Wise Rules for Industrial Efficiency · 2013-10-02 · For more information on the Climate Wise Program, call the Wise Lineat 1-800-459-WISE. Climate Wise would like to thank the - [PDF Document] (2024)

Wise Rules for Industrial Efficiency· 2013-10-02· For more information on the Climate Wise Program, call the Wise Lineat 1-800-459-WISE. Climate Wise would like to thank the - [PDF Document] (1)

United States Environmental Protection Agency

EPA 231-R-98-014July 1998

Office of Policy Planning & Evaluation(2126)

Climate Wise

Wise Rules forIndustrial EfficiencyWise Rules forIndustrial Efficiency


Wise Rules for Industrial Efficiency· 2013-10-02· For more information on the Climate Wise Program, call the Wise Lineat 1-800-459-WISE. Climate Wise would like to thank the - [PDF Document] (2)

CLIMATE WISEWise Rules for

Industrial EfficiencyA Tool Kit for Estimating Energy Savings and

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions

Wise Rules for Industrial Efficiency· 2013-10-02· For more information on the Climate Wise Program, call the Wise Lineat 1-800-459-WISE. Climate Wise would like to thank the - [PDF Document] (3)

For more information on the Climate Wise Program, call the Wise Line at 1-800-459-WISE.

Climate Wise would like to thank the following people for their assistance and input:

■ Michael R. Muller, Director, Office of Industrial Productivity & Energy Assessment, Rutgers University.■ Steven C. Schultz, Energy Engineering Specialist, 3M Company.■ Kenneth F. Kraly, Director of Engineering, Cosmair, Inc.■ Harry A. Kauffman, Director Energy and Fire Policy Management, Johnson & Johnson.■ Lee Link and Rob Penney, Energy Ideas Clearinghouse, Washington State Energy Office.■ George M. Wheeler, Director, Industrial Assessment Center, Oregon State University.

This document was developed for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under contract number EPA 68-W6-0029.

Wise Rules for Industrial Efficiency· 2013-10-02· For more information on the Climate Wise Program, call the Wise Lineat 1-800-459-WISE. Climate Wise would like to thank the - [PDF Document] (4)

Table of Contents1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................................................................................1

The ClimateWise Program ...................................................................................................................................................................1Overview ...............................................................................................................................................................................................1Information Sources .............................................................................................................................................................................1Using the Toolkit...................................................................................................................................................................................3

2. Boilers......................................................................................................................................................................................................5Introduction .........................................................................................................................................................................................5Boiler Load Management .....................................................................................................................................................................6Tune-Up and Air/Fuel Ratio Optimization...........................................................................................................................................6Burner Repalcement .............................................................................................................................................................................7Stack Heat Losses and Waste Heat Recovery.........................................................................................................................................7Blowdown Control and Waste Heat Recovery .....................................................................................................................................7Summary of Wise Rules for Boiler Systems .........................................................................................................................................8

3. Steam Systems......................................................................................................................................................................................10Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................................10Maintenance of Steam Traps ...............................................................................................................................................................10Reducing Leaks ...................................................................................................................................................................................11Reducing Heat Losses .........................................................................................................................................................................11Vapor Recompression .........................................................................................................................................................................11Condensate .........................................................................................................................................................................................11Summary of Wise Rules for Steam Systems .......................................................................................................................................12

4. Process Heating.....................................................................................................................................................................................14Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................................14Insulation and Heat Containment .....................................................................................................................................................14Combustion Air Control ...................................................................................................................................................................15Process Waste Heat Recovery .............................................................................................................................................................15Specific Process Heat Applications .....................................................................................................................................................15Direct Heating ...................................................................................................................................................................................16Summary of Wise Rules for Process Heating .....................................................................................................................................16

5. Waste Heat Recovery and Cogeneration..............................................................................................................................................18Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................................18Waste Heat Recovery .........................................................................................................................................................................18Cogeneration.......................................................................................................................................................................................19Summary of Wise Rules for Heat Recovery and Cogeneration .........................................................................................................20

Table of Contents Wise Ru l e s Page i

Wise Rules for Industrial Efficiency· 2013-10-02· For more information on the Climate Wise Program, call the Wise Lineat 1-800-459-WISE. Climate Wise would like to thank the - [PDF Document] (5)

Page ii Wise Ru l e s Table of Contents

6. Compressed Air Systems......................................................................................................................................................................22Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................................22Use Cooler Intake Air .........................................................................................................................................................................23Match Compressor with Load Requirement.......................................................................................................................................23Reduce Compressor Air Pressure .......................................................................................................................................................23Reduce or Eliminate Compressed Air Use .........................................................................................................................................24Eliminate Air Leaks.............................................................................................................................................................................24Recover Waste Heat ...........................................................................................................................................................................24Filters and Coolers .............................................................................................................................................................................25Summary of Wise Rules for Compressed Air Systems .......................................................................................................................25

7. Process Cooling.....................................................................................................................................................................................27Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................................27Energy Efficient Chillers and Refrigeration Units...............................................................................................................................27Cooling Tower Water .........................................................................................................................................................................28Refrigeration and Chillers ...................................................................................................................................................................28Freezing...............................................................................................................................................................................................28Variable Speed Drives .........................................................................................................................................................................29Summary of Wise Rules for Process Cooling Systems .......................................................................................................................29

Appendix A: Sector-Specific Energy Savings Potential...........................................................................................................................31

Appendix B: Conversion Factors and Emission Coefficients..................................................................................................................52

Appendix C: Summary of Wise Rules.......................................................................................................................................................55

Appendix D: Key References & Resources ..............................................................................................................................................60

Wise Rules for Industrial Efficiency· 2013-10-02· For more information on the Climate Wise Program, call the Wise Lineat 1-800-459-WISE. Climate Wise would like to thank the - [PDF Document] (6)

1. Introduction Wise Ru l e s Page 1

1. IntroductionThe Climate Wise Program

Climate Wise is a partnership initiative sponsored by the U.S.EPA, with technical support from the U.S. DOE, designed to

stimulate the voluntary reduction of greenhouse gas emissionsamong participating manufacturing companies. Climate Wisehopes to spur innovation by encouraging broad goals, providingtechnical assistance, and allowing organizations to identify themost cost-effective ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.Climate Wise currently has more than 400 partners, representingabout 12 percent of U.S. industrial energy use. As part of theirClimate Wise commitment, partner companies across the countrydevelop comprehensive Action Plans that describe their energyefficiency and pollution prevention goals, the specific actionsundertaken to achieve these goals, the time frame for implement-ing commitments, and estimates of the impacts on energy, costs,and emissions from these actions. To date, Climate Wise Partnercompanies have submitted Action Plans detailing more than 1,000individual actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and preventpollution. About half of these actions pertain to energy efficiencymeasures in industrial operations such as: boiler and steam sys-tems, compressed air systems, energy management operations,motor systems, process heating, and process improvements.Partner companies also pursue non-process energy efficiency mea-sures such as lighting, HVAC, and building shell improvements,as well as water conservation, recycling, pollution prevention andeducational outreach.

OverviewThe Wise Rules for Industrial Efficiency – “Wise Rules Tool Kit” –was developed to help partners make the most of their ClimateWise participation and generate interest and commitment in support of energy efficiency and pollution prevention efforts. Itprovides Climate Wise Partners with simple rules for estimatingenergy savings and greenhouse gas emissions reductions from awide range of industrial energy efficiency measures, based on alarge number of resources. Information on typical cost savings andpaybacks are also provided. The Wise Rules focus on six processenergy end-uses including boilers, steam systems, process heating,

waste heat recovery and cogeneration, compressed air systems, andprocess cooling. Six chapters describe energy efficiency measuresand provide Wise Rules on typical energy and cost savings for eachof these major process end-uses. This information can help yourcompany identify and evaluate alternative energy efficiency activi-ties. It can also help you to develop your Climate Wise Action Plan— your statement of commitment under your Climate WiseParticipation Agreement.

Climate Wise will update this document periodically as we gathernew information on industrial energy efficiency measures. We wel-come your feedback and input on the Wise Rules Tool Kit, includ-ing other rules that you have found useful and would like to share,or requests for new Wise Rules for specific end-uses. Please phonein your comments to the Wise Line at 1-800-459-WISE, fax themto 703-934-3968, send them via electronic mail to:[emailprotected], or mail them to:

Climate Wise c/o ICF Kaiser Consulting Group9300 Lee HighwayFairfax, Virginia 22031

Information SourcesThe Wise Rules Tool Kit is a compilation of some of the best infor-mation available on industrial energy efficiency. These rules arebased on energy efficiency research and engineering principles, theexperience of Climate Wise Partners, and government sourcessuch as the U.S. Department of Energy’s Industrial AssessmentCenter (DOE/IAC) energy audit database. These resources pro-vide a wealth of energy efficiency and other information in themanufacturing sector, including energy, cost, and operating data.

The Wise Rules capture broad categories of efficiency improve-ments such as “air compressor efficiency measures” and moredetailed actions such as “optimize boiler air-to-fuel ratio.” TheWise Rules also provide multiple perspectives on efficiency oppor-tunities by expressing energy savings as a percent of a particularend-use’s energy consumption (e.g., optimizing air-to-fuel ratio

Wise Rules for Industrial Efficiency· 2013-10-02· For more information on the Climate Wise Program, call the Wise Lineat 1-800-459-WISE. Climate Wise would like to thank the - [PDF Document] (7)

Page 2 Wise Ru l e s 1. Introduction

can reduce boiler fuel use by two to 20 percent), as a percent of afacility’s total energy use (e.g., steam trap maintenance can reducea facility’s total energy use by 3.4 percent), or per unit change in aphysical parameter (e.g., for every one psi decrease in air compres-sor pressure, energy use is reduced by 0.7 percent). To make themas useful as possible, the Wise Rules are presented in a variety offormats, including graphs, bullets, and tables. In addition, we haveprovided a handy reference guide to identify energy efficiencyopportunities for specific manufacturing sectors (see Appendix A).

The DOE/IAC energy audit database was an important source ofinformation for the Tool Kit. The database contains informationfrom industrial energy assessments conducted at small-to-mediumsized manufacturing facilities by teams of faculty and studentsfrom accredited engineering schools in 30 universities across thecountry. The Wise Rules Tool Kit includes information on the

expected impacts from approximately 27,000 specific improve-ments and upgrades from 4,300 detailed facility audits conductedbetween 1990 and 1997. The majority of the auditors' recom-mendations had relatively short (1 to 2 year) payback periods andwere expected to be implemented within two years of the audit.

The impacts from broad categories of efficiency recommendationsin the DOE/IAC audits are summarized in Introduction Table 1.For example, boiler efficiency measures were recommended dur-ing 20 percent of the 4,300 audits and were expected to save onaverage 2.8 percent of a facility’s total energy use, or an average of2,600 MMBtu per year. The average cost of implementing boilerefficiency measures was expected to be $5,300 with average first-year savings of $7,200 for an expected average simple payback ofnine months. Compressed air efficiency measures were recom-mended during 68 percent of the audits. The average savings from

Introduction Table 1: Summary of Efficiency Measures from the DOE/IAC Database*

End Use Recommendation Average Average Average Average AverageRate Annual Annual Implementation Cost Simple (% of audited facilities) Energy Savings Energy Savings Cost Savings Payback

(% of total facility (MMBtu) (months)energy use)

Boilers 20% 2.8% 2,600 $ 5,300 $ 7,200 9

Steam Systems 13% 2.0% 2,400 $ 3,300 $ 7,100 6

Furnaces & Ovens 4% 2.8% 2,500 $ 5,500 $ 8,100 8

Process Heating 1% 2.2% 3,600 $ 7,500 $ 12,200 7

Heat Containment 22% 1.5% 1,100 $ 1,100 $ 5,100 9

Heat Recovery 26% 4.6% 3,700 $ 16,500 $ 12,500 16

Cogeneration** 3% 9.1% 31,000 $667,500 $233,600 34

Air Compressors 68% 0.4% 300 $ 1,600 $ 4,300 5

Process Cooling 6% 1.1% 1,000 $ 18,900 $ 11,200 20

* Based on DOE/IAC estimates at audits of 4,300 manufacturing companies (1/90-7/97). Savings may not be additive.**Cogeneration energy savings are based on primary fuel savings from electricity generation, including fuel inputs at off-site powerplants for purchased electricty.

Definition of Terms: The recommendation rate is equal to the number of facilities receiving a particular recommendation (e.g., repair steam leaks) divided by the total numberof facilities audited (≈4,300). Average percent energy savings are defined as the average reduction in a facility’s total energy use from a specific recommendation. Average annualenergy and cost savings reflect first year savings. Cost savings are primarily based on energy cost savings, but also may include other cost savings. The average simple payback isthe average implementation cost divided by average annual cost savings, times 12 (months per year).

Wise Rules for Industrial Efficiency· 2013-10-02· For more information on the Climate Wise Program, call the Wise Lineat 1-800-459-WISE. Climate Wise would like to thank the - [PDF Document] (8)

air compressor efficiency measures were 0.4 percent of total facilityenergy use, or an average 300 MMBtu annual reduction in eachfacility’s energy use. The average cost of implementing compressedair efficiency measures was expected to be $1,600 with averagefirst-year cost savings of $4,300 for an average simple payback offive months. Similar rules developed for a range of other broadactions as well as more detailed measures are presented in the bodyof the Wise Rules Tool Kit. The estimated audit impacts for spe-cific industry sectors are presented in Appendix A.

Using the Tool KitThe Wise Rules were developed to help you take full advantage ofyour participation in the Climate Wise Program. As you begin todevelop your Climate Wise Action Plan, the Wise Rules can helpyou and your Climate Wise team generate ideas for energy savingsopportunities in your facilities. The Tool Kit provides a quick scanof measures along a number of dimensions, including potentialenergy savings, implementation costs, energy costs savings, and pay-back. Use the Wise Rules, along with information on the processesin your operations, to screen a broad range of efficiency measuresand to eliminate less attractive options based on your company’s keycriteria. The Tool Kit provides background information on all of theWise Rules so that Climate Wise Partners will have a better under-standing of how and when to use them. We have also provided references to the primary data source for every Wise Rule so thatpartners can learn more if they desire. Appendix D of the Tool Kitcontains a summary of key references and resources.

Once measures have been identified, you can use the Wise Rules toestimate project-level energy savings and CO2 emissions reductionsto be reported on your Climate Wise Action Plan. While you willwant to refine these estimates over time and track actual results forcompleted projects, the Wise Rules can serve as place-holders untilyour experience provides you with better, site-specific data. Youmay also find that you want to develop your own rules based onyour engineering analyses and metered data. In this way you cantailor Wise Rules for processes specific to your company or basedon your company’s operations, energy prices, and other factors.

The Tool Kit also provides information required to calculate CO2

emissions reductions, as required in your Climate Wise ActionPlan. CO2 emission factors provided in Appendix B of the Tool Kitcan be used with the energy savings estimates based on the WiseRules to estimate total emissions reductions from your actions.

It is important to keep in mind a number of points when usingthe Wise Rules:

■ The Tool Kit provides savings estimates for many impor-tant efficiency measures, but it is not a exhaustive list ofindustrial efficiency opportunities. A number of process-es and end-uses are not included here that may offer sav-ings to your company (e.g., lighting and motors). Theremay also be attractive measures — including pollutionprevention measures — applicable to your specificprocesses and operations that your company should con-sider. Moreover, many of the Wise Rules reflect efficien-cy recommendations with relatively short (1 to 2 year)payback periods. Your company’s payback requirementmay be longer for some types of projects. When identify-ing energy efficiency and pollution prevention opportu-nities, it is important not to limit your actions to thosemeasures included here.

■ The Wise Rules can provide simple savings estimates butthey cannot take the place of detailed engineering analy-ses based on site-specific data and operating parameters.The Wise Rules are based on typical experience and gen-eral engineering observations from a number of sources.The energy audit data reflect the energy and cost savingsestimates (not actual experience) across many industrygroups, over several years and across many parts of thecountry. Be sure to consider your company’s unique cir-c*mstances when applying Wise Rules. For many pro-jects, more detailed analysis will be desirable.

■ Some Wise Rules may be only applicable under specificoperating conditions (e.g., only to equipment of a certainsize or within a specific temperature range). Some effi-ciency measures for the same or related end-uses mayinteract, such that the total energy savings from complet-ing two measures may be less (or more) than the sum of the two measures’ individual impacts. Because WiseRules are drawn from a variety of sources, savings esti-mates may not be comparable, even when the energy effi-ciency measures are similar. For example, some WiseRules express savings for an energy efficiency measure onthe basis of specific equipment energy consumption,while others are expressed as a percent of a facility’s totalenergy savings. Such rules may not be comparable,

1. Introduction Wise Ru l e s Page 3

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Page 4 Wise Ru l e s 1. Introduction

because they may assume different specific measures,implementation levels, or contributions of the end use tototal facility energy-use.

■ All Wise Rules are expressed as “energy savings” to alloweasy comparison across measures. However, many of thekey references and resources are based on efficiencyimpacts — a closely related measure.

■ A comprehensive analysis of efficiency opportunitiesshould also examine secondary impacts of savings mea-sures. These include impacts on operations, maintenance,productivity, and the environment. For example, changes

in boiler operating parameters may have secondary effectson emissions of nitrogen oxides, particulates, or carbonmonoxide. These may all be important decision criteriafor your company.

■ Energy savings estimates based on the Wise Rules cannottake the place of measuring the results of implementedprojects. For some projects, you may want to implementenergy tracking and/or metering systems to evaluate thesuccess of your Climate Wise efforts and the return onyour investments. This information can later be used todevelop Wise Rules for your company.

