptions to cope with corrosiveness) to run on higher concentrations than 15% (98). The blends M15, M85 and M100 have been demonstrated (98). Synthetic diesel Drop-in fuels need to be able to mix into a blend with liquid fossil fuels and fulfil a set of EU standardized criteria where similar density and solubility (polarity) and a high enough boiling point for normal storage conditions are decisive properties (93). Despite their lower energy density in comparison with diesel, (which is due to a higher oxygen content and a successively lower heating value), dimethyl ether (DME) and poly-oxymethylene dimethyl ether (OMEn) – both derived from methanol – has considerably-improved exhaust gas values including a possibility to lower the emissions of soot and NOx (93) (99). However, OMEn is possible to use in existing infrastructure (93). Because of the lower boiling point of DME, it needs to be contained at 5-10 bars and pressurized to 10-20 bars in fuel systems (93). DME are thus most suitable for diesel engine vehicle fleets with their own fuel infrastructure (93). Both the higher energy density n-alkanes – a Fischer-Tropsch derived fuel most like ordinary fossil diesel – and a selection of OMEn, with chain-lengths n = 3-5 as a good compromise between improved exhaust gas values and physical properties (e.g. cold-flow viscosity), can be blended as drop-in diesel fuels in any proportion with no additives and without having to

29 Capacity factor: The proportion of e.g. a year when (in this case) the electrolyser produces hydrogen.


modify engines (93). Low concentrations of higher alcohols, e.g. n-butanol, can also be added to the diesel admixtures (93). Synthetic natural gas

Synthetic natural gas (SNG, i.e. CH4) is said to be the cheapest electrofuel to produce in terms of 30 investment costs (96). Power-to-gas (CH4 or H2) may be a very attractive way to alleviate electric grid congestion were the gas can be stored in large natural gas grids and as such where energy transmission over long distances is solved already. Where the only limit is how much affordable renewable electricity and electrolysers there are. The produced gas is then utilized for power-to- power in household sized micro combined heat and power or in large turbines, in gas-vehicles, for heating, as a chemical feedstock and as a hydrogen-carrier, if possible in combination with methane cracking.

The outlook seems promising to partially replace fossil fuels with carbon-based electrofuels and the concept could be a salvation to avoid non-waste biomass-based biofuels when the government requires increased amounts of drop-in fuels. Enabling electricity-powered multigeneration of electrofuels, carbon-free fuels, chemicals, etcetera, while departing from today’s demand-patterns, could be a quick way towards larger-scale deployment. Although two risks can be identified31, 1) ‘greenwashing’ of carbon emissions, and 2) a preservation of lower-efficiency technologies. The risks should be acknowledged so that electrofuels can be introduced to replace fossil fuels for the current demand without postponing a net shift to a neutral or a ‘negative’ carbon society.

30 Average approximated costs: Methanation: 200 €2015/kWfuel at 200 MW and 600 €2015/kWfuel at 5 MW; Methanol synthesis and direct DME synthesis: 300 €2015/kWfuel at 200 MW and 1000 €2015/kWfuel at 5 MW; FT- synthesis: 400 €2015/kWfuel at 200 MW and 1300 €2015/kWfuel at 5 MW. 31 These risks could follow with, 1) removed (or postponed) penalties related to emissions of fossil (and biogenic) carbon dioxide used in electrofuel production as a political way to support these technologies; 2) the increased access to ‘carbon-neutral’ electrofuels suitable for e.g. ‘old’ combustion engines could lessen the incentives to electrify the mobility and energy sectors.


3. Alternative and competing energy technologies The cross-cutting future analysis has ended. In the following sections, the energy production options for wastewater treatment plants will be further analyzed.

The scope of this report is to identify the most potential system configuration and integration at wastewater treatment plants. In this chapter, technologies will be brought down a level to a selection with potential to ‘share floor’ with wastewater treatment plants. A deployment- presentation is also included in the ammonia and electrofuel parts.

Observe! The selection of technologies, concepts and deployments presented is by no means complete, but just a glimpse of what is or could be offered in the future. The aim is to give rise to ideas rather than to pick winners.

Chapter 3 is divided in six parts.

1) Gas- and steam turbines 2) High-temperature Cells and Auxiliary equipment 3) Low-temperature electrolysers 4) Other gas-production technologies 5) Ammonia synthesis & deployment 6) Carbon-based electrofuel synthesis & deployment

After this presentation, a qualitative evaluation of these technologies will be presented in chapter 4, “Technological evaluation”.

3.1. Gas- and steam turbines In conventional biogas cogeneration/combined heat and power systems, a thermal combustion engine is used with a heat recovery system. Engines on the sub-MW scale of interest for wastewater treatment plants may have an electrical conversion efficiency of about 38-40%el, or 80-85%CHP if including the recovered heat (100).

A much higher electric efficiency of up to about 60%el is possible with a larger (MW-scale) combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) 32 (101). Start-up times for these CCGTs range between 9 and 50 minutes (101). An equivalent combined cycle for wastewater treatment plants larger than 100,000 population equivalents may reach 45% electric efficiency (102).

3.2. High-temperature Cells and Auxiliary equipment High-temperature fuels cells such as solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) operating at 600-900°C can utilize many different fuels33 because of its internal reforming capability (103) which is a reason for wastewater treatment plants to consider the technology. Electrolysers may also be of interest if the power-to-fuels concept is appealing. Access to water should not be a problem on a wastewater

32 The combination of a gas turbine (a combustion engine operating by the Brayton cycle) and a successive utilization of the exhaust waste heat in a steam turbine (operating by the Rankine cycle) is called a combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT). 33 SOFC carbon-based fuels: natural gas, biogas, ethanol, methanol, propane, LPG (liquefied petroleum gas), diesel and jet fuel (103). SOFC carbon-free fuels: Hydrogen, ammonia, hydrazine (103).


treatment plant to facilitate water-splitting in electrolysers, although the water needs to be demineralized.

Prior to electrochemical conversion in a fuel cell, fuels must be appropriately conditioned to ensure it does not contain harmful contaminants such as hydrogen sulphide (H2S) or siloxanes (104) (103). A relatively pure mixture of water, carbon dioxide or nitrogen gas are products in electrochemical conversions to power (103). Since no combustion occurs, there can be insignificant emissions of SOx and no fine particulate matters or NOx (103). The SOFC can operate with high efficiency regardless of stack-size (103). Silent operation is another positive feature (103).

The auxiliary equipment mentioned in the headline is the subject of chapter 3.2.2 and refers to potential heating solutions that enables the utilization of renewable and intermittent electric power to increase efficiency when extracting heat from any other source. Heating is relevant in this context since it is important when dealing with for example high-temperature electrolysers. 3.2.1. Combined heat and power fuel cell (CHP FC) Micro-combined heat and power (mCHP) for European natural gas grid-connected households is on the verge of commercialization with a 1,000 mCHP units project recently ended (ene.field-project) and a 2,650 additional units on the way aiming to standardize the technology, (the PACE initiative) (105). Four participating European manufacturers will have a capacity to install 1,000 units each per year by 2018 (105), and a combined capacity to produce 10,000 units per year by 2020. A promising feature is the possibility for large-scale decentralized backup electricity generation. The DEMOSOFC-project in Italy Cogeneration of electricity and heat in a high-temperature fuel cell is also applicable for large biogas producers where cleaned and prepared raw biogas is utilized. This is what the Italian DEMOSOFC- project is about. The process-layout is illustrated in Figure 6 below.

Figure 6. Layout of a biogas fed solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) system for a wastewater treatment plant, which for example includes a biogas and natural gas feeding system, a gas processing (clean-up and compression) system, three SOFC modules and a two-loops heat recovery system. Source: DEMOSOFC (104).

The demonstration project is housed at the Collegno wastewater treatment plant in Turin, Italy. The load entering the plant corresponds to about 180,000 population equivalents (104). Around 25-30% of the plants electrical needs will be covered by three SOFC-modules provided by Convion34 having an electric conversion efficiency of 55-58%el, a total electrical power output of 174 kWel, and 90 kWth of thermal power output (104).

34 Convion guarantees 53%el electric efficiency from compressed gas to AC power (104).


The plant will on average provide around 60-70 m3/h of raw biogas, where 60 m3/h is the lower threshold limit for the SOFC-system (104). The methane content is about 63% and the gas production is much lower during summers, i.e. fluctuation regulation is required (104). The raw biogas is first cooled to remove water in a chiller, activated carbon removes contaminants through adsorption, the gas is then compressed to 4 bars and fed to the SOFC modules (104). Auxiliary gases are also important for quick startups (compressed air and H2) and for quick shutdowns and maintenance (N2) (104). Two thermal recovery loops are used, with water and glycol as thermal mediums at 80°C in the primary loop, which via thermal heat exchangers heat up sludge or industrial water (104). Additional and seasonally varying heating requirements will be covered with biogas or natural gas from a gas- grid (104). The LEMENE-project in Finland In the summer of 2019 at the latest, an energy self-sufficient 50-businesses-district will be connected to a smart-grid powered mainly by solar energy (4 MW), a biogas engine (8 MW) and batteries (106). The system delivers both heat and power and will be using two SOFC-modules (provided by Convion

+ Elcogen) with a total power output of 116 kWel that together with smart system controls will showcase how to achieve decarbonization and a secure and reliable power supply (106). The system will be supporting the public grid and function off-grid on demand (106). 3.2.2. Circular heat & High-temperature heat-pumps (HTHP) The concept described here is by the source – the Institute for Sustainable Process Technology (ISPT), meant for high-temperature industrial applications and is added as a potential way of thinking to meet heating demands for high-temperature electrochemical processes including for heating of digesters on wastewater treatment plants.

A common concept today within industries with high-temperature processes, is to reach the highest temperature at one point, with a high input of fossil fuels or biomass. Successively as temperature- demand for processes decreases, the heat is being used in a linear step-wise manner until it is lost to cooling-water or along with exhaust gases through a chimney (107).

An alternative way is to use heat-pumps to restore the temperatures with renewable electricity, and to facilitate a large-scale deployment through the utilization of industrial district heating-lines with elevated temperatures (107). Each heat-pump uses this elevated heat to produce higher temperatures, and returns excess heat from the process to a shared circular heating-line (107).

Figure 7. Example of the performance of an industrial high-temperature heat-pump that elevates temperatures commonly done by boilers only. The working fluid in this vapor compression heat-pump is called R1336mzz-Z. The blue dot marks a COP value of 5 where 90°C is elevated to 120°C. Source: HeatBooster folder (108).


Already market-ready industrial high-temperature heat-pumps (HTHPs) can elevate waste-heat from for example 90°C to 120°C with a coefficient of performance (COP) value of 5.0 (i.e. 5.0 times more heat generated compared to with an electrical boiler) and reach 160°C with a ‘good’ COP (108), see Figure 7. For example, if even higher temperatures are wished for, an electrically driven steam- compression heat-pump (or several other technologies) can be applied (109). Higher temperature elevations are more commonly made with boilers directly fed with electricity, biomass or fossil fuels with a COP of less than 1 (less than 100% efficiency). A large share of the industrial energy consumption in Europe may be a potential market for these HTHPs (110).

The utilization of electricity-driven heat-pump technologies integrated with adaptions to intermittency and recuperation of waste-heat – within an industry or an entire industrial cluster through circular heating lines – may also save more emissions of carbon dioxide compared to distributing waste-heat to nearby homes. 3.2.3. Reversible solid oxide cell (RSOC) Efficient heating solutions such as high-temperature heat pumps, are even more important when housing reversible solid oxide cells introduced here.

All fuel cells can theoretically go in both directions, but a RSOC-system is made for operation in both fuel cell (electric power) mode and electrolysis (hydrogen production) mode. If e.g. industrial waste heat can be utilized, it will lower the electricity demand of the highly endothermic high-temperature solid oxide electrolysis process. It is also beneficial to reuse heat by utilizing heat storages and heat exchangers in power-to-power operations because heat is produced in the exothermic fuel cell mode and heat is consumed in the endothermic electrolyser mode.

This rather young technology is now taking important steps towards commercialization. Building on previous RSOC experience with the Boeing Company since 2015 “of the largest known, fully integrated, automated, and grid tied RSOC system” (111) together with partners in the Green Industrial Hydrogen project, Sunfire GmbH has recently delivered an industrial demonstration RSOC- system to a smelting plant in Dresden, Germany, where the system recuperates industrial waste heat 3 and uses an input of 150 kWel to produce 40 Nm H2 per hour (i.e. 120 kWhLHV or 141.6 kWhHHV), thus with an electric efficiency of about 80%LHV in terms of the lower heating value, or about 94.4%HHV if input of waste-heat is not accounted for35 (112). When operated in fuel cell mode it can produce a maximum output of 30 kWel with about 47-55% efficiency (depending on fuel), where e.g. purified biogas, syngas and hydrogen can be used (112). The system running at 800°C will be able to go from 100% to 30% in a couple of seconds, tolerate a couple of hours of hot stand-by and start producing hydrogen at full power in about 5 minutes (113). Another launch with the Sunfire RSOC-system is planned for in Norway which includes large scale production of synthetic liquid hydrocarbons (Blue crude) partly combined with direct air CO2 capture technology (114).

The world record at 74% efficiency of primary energy conversion to electricity in a fuel cell is claimed by the Estonian company Elcogen (115). The SOFC running at only 650°C is also said to have a lifetime of >40,000 hours. European manufacturers (including Elcogen) aim for a SOFC price below 1000€/kW in projects like qSOFC and NELLHI (116) (103). Elcogen SOFCs will also be demonstrated to run in electrolyser mode (116). The BALANCE-project specifically aim to bring European partners together

35 LHV is a better measure in this case since the steam is produced by waste heat which should be included for a fair comparison with other electrolysers.


to speed-up the development and deployment of reversible solid oxide cells (117).

3.3. Low-temperature electrolysers If demand for electricity on a wastewater treatment plant can always be fulfilled by electricity from a grid or batteries, and focus is instead only on fuel production, then the number of electrolysers to choose from increases. Thus, the low-temperature electrolysers will also fit for this purpose, and they may also come with faster response times, i.e. yet another value-stream. 3.3.1. Proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyser A benefit when using a low-temperature PEM electrolyser is the rapid response-time of less than 1 second to act upon over-supply on the electricity grid (118). The same MW-modules offered by the UK company ITM Power has been measured to have efficiencies of about 77%, or 86% with heat recovery (118). High pressure gas (up to 80 bar) can be delivered (118). These modules have been operating since 2015 (118).

Another PEM-electrolyser manufacturer – Hydrogenics, with head quarter in Ontario (Canada), offers a 3.0 MW electrolyser module called the HYLYZER 600 built on the technology first launched in 2015 with a 1.5 MW module (119). The new 3.0 MW modules reaches 75% electric efficiency at nominal production rate, but up to 80% with a lower power input of 2.0 MW (119). At 3.0 MW, the 3 electrolyser produces 620 Nm H2 per hour (about 56 kg H2/h) or “280 fuel cell vehicle fills per day”, at up to 35 bar output pressure (119). The HYLYSER 600 dimensions are only 550 mm x 880 mm x 1150 mm (119). 3.3.2. The Battolyser A team from the Technical University of Delft in the Netherlands has developed a hybrid device which can operate both as an electrolyser and a battery by utilizing the natural tendency or ‘risk’ of gassing in Ni-Fe batteries (120). The Battolyser (Figure 8) works as a rechargeable Ni-Fe battery with the additional capability to perform alkaline electrolysis of water when full charge is approached, since charging produces NiOOH and reduced iron which are two natural O2 and H2 catalysts (39). Thus, instead of overcharge protection, gas handling is required (39). The battolyser can be put to a full-time work, serving both with short-term and long-term electricity storage (35).