Wise Rules for Industrial Efficiency· 2013-10-02· For more information on the Climate Wise Program, call the Wise Lineat 1-800-459-WISE. Climate Wise would like to thank the - [PDF Document] (10)

industrial boilers can exceed 7,500 hp (250 MMBtu/hr). Typicalboiler efficiencies range from about 70 to 85 percent dependingon fuel type, configuration, and heat recovery capability.2

Several boiler efficiency measures may be of interest to ClimateWise Partners: boiler load management, burner replacement,upgraded instrumentation, tune-up and air/fuel ratio optimiza-tion, stack heat loss prevention, waste heat recovery, and blowdowncontrol. Boiler Figure 1 illustrates the potential energy savingsfrom boiler efficiency measures based on IAC audit recommenda-tions. Boiler efficiency measures with an average savings of aboutthree percent of facility energy use, and a simple payback of ninemonths were recommended at 20 percent of the 4,300 facilitiesaudited. Boiler load management measures have a relatively high

2. Boilers Wise Ru l e s Page 5

Energy Savings

Recommendation Rate

Boiler Maintenance

Boiler FIgure 1Energy Savings from Boiler Efficiency Measures*

Recommendation Rate

Energy Savings Rate (percent of total facility energy use)

All Boiler Measures(9 month payback)

Boiler Load Management(23 month payback)

(5 month payback)

Combustion Air Preheating(8 month payback)

Boiler Blowdown(11 month payback)

0% 6% 12% 20%2% 4% 8% 10% 14% 16% 18%

0% 6%2% 4% 8%

* Results from the DOE/IAC Database (1/90-7/97). The IAC data reflect average potential impacts from energy efficiency measures at small-to-medium sized manufacturingfacilities across all sectors and regions of the country. Most IAC audit recommendations are expected to be implemented within two years and typically have a one-to-two yearpayback period. (See Chapter 1.)

2. BoilersIntroductionBoilers are one of the most important energy uses in manufac-

turing, typically comprising more than a third of total manu-facturing energy demand. A boiler generates hot water or steam,typically from the combustion of coal, oil, or natural gas. A net-work of pipes delivers steam (or hot water) to provide heat for avariety of process and heating applications. Once the heat has beenextracted from the water or steam, another network of pipesreturns the condensed water back to the boiler where it is cyclical-ly reheated. There are several different types of boilers includingnatural draft, forced draft, hot water or steam, and fire tube orwater tube. The typical boiler used in small-to-medium sizedindustrial operations is a forced draft steam boiler at 120-150 psiand approximately 150 hp (equivalent to 5 MMBtu/hr).1 Large

Wise Rules for Industrial Efficiency· 2013-10-02· For more information on the Climate Wise Program, call the Wise Lineat 1-800-459-WISE. Climate Wise would like to thank the - [PDF Document] (11)

expected energy savings, eight percent of total energy use, butthese measures were only recommended at one percent of facilitiesaudited and have a payback of about two years. Boiler mainte-nance measure were recommended at 16 percent of facilities audit-ed with average energy savings of two percent and simple paybacktime of only five months. Boiler Table 1, at the end of this chap-ter, summarizes the Wise Rules presented in this chapter, alongwith cost savings estimates, where available.

Boiler Load ManagementOne of the most basic energy saving measures is effective boilerload management — properly sizing the boiler to meet the steamload. A good example of this is replacing a large boiler with sever-al smaller ones, allowing for high efficiency operation during lightand full load periods. The relationship between boiler efficiencyand firing rate is non-linear. Therefore, in order to maximize over-all efficiency, a boiler's output can be matched to load, based onits design and specifications.3

Boiler Wise Rule 1

Effective boiler load management techniques, such as operating on high fire settings or installing smallerboilers, can save over 7% of a typical facility’s totalenergy use with an average simple payback of lessthan 2 years.4

Boiler Wise Rule 2

Load management measures, including optimalmatching of boiler size and boiler load, can save as much as 50% of a boiler’s fuel use.5

Tune-Up and Air/Fuel RatioOptimizationPeriodic measurement of flue gas oxygen, carbon monoxide, opac-ity, and temperature provides the fundamental data required for aboiler tune-up. It is useful to have the following instruments onhand to best manage boiler operation: stack thermometers, fuelmeters, make-up feedwater meters, oxygen analyzers, run-timerecorders, energy output meters, and return condensate ther-mometers.6 A typical tune-up might include a reduction of excessair (and thereby excess oxygen, O2), boiler tube cleaning, and re-calibration of boiler controls. Maintaining a proper air-to-fuel

ratio is very important for optimizing fuel combustion efficiency.In a “lean” mix (high air-to-fuel ratio), heat will be lost to theexcess air, while in a “rich” mix (low air-to-fuel ratio), unburnedfuel will be emitted with the exhaust gases. Each fuel type and fir-ing method has an optimal air/fuel ratio. For example, optimumexcess air for a pulverized coal boiler is 15 to 20 percent (3 to 3.5percent excess O2), and optimum excess air for a forced draft gasboiler is 5 to 10 percent (1 to 2 percent excess O2).

7 The air/fuelratio should be set to the manufacturer’s recommendations.Because it is difficult to reach and maintain optimal values in mostboilers, actual excess air levels may need to be set higher than opti-mal.8 When boilers are operating at low loads, excess-air require-ments may be greater than the optimal levels and efficiency maybe lower.9 Manual or automatic oxygen trim can ensure that theproper air/fuel mixture ratio is maintained.

10Secondary impacts of

boiler efficiency measures should be considered when evaluating aproject. For example, adjustments of air/fuel ratio and other oper-ating parameters may affect emissions of nitrogen oxides, particu-lates, or carbon monoxide.

Boiler Wise Rule 3

An upgraded boiler maintenance program includingoptimizing air-to-fuel ratio, burner maintenance, andtube cleaning, can save about 2% of a facility’s totalenergy use with an average simple payback of 5months.11

Boiler Wise Rule 4

A comprehensive tune-up with precision testingequipment to detect and correct excess air losses,smoking, unburned fuel losses, sooting, and highstack temperatures, can result in boiler fuel savings of 2% to 20%.12

Boiler Wise Rule 5

A 3% decrease in flue gas O2 typically produces boiler fuel savings of 2%.13

Boiler Wise Rule 6

Using over fire draft control systems to control excessair can save 2% to 10% of a boiler’s fuel use with typical equipment costs of $1,500.14

Page 6 Wise Ru l e s 2 . Boilers

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Boiler Wise Rule 7

Using a characterizable fuel valve to match theair/fuel ratios across the load range can save 2% to12% of a boiler’s fuel use at relatively low cost.15

Burner ReplacementThe method by which fuel is delivered to the burner affects boilerefficiency. Fuel atomization can add flexibility in fuel choice and canimprove low load operation. Atomizers suspend fine droplets of fuelon a cone of air or steam allowing better control of fuel delivery.16

Boiler Wise Rule 8

Converting to air or steam atomizing burners fromconventional burners can reduce boiler fuel use by 2% to 8%.17

Stack Heat Losses and Waste Heat RecoveryStack heat losses are usually the largest single energy loss in boil-er operations. Key measures that minimize stack heat losses areair/fuel ratio optimization (see above), and stack gas heat recov-ery for pre-heating combustion air or boiler feedwater (seeChapter 5).18 Heat recovery may increase boiler-operating tem-perature, which may have secondary effects of increasing nitro-gen oxide emissions. To maximize boiler efficiency and preventflue gas condensation, stack temperature should be 50°F to100°F above the water temperature.19

Boiler Wise Rule 9

Every 40°F reduction in net stack temperature (outlettemperature minus inlet combustion air temperature)is estimated to save 1% to 2% of a boiler’s fuel use.20

Boiler Wise Rule 10

Stack dampers prevent heat from being pulled up thestack and can save 5% to 20% of a boiler’s fuel use.21

Boiler Wise Rule 11

Direct contact condensation heat recovery can save8% to 20% of a boiler’s fuel use, but costs may be rel-atively high.22

Boiler Wise Rule 12

Preheating combustion inlet air can save about 3% ofa facility’s total energy use with an average simple pay-back of 8 months.23

Blowdown Control and Waste Heat RecoveryDissolved and suspended solids in boiler feedwater can deposit onheat transfer surfaces and reduce boiler efficiency. Boiler manufac-turers usually establish a maximum acceptable concentration ofdissolved solids. To maintain low concentration levels, boiler wateris periodically diluted in a process called “blowdown” duringwhich boiler water is drained off and new water is added.24 Heatlosses during blowdown are often overlooked because they arehard to measure and facility personnel may not fully understandthe water chemistry. Hot water drained to the sewer and excessheat vented to the atmosphere contains unused energy.25 Warmingmake-up feedwater with blowdown waste heat can minimize heatlosses. Replacing manual blowdown valves with analyzing equip-ment and automatic valves can also reduce blowdown losses.

Boiler Wise Rule 13

Minimizing energy loss from boiler blowdown cansave about 2% of a facility’s total energy use with anaverage simple payback of less than 1 year.26

Boiler Wise Rule 14

Removing a 1/32 inch deposit on boiler heat transfersurfaces can decrease a boiler’s fuel use by 2%;removal of a 1/8 inch deposit can decrease boiler fueluse by over 8%.27, 28

Boiler Wise Rule 15

Blowdown heat recovery is a proven technology thatcan reduce a boiler’s fuel use by 2% to 5%.29

Boiler Wise Rule 16

For every 11°F that the entering feedwater temperatureis increased, the boiler’s fuel use is reduced by 1%.30

2. Boilers Wise Ru l e s Page 7

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Boiler Wise Rule 17

Changing from manual blowdown control to auto-matic adjustment can reduce a boiler’s energy use by2% to 3% and reduce blowdown water losses by upto 20%.31

Summary of Wise Rules for Boiler SystemsUse the Wise Rules in Boiler Table 1 (next page) to identify andestimate potential energy saving from boiler efficiency measures. Inselecting alternative efficiency options and eliminating less attrac-tive measures, consider the potential costs, savings, payback timesand any secondary effects. When using the Wise Rules, rememberthat several of the measures may overlap, or complement eachother (e.g., tune-up and flue gas O2 reduction) and energy savingsrates of overlapping measures may not be additive. In addition,multiple Wise Rules may address the same measure from differentperspectives. For example Boiler Wise Rule 1 expresses savingsfrom boiler load management as a percent of the boiler’s energy use,while Boiler Wise Rule 2 expresses savings as a percent of the facil-ity’s total energy use. Specific Wise Rules may not be comparablewith each other because they rely on different sources with differ-ent assumptions.

Adjust the Wise Rules in Boiler Table 1 to match your circum-stances. For example, you may want to scale the gross fuel cost sav-ings to match your boiler size. To calculate savings for a 10MMBtu/hr natural gas boiler, multiply gross fuel cost savings bya factor of ten. This scaling is applicable only to gross fuel cost sav-ings expressed per MMBtu/hr, e.g., Rule 2, but not Rule 1 inBoiler Table 1. Implementation costs may not scale in a linearmanner. Similarly, you can adjust the savings numbers on the basisof your fuel prices and operating hours. For example, if your boil-er uses coal at a price of $1.50/MMBtu, divide the cost savingsvalues in Boiler Table 1 by the per MMBtu price of natural gas,e.g., $2.30, and multiply by $1.50.

Boiler System Notes1 Rutgers University, Office of Industrial Productivity and Energy

Assessment, Modern Industrial Assessments: A Training Manual, Version1.0b, December 1995, p. 5-1.

2 O'Callaghan, P., Energy Management, McGraw-Hill, England, 1993, p. 198.

3 Taplin, H.R., Boiler Plant and Distribution System Optimization Manual,Fairmont Press, 1991, p. 122.

4 DOE/IAC Industrial Assessment Database, July 1997.5 Taplin, p. 122.6 Taplin, p. 129.7 Turner, W.C., Energy Management Handbook, 3rd Edition, Fairmont

Press, 1997, p. 90.8 Rutgers, p. 5-12.9 Turner, p. 90.

10 Garay, P.N., Handbook of Industrial Power and Steam Systems, FairmontPress, 1995, p. 211.

11 DOE/IAC Database.12 Taplin, p. 134.13 3M Company, “Rules of Thumb: Quick Methods of Evaluating Energy

Reduction Opportunities,” 1992, p. 8.14 Taplin, p. 141.15 Taplin, p. 140.16 Taplin, p. 153.17 Taplin, p. 153.18 Taplin, pp. 11-18.19 Rutgers, p. 5-12.20 Garay, p. 219; Taplin, p. 15; Rutgers, p. 5-2.21 Taplin, p. 15.22 Taplin, p. 166.23 DOE/IAC Database.24 Garay, p. 271.25 Taplin, p. 13.26 DOE/IAC Database. 27 Garay, p. 271.28 Rutgers, p. 5-10.29 Taplin, p. 160.30 Taplin, p. 33.31 Taplin, p. 161; Turner, p. 109.

Page 8 Wise Ru l e s 2 . Boilers

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2. Boilers Wise Ru l e s Page 9

a Percent of boiler energy use, unless noted.b Energy savings are expressed as a percent of total facility energy use. Cost savings (fuel, O&M, etc.) are expressed in dollars, not in dollars per MMBtu/hr of boiler size.c Based on a natural gas boiler with 80% efficiency, operating 5,000 hrs/yr, with a gas price of ≈$2.30/MMBtu. These are gross fuel cost savings only and do not include

capital, maintenance, or other costs or savings.

Boiler Table 1: Summary of Boiler Efficiency Measures

Source Measure Average Energy Savingsa Average Annual Cost Savings(IAC recommendation rate) Savings per MMBtu/hr and (Payback)

All Efficiency ImprovementsImplement typical efficiency 2.8% of total facility energy useb $7,200 (9 months)b

improvements, which may include many or all of the measures below (20%)

Boiler Load ManagementRule 1 Operate on high fire setting 7.4% of total facility energy useb $19,900 (23 months)b

or install smaller boilers (1%)

Rule 2 Optimize boiler size and boiler load 2% to 50% $230 to $5,750c

Tune-Up and Air/Fuel Ratio OptimizationRule 3 Implement boiler maintenance (air/fuel 2.4% of total facility energy usec $2,460 (5 months)b

ratio optimization, burner maintenance, boiler tube cleaning) (16%)

Rule 4 Implement comprehensive tune-up 2% to 20% $230 to $2,300c

Rule 5 Decrease flue gas O2 2% per 3% decrease in O2 $230c

Rule 6 Utilize over fire draft control 2% to 10% $230 to $1,400c

Rule 7 Utilize characterizable fuel valve 2% to 12% $230 to $1,400c

Burner ReplacementRule 8 Convert to atomizing burners 2% to 8% $230 to $920c

Stack Losses and Waste Heat RecoveryRule 9 Reduce net stack temperature 1% to 2% per 40°F reduction $140 to $230c

Rule 10 Utilize stack dampers 5% to 20% $580 to $2,300c

Rule 11 Direct contact condensation heat recovery 8% to 20% $920 to $2,300c

Rule 12 Preheat combustion air (3%) 2.6% of total facility energy useb $5,200 (8 months)b

Blowdown Control and Heat RecoveryRule 13 Minimize boiler blow down (1%) 1.6% of total facility energyb $8,500 (11 months)b

Rule 14 Remove deposits from heat transfer surfaces 2% for 1/32 inch deposit, $230 to $920c

8% for a 1/8 inch deposit

Rule 15 Utilize blowdown heat recovery 2% to 5% $230 to $580c

Rule 16 Preheat boiler feedwater 1% per 11°F increase $140c

Rule 17 Utilize automatic blowdown control 2% to 20% $230 to $2,300c

Source references for each Wise Rule are included in the chapter notes.

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Page 10 Wise Ru l e s 3 . Steam Systems

audited with an average anticipated savings of two percent of afacility’s total energy use and a simple payback of six months.Improved steam line insulation was recommended at seven per-cent of the facilities audited with an expected average savings ofone percent of the facility’s total energy use and a simple paybackof ten months. Steam Table 2, at the end of this chapter, summa-rizes the Wise Rules presented in this chapter, along with cost sav-ings estimates, where available.

Maintenance of Steam TrapsSteam traps hold steam in the coil until the steam releases its heatenergy and condenses. Steam trap operation can be checked bycomparing the temperature on each side of the trap. In properly

Energy Savings

Recommendation Rate

Repair Steam Leaks

Steam Figure 1Energy Savings from Steam System Efficiency Measures*

Recommendation Rate

Energy Savings Rate (percent of total facility energy use)

All Steam Measures(6 month payback)

Steam Trap Maintenance(2 month payback)

(3 month payback)

Insulate Steam Lines(10 month payback)

Condensate Measures(8 month payback)

0% 13%1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 8%6% 7% 9% 10%

0% 1% 4%2% 3%

11% 12%

3. Steam SystemsIntroductionSteam system efficiency improvements are a logical complement

to boiler efficiency measures. Useful energy escapes from steamdistribution systems from malfunctioning steam traps, steamleaks, and via radiative losses from steam lines, condensate lines,and storage tanks. Each of these areas presents opportunities forenergy savings.

Steam system efficiency measures that may be of interest toClimate Wise Partners include: steam trap maintenance, repairingsteam leaks, insulation, condensate measures, and vapor recom-pression. Steam Figure 1 illustrates the potential energy savingsfrom steam system efficiency measures based on specific recom-mendations in the DOE/IAC database. Steam system efficiencymeasures were recommended at 13 percent of the 4,300 facilities

* Results from the DOE/IAC Database (1/90-7/97). The IAC data reflect average potential impacts from energy efficiency measures at small-to-medium sized manufacturingfacilities across all sectors and regions of the country. Most IAC audit recommendations are expected to be implemented within two years and typically have a one-to-two yearpayback period. (See Chapter 1.)