Figure 8. The Battolyser, a hybrid between an electrolyser and a rechargeable battery. The device could enhance economics for electrolysis and open for new possibilities – a battolyser in a plug-in fuel cell electric vehicle? Source: Chemistry World (120).

Both the battery and the electrolysis functions are said to be very efficient with an 80-90% overall energy efficiency (120). It also has a fast current-switching capability (i.e. a rapid response-time) and a surprisingly stable performance (120) (35).

The rechargeable battery feature added on top of hydrogen production are thought to be an advantageous economic feature since it enables to use the device in more situations and in longer periods than its counterparts (39). Combining other electrolysers with a battery pack may sometimes be interesting solutions to increase runtime and response time, but the Battolyser would have an economic advantage here over such solutions (“buy one, get one for free” (120)).

Some hope that the battolyser in the future also could allow for hydrogen evolution and power output simultaneously (without an external power supply) (120). The Delft-team have been testing the device for 18 months and are currently in a scaling up phase (120).

3.4. Other gas-production technologies Three alternative concepts are here presented as being potentially viable ways to produce hydrogen, more methane and/or syngas. 3.4.1. Ultra-high temperature hydrolysis Organic materials such as sewage sludge, municipal solid waste, and even toxic, hazardous materials with an optimal moisture content of 20-30% is shredded to small particle sizes and hydrolysed above 1,250°C in an oxygen free environment (121) (122). The process results in the production of syngas and “a non-hazardous, non-toxic, non-leachable, basalt-like residue” (122). The high temperatures also convert tars to syngas, thereby resulting in a high calorific and “exceptionally clean gas” produced in a controlled ‘closed circuit’, where only a simple acid and basic gas scrubber is required (122).


Three sizes are available: 5, 25 or 50 metric tons of throughput per day which produce about 1.4-4.8, 7.2-24 or 14.4-48 MNm3 syngas per year, respectively (121). Typical syngas constituents from normal operation with a mix of waste feedstocks is shown in Table 7 below in comparison with natural gas.

Table 7. Composition of UHTH syngas in comparison with natural gas. Source: Clean carbon conversion (121).

The syngas contains mainly H2, CO and CH4, and can be used to synthesize fuels or for backup power. Moreover, recovery of for example metals and phosphorous is possible from the residual solids and gas scrubbers (121) although many other nutrients may be lost (123). A competing use is sludge recycling on arable land where a composition of nutrients and decayable materials are crucial to maintain the health of the soil (124).

A hydrolysis plant of the kind described above is probably not a ‘floor technology’ for any wastewater treatment plant, but rather an option to handle all kinds of wastes in mid- to large-sized municipalities. 3.4.2. Hydrothermal carbonization of residual sludge Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) is an innovative alternative method to separate the digester sludge from wastewater treatment into two distinct phases (solid and liquid), with an almost negligible amount of gases being produced. The wet residual sludge is boiled in a sealed container to about 200°C, i.e. resulting in a self-regulated pressure of about 18 bars (17). This exothermic process (heat is released) results in a highly reduced solid phase, (reduced due to degradation and dewatering). This solid phase a carbonized coal-like hydrophobic hydrochar, i.e. easier to separate from the formed liquid phase called black process water (17). The black process water contains organic matter with about the same biomethane potential as the primary sludge (125). Thus, if recirculated for co-digestion with ordinary sludge, this process water has a potential to increase methane yield, with about 30% (17) or, according to another study with about 8.1-10% depending on hydrochar dewaterability (125).

Phosphorous is enriched in the (hygienized) hydrochar and can for example be recovered through leaching with an acid (125). However, the hydrochar may be toxic which limits the utilization options (126).


The hydrochar formed when using the method described above can either be used in the production industry or incinerated, e.g. using ultra-high temperature hydrolysis. The method could also be a feasible way to increase methane and energy production, reduce greenhouse gas emissions from freshly digested sludge and possibly even to recover nutrients. Additionally, the method can be compared with oxidation-based techniques where the digestate is treated to make the organic matter more biodegradable, (see the ReciDigest project for more information (127)). 3.4.3. Methane cracking (MC) Methane cracking cracks methane into highly valuable elemental carbon (graphite) and hydrogen in the absence of oxygen (128). The produced graphite can be used as a feedstock for carbon black within industry, for example as an anode material in lithium-ion batteries (128) or as construction material for extreme temperature applications (72). The cracking process often demand heat which makes it interesting to integrate MC with high-temperature exothermic fuel cells. Many ways have been proposed to crack methane, e.g. using microwave plasma, low cost iron ore (128) or floating tin (72) as catalyst materials. The Hazer Group is currently scaling up their iron ore based methane cracking solution from laboratory-scale to commercial-scale, to be up and running by 2018 (128).

The methane cracking technology could be a creative way to ‘greenwash’ fossil hydrogen from natural gas. If biogas from waste is used, it could even potentially ‘reduce’ the atmospheric greenhouse gas concentration. 3.5. Ammonia synthesis & deployment A question is asked which route to ammonia to choose (129). Conventional high-pressure and high- temperature Haber-Bosch process have been appointed as the lowest hanging fruit for near-term optimizations (129) (130). Electrochemical routes are also marching forward, but they are still not yet commercially available.

Deployment examples of ammonia-fuel projects is given in the end of this chapter, but first, three routes to ammonia will be presented. Two small-scale Haber-Bosch routes (power- and waste to ammonia) and one electrochemical route (Lithium-nitridation) which is still a lab-scale project. 3.5.1. Power2Ammonia The already commercially available modular Mini Ammonia/NFUEL units (Figure 9) built by Proton Ventures BV produces ammonia from electric power utilizing electrolysers and the Haber-Bosch reaction (88).

The complete cycle conversion efficiency is today about 41%, but 50% will be possible with future improvements (88). Although, the given hourly input and output values shown in the table in Figure 9 translates in a conversion efficiency of around 44-50%, which thus might be a little bit more than the complete cycle efficiency.

The target group of this mini-ammonia plant is especially those having access to stranded energy, for example in remote areas with limited grid connections but with available low-cost energy, and where the produced ammonia can be used for more than one purpose, e.g. as a fertilizer, within industry and for (hourly to seasonal) energy storage purposes (88). Moreover, the NFUEL units are considered for use with a Battolyser, or alternatively combined with batteries [and/or hydrogen gas storages], which would allow production of ammonia to continue for longer during hours of low renewable electric supply (88).


Figure 9. Illustration of Power2Ammonia including a table of the three NFUEL capacities. Source: Proton Ventures (86).

The development of various electrolysers could take power to ammonia to a breakthrough in a not so distant future, where a cost down to 300 $ per ton of ammonia would allow for a backup electricity price of the low 100 €/MWh from small-scale production (88). 3.5.2. Waste2Ammonia Biogas can also be utilized in the NFUEL units. Proton Ventures has already signed agreements to supply five such Waste2Ammonia units to the United States (86). Table 8 below shows three available sizes.

Table 8. Three capacities of the Waste2Ammonia NFUEL units. Source: Proton Ventures (86).

The equivalent consumption of Groningen natural gas36 given in the table translates in a remarkable 66% conversion efficiency from natural gas to ammonia, i.e. a state-of-the-art performance (130). Although, basically all available hydrogen is converted into ammonia in the exothermic reaction, where the source of gas (biogas, natural gas, flare gas, landfill gas or hydrogen) will have a big impact on the overall efficiencies (131).

Steam methane reforming of biogas might be a doubtful business case, even though ammonia production would be the goal, since there is still and will be for some time, a demand for biogas as e.g. vehicle fuel. The option could nevertheless be a viable path somewhere or sometime in the future.

36 The higher heating value of Groningen natural gas equivalents is 42.13 MJ/Nm3 (165) and the higher heating value of ammonia is 22.5 MJ/kg NH3 (166).