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3. Steam Systems Wise Ru l e s Page 11

functioning steam traps, there will be a large temperature differ-ence between the two sides of the trap and no steam downstreamof the trap. Malfunctioning steam traps waste steam and result inhigher boiler fuel consumption.1 Typically, 15 to 60 percent of thesteam traps in a plant may be malfunctioning and wasting largeamounts of energy.2

Steam Wise Rule 1

An effective steam trap maintenance program can save 3% of a facility’s total energy use with an averagesimple payback of 2 months.3

Steam Wise Rule 2

An effective steam trap maintenance program canreduce a boiler’s fuel use by 10% to 20%.4

Reducing Leaks Repairing leaks in steam pipes, condensate return lines, and fit-tings can yield significant energy and cost savings. Steam leaksincrease boiler fuel use because additional steam must be generat-ed to make up for the wasted steam. Leaky condensate return linesincrease make-up water requirements and increase boiler fuel usebecause more energy is required to heat the cooler, make-up boiler feedwater than would be required to heat the returned con-densate. Actual savings will depend on boiler efficiency, steampressure, and annual operating hours.5

Steam Wise Rule 3

Repairing steam system leaks can save 1% of a facility’s total energy use with an average simple payback of 3 months.6

Steam Wise Rule 4

A single high-pressure steam leak (125 psi) can resultin energy losses costing from $660 to $2,200 per year(8,760 hrs). A single low-pressure steam leak (15 psi)can result in energy losses costing $130 to $480 peryear (8,760 hrs).7

Reducing Heat LossesOften boiler and steam system insulation is removed to makerepairs and is not replaced. Uninsulated surfaces in boiler andsteam systems can reach 450°F. Such high temperatures canthreaten employee safety and can pose a fire hazard, as well aswaste significant amounts of energy.

Steam Wise Rule 5

Insulating steam lines can save 1% of a facility’s totalenergy use with an average simple payback of 10months.9

Vapor RecompressionWhen there is a need for low pressure steam, vapor recompressioncan double the pressure of vented steam using only a fraction ofthe energy required to generate the steam in a boiler.10

Steam Wise Rule 6

Vapor recompression saves 90% to 95% of the energyneeded to raise the steam to the same pressure in aboiler.11

CondensateA number of measures can be implemented to reduce heat lossesfrom condensate — the water that forms after steam has beenused. Increasing the amount of condensate returned to the boilersaves energy because it eliminates the need to heat cold make-upwater. Insulating steam lines, condensate lines and tanks, will pre-

Steam Table 1 Annual Costs of Heat Loss per 100 feet ofUninsulated Steam Pipe8

Steam Pressure Cost per 100 ft ofpipe per year (8,760 hr)

25 psi $1,600

50 psi $1,900

75 psi $2,100

100 psi $2,300

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vent unnecessary heat loss through the system. Collecting high-pressure condensate after flash steam formation can provide low-pressure steam for other purposes.

Steam Wise Rule 7

Measures to reduce heat loss from condensate in asteam system can save over 1% of a facility’s total ener-gy use with an average simple payback of 8 months.12

Summary of Wise Rules for Steam SystemsUse the Wise Rules in Steam Table 2 (next page) to identify andestimate potential energy saving from steam system efficiencymeasures. When identifying attractive options and eliminatingweak ones, consider potential costs, savings, payback periods andany secondary effects. When using the Wise Rules, remember thatsome measures may interact or complement each other (e.g.,steam trap maintenance and steam pipe insulation) and energysavings rates may not be additive. Multiple Wise Rules mayaddress the same efficiency measure from different perspectives.For example, Steam Rules 1 and 2 express savings from steam trapmaintenance as (1) a percent of a facility's total energy use, and (2)as a percent of boiler energy use.

Steam System Notes

1 Rutgers University Office of Industrial Productivity and EnergyAssessment, Modern Industrial Assessments: A Training Manual, Version1.0b, December 1995, p. 5-19.

2 Turner, W.C., Energy Management Handbook, 3rd Edition, Fairmont Press,1997, p. 149.

3 DOE/IAC Industrial Assessment Database, July 1997.4 Taplin, H.R., Boiler Plant and Distribution System Optimization Manual,

Fairmont Press, 1991, p. 276.5 Rutgers, p. 5-17.6 DOE/IAC Database.7 Rutgers University OIPEA, “Useful Rules of Thumb for Resource

Conservation and Pollution Prevention,” March 1996, #1 and #2.8 Rutgers, “Useful Rules of Thumb,”#8.9 DOE/IAC Database.

10 Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), Washington State Energy Office,Electric Ideas Clearinghouse, “Vapor Recompression,” July 1992, p. 1.

11 BPA, p. 1.12 DOE/IAC Database.

Page 12 Wise Ru l e s 3. Steam Systems

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Steam Table 2: Summary of Steam System Efficiency Measures

Source Measure Average Energy Savings Average Annual Cost Savings(IAC recommendation rate) (payback)

All Efficiency ImprovementsImplement typical efficiency 2% of total facility energy use $7,100 (6 months)improvements, which may include many or all of the measures below (13%)

Steam Trap MaintenanceRule 1 Implement steam trap 3.4% of total facility energy use $17,400 (2 months)

maintenance program (1%)

Rule 2 Implement steam trap maintenance program 10% to 20% of boiler fuel use 10% to 20% of boiler fuel costs

Leak RepairRule 3 Repair steam leaks (2%) 1.0% of total facility energy use $6,100 (3 months)

Rule 4 Repair high pressure leaks (125 psi) $660 to $2,200 per leak Repair low pressure leaks (15 psi) $130 to $480 per leak

InsulationTable 1 Insulate steam lines (7%) $1,600 to $2,300 per 100 feet

Rule 5 Improve steam line insulation 1.0% of total facility energy use $2,800 (10 months)

Other MeasuresRule 6 Recompress low pressure steam 90% to 95% of energy needed to

raise the steam in a boiler

Rule 7 Reduce heat loss from condensate (4%) 1.3% of total facility energy use $6,700 (8 months)

3. Steam Systems Wise Ru l e s Page 13

Source references for each Wise Rule are included in the chapter notes.

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Page 14 Wise Ru l e s 4 . Process Heating

Energy Savings

Recommendation Rate

Process Heating Figure 1Energy Savings from Process Heating Efficiency Measures*

Energy Savings Rate (percent of total facility energy use)

All Furnace Heating Measures(8month payback)

All Process Heating Measures(7 month payback)

Recommendation Rate0% 1% 2% 4%3%

0% 1% 2% 5%3%

Oven/Kiln Heat Recovery(16 month payback)


4. Process HeatingIntroductionIndustrial companies use furnaces, ovens, and kilns to raise the

temperature of a raw material or intermediate product as part ofa manufacturing process. Important process heating efficiencymeasures include: insulation, combustion air control, burneradjustment, automatic stack dampers, waste heat recovery, tem-perature optimization, use of minimum safe ventilation, immer-sion heating, and enhanced sensitivity of temperature control andcutoff. Minimizing equipment heat-up time can also save energy.For example, many ovens need only 15 to 60 minutes to heat up,1

but, in practice, may “warm up” for an unnecessarily long periodof time. The remainder of this chapter provides additional infor-mation on heat containment, process heating and direct heating.

Process Heating Figure 1 illustrates the potential energy savingsfrom heating efficiency measures based on IAC audit recommen-dations. Furnace efficiency measures were recommended at fourpercent of the facilities audited with estimated average savings ofthree percent of the average facility’s total energy use and a simplepayback of eight months. Heat recovery from ovens, kilns, andother equipment was recommended during only one percent of

* Results from the DOE/IAC Database (1/90-7/97). The IAC data reflect average potential impacts from energy efficiency measures at small-to-medium sized manufacturingfacilities across all sectors and regions of the country. Most IAC audit recommendations are expected to be implemented within two years and typically have a one-to-two yearpayback period. (See Chapter 1.)

the audits with estimated energy savings of almost five percent andaverage simple payback of 16 months. Process Heating Table 1,at the end of this chapter, summarizes the Wise Rules presented inthis chapter, along with cost savings estimates, where available.

Insulation and Heat ContainmentHeat loss can cause major reductions in process heating efficiency.Heat containment measures include insulation of bare equipmentand open tanks, isolating hot or cold equipment from air condi-tioned areas, and reducing infiltration into hot or cold processequipment. New refractory fiber material, with low thermal con-ductivity and heat storage, can produce significant improvementsin efficiency with minimal detriment to the work environment.Typical applications include furnace covers, installing fiber linerbetween the standard refractory lining and the shell wall, orinstalling ceramic fiber linings over the present refractory liner.Replacing standard refractory linings with vacuum-formed refrac-tory fiber insulation can also improve efficiency.2

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Process Heating Wise Rule 1

Proper heat containment can save about 2% of afacility’s total energy use with an average simple payback of 9 months.3

Process Heating Wise Rule 2

Insulating a furnace with refractory fiber liners canimprove the thermal efficiency of the heating processby up to 50%.4

Combustion Air ControlMaintaining a proper air-to-fuel ratio is very important for opti-mizing fuel combustion efficiency in process heating. In a “lean”mix (high air-to-fuel ratio), heat will be lost to the excess air, whilein a “rich” mix (low air-to-fuel ratio), unburned fuel will be emit-ted with the exhaust gases. Aspirators can help maintain a properair-to-fuel ratio for premix burners systems, while ratio-regulatingsystems can do this for nozzle mix burners.5 Automatic burnercontrol is also an effective strategy for optimizing the air-to-fuelratio. Control systems technologies include programmable logiccontrollers, direct stack temperature monitors, and intelligenthigh-level computer controllers.6 Be sure to consider potential sec-ondary impacts from adjustments of air/fuel ratio or other operat-ing parameters, such as changes in emissions of nitrogen oxides,particulates, and carbon monoxide.

Process Waste Heat RecoveryExhaust gas heat losses are another source of process efficiencyloss. Heat recovery systems can recapture this heat and reintro-duce it into processing heat or other end-uses. A recuperatorextracts heat from furnace waste gases to preheat incoming com-bustion air. A regenerator uses porous ceramic beds for waste gasheat recovery and short-term heat storage.7 Chapter 5, “WasteHeat Recovery and Cogeneration,” describes additional wasteheat recovery measures.

Process Heating Wise Rule 3

Recovering waste heat from furnaces, ovens, kilns,and other equipment can save 5% of a typical facility’stotal energy use with an average simple payback of16 months.8

Process Heating Wise Rule 4

Recovering waste heat through a recuperator canreduce a kiln’s energy use by up to 30%; regeneratorscan save up to 50%.9,10

Specific Process Heat ApplicationsEnergy savings opportunities available in some sectors may bemore broadly applicable. For example, in the lumber industry, air-drying lumber before putting it in the kiln can reduce kiln energyuse. Using variable speed controls to reduce kiln fan power afterthe water has been driven off can significantly reduce kiln energyuse without affecting drying time or product quality.11 In thecement industry, advanced control systems such as automatedcontrols and expert systems have shown significant energy savings.Optimizing heat transfer conditions in the clinker cooler throughbetter distribution of clinker and air can also result in substantialenergy savings.

Process Heating Wise Rule 5

Each percent of moisture removed by air drying lumber reduces the kiln’s energy use by 50 to 85 Btuper board foot.12

Process Heating Wise Rule 6

Variable fan speed control in the lumber industry can reduce dry kiln airflow by 20% and reduce thekiln’s energy used during surface drying by as much as 50%.13

Process Heating Wise Rule 7

Installing expert systems for kiln secondary controlcan reduce a cement kiln’s energy use by up to 3%.14

Process Heating Wise Rule 8

New clinker cooler technologies that optimize heattransfer conditions can reduce a cement kiln’s energyuse by up to 6%.15

4. Process Heating Wise Ru l e s Page 15

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Direct HeatingDirect heating is generally more efficient than indirect heatingbecause heat transfer losses from equipment and transfer mediaare eliminated. Examples of direct heating technologies includedirect firing (generally with natural gas), infrared, microwave,and dielectric heating. Direct heating also provides other opera-tional benefits including faster drying times, reduced mainte-nance, easier installation, more precise temperature control,more uniform heating, and increased output.16

Process Heating Wise Rule 9

Direct firing with natural gas in place of indirectsteam heating has the potential to save 33% to 45%of process heating energy use. Payback times may rangefrom a few months to 6 years.17

Process Heating Wise Rule 10

Direct electric heating (infrared, microwave, or dielec-tric) can reduce process heating energy use by up to80% with typical payback periods of 1 to 3 years.18

Summary of Wise Rules forProcess HeatingUse the Wise Rules in Process Heating Table 1 (next page) toidentify and estimate potential energy savings from process heat-ing efficiency measures. When evaluating alternatives and elimi-nating options, consider the potential costs, energy savings, pay-back time, and any secondary effects. When using the WiseRules, remember several of the measures may overlap or comple-ment each other and energy savings rates from overlapping mea-sures may not be additive. In addition, multiple Wise Rules mayexpress savings for similar measures from different perspectives.For example, some express energy savings in terms of a typicalfacility’s total energy use, while others are expressed in terms ofan end use’s energy consumption.

Page 16 Wise Ru l e s 4 . Process Heating

Process Heating Notes1 3M Company, “Laboratory Operations Energy Efficiency Guidelines,”

Feb. 1994.2 Rutgers University Office of Industrial Productivity and Energy

Assessment, Modern Industrial Assessments: A Training Manual, Version 1.0b, December 1995, p. 5-36.

3 DOE/IAC Industrial Assessment Database, July 1997.4 Rutgers, p. 5-37.5 Rutgers, p. 5-34.6 Centre for the Analysis and Dissemination of Demonstrated Energy

Technologies (CADDET), “Learning from Experiences with ProcessHeating in the Metals Industry,” Analyses Series No. 11, 1990.

7 CADDET, 1990.8 DOE/IAC Database. 9 Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), Washington State Energy Office,

Electric Ideas Clearinghouse, “Dry Kiln Retrofit/Replacement,” October1991.

10 CADDET, 1990.11 BPA, “Dry Kiln Retrofit/Replacement.”12 Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), Washington State Energy Office,

Electric Ideas Clearinghouse, “Optimizing Dry Kiln Operation,” October1991.

13 BPA, “Dry Kiln Retrofit/Replacement.”14 ICF Kaiser Consulting Group estimate based on cement industry data.15 ICF Kaiser Consulting Group estimate based on cement industry data.16 Mercer, A., Learning from Experience with Industrial Drying Technologies,

Centre for the Analysis and Dissemination of Demonstrated Energy Technologies (CADDET), 1994.

17 Mercer, pp. 25-38.18 Mercer, pp. 39-54.

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4. Process Heating Wise Ru l e s Page 17

Process Heating Table 1: Summary of Process Heating Efficiency Measures

Source Measure Average Energy Savings Average Annual Cost Savings(IAC recommendation rate) (payback)

All Efficiency ImprovementsImplement typical efficiency 2.8% of total facility energy use $8,100 (8 months)improvements, which may include many or all of the measures below (4%)

Insulation and Heat ContainmentRule 1 Improve heat containment (22%) 1.5% of total facility energy use $5,100 (9 months)

Rule 2 Install fiber insulation 50% improvement in thermal efficiency

Process Heating Waste Heat RecoveryRule 3 Recover furnace, oven, and kiln 4.6% of total facility energy use $13,000 (16 months)

waste heat (1%)

Rule 4 Recover heat from kilns 30% to 50% reduction in kiln energy use

Specific Process Heating ApplicationsRule 5 Air dry lumber 50 to 85 Btu per board foot for each

1% moisture removed

Rule 6 Install variable speed drives (VSD) up to 50% of kiln energy usefor dry kiln airflow

Rule 7 Install expert systems for up to 3% of cement kiln secondary kiln controls energy use

Rule 8 Optimize heat transfer conditions up to 6% of cement kiln energy use

Direct HeatingRule 9 Use direct firing with natural 33% to 45% of the energy (few months to 6 years)

gas in place of indirect heating requirement

Rule 10 Use direct electric heating in 80% of heating energy use (1 to 3 years)place of indirect heating

Source references for each Wise Rule are included in the chapter notes.

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fuel inputs at off-site powerplants for purchased electricity) and thepayback was about three years. Heat Recovery/Cogen Table 2, atthe end of this chapter, summarizes the Wise Rules presented inthis chapter, along with cost savings estimates, where available.

Waste Heat RecoveryHeat recovery is often a viable retrofit option for existing equipment.Ventilation and exhaust from process heating or combustion equip-ment are some common sources of potentially recoverable energy.Heat recovery is beneficial only if the heat can be used elsewhere andif it is available when it is needed. Typical applications of waste heatinclude process heating, combustion air preheating, boiler feedwaterpreheating, and space heating.1 Be sure to consider any secondaryeffects from adjustments of combustion parameters, such as emis-sions of nitrogen oxides, particulates, and carbon monoxide.

Page 18 Wise Ru l e s 5 . Heat Recovery & Cogeneration

Energy Savings

Recommendation Rate

Heat Containment

Heat Recovery/Cogen Figure 1Energy Savings from Heat Recovery and Cogeneration Efficiency Measures*

Recommendation Rate

Energy Savings Rate (percent of total facility energy use)

Waste Heat Recovery(16 month payback)

Cogeneration**(34 month payback)

(9 month payback)



6% 26%3% 9% 12% 15% 18% 22% 24% 24%

2% 10%4% 6% 8%

* Results from the DOE/IAC Database (1/90-7/97). The IAC data reflect average potential impacts from energy efficiency measures at small-to-medium sized manufacturingfacilities across all sectors and regions of the country. Most IAC audit recommendations are expected to be implemented within two years and typically have a one-to-two yearpayback period. (See Chapter 1.)

** Cogeneration energy savings are based on primary fuel savings from electricity generation, including fuel inputs at off-site powerplants for purchased electricity. Off-sitepower generation is assumed to have a heat rate of about 10,000 Btu/kWh. Savings are calculated by dividing total energy savings, including powerplant inputs, by totalfacilityenergy use.