Power-to-ammonia might be closer to hand, at least as a parallel development to power-to- hydrocarbons, since high purity carbon dioxide is more difficult to access than pure nitrogen. 3.5.3. Lithium three-step cycling electrification Researchers (McEnaney J. et al. (2017) (132)) has proposed a novel cyclic method to produce ammonia from electricity, water and nitrogen under atmospheric pressure and reasonable temperatures (132). The process circumvents the hydrogen evolution reaction and has an as reported “unprecedented current efficiency [88.5%] and selectivity for ammonia production”, which mean that most electric energy succeeds to yield ammonia; and that product purification could be omitted (132). Minimum electric energy input is about 14 kWhel per kilogram ammonia, i.e. a 44.6% energy conversion efficiency (132).

Figure 10. Direct ammonia (NH3) synthesis powered by electricity via a lithium (Li) cycling strategy. Source: McEnaney J. et al. (2017) (132).

The process shown in Figure 10 above, which in this experiment37 is mediated by lithium (Li), is a cycle performed in three steps (132):

1) LiOH electrolysis in molten salt electrolyte to yield solid lithium, water and oxygen.

2) Voltage released and a continuous N2-flow added in an aprotic (no protons/H2O)

environment results in a kinetically fast lithium nitridation into Li3N.

3) Rapid and spontaneous Li3N hydrolysis (H2O added) where NH3 is released exothermically and LiOH (Li+ in aqueous solution) is formed again, completing the cycle.

The researchers suggest that the method could be feasible already in the near-term (132). Since the method also avoids high-pressure infrastructures, as when using the Haber-Bosch reaction, it facilitates even more decentralized production (132). For example, onsite small-scale production directly coupled to agricultural irrigation systems for fertilizer application only on demand to avoid any storage hurdles (toxicity and legislation) of anhydrous ammonia (132). Oxygen contamination in

37 Metals/materials other than lithium could also be candidates: They should form strong bonds with nitrogen; preferably have a better stochiometric (Li:N) relation than 3:1 to nitrogen; still need a low applied potential to be formed from ions; and have a high lattice (crystal structure) flexibility i.e. with a low diffusion barrier (132). Lithium was measured to have an activation energy of 0.6 eV which allows nitrogen diffusion already in room temperature (132).


the nitrogen-flow will not be a problem with this process, in contrast to the detrimental effects of oxygen contamination on iron catalysts in the Haber-Bosch process (132).

Another direct electrochemical ammonia synthesis route to ‘keep an eye on’ goes via an intermediate temperature solid state alkaline electrolyser (ITSAE) stack with nickel-iron and iron-oxide to catalyze a reaction from nitrogen, water and electricity to form ammonia and oxygen (133). 3.5.4. Deployment of ammonia-fuel concept The U.S. REFUEL38 program has put up a target to increase efficiencies and to facilitate modular small- to medium-scale production of ammonia that can fit typical renewable energy production

(129). Their goal for a generation 2 Haber-Bosch process (N2 + 3H2 to 2NH3) is above 86% efficiency, and 60% efficiency for direct electrochemical ammonia synthesis (N2 + 3H2O to 2NH3 + 1.5O2) (129).

The presented projects below are focusing on power-to-ammonia (P2A) to store energy seasonally and/or to replace fossil ammonia. The first two cases are explicitly targeting to use ammonia in large- scale CCG-turbines (mentioned in chapter 3.1) for use as backup-power on the electricity grid, i.e. power-to-power (P2P). Centralized P2P A subsidiary to the Swedish energy company Vattenfall – Nuon Heat, is considering a business case to replace natural gas within 5-10 years with ammonia in their Magnum gas power plant in Eemshaven, Netherlands. This replaces their former coal gasification plans and would save about 7% of the power related carbon dioxide emissions in the Netherlands (84) (39). A new ammonia combustor could be developed to increase the round-trip efficiency, but ammonia cracking for use of hydrogen in their existing combined cycle gas turbines (CCGTs) is preferred since it also would enable integration with other hydrogen consumers (39). Drastically reduced costs and increased run-times are required to make the electrolyser pathway economically feasible (39). Anyhow, Nuon aim to begin co-firing (10%) ammonia with natural gas in 2021 and for a full conversion in 2026 in their Magnum gas power plant (39). P2P Showcase In the UK, a ‘Green’ ammonia demonstration project run by Siemens is about to showcase the complete energy value chain including synthesis, storage and electricity generation using a gas turbine (85). The project runs until December 2017 at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, near Oxford in the UK (85). Decentralized P2A Stedin Infradiensten investigates three rural ammonia production settings in Goeree-Overflakkee, Netherlands, as an option with increasing wind and solar to avoid substantial costs related to conventional grid-capacity investments (39). Even with the most promising setting were many renewable sources were combined (allowing the highest run-time), would not be economically feasible (39). Although the investment was thought to have an economic potential in a societal context since many added societal value-streams where possible (39). Replacing fossil ammonia OCI Nitrogen (Geleen, Netherlands) assess the possibility to replace their fossil-based ammonia production with carbon-free production (39). Decarbonizing the huge existing volumes of ammonia is in their perspective the logical path before starting to use ammonia for power-production (39). Their

38 REFUEL: The Renewable Electricity to Fuels through Utilization of Energy-dense Liquids.


economic analysis also concluded high electrolyser costs, underlining the importance of techno- economic development and/or market adjustments (39). Replace and accelerate The world´s biggest producer of ammonia, Yara (a Norwegian company) plans to build a demonstration plant for renewable solar power-to-ammonia to be up and running by 2019 in the Pilbara, in Western Australia (87). Input will be solar energy, seawater and air (134) (135). Yara believe that the cost of solar power will start to compete with conventional technologies and that the production even could be scaled up to a multiple of their current 800,000 metric tons of ammonia per year (135). Australian ammonia strategy Exporting renewable energy such as hydrogen/ammonia, was recently made a top priority by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (87). The local political ambitions are to export Australian renewable energy to Korea, Japan and to South-East Asia (87).

3.6. Carbon-based electrofuel synthesis & deployment This chapter goes only somewhat deeper into two concepts, the microstructure catalytic technology used to produce various liquid and gaseous fuels, and the BioCat technology which is based on biological methanation to produce methane. Short descriptions of promising projects are given in the last part of this chapter (“Deployment of carbon-based electrofuel concepts”). 3.6.1. Compact containerized and modular chemical plants The spinoff from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and winner of the Cleantech Open National Ideas Challenge 2017 in Germany – INERATEC, is commercializing “safe and efficient” modular chemical plants integrated with reactor systems that fit in shipping containers (Figure 11), for load- flexible, dynamic and responsive decentralized production of liquid fuels (kerosene, diesel, gasoline, methanol), chemicals (e.g. waxes) or methane (136) (137) (138). Soletair INERATEC together with Finnish partners, launched the official opening of their pioneering SOLETAIR project plant in June 2017 (138). The plant/container produces 80 liters of gasoline per day from solar energy and air (CO2 + H2O) (138). The container houses three key components, a direct air capture unit developed by the Technical Research Center of Finland (VTT), a solar powered electrolyser developed by Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) and a microstructured chemical reactor originally developed by KIT and further commercialized by INERATEC.


Figure 11. Containerized chemical plant on the campus of LUT (Finland). Source: INERATEC (137). Technology The first process-step in the chemical plants is to produce syngas, which is obtained either through 1) electrolysis of water and a source of CO2 (including recycled gas) which is balanced with the reverse water gas shift (RWGS) reaction that includes “excellent” heat integration in a compact design, or 2) using a feedstock containing methane (137). Methane is converted in a compact system via a reaction called steam-assisted catalytic partial oxidation (CPOX), which is mediated by a monolithic catalyst system and where ambient air serves with oxygen (i.e. “cost-effective operation”) (137). Both reactions are operated at up to 30 bars pressure (137).

CPOX: 퐶퐻4 + ½푂2 ↔ 퐶푂 + 2퐻2, “monolithic catalyst system” RWGS: 퐶푂2 + 퐻2 ↔ 퐶푂 + 퐻2푂, The core reactor that catalyze conversion of syngas into liquids or methane is microstructured, i.e. a very large surface area facilitates heat and mass transfer and an “excellent” temperature control for the highly exothermic reactions to enhance durability and keep a compact design (137). A high conversion rate and a “unique productivity” reduces the amount of recycled syngas (137). The two options for liquids production are the Fischer-Tropsch reaction or the Methanol synthesis reaction (137).