Heat exchangers recover useful energy that would ordinarily belost. Generally, a heated gas or liquid leaving a process passes

through a heat exchanger to preheat another gas or liquid enteringa process or an HVAC system. Cogeneration takes heat recovery astep further by recovering heat that would normally be wasted inthe process of power generation and steam production.Cogeneration systems can reach efficiencies that can triple, or evenquadruple, conventional power and steam generation. HeatRecovery/Cogen Figure 1 illustrates the potential energy savingsfrom heat recovery and cogeneration measures based on IAC auditrecommendations. Waste heat recovery measures were recom-mended at 26 percent of the 4,300 IAC audits conducted from1990 through mid-1997 and were estimated to save almost fivepercent of the average facility’s total energy use with a simple pay-back of 16 months. Cogeneration was recommended at fewer facil-ities (three percent), but the average expected energy savings weremuch higher (nine percent of the facility’s energy use, including

5. Waste Heat Recovery and Cogeneration

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Heat Recovery/Cogen Wise Rule 1

Recovering waste heat can reduce a typical facility’stotal energy use by about 5% with an average simplepayback of 16 months.2

Heat Recovery/Cogen Wise Rule 2

Reducing net stack temperature (outlet temperatureminus inlet combustion air temperature) by 40°F isestimated to reduce the boiler’s fuel use by 1% to 2%.3

Heat Recovery/Cogen Wise Rule 3

Preheating furnace combustion air with recoveredwaste heat can save up to 50% of the furnace’s energyuse. Heat Recovery/Cogen Table 1 summarizes typi-cal fuel savings for a natural gas furnace.4

Air-to-air heat exchangers transfer heat from a hot air stream to acold one. Using air-to-air heat exchangers to preheat ventilationair in the winter or for precooling in the summer can add to theair distribution system’s pressure losses and may require larger ven-tilation fans.6 In heat pipes, hot and cold air streams flow in oppo-site directions. Heat pipes typically are used in the range of 150°Fto 850°F and recover between 60 and 80 percent of the heat fromthe exhaust air stream. Heat wheels are porous disks with highheat capacity that rotate between a cold-gas duct and a hot-gasduct. They can recover from 70 to 90 percent of the heat from the

exhaust air stream. Glass fiber ceramic heat wheels can be used attemperatures up to 2,000°F.7 Economizers are used primarily topreheat boiler feedwater with flue gas waste heat. The boiler feed-water flows through the economizer and is heated by the hotexhaust gases from the boiler. The higher the waste gas tempera-ture, the greater the possible energy savings. Economizers can beused at gas temperatures up to 1,800°F.8

Heat Recovery/Cogen Wise Rule 4

Using an economizer to capture flue gas waste heatand preheat boiler feedwater can reduce a boiler’s fueluse by up to 5%.9

Heat exchanger efficiency is directly proportional to the surfacearea that separates the heated and cooled fluids. If heat exchangersurfaces become fouled with films, deposits, or corrosion,exchanger efficiency suffers. If heavy fouling is expected, contam-inated streams may need to be filtered, or the design may need tobe modified to include different materials or to allow easy accessto surfaces for frequent cleaning.10

Heat Recovery/Cogen Wise Rule 5

Removing a 1/32 inch deposit on boiler’s heat transfersurfaces can reduce a boiler’s energy use by 2%;removing a 1/8 inch deposit can reduce a boiler’senergy use by over 8%.11,12

CogenerationCogeneration is the simultaneous production of electric powerand thermal energy from a single fuel. In a typical configuration,an industrial boiler is replaced by a gas turbine. The turbine isused to generate electricity, and the waste heat is used to generatesteam in a heat recovery steam generator (or HRSG). Othercogeneration configurations combine boilers and steam turbines,or gas turbines and steam turbines (combined cycle units). Twoemerging technologies that are applicable to cogeneration are theuse of fuel cells and the Kalina cycle — a vapor heat engine cycleusing an ammonia-water working fluid.13

Cogeneration is often a more efficient way of providing electrici-ty and process heat than producing them independently given theoverall efficiency gain, as well as a potential fuel shift. Average effi-ciencies for traditional cogeneration systems can range from 70

5. Heat Recovery & Cogeneration Wise Ru l e s Page 19

Heat Recovery/Cogen Table 1Fuel Savings from Preheating Combustion Air


Furnace Outlet Combustion Air Preheat Temperature Temperature 400°F 600°F 800°F 1000°F 1200°F

2600°F 22% 30% 37% 43% 48%

2400°F 18% 26% 33% 38% 43%

2200°F 16% 23% 29% 34% 39%

2000°F 14% 20% 26% 31% 36%

1800°F 13% 19% 24% 29% 33%

1600°F 11% 17% 22% 26% 30%

1400°F 10% 16% 20% 25% 28%

Based on a natural gas furnace with 10% excess air.

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Page 20 Wise Ru l e s 5 . Heat Recovery & Cogeneration

percent to more than 80 percent.14 Cogeneration makes mostsense in facilities where steam and electrical demand are balancedwith the typical output of the cogeneration unit.

There are generally economies of scale involved with cogenerationsystems, with larger units having lower costs (per installed kW)and higher efficiencies. Average-sized cogeneration units rangefrom 10 to 50 MW, though units as small as 3 MW can be cost-effective.15 Cogeneration economics depend on system utiliza-tion.16 Therefore, it is important to closely match the system’s output to the facility’s steam and electrical load. When electricityproduction is in excess of on-site consumption needs, it can typi-cally be sold to others and should be accounted for when evaluat-ing the feasibility and economics of cogeneration. It is a good ideato examine the steam load prior to assessing electrical needs inevaluating a potential cogeneration project. Be sure to considerany secondary impacts from new combustion equipment such asnitrogen oxide emissions from gas turbines.

Heat Recovery/Cogen Wise Rule 6

Gas turbines with heat recovery equipment typicallycost from $600 to $1,000/kW. Larger gas turbinesmay be available for half the cost per kW.17

Heat Recovery/Cogen Wise Rule 7

A typical cogeneration project may reduce primaryenergy consumption (including fuel inputs at off-sitepowerplants for purchased electricity) for steam andelectricity generation by 10% to 15%.18

Heat Recovery/Cogen Wise Rule 8

Cogeneration systems can save about 9% of a typicalfacility’s primary fuel inputs for on-site energy use(i.e., including fuel savings at off-site powerplants forpurchased electricity) with an average simple paybackof 34 months.19 (Savings are calculated by dividingtotal energy savings, including powerplant inputs, bytotal facility energy use.)

Summary of Wise Rules for WasteHeat Recovery and CogenerationUse the Wise Rules in Heat Recovery/Cogen Table 2 (next page) toidentify and estimate potential energy saving from heat recovery andcogeneration. Consider potential costs, savings, payback time, andany secondary effects in order to analyze different efficiency alterna-tives and eliminate less attractive options. When using the WiseRules, remember that several of the measures may interact or com-plement each other and energy savings rates may not be additive.

Waste Heat Recovery and Cogeneration Notes1 Rutgers University Office of Industrial Productivity and Energy

Assessment, Modern Industrial Assessments: A Training Manual, Version1.0b, December 1995, pp. 5-21 and 5-22.

2 DOE/IAC Industrial Assessment Database, July 1997.3 Garay, P.N., Handbook of Industrial Power and Steam Systems, Fairmont

Press, 1995, p. 219; Taplin, H.R., Boiler Plant and Distribution SystemOptimization Manual, Fairmont Press, 1991, p. 15; Rutgers, p. 5-2.

4 Rutgers, p. 5-21.5 Rutgers, p. 5-21.6 Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), Washington State Energy Office,

Electric Ideas Clearinghouse, “Exhaust Air Heat Recovery Systems,” May1992, p. 1.

7 Rutgers, p. 5-23.8 Rutgers, p. 5-22.9 O'Callaghan, P., Energy Management, McGraw-Hill, England, 1993,

p. 198.10 Turner, W.C., Energy Management Handbook, 3rd Edition, Fairmont Press,

1997, pp. 207-208.11 Garay, p. 271.12 Rutgers, p. 5-10.13 Orlando, J.A., Cogeneration Design Guide, American Society of Heating,

Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., 1996, pp. 62-63.14 Stromberg, Jan, Gas-Turbine-Based CHP in Industry, Centre for the

Analysis and Dissemination of Demonstrated Energy Technologies (CADDET), 1993, p. 6.

15 McIntire, Margaret E., “Trigen Dispersed Energy Services for the Mid-Sized Industrial and Commercial Market,” Nineteenth National IndustrialEnergy Technology Conference Proceedings, 1997, pp. 117-124.

16 Payne, F.W., Cogeneration Management Reference Guide, Fairmont Press,Inc., 1997, p. 6.

17 Rutgers, p. 5-40.18 ICF Kaiser Consulting Group estimate.19 DOE/IAC database. Off-site power generation is assumed to have a heat

rate of about 10,000 Btu/kWh.

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Heat Recovery/Cogen Table 2: Summary of Heat Recovery and Cogeneration Efficiency Measures

Source Measure Average Energy Savings* Average Annual Cost Savings(IAC recommendation rate) (payback)

Waste Heat RecoveryRule 1 Recover waste heat (26%) 4.6% of total facility energy use $12,500 (16 months)

Rule 2 Reduce stack waste heat losses 1% to 2% per 40°F reduction

Rule 3 Preheat furnace combustion air Up to 50%

Rule 4 Preheat boiler feedwater up to 5% of boiler energy use

Rule 5 Clean heat exchangers 2% for 1/32 inch deposit,8% for a 1/8 inch deposit

CogenerationRule 6 Install gas turbine cogeneration Capital Cost: $600-$1,000/kW

Rule 7 Install cogeneration system 10% to 15% of primary energy consumption

Rule 8 Install cogeneration system (3%) 9.1% of total facility energy use** $233,600 (34 months)

Source references for each Wise Rule are included in the chapter notes.* Percent of equipment energy use, unless noted.

** Cogeneration energy savings are based on primary fuel savings from electricity generation, including fuel inputs at off-site powerplants for purchased electricity. Off-site power generation is assumed to have a heat rate of about 10,000 Btu/kWh. Savings are calculated by dividing total energy savings, including powerplant inputs, by total facility energy use.

5. Heat Recovery & Cogeneration Wise Ru l e s Page 21

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Page 22 Wise Ru l e s 6 . Compressed Air Systems

Several compressed air system efficiency measures may be of inter-est to Climate Wise Partners, including using cooler intake air,optimizing load, reducing pressure, eliminating or reducing airuse, repairing leaks, recovering waste heat, replacing filters, andcleaning coolers. Typical energy savings for these types of air com-pressor measures are illustrated in Compressed Air Figure 1, basedon specific recommendations in the DOE/IAC database. Air com-pressor efficiency measures can be made at most facilities and were

Energy Savings

Recommendation Rate

Upgrading Screw Compressor Controls

Compressed Air Figure 1Energy Savings from Air Compressor Efficiency Measures*

Energy Savings Rate (percent of total facility energy use)

Entire Compressed Air System(5 month payback)

Using Cooler Intake Air(5 month payback)

(8 month payback)

Compressor Pressure Reduction

(4 month payback)

Eliminating or Reducing Compressed Air Use

(6 month payback)

Recommendation Rate0% 30%10% 20% 50%40% 60% 70%


Repairing Air Leaks(3 month payback)

Air Compressor Waste Heat Recovery

(10 month payback)

1.8%0.3% 0.9%0.6% 1.2% 1.5%

6. Compressed Air SystemsIntroductionCompressed air is used to power tools and machines, to regu-

late HVAC systems, and for drying or cleaning various items.The two main types of air compressors are reciprocating com-pressors and screw compressors. Screw compressors generally usemore energy than reciprocating compressors, especially whenthey are oversized. Compressor energy use is a function of manyvariables including compressor type, part-load efficiency, andcontrol mechanisms.1

* Results from the DOE/IAC Database (1/90-7/97). The IAC data reflect average potential impacts from energy efficiency measures at small-to-medium sized manufacturingfacilities across all sectors and regions of the country. Most IAC audit recommendations are expected to be implemented within two years and typically have a one-to-two yearpayback period. (See Chapter 1.)

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recommended at 68 percent of the 4,300 IAC audits conductedfrom 1990 to mid-1997. Using cooler intake air and repairing airleaks were recommended at more than a third of facilities audited.Average expected savings are relatively small — less than a halfpercent of a facility’s total energy use. However, these measurestend to have relatively short payback periods (about 5 months)and reduce electricity use, a relatively expensive energy source withhigh CO2 emission rates in many regions. Some measures havehigher impacts. For example, air compressor waste heat recoverycan reduce facility energy use by almost two percent. CompressedAir Table 2, at the end of this chapter, summarizes the Wise Rulespresented in this chapter, along with cost savings estimates, whereavailable.

The range of compressor efficiency measures is broad. Air com-pressor energy use may represent 5 to 15 percent of a typical facil-ity’s energy use, depending upon process needs.

Compressed Air Wise Rule 1

Efficiency improvements can reduce compressed airsystem energy use by 20% to 50%.2

Compressed Air Wise Rule 2

Efficiency improvements to compressed air systemscan save approximately one-half percent of a facility’stotal energy use.3

Use Cooler Intake Air The amount of energy required to compress air is a function of theintake air temperature, with warm air requiring more energy tocompress than cool air. There is a potential for energy savingswhen cooler air, typically from outside, is used in place of warmercompressor room air. Often piping can be installed to supply cool-er outside air to the compressor intake. Energy and cost savingsfor this measure will depend on compressor size, load factor, andthe number of hours of operation.4

Compressed Air Wise Rule 3

Using cooler intake air for compressors can reducecompressed air system energy use by 1% per 5°F reduc-tion in intake air temperature.5 The payback periodfor this measure is usually less than two years.6

Compressed Air Wise Rule 4

Using cooler intake air for compressors can savealmost one-half percent of a facility’s total energy usewith an average simple payback of 5 months.7

Match Compressor with Load RequirementMatching the compressor size with load can result in significantenergy savings. Because air compressors can consume 16 to 100 per-cent of full load power at low loads, it is a good idea to optimizecompressor loading to minimize operation at low output levels.8

This optimization can be achieved with unloading controls, auto-matic shutdown timers, and manual or automatic compressorsequencing. Unloading controls cost about $500 to install at thefactory and about $1,000 to retrofit; automatic on/off timers costabout $300 to install. You might also consider purchasing a smallcompressor for smaller loads to avoid low-load operation of a largecompressor.9

Compressed Air Wise Rule 5

Installing or adjusting unloading controls can reducecompressed air system energy use by about 10%.10

Compressed Air Wise Rule 6

Upgrading controls on screw air compressors canreduce a facility’s total energy use by about 1% withan average simple payback of 8 months.11

Reduce Compressor Air PressureAir is often compressed to a higher pressure than required by theprocess equipment. Lowering air pressure reduces compressordemand and energy use. Be sure to determine the minimumrequired pressure before implementing this measure. Considerreducing compressor operating pressure if it is higher than 10 psiabove that required by the process equipment (except with longdelivery lines or high pressure drops).12 Energy savings depend onthe compressor type, power rating, load factor, use factor, horse-power reduction factor, and the proposed pressure change.13

6. Compressed Air Systems Wise Ru l e s Page 23

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Page 24 Wise Ru l e s 6. Compressed Air Systems

Compressed Air Wise Rule 7

Reducing air compressor pressure can reduce a facili-ty’s total energy use by about one-half percent with anaverage simple payback of 4 months.14

Compressed Air Wise Rule 8

Reducing air compressor pressure by 2 psi can reducecompressor energy use by 1% (at 100 psi).15

Reduce or Eliminate Compressed Air UseIn some facilities, compressed air use can be reduced or eliminatedentirely. Less expensive alternatives may exist for processes such ascooling, agitating liquids, or moving products. In addition, someair-powered tools (e.g., grinders) can be replaced by high frequen-cy electric tools. Reducing compressed air use may result in an exist-ing compressor operating at reduced load and lower efficiency. Ifthe reductions are significant, you may need to re-optimize loadingsequence or controls, or change to a smaller compressor.

Compressed Air Wise Rule 9

Eliminating or reducing compressed air usage for cer-tain activities can reduce a facility’s total energy use bymore than one-half percent, with an average simplepayback of 6 months.16

Eliminate Air LeaksCompressed air distribution system leaks along piping, aroundvalves, fittings, flanges, hoses, traps, and filters can result in signif-icant energy losses in manufacturing facilities. Typical leakage ratesrange from two to 20 percent of system capacity. In poorly main-tained systems, leakage rates can be as high as 40 percent.17 Thecost of compressed air leaks increases exponentially as the size of thehole increases. Compressed Air Table 1 presents average energylosses for air leaks of various sizes. Leaks are often audible when thesystem is pressurized but equipment is not running (e.g., duringbreaks or after hours). Where you suspect a slow leak, use a soapywater solution or an ultrasonic detector to pinpoint its location.18

When repairing compressed air leaks, it is important to considerthe effect on compressor loading. If the reductions are significant,you may need to re-optimize loading sequence or controls.

Compressed Air Wise Rule 10

Repairing air leaks can reduce compressed air systemenergy use by 30% or more.19

Compressed Air Wise Rule 11

Repairing air leaks can reduce a facility’s total energyuse by about one-half percent, with an average simplepayback of 3 months.20

Compressed Air Wise Rule 12

It takes approximately 2.5 to 5.0 kWh to compress1,000 ft3 of air to 100 psi.21,22 Each psi reduction incompressed air loss from the distribution system (at100 psi), reduces the compressor’s energy use by morethan one-half percent.23

Recover Waste HeatSixty to 90 percent of the energy of compression is available asheat that can be recovered.25 Recovered waste heat may be used forspace heating or to supply heat to a manufacturing process. Theamount of heat energy that can be recovered depends on com-pressor characteristics and use factor. Waste heat recovery will bemost cost-effective when the compressor is located near theprocess in which the heat is to be used.26 Air compressors 100 hpand larger are often cooled with water from a cooling tower. Thetemperature of the water leaving the compressor cooling coils maybe high enough that heat can be extracted and applied elsewhere.

Compressed Air Table 1Energy Losses and Cost Impacts of CompressedAir System Leaks24

Hole Leak Rate Energy Loss Cost of Diameter Wasted Energy(inches) (cubic feet/min.) (kWh per year) (dollars per year)

1/64" 0.5 635 $20

1/32" 1.8 2,500 $90

1/16" 7.2 10,800 $350

1/8" 29.0 43,800 $1,500

1/4" 115.8 174,100 $5,900

3/8" 260.6 392,000 $13,200

Based on a 115 psi system with 8,520 hours of compressor operation. Electricityprice is assumed to be $0.034 per kWh.