As mentioned, the same microstructured reactor is also used to catalyze syngas into synthetic natural gas. This high-temperature and highly exothermic reaction is called the Sabatier reaction.

Sabatier reaction: 4퐻2 + 퐶푂2 → 퐶퐻4 + 2퐻2푂 ∆퐻 = −165 푘퐽/푚표푙

3.6.2. BioCat – Biocatalytic methanation In biological methanation, microorganisms called biocatalysts catalyses carbon dioxide and hydrogen into methane in a bioreactor (139). BioCat The BioCat project (Figure 12), with Electrochaea as the project leader, is operating commercially on the BIOFOS Avedøre wastewater treatment plant in Denmark, where Electrochaea’s patented strain of selectively evolved (i.e. not genetically modified) biocatalysts (enzymes) can upgrade raw biogas into natural gas quality, i.e. a lowered CAPEX since conventional upgrading-equipment can be omitted (139).


Figure 12. Electrochaea’s ‘BioCat’ methanation system. Raw biogas is upgraded to natural gas quality through biological catalysis. Source: Fontaine et al. (2017) (140).

The BioCat technology

A mixture of 4 parts H2 and 1 part CO2 is injected at 9 barg (gauge pressure) to a stirred liquid bioreactor which is held close to the optimum temperature 62°C (140). Excessive heat from the Sabatier reaction is utilized on the wastewater treatment plant (140). Positive features of the technology are a high mass conversion efficiency, highly robust biocatalysts, tolerance to contaminants (O2, H2S, particulates, etc.), high selectivity (100% methane), fast reaction kinetics, self- replicating and self-maintaining biocatalysts (i.e. low operating costs) (139) (140). The renewable natural gas is injected to the energy gas grid after drying and cleaning, and 2 x 0.5 MWe alkaline electrolysers provide frequency regulation services to the electricity grid, where the methanation process can be cycled on/off within 40 seconds and held idle for several weeks without influencing response to start-up (instant recovery) (139) (140).

An attractive feature of the bioreactor described above that may not have been investigated yet, could be the possibility to switch biocatalysts to produce other chemicals. For example, production of acetate with acetate producing organisms, which successively can be bio-catalyzed into acetone, butanol and ethanol (ABE) using ABE-clostridia (141). 3.6.3. Deployment of carbon-based electrofuel concepts Here is a presentation of a rather diverse collection of electrofuel projects. BioCat-Methanation Plants based on biological methanation are under construction in Switzerland and the USA, a plant with up to 10 MWe of electrolyser capacity is planned for in Hungary and plants of up to 1000 MWe are targeted in the mid-term (140) (142). E-Diesel The e-fuel experienced car-maker Audi is cooperating with INERATEC and Energiediendst Holding to launch the INERATEC and KIT-developed microprocess technology/microstructured reactor in larger pilot scale in Switzerland in 2018, where hydropower and CO2 from air or biogenous waste gases will produce 400,000 liters of long-chain hydrocarbons, which will be separated into e-diesel and waxes for the industry (143).


Blue Crude A pilot plant in Dresden-Reick, Germany, has been operating since 2014 by the project partners Sunfire and Audi to produce e-diesel with 70% overall efficiency from ‘green power’ and carbon dioxide from a biogas plant (144). The first part of the production includes a high-temperature electrolyser, a syngas and a Fischer-Tropsch reactor where ‘blue crude’ is formed (144). Blue crude resembles crude oil from where e.g. e-diesel can be separated (144). The Norwegian company Nordic Blue Crude also plan to use the Sunfire developed synthetic blue crude production method beginning with a 20 MW solid oxide electrolysis cell (SOEC) in 2020 with 8,000 tons of Blue Crude per year

(114). Part of the CO2 for the production will be captured from air with Climeworks amines-based direct air capture method (114). Vulcanol The ‘George Olah’ power-to-methanol plant on Iceland developed by Carbon Recycling International (CRI) is the largest plant in the world with 4,000 tons of methanol produced every year (145) (70). The production based on alkaline electrolysis, exhaust gas from a nearby geothermal plant and heat produces methanol with an approximately 60% overall conversion efficiency and a 70% conversion efficiency from hydrogen to methanol (i.e. excluding electrolysis) (70). E-Benzin Audi is participating in a project now being developed in Leuna (Saxony-Anhalt) to produce ‘E-benzin’ (gasoline) (144). “Benzin” or iso-octane (a high-quality sulfur- and benzene-free designer fuel) is already being produced from biomass-based isobutene, but the project partners aim for a biomass- free production (replaced with electrofuels-based production) in the medium-term (144). E-Gas The largest catalytic methanation plant in the world, the Audi e-gas plant in Werlte (Germany) has been operating since 2013 (146). The plant is based on 3 x 2.0 MWe alkaline electrolysers, catalytic methanation with a single isothermal fixed-bed reactor and provided by carbon dioxide from nearby- produced raw biogas separated with an amines-based scrubber (146). The overall conversion efficiency is 54%e, (utilized thermal energy is not included) (146). However, an ambition was to achieve 80%e efficiency through thermal energy recovery and to have a 20 MW power to gas system by 2017 (146). With a maximum production capacity of 325 Nm3 of methane per hour, the theoretical maximal annual production would amount to about 1900 ton per year (146). But since the facility participates to balance the electricity grid, the production is instead roughly 1000 ton per year, i.e. a 50% + capacity factor (146). Store&Go P2G A highly ambitious and highly interconnected project (27 partners from 6 countries) to kick up the readiness levels of power-to-gas technologies, this is what Store&Go is about (147). Three locations, three methanation technologies:

1) catalytic honeycomb/structured wall methanation reactors, 2) biological methanation and 3) modular milli-structured catalytic methanation reactors. Liquid Wind A team of actors is exploring the possibilities to launch a power-to-methanol plant in Western

Sweden by 2020, where the sizes 5 MWe up to 50 MWe are being considered (148). A 50 MWe plant would yield about 40,000 tons of methanol and is possible either on an industrial site or at a floating plant in proximity to off-shore wind (148).


P2G Gotland The electric transmission capacity between Gotland and the mainland is limiting further exploitation of the islands renewable and intermittent electricity production potential (149). This is a reason why Gotland was chosen for a pilot to test the power-to-gas concept on a commercial scale (149).

Preliminary, the CO2 for the P2G will be sourced from a biomethane plant and a wastewater treatment plant, since equipment for upgrading into natural gas quality already exist (149). A secondary/longer-term choice could be to dig into the 1.6 Mtons of CO2 released every year from a

Cement factory on the island, (with a CO2-concentration range between 14.4% and 34%) (149). The electrolyser capacity in question in the first stage is < 8 MWe (149). P2G Norrbotten A pilot in Norrbotten (northern Sweden) which includes a 1 MW alkaline electrolyser is suggested to get used to and test the P2G and P2L technologies (150). The region has expansive plans for renewable energy production and a large steel producer (SSAB) which could use renewable hydrogen and provide CO2 for the fuel production (150).


4. Technological evaluation This chapter includes a qualitative evaluation and some important property recaps of the presented technologies. Once again, this is just a limited state-of-the-art technology selection meant to inspire readers to look further. Some of the presented data may change even in the short-term due to the disruptive and early nature of these technologies. Moreover, there might still be patches of technologies not mentioned or found during this review even though a target was to trace them all up and pick the cherries. Output Gas- and Steam Turbines (Ch. 3.1) Heat engines could be the choice if acceptable efficiencies can be achieved while ELECTRICITY maintaining low overall costs. − Choosing to generate electricity from biogas instead of upgrading to vehicle fuel reduces the potential to replace fossil energy since the mobility sector is furthest away from a transition to renewables in the EU and in Sweden (23). +/− Adding an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) on top of a combined heat and power system can increase the electric efficiency to 45%. This system should be compared with fuel cells that may have a greater potential. + Efficiency is important but choosing a highly efficient but higher-cost solution may also lead to sub-optimizations. + It could be more economically feasible to allow for a lower capacity factor of a cheaper heat engine system (e.g. compared to fuel cells), thereby satisfying the electricity grid with electricity only at times of deficit generation from renewable intermittent sources.

Combined Heat and Power with Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) (Ch. 3.2.1) A SOFC system may be chosen when fuels- or chemicals production are solved otherwise, e.g. with batteries and grid-expansion, or are found to be the most ELECTRICITY economically feasible alternative. (Thus, preconditions that are also shared with heat engines). − Reducing fossil energy in the EU or Swedish mobility sector with upgraded biogas would be more effective than reducing fossil energy on the electric grid (23). + Electrical conversion efficiencies of between 53% and 74% depending on the stack and fuel. + Very fuel-flexible due to internal reforming (facilitated by the combination of catalysts and high-temperatures). − The fuel cell suffers economically from a low capacity factor since electricity generation from a storage medium (e.g. biogas) should be the first thing to cut in times with surplus electricity generation on the electric grid to avoid wind power curtailment or inhibition of an expanding capacity of renewable intermittent power. × Heat produced by a SOFC system should be utilized, but perhaps not as the only heating solution. Heat-pumps may provide the required heat more efficiently.

Circular Heat and High-Temperature Heat-Pumps (HTHP) (Ch. 3.2.2) Using waste-heat and heat-pumps to create steam cuts energy requirements to down HEAT to a fifth of what an electric boiler would use. Circular heating-lines could also enhance the use of heat-resources. + HTHPs and ordinary heat-pumps may replace inefficient boilers/heaters while using renewable electricity. Energy could be saved for processes such as high-temperature electrolysers, for hydrothermal carbonization and/or for heating digesters. + Circular heating lines may be an efficient way to store renewable heat when several heat- producing and/or -requiring processes are within reach.


Reversible Solid Oxide Cells (RSOC) (Ch. 3.2.3) ELECTRICITY To go flexible – both as an energy producer and a consumer of electricity – the RSOC & may be the best system. This could maximize a wastewater treatment plants HYDROGEN integration within the society. + Doubles the benefits in comparison with fuel cells/electrolysers only, e.g. through stabilizing electric grids both by absorbing and generating electricity at times with surplus and deficit renewable electric output. Thus, the capacity factor can be high. + Stored surplus energy may be utilized in energy and chemical sectors. + The fuel to electricity conversion efficiency can be 47-55% (Sunfire) or potentially up to 74% (Elcogen – if this fuel cell also proves to work also as a reliable electrolyser). + The electrolyser efficiency is high and it is beneficial to utilize high-temperature waste heat, e.g. through sharing heat between the fuel cell/electrolyser mode, and/or by utilizing HTHPs. If waste heat energy is utilized and not accounted for, a fictive conversion efficiency of up to 94.4% can be achieved (Sunfire). The actual efficiency is lower but may be difficult to define.

Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolysis Cells (PEM EC) (Ch. 3.3.1) When going all-in just for fuels-/chemicals-production where no electric generation is HYDROGEN targeted, a low-temperature electrolyser such as e.g. the PEM EC may be selected. − The same dilemma as with a one-way fuel cell arise, i.e. the need to choose between a lowered capacity factor or to run even on hours with deficit renewable electricity generation. + A rapid electrical response (less than 1 second) enables an additional cash flow from electrical grid balancing services.

The Battolyser (Ch. 3.3.2) ELECTRICITY Electricity is stored for short-term with a battery´s high round-trip efficiency and for & long-term through hydrogen production, in a single system. HYDROGEN + Can potentially run continuously (100% capacity factor) while switching between hydrogen production and electrical power output. + Capital expenditures could be low due to the cheap and abundant raw materials nickel (Ni) and iron (Fe). + High overall efficiency (80-90%). − Immature, but developments are underway such as scaling-up and improving efficiencies.

Ultra-High Temperature Hydrolysis (UHTH) (Ch. 3.4.1) SYNGAS & Solid organic waste is turned into valuable syngas and solid residues, where valuable SOLID substances may be recovered from the latter. RESIDUES + Organic- and toxic-/hazardous-, materials are turned into clean syngas and non-toxic/- hazardous/-leachable basalt-like solid residues (no tars). − On the other hand, a competitor for wastewater sludge is soil-life that requires detritus, i.e. “decaying remains of dead plants and animal waste” (124). Adding nutrients only and no energy (degradable material) to soils will lead to starvation of parts of the soil-life and soil- depletion (124). + UHTH could be used in conjunction with fuels and chemicals production. − UHTH may require large volumes of wastes to be an economical alternative.


HydroThermal Carbonization (HTC) of residual sludge (Ch. 3.4.2) INCREASED Like in a pressure cooker, residual sludge is transformed into a hydrophobic BIOGAS hydrochar and an energy-rich black process-water. YIELDS & HYDROCHAR + Different studies conclude that HTC with re-digestion of black process-water may increase biogas yields with 8-10% or about 30%. + HTC simplifies dewatering of residual sludge. + Phosphorous could be recovered from the hydrochar through e.g. leaching. − The hydrochar is often toxic (126). + Hydrochar can be e.g. incinerated or hydrolysed through UHTH.

Methane Cracking (Ch. 3.4.3) HYDROGEN Methane (CH4) converted into hydrogen (H2) and solid graphite (C). & GRAPHITE + Pure and valuable graphite may be produced in this way which would make imported graphite obsolete. − Immature technology, but scaling up to commercial level maturity is underway. + If vast-scale would be achieved it might have the potential to reduce global emissions of carbon dioxide.

NFUEL Power to Ammonia (P2A) (Ch. 3.5.1) Electricity-powered conversion of water (H20) and nitrogen (N2) from air into AMMONIA ammonia (NH3) through electrolysis and the Haber-Bosch reaction. + Pure nitrogen is easily extracted from air. 39 + Ammonia decomposes into energy (6.25 kWhHHV/kg NH3 ), nitrogen and water, i.e. no greenhouse gases are involved. + Liquefied ammonia contains 45% more hydrogen by weight per unit of volume than liquefied hydrogen. It is also 40% more hydrogen dense by weight per kilogram of ammonia compared to methanol. − The overall NFUEL P2A conversion efficiency (electrolysis + Haber-Bosch) is currently only about 41%, but future improvements of the NFUEL-plant will likely increase the efficiency to 50%. 40. −/+ Ammonia is an extremely hazardous substance, but large-scale handling is proven safe and cost-effective.

NFUEL Waste (methane) To Ammonia (W2A) (Ch. 3.5.2) Production of ammonia through small-scale steam methane reforming and the Haber- AMMONIA Bosch reaction. × There could be somewhere where biogas conversion into ammonia makes sense (easier to store than methane), but biogas may be more useful either as vehicle fuel or as a feedstock for other carbon-based chemicals. − This business is likely most suitable for those who are planning to utilize stranded natural gas and who sees the opportunity to have their own ammonia production.

39 Higher heating values (HHV) of some other fuels for comparison: Methanol, 6.31 kWh/kg; Diesel, 12.44 kWh/kg; Methane, 15.42 kWh/kg; Hydrogen, 39.39 kWh/kg. Source: “Heat of Combustion”, Wikipedia. 40 Energy conversion efficiency goals for small- to medium scale ammonia production is above 86% for the Haber-Bosch reaction (i.e. hydrogen to ammonia (H2 to NH3)). Theoretically, this equates to a possibility for above 69% efficiency for the power to NH3 conversion via Haber-Bosch – if hydrogen is produced (power to H2) with 80% conversion efficiency.