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6. Compressed Air Systems Wise Ru l e s Page 25

For example, boiler feedwater could be preheated by the compres-sor cooling water.

Compressed Air Wise Rule 13

Air compressor waste heat recovery can reduce a facil-ity’s total energy use by about 2% with an averagesimple payback of 10 months.27

Filters and CoolersCompressed air system efficiency suffers as compressed air systemfilters and coolers become soiled. When filters are obstructed withpipeline contaminants, significant pressure drops can develop,requiring an increase in compressor discharge pressure. As a resultof the pressure increase, air leaks will become more costly.28

Compressed Air Wise Rule 14

For every 1 psi increase in air compressor pressure gainedby periodic filter changes, air compressor energy use isreduced by about one-half percent.29 Changing dryer fil-ters at 8 or 10 psi drop per filter can eliminate this waste.

Compressed Air Wise Rule 15

For every 11°F decrease in air compressor working tem-perature, gained by careful maintenance of intercoolers,air compressor energy use will decreased by 1%.30

Summary of Wise Rules forCompressed Air SystemsUse the Wise Rules in Compressed Air Table 2 (next page) to iden-tify and estimate potential energy saving from air compressor effi-ciency measures. When evaluating efficiency options, considerpotential costs, savings, payback and any secondary effects. Whilesome of the measures in Compressed Air Table 2 yield modestpotential savings as a percent of total facility energy use, the cost andCO2 savings can be significant because most air compressors are dri-ven by electricity. When using the Wise Rules, remember that sev-eral of the measures may overlap or complement each other andenergy savings rates may not be additive. In addition, Wise Rules forsimilar measures are addressed from different perspectives. Some arestated in terms of the air compressor’s energy use, others in terms ofa facility’s total energy use, or as a function of a physical parameter(e.g., change in energy use with a change in pressure).

Compressed Air Notes1 Talbott, E.M., Compressed Air Systems: A Guidebook on Energy andCost Savings, 2nd Edition, Fairmont Press, 1992, p. 160.2 Oregon State University, AIRMaster Compressed Air SystemAudit and Analysis Software, “How to Take a Self-Guided Tour ofYour Compressed Air System,” 1996 revised in 1997, p. 2. (Self-Guided Tour)3 DOE/IAC Industrial Assessment Database, July 1997.4 Rutgers University, Office of Industrial Productivity & Energy Assessment

(OIPEA), Modern Industrial Assessments: A Training Manual, Version 1.0b,1995, p. 6-28.5 Oregon State University, Self-Guided Tour, p. 5.6 Rutgers, p. 6-28.7 DOE/IAC Database.8 Oregon State University, AIRMaster Compressed Air System Audit and

Analysis Software Version 1.4, “Analysis Methodology Manual for AIRMaster,”1996 revised in 1997, p. 32.9 Oregon State University, AIRMaster Compressed Air System Audit and

Analysis Software, “Case Studies: Compressed Air System Audits UsingAIRMaster,” 1996 revised in 1997 pp. 20-21.10 Oregon State University, AIRMaster Case Studies, p. 12.11 DOE/IAC Database.12 Rutgers, p. 6-17.13 Rutgers, p. 6-17.14 DOE/IAC Database.15 Oregon State University, Self-Guided Tour, p. 8.16 DOE/IAC Database.17 Talbott, E.M., p. 112.18 Oregon State University, Self-Guided Tour, p. 8.19 Oregon State University, Self-Guided Tour, p. 8.20 DOE/IAC Database.21 ICF Kaiser Consulting Group estimate based on Talbott, p. 77; 3M,“Compressed Air Optimization,” 1994, p. 9.22 Bonneville Power Administration, Industrial Compressed Air System EnergyEfficiency Guidebook, 1996, p. 2-2 and p. 4-5.23 Talbott, p. 93.24 Rutgers, p. 6-22.25 Talbott, p. 91.26 Rutgers, p. 6-16.27 DOE/IAC Database.28 Oregon State University, Self-Guided Tour, p. 9.29 3M, “Compressed Air Optimization,” 1994, p. 9.30 3M, p. 9.

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Source references for each Wise Rule are included in the chapter notes.* Percent of compressed air system energy use, unless noted.

** Based on compressed air system pressure of approximately 100 psi.

Page 26 Wise Ru l e s 6. Compressed Air Systems

Compressed Air Table 2: Summary of Compressed Air Efficiency Measures

Source Measure Average Energy Savings* Average Annual Cost Savings(IAC recommendation rate) (payback)

All Efficiency ImprovementsRule 1 Implement typical efficiency improvements, 20% to 50%

which may include many or all of the measures below

Rule 2 Implement typical efficiency improvements, 0.4% of total facility energy use $4,300 (5 months)which may include many or all of the measures below (68%)

Use Cooler Outside Air Rule 3 Use cooler air for intakes 1% per 5°F reduction less than 2 years

Rule 4 Use cooler air for intakes (37%) 0.2% of total facility energy use $1,400 (5 months)

Optimize Load Rule 5 Install or adjust unloading controls 10%

Rule 6 Upgrade screw compressor controls (1%) 0.8% of total facility energy use $7,900 (10 months)

Reduce Compressor Air PressureRule 7 Reduce compressor pressure (15%) 0.4% of total facility energy use $2,800 (4 months)

Rule 8 Reduce compressor pressure 1% per 2 psi reduction**

Eliminate /Reduce Compressed Air UseRule 9 Eliminate/reduce some uses of air (5%) 0.6% of total facility energy use $7,300 (6 months)

Eliminate Air Leaks Rule 10 Repair air leaks 30% or more

Rule 11 Repair air leaks (36%) 0.4% of total facility energy use $3,900 (3 months)

Rule 12 Reduce air leaks in distribution system 0.7% decrease in compressor energy use per 1 psi loss reduction**

Table 1 Repair 1/16" leak 7,560 kWh per leak per yr $360/yr

Recover Waste Heat Rule 13 Recover waste heat from compressors (8%) 1.8% of total facility energy use $2,700 (10 months)

Change Filters and Clean CoolersRule 14 Change dryer filters at 8 to 10 psi drop 0.5% per avoided 1 psi drop in pressure

Rule 15 Clean intercoolers to reduce 1% per 11°F reductioncompressor working temperature

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Energy Efficient Chillers andRefrigeration UnitsThere are several energy efficiency options available wheninstalling new chilling equipment. For example, oversizing con-denser water supply pipes can reduce head pressure and pumpingrequirements. Evaporative cooled chillers consume considerablyless energy per ton of cooling capacity then water- and air-cooledchillers. Using high efficiency compressors can also reduce chillerenergy use.

Process Cooling Wise Rule 1

Installing energy efficient chillers and refrigerationsystems can save about 1% of a facility’s total energyuse with an average simple payback of 23 months.1

7. Process Cooling Wise Ru l e s Page 27

Energy Savings

Recommendation Rate

Chillers and Refrigeration

Process Cooling FIgure 1Energy Savings from Process Cooling Efficiency Measures*

Recommendation Rate

Energy Savings Rate (percent of total facility energy use)

Process Cooling(20 month payback)

Cooling Tower Measures(14 month payback)

(23 month payback)



1% 2% 6%3% 4% 5%

1.2%0.2% 0.6%0.4% 0.8% 1.0%

7. Process CoolingIntroductionMany manufacturing processes require that materials or com-

ponents be cooled to lower temperatures. Chillers, heatpumps and other refrigeration equipment used as heat sinks for avariety of industrial processes. Efficiency measures for processcooling include using cooling tower water in place of refrigerationor chilling, modifying the refrigeration system to operate at a lowerpressure, increasing chilled water temperatures, and using variablespeed drives (VSDs).

Process Cooling Figure 1 illustrates the potential energy savingsfrom process cooling efficiency measures based on specific recom-mendations in the DOE/IAC database. Process cooling measureswere recommended during six percent of the IAC audits with esti-mated savings of about one percent of a facility’s total energy useand a simple payback of 20 months. Cooling tower measures wererecommended at three percent of audited facilities, with estimatedenergy savings of almost one percent and a 14 month simple pay-back. Process Cooling Table 2, at the end of this chapter, sum-marizes the Wise Rules presented in this chapter, along with costsavings estimates, where available.

* Results from the DOE/IAC Database (1/90-7/97). The IAC data reflect average potential impacts from energy efficiency measures at small-to-medium sized manufacturingfacilities across all sectors and regions of the country. Most IAC audit recommendations are expected to be implemented within two years and typically have a one-to-two yearpayback period. (See Chapter 1.)

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Cooling Tower WaterUsing cooling tower water in place of a chiller can dramaticallyreduce cooling energy use when the outside temperature is lowenough to achieve the required process temperature. Thismethod of cooling is referred as “free cooling” because the chilleris not used.

Process Cooling Wise Rule 2

“Free cooling” with cooling tower water can reduce afacility’s total energy use by about 1% with an averagesimple payback of 14 months.2

Process Cooling Wise Rule 3

Free cooling can reduce cooling system energy use by asmuch as 40% depending on location and load profile.3

Refrigeration and ChillersReducing the cooling load is a direct approach to cutting chillerenergy use. A cooling system audit may identify opportunities forimproving insulation and eliminating unnecessary heat sources.Raising the chilled water set temperature can also reduce chillerenergy use. By monitoring the minimum requirements on thechilled water temperature, the chiller can be reset appropriately tomeet the demands of the system without wasting energy.Refrigerant subcooling decreases the load on the compressor andreduces chiller energy use. Oversizing or continuous operation of

cooling towers can lower condenser cooling water temperature andreduce cooling system energy use. Careful system maintenanceand removal of non-condensable fluids can lower operating pres-sure and save energy.

Process Cooling Wise Rule 4

Increasing chilled water temperature by 1°F reduceschiller energy use by 0.6% to 2.5%.4 (See ProcessCooling Table 1 for data on specific chiller types.)

Process Cooling Wise Rule 5

Reducing condenser pressure by 10 psi can decreaserefrigeration system energy use per ton of refrigeration(kW/ton) by about 6%.6

Process Cooling Wise Rule 6

For each 1°F decrease in condenser cooling watertemperature, until optimal water temperature isreached, there is a decrease in chiller energy use by upto 3.5%.7

FreezingThe freezing process in a manufacturing facility can be made moreefficient by reducing heat loss through the use of improved insu-lation (such as air locks) and by freezing products in batches ratherthan continuously.

Process Cooling Wise Rule 7

Eliminating heat losses from leaks and improperdefrosting can reduce refrigeration system energy use by10% to 20%.8

Process Cooling Wise Rule 8

Freezing products in batches rather than continuouslycan reduce freezing process energy use by up to 20%.9

Page 28 Wise Ru l e s 7 . Process Cooling

Procees Cooling Table 1 Energy Savings from Increasing Chilled WaterTemperature5

Chiller Type Energy Savings (Energy Savings per 1°F Increase in Temperature)

Screw Compressor 2.5%

Centrifugal Compressor 1.7%

Reciprocating Compressor 1.2%

Absorption Chiller 0.6%

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Process Cooling Notes1 DOE/IAC Industrial Assessment Database, July 1997.2 DOE/IAC Database.3 ICF Kaiser Consulting Group estimate based on D. Murphy, “Cooling

Towers Used for Free Cooling,” ASHRAE Journal, June 1991, pp. 16-26.4 Clevenger, L. and J. Hassel, “Case Study: From Jump Start to High Gear –

How DuPont is Cutting Costs by Boosting Energy Efficiency,” PollutionPrevention Review, Summer 1994, p. 304.

5 Clevenger and Hassel, p. 304.6 Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), Washington State Energy Office,

Electric Ideas Clearinghouse, “Improving Industrial Refrigeration EnergyEfficiency,” October 1991, p. 3.

7 Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), Washington State Energy Office,Electric Ideas Clearinghouse, “Optimizing Cooling Tower Performance,”November 1991, p. 1.

8 Centre for the Analysis and Dissemination of Demonstrated EnergyTechnologies (CADDET), Newsletter No. 4 December 1996, p. 16.

9 CADDET, p. 16.10 York International, “HVAC&R Engineering Update: Examining Part-Load

Performance Gives You the Full Story on Chiller Efficiency,” 1994.

Variable Speed Drives The application of variable speed drives (VSD) can reduce energyuse when cooling loads vary over time. VSDs can be applied to thecompressor within the chiller or, in some situations, utilized inchilled water distribution.

Process Cooling Wise Rule 9

Installing variable speed drives in place of constantspeed systems can reduce cooling system energy use by 30% to 50%, depending on load profile.10

Summary of Wise Rules forProcess Cooling SystemsProcess Cooling Table 2 (next page) summarizes Process CoolingWise Rules contained in this chapter. These Wise Rules can beused to identify and estimate potential energy saving from boilerefficiency measures. When evaluating options, consider potentialcosts, savings, payback times, and any secondary impacts. Whenusing the Wise Rules, remember that several of the measures mayoverlap or complement each other and energy savings rates maynot be additive. In addition, multiple Wise Rules may express sav-ings for similar measures from different perspectives: in terms of afacility’s total energy use, an end-use’s or process’ energy use, or asa function of a physical parameter such as temperature.

7. Process Cooling Wise Ru l e s Page 29

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Process Cooling Table 2: Summary of Process Cooling Efficiency Measures

Source Measure Average Energy Savings Average Annual Cost Savings(IAC recommendation rate) and (Payback)

Implement typical efficiency improvements, 1.1% of total facility energy use $11,200 (20 months)which may include many or all of the measures below (6%)

Rule 1 Install energy efficient chillers and 1.2% of total facility energy use $11,200 (23 months)refrigeration units (3%)

Cooling TowersRule 2 Use cooling tower to replace 0.8% of total facility energy use $11,000 (14 months)

chiller for free cooling (3%)

Rule 3 Use free cooling up to 40% of cooling system energy

Refrigeration and ChillersRule 4 Increase chilled water temperature 0.6% to 2.5% reduction in energy

input per 1°F increase

Rule 5 Reduce condenser pressure 6% decrease in refrigeration energy use per ton for each 10 psi reduction

Rule 6 Decrease condenser working temperature 3.5% reduction in chiller energy for each 1°F decrease

FreezingRule 7 Reduce heat loss and improper defrosting 10% to 20% decrease in freezer

energy use

Rule 8 Use continuous freezing 20% decrease in freezer energy use

Rule 9 Install variable speed drives 30% to 50% reduction in cooling energy use

Page 30 Wise Ru l e s 7 . Process Cooling

Source references for each Wise Rule are included in the chapter notes.

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Appendix A Wise Ru l e s Page 31

Table A-1: SIC Code Definitions

SIC Code Classification

20 Food and Kindred Products

21 Tobacco*

22 Textile Mill Products

23 Apparel and Other Textile Products

24 Lumber and Wood Products

25 Furniture and Fixtures

26 Paper and Allied Products

27 Printing and Publishing

28 Chemicals and Allied Products

29 Petroleum and Coal Products

30 Rubber and Misc. Plastics Products

31 Leather and Leather Products

32 Stone, Clay and Glass Products

33 Primary Metal Industries

34 Fabricated Metal Industries

35 Industrial Machinery and Equipment

36 Electronic and Other Electric Equipment

37 Transportation Equipment

38 Instruments and Related Products

39 Misc. Manufacturing Industries

*Only three IAC audits were conducted for SIC 21 (1/91-7/97).

Appendix ASector-Specif ic Energy Potential

In this appendix, we present examples of sector-specific savingsfrom the DOE IAC database. The IAC audit database contains

information on the expected impacts from energy efficiencymeasures recommended at small-to-medium sized manufactur-ing facilities. IAC audits typically recommend measures withshort (one to two year) payback periods. The energy and costsavings represent averages across industry groups, years, andregions.

“Average percent energy savings” are defined as the averagereduction in a facility’s total energy use resulting from the imple-mentation of a specific recommendation. For example, a typicalfacility in the food industry (SIC 20) could expect to save aboutsix percent of their total facility energy use by implementing themeasures recommended during an IAC audit (refer to Table A-2).The average simple payback period is defined as the amount oftime it takes to recover initial investment costs through energysavings.

Table A-1 provides the definition of the Standard IndustrialClassification (SIC) codes for manufacturing industries.

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Page 32 Wise Ru l e s Appendix A

Table A-2: Average Impacts of All Energy Efficiency Measures Recommended by IAC Audits, by Sector*

SIC Code & Manufacturing Average Annual Average Annual Average Average Annual AverageClassification Energy Savings Energy Savings Implementation Cost Savings Simple

(% of total facility (MMBtu) Cost (dollars) Paybackenergy use) (dollars) (months)

20 Food and Kindred Products 6.2% 4,400 78,000 41,000 23

21 Tobacco** 4.4% 8,800 85,000 52,000 19

22 Textile Mill Products 6.8% 8,300 103,000 64,000 19

23 Apparel and Other Textile Products 8.8% 1,700 22,000 21,000 13

24 Lumber and Wood Products 4.7% 7,600 86,000 56,000 19

25 Furniture and Fixtures 12.3% 3,700 47,000 29,000 20

26 Paper and Allied Products 8.5% 7,900 65,000 51,000 15

27 Printing and Publishing 7.1% 1,800 42,000 26,000 20

28 Chemicals and Allied Products 5.7% 6,200 66,000 37,000 21

29 Petroleum and Coal Products 13.4% 16,400 189,000 80,000 28

30 Rubber and Misc. Plastics Products 4.2% 2,500 43,000 35,000 15

31 Leather and Leather Products 4.0% 1,300 25,000 18,000 16

32 Stone, Clay and Glass Products 5.2% 16,800 183,000 98,000 22

33 Primary Metal Industries 7.0% 5,700 57,000 46,000 15

34 Fabricated Metal Industries 7.2% 2,900 33,000 27,000 14

35 Industrial Machinery and Equipment 5.9% 2,200 31,000 25,000 15

36 Electronic and Other Electric Equipment 8.5% 3,200 51,000 39,000 16

37 Transportation Equipment 7.3% 2,600 38,000 30,000 15

38 Instruments and Related Products 8.8% 2,300 41,000 32,000 15

39 Misc. Manufacturing Industries 9.7% 2,300 30,000 24,000 15

* Based on DOE/IAC estimates at audits of 4,300 manufacturing companies (1/90-7/97). Savings may not be additive.

** Only three IAC audits were conducted for Tobacco companies (SIC 21).

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Appendix A Wise Ru l e s Page 33

Table A-3: Food and Kindred Products Sector*(SIC 20)

Measure Recommendation Average Annual Average Annual Average Average AverageRate Energy Savings Energy Savings Implementation Annual Cost Simple

(% of total facility (MMBtu) Cost Savings Paybackenergy use) (dollars) (dollars) (months)

Miscellaneous Heat Recovery 1% 21.2% 18,500 144,300 54,800 32

Steam Operations 2% 8.2% 4,800 400 11,400 0

Cogeneration** 5% 5.5% 7,100 705,900 229,000 37

Boiler Hardware 3% 5.5% 2,000 15,200 7,600 24

Other Process Waste7% 5.2% 3,700 19,600 13,600 17Heat Recovery

Heat Recoveryfrom Equipment 15% 4.5% 2,700 15,600 10,000 19

Chillers and Refrigeration 12% 3.2% 1,900 26,300 15,200 21

Flue Gas Recuperation 8% 2.9% 2,300 11,700 7,100 20

Boiler Maintenance 36% 2.3% 2,000 1,200 5,600 3

Steam Condensate 9% 2.3% 1,300 3,100 6,900 5

Thermal System Insulation 23% 2.2% 1,700 4,200 3,400 15

Steam Leaks andInsulation 20% 0.9% 900 1,600 3,200 6

Motor Hardware 62% 0.6% 470 11,300 6,300 22

Air CompressorOperations

35% 0.5% 300 1,400 3,600 5

Lighting Hardware 75% 0.4% 250 5,800 4,200 17

* Calculations based on IAC estimates at audits of 527 companies in SIC 20 (1/90 - 7/97). Savings may not be additive.** Cogeneration energy savings are based on primary fuel savings from electricity generation, including fuel inputs at off-site powerplants for purchased electricity.

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Page 34 Wise Ru l e s Appendix A

Table A-4: Textile Mill Products*(SIC 22)

Measure Recommendation Average Annual Average Annual Average Average AverageRate Energy Savings Energy Savings Implementation Annual Cost Simple

(% of total facility (MMBtu) Cost Savings Paybackenergy use) (dollars) (dollars) (months)

Cogeneration** 3% 16.0% 9,700 211,000 111,000 23

Steam Operations 2% 7.7% 15,400 9,000 42,000 3

Heat Recovery from10% 5.6% 4,700 11,000 15,000 9Equipment

Other Process Waste 13% 4.1% 5,500 22,000 19,000 14Heat Recovery

Boiler Hardware 5% 3.4% 6,000 60,000 21,000 34

Steam Condensate 10% 2.6% 4,200 16,000 14,000 13

Flue Gas Recuperation 13% 2.2% 4,900 19,000 14,000 16

Boiler Maintenance 27% 1.8% 2,500 15,000 13,000 14

Thermal System26% 1.3% 1,200 4,000 5,000 10Insulation

Steam Leaks and22% 0.8% 1,300 1,000 4,000 4Insulation

Lighting Hardware 77% 0.7% 850 38,000 13,000 35

Motor Hardware 64% 0.5% 700 26,700 9,200 34

Air Compressor Operations 49% 0.5% 600 3,000 7,000 5

Air Compressor Hardware 36% 0.5% 500 2,000 5,000 5

Motor Operations 49% 0.4% 600 11,000 7,000 18

* Calculations based on IAC estimates at audits of 144 companies in SIC 22 (1/90 - 7/97). Savings may not be additive.

** Cogeneration energy savings are based on primary fuel savings from electricity generation, including fuel inputs at off-site powerplants for purchased electricity.

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Appendix A Wise Ru l e s Page 35

Table A-5: Apparel and Other Textile Products* (SIC 23)

Measure Recommendation Average Annual Average Annual Average Average AverageRate Energy Savings Energy Savings Implementation Annual Cost Simple

(% of total facility (MMBtu) Cost Savings Paybackenergy use) (dollars) (dollars) (months)

Miscellaneous Cooling 1% 46.2% 4,000 240,000 84,600 34

Space Conditioning 19% 8.3% 600 2,200 4,500 6Controls

Flue Gas Recuperation 4% 6.7% 650 5,600 3,300 20

Building Envelope4% 5.3% 450 1,200 2,500 6Infiltration

Air Circulation Hardware 12% 4.9% 750 4,200 10,300 5

Space Conditioning 15% 4.3% 700 3,200 8,600 4Operation

Other Process Waste 5% 3.5% 350 1,700 2,100 9Heat Recovery

Heat Recovery from 19% 3.0% 350 2,000 1,400 17Equipment

Lighting Operation 21% 2.9% 400 8,200 7,600 13

Thermal System 15% 2.7% 1,700 3,600 6,800 6Insulation

Lighting Hardware 81% 1.7% 300 10,300 5,800 21

Steam Leaks and 16% 1.6% 600 950 1,700 7Insulation

Boiler Maintenance 21% 1.2% 400 1,300 2,000 7

Motor Hardware 35% 0.7% 150 6,700 2,500 33

Air Compressor51% 0.5% 100 350 1,600 2Operations

* Calculations based on IAC estimates at audits of 113 companies in SIC 23 (1/90 - 7/97). Savings may not be additive.

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Page 36 Wise Ru l e s Appendix A

Table A-6: Lumber and Wood Products* (SIC 24)

Measure Recommendation Average Annual Average Annual Average Average AverageRate Energy Savings Energy Savings Implementation Annual Cost Simple

(% of total facility (MMBtu) Cost Savings Paybackenergy use) (dollars) (dollars) (months)

Air Circulation 1% 11.0% 1,000 11,900 4,800 30Hardware

Heating/Cooling 4% 8.0% 800 6,600 5,100 15Hardware

Boiler Maintenance 14% 7.0% 13,100 2,900 18,100 2

Boiler Operation 3% 4.8% 27,700 9,700 19,800 6

Cogeneration** 6% 4.6% 41,700 680,000 297,000 27

Heat Recovery10% 2.0% 700 8,100 2,700 36from Equipment

Steam Leaks and 11% 1.7% 4,800 3,000 5,800 6Insulation

Space Conditioning 7% 1.4% 350 1,000 2,600 5Controls

Thermal System 9% 0.8% 1,900 4,600 3,300 17Insulation

Air Compressor 63% 0.3% 650 5,800 8,400 8Operations

Motor Hardware 74% 0.2% 450 17,000 7,000 29

Motor Operations 55% 0.2% 250 7,100 3,700 23

* Calculations based on IAC estimates at audits of 213 companies in SIC 24 (1/90 - 7/97). Savings may not be additive.

** Cogeneration energy savings are based on primary fuel savings from electricity generation, including fuel inputs at off-site powerplants for purchased electricity.

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Appendix A Wise Ru l e s Page 37

Table A-7: Furniture and Fixtures* (SIC 25)

Measure Recommendation Average Annual Average Annual Average Average AverageRate Energy Savings Energy Savings Implementation Annual Cost Simple

(% of total facility (MMBtu) Cost Savings Paybackenergy use) (dollars) (dollars) (months)

Cogeneration** 5% 17.4% 17,400 402,900 117,000 41

Boiler Hardware 2% 14.1% 15,600 2,300 38,700 1

General Ventilation 8% 7.7% 3,000 19,800 10,800 22

Other Process 5% 7.7% 3,400 11,700 12,500 11Waste Heat Recovery

Heat Recovery 21% 6.4% 1,800 4,700 6,200 9from Equipment

Thermal System11% 5.8% 2,500 14,000 7,400 23Insulation

Space Conditioning 16% 3.8% 700 4,100 5,000 10Operation

Space Conditioning 11% 3.8% 500 2,100 3,100 8Controls

Boiler Maintenance 9% 3.4% 800 1,000 1,500 9

Building Envelope 15% 2.9% 750 5,400 2,800 23Infiltration

Air Circulation10% 2.8% 550 6,500 3,500 22Hardware

Equipment Use 18% 2.1% 500 450 4,400 1Reduction

Lighting Hardware 77% 1.0% 200 7,500 4,500 20

Air Compressor 60% 0.7% 250 950 3,400 3Operations

Motor Hardware 50% 0.5% 150 7,000 3,800 22

* Calculations based on IAC estimates at audits of 109 companies in SIC 25 (1/90 - 7/97). Savings may not be additive.** Cogeneration energy savings are based on primary fuel savings from electricity generation, including fuel inputs at off-site powerplants for purchased electricity.

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Page 38 Wise Ru l e s Appendix A

Table A-8: Paper and Allied Products* (SIC 26)

Measure Recommendation Average Annual Average Annual Average Average AverageRate Energy Savings Energy Savings Implementation Annual Cost Simple

(% of total facility (MMBtu) Cost Savings Paybackenergy use) (dollars) (dollars) (months)

Mechanical System 1% 43.1% 62,500 219,400 161,000 16Design

Flue Gas-Other Uses 2% 19.2% 33,700 69,800 98,200 9

Cogeneration** 4% 11.0% 29,500 400,100 275,900 17

Other Process Waste6% 7.5% 15,900 72,700 39,200 22Heat Recovery

Steam Trap Management 3% 7.0% 4,400 2,300 21,000 1

Heating/Cooling 4% 4.7% 1,200 35,200 9,900 43Hardware

Miscellaneous Building 4% 4.6% 2,400 19,700 6,500 36Envelope

Boiler Operation 7% 2.9% 2,300 3,000 8,200 4

Building Envelope 12% 2.5% 1,100 13,900 4,300 39Infiltration

Heat Recovery 15% 1.9% 2,500 10,300 7,600 16from Equipment

Space Conditioning 10% 1.9% 850 2,500 4,300 7Controls

Boiler Maintenance 25% 1.2% 1,900 4,200 6,100 8

Lighting Hardware 78% 0.5% 350 9,700 6,900 17

Air Compressor 39% 0.5% 300 1,100 4,600 3Operations

Motor Hardware 61% 0.4% 450 14,600 8,200 21

* Calculations based on IAC estimates at audits of 226 companies in SIC 26 (1/90 - 7/97). Savings may not be additive.** Cogeneration energy savings are based on primary fuel savings from electricity generation, including fuel inputs at off-site powerplants for purchased electricity.

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Appendix A Wise Ru l e s Page 39

Table A-9: Printing and Publishing* (SIC 27)

Measure Recommendation Average Annual Average Annual Average Average AverageRate Energy Savings Energy Savings Implementation Annual Cost Simple

(% of total facility (MMBtu) Cost Savings Paybackenergy use) (dollars) (dollars) (months)

Heating/Cooling Hardware 7% 5.6% 450 26,700 9,600 33

Flue Gas Recuperation 3% 4.2% 2,000 15,600 8,300 23

Space Conditioning 19% 4.0% 850 4,100 4,500 11Controls

Heat Recovery from 16% 3.5% 1,000 5,600 5,200 13Equipment

Boiler Hardware 4% 3.2% 800 12,200 4,300 34

Air Circulation 7% 2.9% 400 4,900 2,300 25Hardware

Miscellaneous Building 10% 2.4% 800 16,000 5,000 37Envelope

Space Conditioning 25% 2.2% 300 3,000 2,900 13Operation

Equipment Use 12% 1.7% 600 46,100 4,700 118Reduction

Motor Hardware 42% 1.3% 300 6,900 5,400 15

Lighting Hardware 79% 1.0% 300 9,200 5,400 20

Building Envelope 15% 1.0% 250 1,100 1,300 11Infiltration

Air Compressor 45% 0.8% 250 1,000 4,000 3Operations

Motor Operations 31% 0.5% 150 2,700 2,300 14

Lighting Controls 31% 0.4% 120 1,200 1,700 9

* Calculations based on IAC estimates at audits of 182 companies in SIC 27 (1/90 - 7/97). Savings may not be additive.

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Page 40 Wise Ru l e s Appendix A

Table A-10: Chemicals and Allied Products* (SIC 28)

Measure Recommendation Average Annual Average Annual Average Average AverageRate Energy Savings Energy Savings Implementation Annual Cost Simple

(% of total facility (MMBtu) Cost Savings Paybackenergy use) (dollars) (dollars) (months)

Cogeneration** 4% 18.6% 11,400 772,000 147,900 63

General Ventilation 1% 9.9% 900 1,500 3,700 5

Boiler Hardware 1% 9.9% 20,500 125,000 73,900 20

Flue Gas Recuperation 9% 5.1% 8,000 27,900 22,200 15

Heating/Cooling 5% 3.9% 1,900 56,300 19,600 34Hardware

Other Process Waste 7% 2.7% 7,400 13,000 21,000 8Heat Recovery

Boiler Maintenance 23% 2.2% 2,500 1,200 6,800 2

Space Conditioning 9% 2.2% 800 2,400 8,400 3Operation

Heat Recovery from 10% 1.9% 1,200 4,400 4,800 11Equipment

Steam Leaks and 17% 1.6% 4,600 2,300 8,800 3Insulation

Equipment Use 12% 1.5% 950 1,500 4,400 4Reduction

Air Compressor 37% 0.8% 400 450 5,400 1Operations

Motor Hardware 62% 0.5% 450 15,000 6,000 30

Lighting Hardware 75% 0.3% 200 7,200 4,200 21

Motor Operations 34% 0.3% 500 1,700 2,700 8

* Calculations based on IAC estimates at audits of 191 companies in SIC 28 (1/90 - 7/97). Savings may not be additive.

** Cogeneration energy savings are based on primary fuel savings from electricity generation, including fuel inputs at off-site powerplants for purchased electricity.

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Appendix A Wise Ru l e s Page 41

Table A-11: Petroleum and Coal Products* (SIC 29)

Measure Recommendation Average Annual Average Annual Average Average AverageRate Energy Savings Energy Savings Implementation Annual Cost Simple

(% of total facility (MMBtu) Cost Savings Paybackenergy use) (dollars) (dollars) (months)

Cogeneration** 3% 23.6% 262,200 4,815,000 1,247,700 46

Furnace Operations 3% 19.6% 9,500 4,000 23,700 2

Other Equipment3% 10.1% 16,000 47,900 46,000 13Hardware

Furnace Hardware 3% 8.8% 950 0 3,800 0

Space Conditioning 3% 8.1% 2,000 400 7,000 1Controls

Flue Gas Recuperation 15% 7.8% 9,200 40,900 36,100 14

Boiler Hardware 6% 7.4% 2,300 11,000 6,400 21

Flue Gas-Other Uses 6% 5.3% 8,700 12,000 30,900 5

Heat Recovery from 6% 3.8% 15,300 117,900 44,400 32Equipment

Thermal System 65% 3.7% 3,900 8,100 18,400 5Insulation

Steam Trap 6% 3.6% 3,300 4,700 9,500 6Management

Boiler Operation 12% 3.0% 2,300 6,700 7,500 11

Boiler Maintenance 21% 2.5% 2,900 3,300 9,500 4

Furnace Maintenance 12% 1.7% 600 750 1,600 6

Steam Leaks and 32% 0.9% 1,200 1,400 6,200 3Insulation

* Calculations based on IAC estimates at audits of 34 companies in SIC 29 (1/90 - 7/97). Savings may not be additive.

** Cogeneration energy savings are based on primary fuel savings from electricity generation, including fuel inputs at off-site powerplants for purchased electricity.

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Page 42 Wise Ru l e s Appendix A

Table A-12: Rubber and Misc. Plastics Products* (SIC 30)

Measure Recommendation Average Annual Average Annual Average Average AverageRate Energy Savings Energy Savings Implementation Annual Cost Simple

(% of total facility (MMBtu) Cost Savings Paybackenergy use) (dollars) (dollars) (months)

Flue Gas Recuperation 4% 8.3% 8,000 19,800 20,600 12

Other Process Waste3% 5.0% 2,300 24,200 11.600 25Heat Recovery

Other Equipment 7% 2.4% 650 20,100 11,300 21Hardware

Heating/Cooling 7% 2.3% 800 20,300 9,200 26Hardware

Boiler Maintenance 11% 2.2% 1,700 3,000 6,300 6

Heat Recovery10% 2.2% 1,100 5,100 4,900 12from Equipment

Equipment Use13% 2.1% 650 2,600 8,200 4Reduction

Space Conditioning 10% 2.0% 800 3,100 5,800 6Operation

Equipment Automation 13% 1.7% 450 2,800 7,400 5

Air Circulation Hardware 10% 1.7% 650 6,900 4,300 19

Space Conditioning 12% 1.6% 500 1,300 3,700 4Controls

Thermal System 33% 0.8% 500 3,000 6,300 6Insulation

Lighting Hardware 74% 0.5% 300 7,200 5,100 17

Motor Hardware 59% 0.5% 400 15,200 6,800 27

Air Compressor42% 0.4% 250 1,300 4,500 3Operations

* Calculations based on IAC estimates at audits of 440 companies in SIC 30 (1/90 - 7/97). Savings may not be additive.