Lithium three-step cycling electrification (Ch. 3.5.3) Electrically powered and lithium-mediated conversion of water and nitrogen into AMMONIA ammonia. + Micro-production of ammonia could be possible. + A potential low-cost solution, i.e. lithium is rather abundant while only atmospheric pressures and reasonable temperatures are required, including sources of electricity, water and air. −/+ Immature technology, but could be feasible already in the near-term. − Currently about 14 kWh of electric energy per kilogram of synthesized ammonia is required, i.e. about 44.6% energy conversion efficiency. The goal for direct electrochemical ammonia synthesis from water is 60%.

Compact chemical plants (Ch. 3.6.1) SYNTHETIC Fuels and chemicals production with Fischer-Tropsch, methanol synthesis or catalytic FUELS & methanation as core conversion technologies. CHEMICALS + Allows for decentralised and renewables-powered production of almost any carbon-based fuels and chemicals in a simple, containerized and modular design. + The plant design will be adjusted to deal with local prerequisites, choices and available resources. − The conversion efficiencies are not easily accessible.

BioCat – biocatalytic methanation (Ch. 3.6.2) SYNTHETIC Production of synthetic methane (e-methane) via electrolysis and biological METHANE methanation. + A convenient and potentially low-cost method to convert hydrogen and carbon dioxide into methane, since the contaminant-tolerant and robust enzymes who catalyses the reaction self-reproduce and maintain themselves (no need for expensive catalysts) while the produced gas has natural gas quality after drying and cleaning. + High mass-conversion efficiency, 100% selectivity to methane, fast reaction kinetics, cycling on/off within 40 seconds, several weeks of idling does not influence performance. − No energy conversion efficiency is given. [Authors remark]: But the losses of energy due to the highly exothermic Sabatier reaction41 probably gives more than enough of incentives for biological catalysis42. [+] [Authors remark]: Copying the BioCat concept and ‘only’ changing enzymes – e.g. to acetate-producing enzymes – may enable the production of other chemicals – such as Acetone, Butanol and Ethanol powered by ABE-clostridia.

41 Sabatier reaction: 4퐻2 + 퐶푂2 → 퐶퐻4 + 2퐻2푂, ∆퐻 = −165 푘퐽/푚표푙 42 [Authors remark]: A way to increase the Sabatier-reaction efficiency may be to utilize an electrochemical cell with H2 fed to the anode, CO2 fed to the cathode and a proton exchange membrane in between. In this way, some of the 165 kJ/mol would be possible to convert into electricity.


5. Discussion & conclusions This chapter includes further remarks about business opportunities for wastewater treatment plants, an own reflections-section and a concluding discussion to evaluate the outcome of this report.

5.1. Businesses & strategies discussion There is currently a huge demand for carbon-fuels and -products. Economic incentives are required to increase the land-use, energy and resource efficiency and to lower the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. The goal should be to move away from a large dependency on carbon- fuels and redirect waste-carbon resources for food production and products, leaving only a small- scale demand for carbon-fuels for the future. Wastewater treatment plants will inevitably handle a continuous flow of carbon resources on a relatively small-scale. Although, these resources could be more valuable to future societies, by bringing wealth and foster local business creativity. 5.1.1. Demand-response Hydrogen and synthetic fuels/chemicals production from renewable power – and/or backup- electricity production from fuels – may or should become more commonplace activities on wastewater treatment plants in the future to handle the mismatch between supply and demand on the electric grid and to satisfy the need for fuels and chemicals in other sectors. These ‘rechargeable’ wastewater treatment plants could support a transition to renewable energies by becoming backup- energy providers – through smart utilization of biogas and carbon dioxide from anaerobic treatment and by providing additional space for in-house produced energy storage mediums such as ammonia, carbon-based electrofuels and/or other imported renewable fuels.

Two-ways grid balancing is possible with for example battolysers, batteries and reversible solid oxide cells (RSOC), although fast response is also required on electrical grids to maintain the frequency containment reserve. Fast response times can be achieved with e.g. PEM-electrolysers (one-way balancing), battolysers (two-ways balancing) and batteries (two-ways balancing).

A downside with one-way balancing is the reduced capacity factor and the successively economically reduced attractivity of such business cases. Although, in a future or in a region with large excess of renewable power, the capacity factor will be high even for a one-way electrolyser, (which is only capable of producing hydrogen from electricity). It may however be difficult – in terms of land-use intensity and energy efficiency – to justify a high capacity factor of a fuel cell or a heat engine, where electricity is produced from biogas or any other energy storage medium, since optimally this energy should be used only as backup-power. Although, locations with difficulties to satisfy the need for energy (e.g. densely populated) might tend to go for such solutions anyway. 5.1.2. Which fuel to choose A vast fleet of combustion engines will still need carbon-based fuels until these vehicles are converted or scrapped. The created local access to hydrogen that follows with ammonia production and the production of carbon-based electrofuels to partially replace fossil fuels, also has the potential to kick-start a carbon-free fuels demand. A drawback for methane is that a gas vehicle is required and it cannot replace the most common liquid fossil fuels as a drop-in fuel. However, the current demand for methane is probably high enough to justify methanation as a viable and at least cheaper alternative in the nearest future – until more stringent political measures are implemented. To speed-up the transition, a parallel development of infrastructures (e.g. filling stations) for carbon- free fuels would be recommended to maximize investments in efficient and low-carbon/carbon-free


technologies. Maintaining a diverse portfolio of fuels and technologies is also positive for the sake of development security. Thus, further assessments could consider which fuels, chemicals and resources to replace, i.e. phase out, and which long-term fuels, chemicals and resources to phase in – to stimulate the transition to a more efficient and sustainable society. Finding the most efficient ways towards a fast net reduction of atmospheric carbon dioxide, e.g. through woodland-liberation, methane cracking, etcetera – should also be at the forefront when planning for a sustainable energy transition strategy.

5.1.3. Land-use/CO2 penalties A conclusion that can be drawn when considering the land-use intensity of biomass, is that more stringent economic incentives are required to lower ecological footprints and increase land-use efficiencies to save and restore biodiversity, i.e. relief land-resources from human exploitation and maximize carbon sequestration (i.e. the flow of carbon to storages). Therefore, the preferred use of biomass may be primarily for food and secondarily for products, while only using it for energy at a small-scale where it can bring multiple values. Thus, all net carbon-emissions (including those from biogenic sources) and land-use must be expensive if climate and environmental goals are to be reached. The few still accessible carbon-resources with lower or without land-use penalties such as carbon from wastewater, would be more valuable in such a future. 5.1.4. Unknowns & opportunities Although a liberation and restoration of woodlands would be the preferred way to reduce negative climate- and environmental effects, it is not obvious if or when more stringent incentives related to land-use will become reality in Sweden. If bioenergy production from forests and agriculture remain or even accelerate, it will continue to threaten biodiversity and reduce the carbon-storage potential.

Direct air caption (DAC) could theoretically be an alternative method to lower the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air, although it is extremely doubtful if it can compete with liberated woodlands in that respect. A question is also if DAC in any revolutionary way can change the market for carbon. The option to store carbon dioxide in oil-fields, i.e. ‘enhanced oil recovery’ – where carbon dioxide may act as a filler to make the last drops of fossil oil easier to access – does not sound overwhelmingly appealing either. Another alternative climate-deal option is methane cracking, with benefits also for the industry (i.e. the black carbon). If methane cracking becomes economically feasible, biogas from wastewater treatment plants can be stored and used to produce hydrogen and carbon black when needed.

“It will not be sufficient to focus only in terms of energy when considering future uses of resources from wastewater treatment plants”.

On the ecosystem level, soils on farmlands will have to be nurtured in a sustainable way or otherwise be depleted. Fitting the ‘big puzzle’ according to sustainable ecological cycles is a must, e.g. to ensure that the micro-fauna in farmed soils get – not just enough of macro and micro nutrients – but also proper energy, i.e. degradable material. It will not be sufficient to focus only in terms of energy when considering future uses of resources from wastewater treatment plants.