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Appendix A Wise Ru l e s Page 43

Table A-13: Leather and Leather Products* (SIC 31)

Measure Recommendation Average Annual Average Annual Average Average AverageRate Energy Savings Energy Savings Implementation Annual Cost Simple

(% of total facility (MMBtu) Cost Savings Paybackenergy use) (dollars) (dollars) (months)

Thermal System 6% 7.3% 750 2,100 4,800 5Infiltration

Steam Maintenance 3% 5.9% 700 200 2,400 1

Steam Trap Management 6% 5.7% 1,400 1,700 4,500 5

Heating/Cooling 9% 5.3% 100 19,100 3,000 77Hardware

Space Conditioning 15% 3.8% 500 5,300 2,500 25Operation

Lighting Level 12% 2.3% 250 700 3,400 2

Steam Leaks and 21% 1.8% 1,200 1,600 4,100 5Insulation

Boiler Maintenance 21% 1.8% 1,100 2,500 3,400 9

Heat Recovery from 21% 1.4% 100 450 900 6Equipment

Lighting Hardware 61% 0.9% 300 18,100 7,700 28

Lighting Controls 18% 0.7% 200 1,000 1,700 7

Thermal System27% 0.6% 300 2,500 1,600 19Insulation

Air Compressor 52% 0.5% 200 850 4,300 2Operations

Air Compressor 58% 0.3% 70 600 1,400 5Hardware

Motor Hardware 39% 0.3% 200 7,700 5,000 18

* Calculations based on IAC estimates at audits of 33 companies in SIC 31 (1/90 - 7/97). Savings may not be additive.

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Page 44 Wise Ru l e s Appendix A

Table A-14: Stone, Clay and Glass Products* (SIC 32)

Measure Recommendation Average Annual Average Annual Average Average AverageRate Energy Savings Energy Savings Implementation Annual Cost Simple

(% of total facility (MMBtu) Cost Savings Paybackenergy use) (dollars) (dollars) (months)

Miscellaneous Heat1% 38.8% 7,400 32,300 36,900 11Recovery

Thermal System 1% 23.7% 600 6,000 3,800 19Isolation

Cogeneration** 7% 10.2% 123,800 1,447,400 464,000 37

General Operations 1% 5.3% 1,000 6,000 4,600 15Maintenance

Flue Gas-Other Uses 6% 4.2% 27,700 46,100 65,800 8

Flue Gas Recuperation 9% 4.1% 14,800 54,300 33,400 19

Thermal System 22% 2.4% 5,000 7,200 15,500 6Insulation

Heat Recovery 12% 2.3% 3,600 5,100 10,200 6from Equipment

Boiler Maintenance 11% 2.2% 2,300 1,000 8,900 1

Other Equipment9% 2.2% 5,000 153,800 89,700 21Hardware

Other Process Waste 6% 2.2% 6,300 23,500 19,000 15Heat Recovery

Building Envelope 8% 1.4% 4,700 1,800 10,600 2Infiltration

Boiler Operation 4% 1.4% 2,600 3,400 7,600 5

Motor Hardware 70% 0.3% 1,100 30,800 15,000 25

Air Compr essor56% 0.3% 850 3,200 9,800 4Operations

* Calculations based on IAC estimates at audits of 151 companies in SIC 32 (1/90 - 7/97). Savings may not be additive.

** Cogeneration energy savings are based on primary fuel savings from electricity generation, including fuel inputs at off-site powerplants for purchased electricity.

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Appendix A Wise Ru l e s Page 45

Table A-15: Primary Metal Industries* (SIC 33)

Measure Recommendation Average Annual Average Annual Average Average AverageRate Energy Savings Energy Savings Implementation Annual Cost Simple

(% of total facility (MMBtu) Cost Savings Paybackenergy use) (dollars) (dollars) (months)

Cogeneration** 2% 12.1% 8,100 473,600 112,000 51

Boiler Operation 4% 7.0% 6,300 13,000 18,100 9

Furnace Operations 3% 6.9% 11,500 2,900 26,400 1

Space Conditioning4% 6.8% 3,300 18,700 8,900 25Operation

Flue Gas-Other Uses 8% 6.2% 10,700 106,400 52,400 24

Furnace Maintenance 3% 6.2% 4,100 7,200 15,700 6

Flue Gas Recuperation 14% 5.9% 6,000 20,600 17,800 14

Building Envelope 6% 3.7% 1,600 10,600 6,200 21Infiltration

Heat Recovery from 12% 2.8% 1,600 8,500 6,800 15Equipment

Boiler Maintenance 10% 2.0% 1,400 1,600 5,500 3

Thermal System 24% 1.7% 1,400 2,500 6,400 5Insulation

Equipment Use 11% 1.7% 2,000 1,100 7,600 2Reduction

Motor Hardware 62% 0.6% 500 11,000 7,000 20

Air Compressor45% 0.6% 450 2,300 6,600 4Operations

Lighting Hardware 70% 0.3% 250 6,000 3,800 19

* Calculations based on IAC estimates at audits of 263 companies in SIC 33 (1/90 - 7/97). Savings may not be additive.

** Cogeneration energy savings are based on primary fuel savings from electricity generation, including fuel inputs at off-site powerplants for purchased electricity.

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Page 46 Wise Ru l e s Appendix A

Table A-16: Fabricated Metal Industries* (SIC 34)

Measure Recommendation Average Annual Average Annual Average Average AverageRate Energy Savings Energy Savings Implementation Annual Cost Simple

(% of total facility (MMBtu) Cost Savings Paybackenergy use) (dollars) (dollars) (months)

Cogeneration** 2% 15.2% 13,000 323,000 121,000 32

Flue Gas-Other Uses 4% 8.2% 6,800 19,300 21,400 11

Heating/Cooling 7% 4.5% 950 20,100 5,300 46Hardware

Flue Gas Recuperation 5% 4.1% 4,200 20,700 11,000 23

Air Circulation 8% 2.6% 800 5,400 4,500 14Hardware

Miscellaneous Building 7% 2.6% 1,100 17,100 5,400 38Envelope

Heat Recovery from 16% 2.5% 900 3,700 3,800 12Equipment

Boiler Maintenance 12% 2.5% 1,500 1,400 4,600 4

Space Conditioning 9% 2.1% 700 1,500 3,800 5Operation

Building Envelope 15% 2.0% 700 2,800 3,000 11Infiltration

Thermal System 21% 1.8% 800 3,800 3,800 12Insulation

Space Conditioning 14% 1.5% 600 1,500 3,500 5Controls

Air Compressor 55% 0.6% 250 890 4,300 2Operations

Lighting Hardware 75% 0.5% 200 6,700 4,800 17

Motor Hardware 54% 0.5% 200 6,600 3,900 20

* Calculations based on IAC estimates at audits of 570 companies in SIC 34 (1/90 - 7/97). Savings may not be additive.

** Cogeneration energy savings are based on primary fuel savings from electricity generation, including fuel inputs at off-site powerplants for purchased electricity.

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Appendix A Wise Ru l e s Page 47

Table A-17: Industrial Machinery and Equipment* (SIC 35)

Measure Recommendation Average Annual Average Annual Average Average AverageRate Energy Savings Energy Savings Implementation Annual Cost Simple

(% of total facility (MMBtu) Cost Savings Paybackenergy use) (dollars) (dollars) (months)

Building Envelope15% 4.3% 1,000 3,200 3,300 12Infiltration

General Ventilation 7% 4.1% 900 2,800 4,300 8

Air Circulation Hardware 9% 4.0% 750 6,600 4,200 19

Space Conditioning 15% 3.8% 900 3,100 6,000 6Operation

Heating/Cooling 8% 3.8% 700 35,000 12,600 33Hardware

Space Conditioning 13% 3.6% 750 1,700 3,800 5Controls

Miscellaneous Building 6% 3.2% 1,000 22,500 4,900 55Envelope

Other Equipment 7% 3.0% 400 6,500 5,600 14Hardware

Equipment Use 15% 2.8% 750 900 4,200 3Reduction

Heat Recovery from 21% 1.8% 600 3,200 2,800 14Equipment

Boiler Maintenance 10% 1.7% 600 1,000 2,300 5

Lighting Level 12% 1.4% 400 1,200 5,700 2

Lighting Hardware 82% 0.7% 250 9,800 5,000 23

Air Compressor 55% 0.6% 250 1,000 3,700 3Operations

Motor Hardware 47% 0.6% 150 5,900 2,800 25

* Calculations based on IAC estimates at audits of 438 companies in SIC 35 (1/90 - 7/97). Savings may not be additive.

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Page 48 Wise Ru l e s Appendix A

Table A-18: Electronic and Other Electric Equipment* (SIC 36)

Measure Recommendation Average Annual Average Annual Average Average AverageRate Energy Savings Energy Savings Implementation Annual Cost Simple

(% of total facility (MMBtu) Cost Savings Paybackenergy use) (dollars) (dollars) (months)

Humidity Control 1% 31.2% 16,000 143,400 97,000 18

Cogeneration** 1% 22.1% 47,000 286,800 303,600 11

Heating/Cooling 8% 6.2% 2,000 40,200 20,500 24Hardware

Heat Recovery from 20% 3.5% 1,000 6,400 5,400 14Equipment

Space Conditioning 17% 3.4% 1,000 4,000 8,400 6Controls

Other Process Waste 5% 3.1% 2,300 17,400 11,900 18Heat Recovery

Space Conditioning 14% 2.9% 850 8,300 7,800 13Operation

Air Circulation 8% 2.8% 650 6,200 7,400 10Hardware

Other Equipment 7% 2.6% 600 19,200 7,700 30Hardware

Miscellaneous Building 6% 2.6% 550 15,300 5,100 36Envelope

Building Envelope 9% 2.4% 600 2,500 5,300 6Infiltration

Thermal System 20% 1.2% 500 2,400 4,600 6Insulation

Lighting Hardware 77% 1.1% 400 15,100 8,000 23

Motor Hardware 55% 0.7% 250 9,100 5,000 22

Air Compressor43% 0.6% 200 1,300 3,600 4Operations

* Calculations based on IAC estimates at audits of 287 companies in SIC 36 (1/90 - 7/97). Savings may not be additive.

** Cogeneration energy savings are based on primary fuel savings from electricity generation, including fuel inputs at off-site powerplants for purchased electricity.

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Appendix A Wise Ru l e s Page 49

Table A-19: Transportation Equipment* (SIC 37)

Measure Recommendation Average Annual Average Annual Average Average AverageRate Energy Savings Energy Savings Implementation Annual Cost Simple

(% of total facility (MMBtu) Cost Savings Paybackenergy use) (dollars) (dollars) (months)

Flue Gas Recuperation 3% 8.4% 7,000 20,000 19,800 12

Miscellaneous Building5% 7.0% 1,000 9,700 4,600 25Envelope

Heating/Cooling 11% 5.8% 1,000 17,000 12,400 17Hardware

Space Conditioning 12% 3.7% 1,000 3,000 6,200 6Operation

Space Conditioning 18% 2.8% 1,000 2,600 6,100 5Controls

Building Envelope 9% 2.8% 850 2,600 4,200 7Infiltration

Heat Recovery from 21% 2.7% 1,000 7,100 4,000 22Equipment

Boiler Maintenance 9% 2.4% 2,000 1,200 5,100 3

Equipment Automation 14% 1.8% 400 2,000 3,200 7

Lighting Level 15% 1.2% 350 3,300 6,200 6

Air Compressor 64% 1.0% 300 1,000 4,700 3Operations

Lighting Hardware 79% 0.9% 300 11,200 5,400 25

Motor Hardware 56% 0.8% 300 8,400 4,300 23

Motor Operations 31% 0.6% 250 2,800 3,100 11

Air Compressor 39% 0.4% 150 1,200 2,200 7Hardware

* Calculations based on IAC estimates at audits of 214 companies in SIC 37 (1/90 - 7/97). Savings may not be additive.

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Page 50 Wise Ru l e s Appendix A

Table A-20: Instruments and Related Products* (SIC 38)

Measure Recommendation Average Annual Average Annual Average Average AverageRate Energy Savings Energy Savings Implementation Annual Cost Simple

(% of total facility (MMBtu) Cost Savings Paybackenergy use) (dollars) (dollars) (months)

Solar Loading 2% 10.3% 550 4,900 4,100 14

Other Equipment 5% 9.3% 1,000 60,600 26,600 27Hardware

Other Process Waste 5% 6.7% 4,000 13,400 19,000 8Heat Recovery

Space Conditioning 14% 5.3% 600 3,100 7,800 5Operation

Heat Recovery from 13% 4.7% 1,000 5,200 5,600 11Equipment

General Ventilation 4% 4.6% 900 8,000 4,700 20

Equipment Use14% 3.7% 700 600 4,400 2Reduction

Heating/Cooling 7% 2.6% 450 40,400 12,400 39Hardware

Lighting Hardware 83% 2.2% 450 18,900 10,300 22

Equipment Automation 19% 2.1% 400 2,900 3,900 9

Building Envelope 13% 1.7% 450 1,500 5,100 3Infiltration

Thermal System 20% 1.1% 350 1,700 2,400 5Insulation

Motor Hardware 57% 0.9% 250 9,400 4,400 25

Air Compressor40% 0.7% 100 350 2,100 2Operations

Lighting Controls 34% 0.6% 150 1,700 2,400 8

* Calculations based on IAC estimates at audits of 95 companies in SIC 38 (1/90 - 7/97). Savings may not be additive.

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Appendix A Wise Ru l e s Page 51

Table A-21: Misc. Manufacturing Industries* (SIC 39)

Measure Recommendation Average Annual Average Annual Average Average AverageRate Energy Savings Energy Savings Implementation Annual Cost Simple

(% of total facility (MMBtu) Cost Savings Paybackenergy use) (dollars) (dollars) (months)

Alternate Fossil1% 25.5% 2,000 21,700 29,000 9Fuel Switching

Boiler Operation 3% 24.0% 7,000 15,100 5,900 31

Cogeneration** 1% 15.9% 8,000 165,000 54,000 37

Heating/Cooling5% 10.3% 1,000 58,400 14,100 50Hardware

Solar Loading 4% 10.3% 700 13,900 4,400 38

Heat Recovery from 12% 7.0% 2,000 4,800 11,500 5Equipment

Flue Gas Recuperation 5% 6.2% 4,000 8,200 12,300 8

Boiler Maintenance 19% 5.6% 1,000 1,200 4,400 3

Miscellaneous Building 8% 4.6% 800 19,000 6,000 38Envelope

Space Conditioning13% 3.9% 600 1,700 3,000 7Operation

Space Conditioning 13% 2.7% 1,000 2,800 7,800 4Controls

Lighting Hardware 88% 1.0% 250 8,000 4,600 21

Air Compressor 48% 0.9% 150 950 3,100 4Operations

Motor Hardware 45% 0.7% 100 4,300 2,200 24

Air Compressor41% 0.5% 100 800 1,100 9Hardware

* Calculations based on IAC estimates at audits of 75 companies in SIC 39 (1/90 - 7/97). Savings may not be additive.

** Cogeneration energy savings are based on primary fuel savings from electricity generation, including fuel inputs at off-site powerplants for purchased electricity.

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Appendix B Wise Ru l e s Page 52

Table B-1: Helpful Conversion Factors

To Convert To Multiply By

Tons Pounds 2000

Tons Metric Tons 0.9072

MMBtu Btu 106

kWh Wh 103

MWh kWh 103

kWh Btu 3413

Quads Btu 1015

(quadrillion Btu)

Quads kWh 2.93 x 1011

(quadrillion Btu)

Therms Btu 105

Horsepower (hp) kW 0.746

Btu Joule (J) 1055

kWh Joule (J) 3600

Carbon Carbon Dioxide 3.667(mass units) (mass units)

Carbon Dioxide Carbon 0.2727(mass units) (mass units)

Carbon Carbon Dioxide 4.042(metric tons) (tons)

Carbon Dioxide Carbon 1.237 x 10 -4(pounds) (metric tons)

Appendix B Conversion Factors and Emission CoefficientsThis appendix provides the necessary information to calculateCO2 emissions reductions from energy efficiency measures.Once you have qualified project impacts (using Wise Rules,metered data, and/or engineering estimates), simply multiply theenergy savings by the appropriate CO2 emission coefficient. UseTable B-2 to calculate CO2 emission reductions from fuel sav-ings and use Table B-3 to calculate CO2 emissions reductionsfrom electricity savings. CO2 emissions from electricity genera-tion are a function of powerplant efficiency and fuel use. TheCO2 emission coefficients in Table B-3 are average values thatreflect the mix of powerplants in each state. Feel free to use yourown site-specific information on fuel carbon content or pur-chased electricity CO2 emissions in place of the averages present-ed here.

Example 1: Boiler Fuel SavingsConsider a boiler tune-up that is estimated to save 1,000MMBtu of natural gas per year. Multiply the 1,000 MMBtusavings by the CO2 emission coefficient for natural gas, 117.08pounds CO2 per MMBtu (Table B-2) to calculate annual savingsof 117,080 pounds of CO2. To express the greenhouse gas emis-sions reduction in metric tons of carbon, multiply the poundsof CO2 saved by 1.237 x 10-4 (Table B-1) to yield 14.5 metrictons of carbon.

Example 2: Air Compressor Electricity SavingsConsider a manufacturing facility in Florida that implementscompressed air system efficiency improvements that result inannual savings of 100 MWh. Multiply the 100 MWh savings bythe CO2 emission factor for electricity generated in Florida,0.587 metric tons CO2 per MWh (Table B-3), to calculate annu-al savings of 58.7 metric tons of CO2. To express the greenhousegas emissions reduction in metric tons of carbon, multiply themetric tons of CO2 saved by 0.2727 (Table B-1) to yield 16.0metric tons of carbon.

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Page 53 Wise Ru l e s Appendix B

Table B-2: Emission Coefficients by Fuel Type

Fuel Emission CoefficientsPounds CO2 per Unit Volume or Mass Pounds CO2 per Million Btu

Petroleum ProductsAviation Gasoline 18.355 per gallon 152.717

770.916 per barrel

Distillate Fuel (No. 1, No. 2, No. 4 Fuel Oil and Diesel) 22.384 per gallon 161.386940.109 per barrel

Jet Fuel 21.439 per gallon 159.690900.420 per barrel

Kerosene 21.537 per gallon 159.535904.565 per barrel

Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG) 12.200 per gallon 138.846512.415 per barrel

Motor Gasoline 19.641 per gallon 157.041824.939 per barrel

Residual Fuel (No. 6 Fuel Oil) 26.033 per gallon 173.9061,093.384 per barrel

Natural Gas and Other Gaseous Fuels

Methane 116.376 per 1000 ft3 115.258Flare Gas 133.759 per 1000 ft3 120.721Natural Gas (Pipeline) 120.593 per 1000 ft3 117.080Propane 12.669 per gallon 139.178

532.085 per barrel

Electricity Varies depending on fuel used to generate electricity*


Anthracite 3852.156 per ton 227.400Bituminous 4921.862 per ton 205.300Subbituminous 3723.952 per ton 212.700Lignite 2733.857 per ton 215.400

Renewable Sources

Geothermal Energy 0 0Wind 0 0Photovoltaic and Solar Thermal 0 0Hydropower 0 0Wood and Wood Waste** 3814 per ton 221.943Municipal Solid Waste** 1999 per ton 199.854

Nuclear 0 0

Source: DOE/EIA, Form EIA-1605 Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases, Instructions, 1997, Appendix B. *For average electric power emission coefficients by state, see Table B-3.

**Fuel cycle emissions are likely to be less than the direct emissions because all or part of the fuel is renewable. These biofuels contain carbon that is part of the natural carbonbalance and that will not add to atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide.

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Appendix B Wise Ru l e s Page 54

State CO2 Emission Factorslbs/kWh short tons/MWh metric tons/MWh

Alabama 1.369 0.684 0.621Kentucky 1.930 0.965 0.869Mississippi 1.075 0.537 0.487Tennessee 1.335 0.668 0.606

West-South Central RegionArkansas 1.286 0.643 0.584Louisiana 1.388 0.694 0.629Oklahoma 1.672 0.836 0.758Texas 1.552 0.776 0.704

Mountain RegionArizona 0.798 0.399 0.362Colorado 2.001 1.000 0.908Idaho 0.269 0.134 0.122Montana 1.553 0.777 0.704Nevada 1.875 0.937 0.850New Mexico 1.405 0.703 0.637Utah 1.990 0.995 0.903Wyoming 2.194 1.097 0.995

Pacific Region ContiguousCalifornia 0.756 0.378 0.343Oregon 0.235 0.118 0.107Washington 0.306 0.153 0.139

Pacific Region Non-ContiguousAlaska 0.031 0.016 0.014Hawaii

State CO2 Emission Factorslbs/kWh short tons/MWh metric tons/MWh

New England RegionConnecticut 0.715 0.358 0.324Maine 0.966 0.483 0.438Massachusetts 1.459 0.729 0.662New Hampshire 0.852 0.426 0.386Rhode Island 1.091 0.546 0.495Vermont 0.159 0.080 0.072

Mid Atlantic RegionNew Jersey 0.774 0.387 0.351New York 1.036 0.518 0.470Pennsylvania 1.286 0.643 0.583

East-North Central RegionIllinois 0.866 0.433 0.393Indiana 2.171 1.086 0.985Michigan 1.576 0.788 0.715Ohio 1.807 0.904 0.820Wisconsin 1.343 0.671 0.609

West-North Central RegionIowa 1.686 0.843 0.765Kansas 1.703 0.852 0.773Minnesota 1.627 0.814 0.738Missouri 1.783 0.891 0.809Nebraska 1.288 0.644 0.580North Dakota 2.303 1.151 1.045South Dakota 0.912 0.456 0.410

South Atlantic RegionDelaware 1.855 0.928 0.842District of Columbia 2.649 1.324 1.192Florida 1.294 0.647 0.587Georgia 1.220 0.610 0.553Maryland 1.356 0.678 0.615North Carolina 1.350 0.675 0.612South Carolina 0.688 0.344 0.312Virginia 1.107 0.554 0.502West Virginia 2.005 1.003 0.909

Table B-3: Electricity CO2 Emission Factors by State

East-South Central Region

U.S. AverageSource: DOE/EIA, Form EIA-1605 Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases,Instructions, 1997, Appendix C.

1.291 0.646 0.586

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Boiler Wise Rule 7

Using a characterizable fuel valve to match the air/fuelratios across the load range can save 2% to 12% of aboiler’s fuel use at relatively low cost.

Boiler Wise Rule 8

Converting to air or steam atomizing burners fromconventional burners can reduce boiler fuel use by 2% to 8%.

Boiler Wise Rule 9

Every 40°F reduction in net stack temperature (outlettemperature minus inlet combustion air temperature) is estimated to save 1% to 2% of a boiler’s fuel use.

Boiler Wise Rule 10

Stack dampers prevent heat from being pulled up thestack and can save 5% to 20% of a boiler’s fuel use.

Boiler Wise Rule 11

Direct contact condensation heat recovery can save8% to 20% of a boiler’s fuel use, but costs may be rel-atively high.

Boiler Wise Rule 12

Preheating combustion inlet air can save about 3% ofa facility’s total energy use with an average simple pay-back of 8 months.

Boiler Wise Rule 13

Minimizing energy loss from boiler blowdown cansave about 2% of a facility’s total energy use with anaverage simple payback of less than 1 year.26

Boiler Wise Rule 14

Removing a 1/32 inch deposit on boiler heat transfersurfaces can decrease a boiler’s fuel use by 2%; removalof a 1/8 inch deposit can decrease boiler fuel use byover 8%.

Appendix C Wise Ru l e s Page 55

Appendix C Summary of Wise RulesBoilers

Boiler Wise Rule 1

Effective boiler load management techniques, such as operating on high fire settings or installing smallerboilers, can save over 7% of a typical facility’s totalenergy use with an average simple payback of lessthan 2 years.

Boiler Wise Rule 2

Load management measures, including optimalmatching of boiler size and boiler load, can save as much as 50% of a boiler’s fuel use.

Boiler Wise Rule 3

An upgraded boiler maintenance program includingoptimizing air-to-fuel ratio, burner maintenance, andtube cleaning, can save about 2% of a facility’s totalenergy use with an average simple payback of 5months.

Boiler Wise Rule 4

A comprehensive tune-up with precision testingequipment to detect and correct excess air losses,smoking, unburned fuel losses, sooting, and highstack temperatures, can result in boiler fuel savings of 2% to 20%.

Boiler Wise Rule 5

A 3% decrease in flue gas O2 typically produces boiler fuel savings of 2%.

Boiler Wise Rule 6

Using over fire draft control systems to control excessair can save 2% to 10% of a boiler’s fuel use with typ-ical equipment costs of $1,500.

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Boiler Wise Rule 15

Blowdown heat recovery is a proven technology thatcan reduce a boiler’s fuel use by 2% to 5%.

Boiler Wise Rule 16

For every 11°F that the entering feedwater temperatureis increased, the boiler’s fuel use is reduced by 1%.

Boiler Wise Rule 17

Changing from manual blowdown control to auto-matic adjustment can reduce a boiler’s energy use by2% to 3% and reduce blowdown water losses by upto 20%.

Steam SystemsSteam Wise Rule 1

An effective steam trap maintenance program can save 3% of a facility’s total energy use with an averagesimple payback of 2 months.

Steam Wise Rule 2

An effective steam trap maintenance program canreduce a boiler’s fuel use by 10% to 20%.

Steam Wise Rule 3

Repairing steam system leaks can save 1% of a facility’s total energy use with an average simple payback of 3 months.

Steam Wise Rule 4

A single high-pressure steam leak (125 psi) can resultin energy losses costing from $660 to $2,200 per year(8,760 hrs). A single low-pressure steam leak (15 psi)can result in energy losses costing $130 to $480 peryear (8,760 hrs).

Steam Wise Rule 5

Insulating steam lines can save 1% of a facility’s totalenergy use with an average simple payback of 10months.

Steam Wise Rule 6

Vapor recompression saves 90% to 95% of the energyneeded to raise the steam to the same pressure in aboiler.

Steam Wise Rule 7

Measures to reduce heat loss from condensate in asteam system can save over 1% of a facility’s totalenergy use with an average simple payback of 8months.

Process HeatingProcess Heating Wise Rule 1

Proper heat containment can save about 2% of afacility’s total energy use with an average simple payback of 9 months.

Process Heating Wise Rule 2

Insulating a furnace with refractory fiber liners canimprove the thermal efficiency of the heating processby up to 50%.

Process Heating Wise Rule 3

Recovering waste heat from furnaces, ovens, kilns,and other equipment can save 5% of a typical facility’stotal energy use with an average simple payback of 16months.

Process Heating Wise Rule 4

Recovering waste heat through a recuperator canreduce a kiln’s energy use by up to 30%; regeneratorscan save up to 50%.

Process Heating Wise Rule 5

Each percent of moisture removed by air drying lumber reduces the kiln’s energy use by 50 to 85 Btuper board foot.

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Process Heating Wise Rule 6

Variable fan speed control in the lumber industry can reduce dry kiln airflow by 20% and reduce thekiln’s energy used during surface drying by as much as 50%.

Process Heating Wise Rule 7

Installing expert systems for kiln secondary controlcan reduce a cement kiln’s energy use by up to 3%.14

Process Heating Wise Rule 8

New clinker cooler technologies that optimize heattransfer conditions can reduce a cement kiln’s energyuse by up to 6%.

Process Heating Wise Rule 9

Direct firing with natural gas in place of indirectsteam heating has the potential to save 33% to 45%of process heating energy use. Payback times may rangefrom a few months to 6 years.

Process Heating Wise Rule 10

Direct electric heating (infrared, microwave, or dielec-tric) can reduce process heating energy use by up to80% with typical payback periods of 1 to 3 years.

Waste Heat Recovery andCogeneration

Heat Recovery/Cogen Wise Rule 1

Recovering waste heat can reduce a typical facility’stotal energy use by about 5% with an average simplepayback of 16 months.

Heat Recovery/Cogen Wise Rule 2

Reducing net stack temperature (outlet temperatureminus inlet combustion air temperature) by 40°F isestimated to reduce the boiler’s fuel use by 1% to 2%.

Heat Recovery/Cogen Wise Rule 3

Preheating furnace combustion air with recoveredwaste heat can save up to 50% of the furnace’s energyuse. Heat Recovery/Cogen Table 1 summarizes typical fuel savings for a natural gas furnace.

Heat Recovery/Cogen Wise Rule 4

Using an economizer to capture flue gas waste heatand preheat boiler feedwater can reduce a boiler’s fueluse by up to 5%.

Heat Recovery/Cogen Wise Rule 5

Removing a 1/32 inch deposit on boiler’s heat transfersurfaces can reduce a boiler’s energy use by 2%;removing a 1/8 inch deposit can reduce a boiler’senergy use by over 8%.

Heat Recovery/Cogen Wise Rule 6

Gas turbines with heat recovery equipment typicallycost from $600 to $1,000/kW. Larger gas turbinesmay be available for half the cost per kW.

Heat Recovery/Cogen Wise Rule 7

A typical cogeneration project may reduce primaryenergy consumption (including fuel inputs at off-sitepowerplants for purchased electricity) for steam andelectricity generation by 10% to 15%.

Heat Recovery/Cogen Wise Rule 8

Cogeneration systems can save about 9% of a typicalfacility’s primary fuel inputs for on-site energy use(i.e., including fuel savings at off-site powerplants forpurchased electricity) with an average simple paybackof 34 months.19 (Savings are calculated by dividingtotal energy savings, including powerplant inputs, bytotal facility energy use.)

Appendix C Wise Ru l e s Page 57

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Compressed Air SystemsCompressed Air Wise Rule 1

Efficiency improvements can reduce compressed air system energy use by 20 to 50%.2

Compressed Air Wise Rule 2

Efficiency improvements to compressed air systemscan save approximately one-half percent of a facility’stotal energy use.

Compressed Air Wise Rule 3

Using cooler intake air for compressors can reducecompressed air system energy use by 1% per 5°F reduc-tion in intake air temperature.5 The payback periodfor this measure is usually less than two years.

Compressed Air Wise Rule 4

Using cooler intake air for compressors can savealmost one-half percent of a facility’s total energy usewith an average simple payback of 5 months.

Compressed Air Wise Rule 5

Installing or adjusting unloading controls can reducecompressed air system energy use by about 10%.

Compressed Air Wise Rule 6

Upgrading controls on screw air compressors canreduce a facility’s total energy use by about 1% withan average simple payback of 8 months.

Compressed Air Wise Rule 7

Reducing air compressor pressure can reduce a facili-ty’s total energy use by about one-half percent with anaverage simple payback of 4 months.

Compressed Air Wise Rule 8

Reducing air compressor pressure by 2 psi can reducecompressor energy use by 1% (at 100 psi).

Compressed Air Wise Rule 9

Eliminating or reducing compressed air usage for cer-tain activities can reduce a facility’s total energy use bymore than one-half percent, with an average simplepayback of 6 months.16

Compressed Air Wise Rule 10

Repairing air leaks can reduce compressed air systemenergy use by 30% or more.

Compressed Air Wise Rule 11

Repairing air leaks can reduce a facility’s total energyuse by about one-half percent, with an average simplepayback of 3 months.

Compressed Air Wise Rule 12

It takes approximately 2.5 to 5.0 kWh to compress1,000 ft3 of air to 100 psi.21,22 Each psi reduction incompressed air loss from the distribution system (at100 psi), reduces the compressor’s energy use by morethan one-half percent.

Compressed Air Wise Rule 13

Air compressor waste heat recovery can reduce a facil-ity’s total energy use by about 1.8% with an averagesimple payback of 10 months.

Compressed Air Wise Rule 14

For every 1 psi increase in air compressor pressuregained by periodic filter changes, air compressor energyuse is reduced by about 0.5%. Changing dryer filters at8 or 10 psi drop per filter can eliminate this waste.

Compressed Air Wise Rule 15

For every 11°F decrease in air compressor working tem-perature, gained by careful maintenance of intercoolers,air compressor energy use will decreased by 1%.

Page 58 Wise Ru l e s Appendix C

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Process CoolingProcess Cooling Wise Rule 1

Installing energy efficient chillers and refrigerationsystems can save 1.2% of a facility’s total energy usewith an average simple payback of 23 months.

Process Cooling Wise Rule 2

“Free cooling” with cooling tower water can reduce afacility’s total energy use by about 1 percent with anaverage simple payback of 14 months.

Process Cooling Wise Rule 3

Free cooling can reduce cooling system energy use by asmuch as 40% depending on location and load profile.

Process Cooling Wise Rule 4

Increasing chilled water temperature by 1°F reduceschiller energy use by 0.6% to 2.5%.4 (See ProcessCooling Table 1 for data on specific chiller types.)

Process Cooling Wise Rule 5

Reducing condenser pressure by 10 psi can decreaserefrigeration system energy use per ton of refrigeration(kW/ton) by about 6%.

Process Cooling Wise Rule 6

For each 1°F decrease in condenser cooling watertemperature, until optimal water temperature isreached, there is a decrease in chiller energy use by up to 3.5%.

Process Cooling Wise Rule 7

Eliminating heat losses from leaks and improperdefrosting can reduce refrigeration system energy useby 10% to 20%.

Process Cooling Wise Rule 8

Freezing products in batches rather than continuouslycan reduce freezing process energy use by up to 20%.

Process Cooling Wise Rule 9

Installing variable speed drives in place of constantspeed systems can reduce cooling system energy useby 30% to 50%, depending on load profile.

Appendix C Wise Ru l e s Page 59

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Appendix D Key References

■ 3M Company, “Rules of Thumb: Quick Methods ofEvaluating Energy Reduction Opportunities,” 1992.

■ Clevenger, L. and J. Hassel, “Case Study: From JumpStart to High Gear—How DuPont is Cutting Costs byBoosting Energy Efficiency,” Pollution Prevention Review,Summer 1994, p. 301-312.

■ Garay, P.N., Handbook of Industrial Power and SteamSystems, Fairmont Press.

■ Mercer, A., Learning from Experiences with IndustrialDrying Technologies, Centre for the Analysis andDissemination of Demonstrated Energy Technologies(CADDET), 1994.

■ O'Callaghan, P., Energy Management, McGraw-Hill,England, 1993.

■ Oregon State University, AIRMaster Compressed AirSystem Audit and Analysis Software. To inquire about theAIRMaster Software package, call the Energy IdeasClearinghouse at 1-800-373-2139.

■ Payne, F.W., Thompson, R.E., Efficient Boiler OperationsSourcebook, 4th Edition, Fairmont Press, 1996.

■ Rutgers University, Office of Industrial Productivity &Energy Assessment (OIPEA), Modern IndustrialAssessments: A Training Manual, Version 1.0b, (preparedfor the U.S. DOE Office of Industrial Technology andthe U.S. EPA, 1995). Available at: http://oipea-www.rutgers.edu/site_docs/pdfdocstm.html

■ Rutgers University OIPEA, “Useful Rules of Thumb forResource Conservation and Pollution Prevention,” March 1996.

■ Taplin, H.R., Boiler Plant and Distribution SystemOptimization Manual, Fairmont Press, 1991.

■ Talbott, E.M., Compressed Air Systems: A Guidebook onEnergy and Cost Savings, 2nd Edition, Fairmont Press,1992.

■ Turner, W.C., Energy Management Handbook, 3rdEdition, Fairmont Press, 1997

■ For assistance in preparing your Climate Wise ActionPlan or your Voluntary Greenhouse Gas EmissionsReport (Form EIA-1605), call the Climate Wise Wise Line at 1-800-459-WISE.

■ For information on the U.S. EPA Energy Star Programs,call 1-888-STAR-YES.

■ For information on the U.S. EPA Waste Wise Program,call 1-800-EPA-WISE.

■ For information on U.S. DOE Industrial AssessmentCenters, call 1-800-DOE-EREC.

■ For information on the U.S. DOE Motor ChallengeProgram, call 1-800-862-2086.

■ For information on the U.S. DOE Compressed AirChallenge, call 1-800-559-4776.

Appendix D Wise Ru l e s Page 60

Key Resources

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Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.