5.2. Authors own reflections The message brought forward in this report is that there is a tremendous potential to reduce the pressure on scarce resources. The sooner the transition starts, the better for us and the


environment. In the following chapters I will give some of my own reflections on how this transition should be promoted and what kind of transition I would like to see. 5.2.1. Technological choices Choosing technological pathways are difficult and what may seem ‘obvious’ at one moment may become more diffuse when more pieces of information are added. Democratically and scientifically based methods should be respected, while all parties in the process should be fully aware of the delicate situation that we are in, i.e. in terms of climate change and biodiversity depletion. One obvious choice – at this moment – seems to be heat-pumps, since they have the potential to reduce the need for energy – and especially the need for energy with a larger land-use intensity and/or climate effect, such as bio-energy.

In these early days of the transition – where the society is adapted to a high demand for carbon- based fuels – the choice may for a large share of producers be to synthesize such carbon-fuels. This is well because eco-friendly methods are required anyhow to serve with carbon-based synthetic chemicals and products in the future. Although, the scale of the reliance on carbon-based chemicals and products must be reduced – it is an addiction that has grown out of proportions.

Okay, carbon-based fuels may be obsolete in the future, but the biggest obstacle is to find an economical case now for a technology that makes further use of intermittent renewable energy. Basing the business case on sustainable waste-carbon allows it to hold virtually ‘forever’ – unlike concepts that include a large-scale dependency on carbon dioxide from fossil or unsustainably utilized biomass resources. The message here – that a trend is needed to reduce the use of forest- including agricultural biomass – may seem harsh, but the same applies to all human activities with a higher ecological footprint.

Ammonia – which might be the fuel of the future – may not be the pick for a wastewater treatment plant unless sustainably available carbon becomes a scarce resource or unless the economical case makes it more attractive. However, renewable electricity producers should already be working on using ammonia-fuel as a zero-carbon energy storage strategy – as a parallel development with the implementation of using e.g. batteries on a larger scale. 5.2.2. Political incentives A shift of taxes from labour to natural resources such as land-usage would benefit a sustainable development of technologies and result in a lower pressure on people in general to work to be ‘good’ citizens (i.e. perhaps a stress-relief). Beyond the extra income to the society, a strengthened regulation of scarce but renewable resources is implemented. Furthermore, if land was owned collectively by the people and ‘leased’ (or taxed) by land-users – a next step might be to redefine land as a monetary representation. Thus, money could be represented by de-allocated (ciphered) pixels of land, where the sum of pixels equals the whole area of the country or monetary union. The money that a citizen ‘owns’, would be recognized as representations of many small pieces of land. Deciphering the hidden coordinates within this money would reveal a set of randomly scattered pixels throughout the whole country or union.

A tax or leasing-fee for land-usage could potentially also factor in or promote high biodiversity and a high carbon storage ‘concentration’. The income from taxes on greenhouse gas emissions and the use of e.g. fossil and mineral resources should instead of being an income to the society – be used to minimize or get rid of the need for such emissions or resources. An income from carbon-emissions could also be used to pay for carbon-storage processes if this can be achieved in a fair and uncontroversial manner. For example, primarily cutting down trees (i.e. carbon storages) for


biochar43 (carbon storage) and heat production implies no obvious change in the carbon budget although it will put biodiversity at risk and induce a complex chain of events which are hard to directly label as positive or negative. However, a well-managed piece of land could potentially lower its land-use tax by adding biochar based on sustainable waste-biomass.

The implication of such a tax or monetary system on wastewater treatment plants is a trend towards possessing increasingly more valuable resources.

5.3. Conclusions Energy and resource usage, the climate and the environment are intimately connected. This report has presented some of these fundamentally important interconnections and how to successfully integrate wastewater treatment plants into the society. The objectives in this regard were to identify alternative pathways for energy and resources on wastewater treatment plants that may support a desirable sustainable transition of the society. Desirable in this respect is for example, to increase the pace of an energy transition to inhibit a raging climate, to encourage a restoration of ecosystems and to support ‘better’ ways to live and make a living.

Concluding remarks regarding the identified pathways evaluated in chapter 4:

➢ Heating may be arranged in a much more sustainable manner with (high-temperature) heat pumps and heat storages/heating lines. ➢ Wastewater treatment plants can provide services to balance electric grids and other energy and resource requiring sectors. ➢ Renewable and land-use-efficient electricity should be maximally utilized on wastewater treatment plants for direct use and to produce energy storage mediums or chemicals. ➢ The flow of resources through wastewater treatment plants – e.g. carbon dioxide, phosphorous, degradable nutrient-rich fertilizing matter, etcetera – should be utilized and exploited based on local requirements to reach sustainable developmental goals. ➢ Many technologies seem to be promising for the future, but uncertainties remain regarding economy and efficiency improvements. ➢ Costs and efficiencies are balanced against the cost of conventional solutions. ➢ The deployment of potentially life-saving technologies is governed by economic rules, i.e. by the will-power of politicians and the civil society.

An economy that promotes a healthier environment and a wealthier society may be assumed to be a common target for all citizens. A circular economy may therefore be assumed to be the end-result. It should be an economy that promotes lowered ecological footprints with e.g. increased land-use efficiencies and sustainable resource cycles. Such a circular economy must be continuously trimmed to make it easier to choose the most sustainable pathways.

Many actions are required beforehand if such an economy is to become the future. And no more is it true that politicians cannot make all the moves by themselves, as it is not possible for other actors on the market to handle a transition by themselves without bold political efforts to implement ‘greener’ rules and to support a deployment of pilots and investments in new infrastructures.

43 Biochar is defined as charcoal made for soils as soil-conditioners and should not be confused with e.g. charcoal meant to be incinerated.


This report was an attempt to give adequate answers and directions to the question how to integrate wastewater treatment plants into the future society. The attempt has given answers based on a cross-cutting analysis that includes social, ecological and energy-technological dimensions. Many promising pathways has been identified including some ‘no-goes’. The result may appear to be a dense production of information, but hopefully also a thrilling learning experience which hopefully includes many new exciting threads to be followed up.


6. Additional recommendations The following pathways was omitted from the central report but may nevertheless be interesting routes to follow.

Source separation of black- and greywater A new way for liquid waste management have been receiving increased focus where technologies are being developed based on separation of black- and greywater44 directly at the source (in the household) and treated more effectively with appropriate methods in decentralized systems (151). The high strength (high organic nutrient) blackwater are suitable for anaerobic digestion and for agricultural purposes (151). The co-digestion of blackwater with kitchen waste in an up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor is being developed in the Netherlands as a core technology of the New Sanitation concept, and where phosphorous (P) and nitrogen (N) (i.e. ammonia (NH3)) recovery are further enhanced utilizing techniques such as microbial fuel cells and algal growth on blackwater effluents and urine (151). But in a Swedish context, knowledge development has been going slowly where e.g. the interchange between entrepreneurial activities and knowledge development have been identified as a weakness (152).

Microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) wastewater treatment and fuel production Research is still ongoing to optimize electrolytic decomposition of e.g. wastewater and fuel production, to be stable, effective and profitable enough for upscaling (153) (154). A key concept is to add electric energy via electrodes to so called electrotrophic microorganisms to enhance decomposition (oxidation) on the bioanode and to reduce (add electrons) pollutants and CO2 on the biocathode into fuels and chemicals, e.g. methane, hydrogen, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), formate - - (CHOO ), acetate (CH3COO ), alcohols, or other multi-carbon fuels (154). The microbial electrolysis cell setup decreases residual sludge because the electrotrophs are immobilized and reused which reduces the number of microorganisms in the sludge, and less metabolites also remain in the treated water because of the added energy for degradation (153) (154). Although, microorganisms are living creatures and the conditions in which they can perform optimally, especially with many types of 3 substrates, still need more investigation (155) (156). As low as 0.6-1 kWhel/m H2 of extra electric input has been shown (155) to be enough to produce hydrogen when using a MEC system. In contrast, the higher heating value of hydrogen is 3.54 kWh/Nm3, i.e. the major part of the energy investment comes from intrinsic chemical energy in the organic waste.

44 Blackwater is wastewater from e.g. toilets and greywater is wastewater from e.g. sinks, showers, dish- and washing-machines.


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